Still struggling with this full time work thing. How the feck do ya'll do it??
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AF Daily Friday 12/2
AF Daily Friday 12/2
Morning abbers!
Hi Greenie, thanks for getting this day started. I'm in my robe with coffee in hand too. But can't stick around long...gotta get ready for a busy day at work. Looking forward to it though...we have a great staff on Friday and it makes my job go much more smoothly!
Happy day to everyong yet to check in. I'll be on later to say hi!
Love to all!Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.
AF Daily Friday 12/2
Good morning Abbers!
Busy day ahead for me as well
Greenie, Blondie & sidney - hope you have a great day & weekend.
Working full time was rough Greenie that's why I'm not doing it anymore if I can avoid it. :H
Wishing everyone a great AF Friday!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
AF Daily Friday 12/2
Morning abbers!
I too am in my robe with my coffee! LOL - seems to be a trend this morning. It's 9:36am here and I just woke up 10 minutes ago. Not gonna lie - really liking having my own room! :H It also seems to be helping with the depression as I am getting more rest and feeling more like doing things when I get up..
So today I go and get my liscence back (woo hoo!) I can't drive until next week when they put in the breathalyzer into my car but I am happy to be able to drive again. That will be sooo nice.
Anyhoo - off I go, have a good one guys. One thing is for sure here, the beast is no where near this gal today. And if he comes knocking I will beat him senseless over the head with a stick.
Bear - check in please.....Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction.I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.
AF Daily Friday 12/2
Good mawning, and good question Greenie. How the feck DO I do it. Lav and I both work at home and that's kinda nice but it's always there.....
Hello blondaf, good staff makes a difference. I wish I had one. Sidneys shuffled off to buffalo.
I can't imagine having a breathalyzer in my car, Uni.
Well gotta finish something today if it kills me.
Have a nice day.
Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
Status: Happy:h
AF Daily Friday 12/2
Yeah, it's not gonna be fun but you know what, I did it to myself. And at least when I got my DUI I didn't hurt anyone or myself. It's the consequence for me of my disease. And It will ensure that I don't drink so I think it's all good. A daily reminder of why I don't want to drink every time I start my car! The universe works in mysterious ways - I look at it from a positive light. Having this in my car will be positive for my sobriety!Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction.I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.
AF Daily Friday 12/2
Good Mor... heavens, never mind. Good Afternoon FABbadabbadoos!
Whew - I did say something about really having to get back into work a couple months back, didn't I? Well, ask and thou shalt receive. It's from the time I get up to 1-2am at the moment. Some of it is still the fall out from last week but much is not. Feast or famine, eh?
Change of subject - deep breath - I think I may be due for a kick up the arse and you guys seem to be just the crowd to deliver. 2 things have really got me thinking.
#1 Someone started an AF December thread in general and I have yet to respond and commit. It's the hesitance to commit part and a 'glass of wine with Christmas dinner thought' that's got me worried.
#2 Uni said that her relapse had been lurking for a few days prior to happening. And, had she said something here it may have been avoided.
Of course, I could always start the AB back up. BUT that isn't a long term solution (at least, I don't want it to be) and I'd hate to forever be on again/off again a drug. Any drug. Oh wait.. say that again? ANY drug. ANY DRUG. I almost got it. Need to read it a couple more times.
So, please feel free to kick away; I'll gladly turn the other cheek.
Greenie - go get dressed.
Blondie - ditto.
Sidney - have a fabulous weekend in Buffalo.
Lav - take a breather and let Kas finish something.
Uni - glad you'll be on the road again (Oh God, no. Now I've got Willie Nelson stuck in my head).
Bear - check in please.
To all to follow - Happy Friday and weekend and whatnots
On thing is for sure... there is no room for AL in my life today.Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?
Winning since October 24th, 2013
AF Daily Friday 12/2
Well you didnt leave any EXPLICIT instructions for ME, so I guess my job is to give ye a skype as my mom would say (she was a Scot).
What are you thinking? You know its not just one, never is. It would be nice if we were all normal drinkers where we would pour a glass of wine and then forget it in another room somewhere and notice it on the mantle a week later. BUT WE ARE NOT.
I think I too will need extra strength this year. I quit in Feb, and last Xmas was the first time I did not have a hangover on Christmas morning. And Boxing Day and and and.
Fast forward to how you are going to feel when you have gone past the hypothetical and unrealistic idea of a simple single glass of wine, and its all caustic soda in the gut, and a hideous pounder in the head?
Get real, Sunni, darlin'.
Peace out, kazKaslo
Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
Status: Happy:h
AF Daily Friday 12/2
am here staying in to chill and clean house - no booze - thanks for bum kicking - lasagne for dinner posh ready meal - healthier than take away.
i am feeling blue but booze isn't answer - breaking back of house cleaning and tackling one thing at a time may help.think will have that bubble bath when jobs all done.
thanks so much - i will get through today alcohol free - no enforced work socialising for me tonight. felt guilty as good friends leaving do but seeing her again and not as bad as i would feel drunk/hungover
sunshine - you know that the christmas just one fantasy is just that right?
good evening allone day at a time
AF Daily Friday 12/2
Quick hello. I work all weekend so no AL for me. As determined as I am, last night I really wanted a beer. I drank some steamed milk instead (usually works but didn't), then had a big supper and that finally squashed the little pecker (AKA AL Beast). As slimely as I view him there was a part of my brain last night that was actually considering it.
Oh the sneaky pe*&ckerhead. He didn't get me though. Ha ha beast, you are getting weaker. Slowly starving to death.
I hope everyone has a wonderful sober weekend!
AF Daily Friday 12/2
well done meech - i feel loads better i am tired and have been working hard in rubbish atmosphere and things were getting on top of me.
i am cosied up on sofa feeling sleepy - no cleaning tonight gonna get up and do it tomorrow morning. tv and early night not best night in world but cosy and relaxing and feeling better. i need to not think too much and just be sometimes.
i really think a lot of problem this week has been not moving - least cleaning is good exercise!I really want to sort house out - 2 days with oh to sort it out ready for decorating.
I have also stopped my structured positive thinking time each morning and i think that was a big help. chromium helps me not overeat and i don't feel ill angry and shaky when hungry.anyway so pleased to be in and sober and cosy on my sofa. i feel resolved to keep being alcohol free and am pleased that with worry of friend/guilt about missing skating/sadness at wok/feeling overly stressed by the house cleaning and decor at least i am not drunk/hungover/jittery.
i am grateful for all of you and doubt i would have got through this without being here.a few years ago i would have been really scared of missing out being leftout by cancelling a social - i am making some porgress - not 100% on this one yet but i am getting day at a time
AF Daily Friday 12/2
Bear - I am proud of you girl - I'm glad you made the right choice for you.
Sunni - ASS KICKING as requested. You will not - I repeat, You will not drink. Do you know why? Because You Don't Drink!!! Just keep reminding yourself of that. I wish I did. Although I am still counting tomorrow as my 6 months because to me it is. 6 months with a slip off the trail and I'm human. I know no one else does but to me it's still an accomplishment - and almost losing everything reminded me just how low this beast will take me if I let him. As PMOM says - KO the BEAST!!!!
Went shopping and for coffee with a GF who is in recovery as well today. We even got our pics with Santa! It was an awesome day and one I so desperatly needed. I actually feel - hmmm, dare I say it.......NORMAL!!! woot woot! I feel happy and it's a great feeling. Nothing will let me break that one today.
Love and hugs to my peeps,
UniEvery day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction.I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.