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sun 4 dec af daily

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    sun 4 dec af daily

    thanks - it feels like it's been hard won at times but I am slowly making small steps in the right direction.
    one day at a time


      sun 4 dec af daily

      Way to go BEAR! One month is a marvelous milestone!!!!! As you were describing your friend's situation....I couldn't help but think....she may eventually be a contributor here someday.

      I got a slow start this morning. sugar-induced sluggishness from last night's party. They had a mini-pastry desert bar with cute little cheesecakes the size of a quarter. I had 4. Since I no longer ingest sugar on a regular basis...I am having mondo digestive upset this morning. And to think...I was gulping sugar by the gallon in the form of AL!

      Here's a link about hypoglycemia and alcohol that has been helpful to me:

      Identifying & correcting the biochemical disruption of hypoglycemia and alcoholism

      We had such a bizarre melt off with the rain last night. Today, we will be trying to remove the slushy ruts int he driveway before it freezes leaving us with razor sharp ridges. It is so scary and slippery right now!
      Sober for the Revolution!
      AF & NF July 23, 2011


        sun 4 dec af daily

        Turn thanks for the great article link!

        Bear congratulations on 30 days!!
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          sun 4 dec af daily

          Congradulations Bear! 30 days is quite a milestone. Now you can count in months!

          I had a lot of fun in Buffalo. Took some pictures of the Martin house. Well truthful my friend did. I will post some when I get them. It was stunning.

          The weekend was a little tough but really only at dinner. Everyone else was drinking fancy wine. I felt a bit left out in that I could not offer any opinion on how it tasted. But the weekend did not include a lot of drinking and I did not feel like I wanted it.

          Crossing the border back into Canada was the funniest. I was driving and the border guard asked me...who knows why. When was the last time I had a drink?! Threw me for a loop. 3 months officer. What was that about? It was Saturday night.

          Hope you all are ready for a good week. It feels like Christmas is coming fast. You don't have snow yet Sunshine?


            sun 4 dec af daily

            All around greetings from still (knock on wood and thank gawd) snow free Northern Ontario! That's 2 questions answered in one sentence! :H

            Bear, big congrats! You're really doing well
            Kas, I LOVE the sound of pioneer days! And I'm utterly useless at sewing so my admiration for your undertakings is immense.
            Sid, the immigration officer probably thought you were full of sh*t :H I bet he hasn't heard an answer like that in a long time!
            Turn, good luck with the ruts - we're in a similar situation. The pot holes in our road are gigantic. Anywhere else in the world those craters would have names and be tourist attractions.

            I just got home from visiting kids and grand kids - time for a nana nap, me thinks. Hope you're all enjoying a great evening!
            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

            Winning since October 24th, 2013


              sun 4 dec af daily

              huge congrats to you Bear! you should be heaps proud of yourself.

              my first attempt at paleo pizza is in the oven...... no matter what screaming you may hear, DON"T go in the kitchen until I give the 'all clear'.
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                sun 4 dec af daily

                Evening Fabber Abbers!! Wow! so much has gone on the past two days!!


                You bet your bibbie it's hard won but I really think you've turned a corner in your thinking. I'm so glad you were able to come out of that party the way you went in-AF. So many times in the past you weren't able to accomplish that. Keep up the good work!!

                Kas-I too am in awe of the camo hoodie-hand made!! I'm still working on straight lines and super simple quilt patterns!!

                Deter-did we ever get the all clear? Pray tell what makes a Paleo pizza??

                DG-lovely to see you-thanks for checking in! Sending good vibes on over to you for finals week.

                Greenie-Don't ever lose the pink sweater and lipstick! It's going to be your trademark soon I'm sure and you'll have those "uuuuuhhhh" guys lining up to get one of your signature cuts!! So, what the feck IS a bald fade????

                M3-good luck on the meeting-hope it all goes as you want! And good luck on your first teaching gigs for yoga!!

                Sidney-congrats on 3 months -give or take! What did the officers face look like when you said that? :H

                Sunni-you doggie is very sweet looking and the tumors don't turn me off at all. So glad they don't really bother her. And your girl dog-well, how gorgeous!! So sorry you lost her but what a great thing you did to give her a loving home the last half of her life. :h

                Sooooooo-how was the Dog Whisperer?????

                OMG!!!! He was freaking awesome!! Hysterical, educating, charming, down to earth, engaged with the audience... I could go on and on. I was not expecting the show he gave us. I felt like I was in a huge lecture hall with the best professor on campus. This guy knows how to get his ideas across for sure. A lot of people don't agree with him but one of the problems is that what you see on the shows is just a miniscule part of the whole dog psychology thing. He went into it with so much more detail last nite that I get it now!! I think DD and I are going to enter into a new relationship pretty soon. And the other two are being dragged along!!
                I highly recommend this tour so if it comes your way, spend the money. You won't be sorry!! Oh, and Junior (his dog from his beloved Daddy -the first dog he showcased on the show-an ex fight dog) got the standing O!!:H Junior was on stage the whole show and provided not only cuteness but a lot of laughter and teachable moments.

                Another long day and I must eat dinner (been sitting in the mw for 45 miin!). I just wanted to make sure I popped in and let you know how last nite went.
                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                KO the Beast!!


                  sun 4 dec af daily

                  Pap Mom the border guy then said but your eyes are bloodshot. I said oh I have a droopy eyelid maybe that is what you are seeing. Its a birthdefect. He looked stunned and said have a nice evening ladies... Drive on. I had to laugh I totally freaked him out....
                  Sunny is right up until that point I think he thought I was full of shit.

                  And you are right it hasn't been quite 3 months yet...but I will get there. Sid


                    sun 4 dec af daily

                    I do have a birth defect. Crazy.


                      sun 4 dec af daily

                      sidney;1220670 wrote: I do have a birth defect. Crazy.
                      :H:H:H what a great story, sid!!

                      P3 you saw caesar? Wow!
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        sun 4 dec af daily

               glad your trip went well! Did you get all the goods you were going for? I tell you...those border dudes are sumpthin' else, eh? It must've felt great to truthfully say you hadn't had a drink! I am so proud of you!!!!

                        PapMom....are you now a Caesar groupie? The presentation sounds fabulous. A well trained dog makes for a wonderful companion. Reminds me I need to get in some classes with the pup. He is driving us nuts!
                        Sober for the Revolution!
                        AF & NF July 23, 2011


                          sun 4 dec af daily

                          Evening, lads 'n lassies!

                          Pap, I don't know Caesar but if he's anything like the horse trainer I'm working with, I know just how awesome and inspiring your evening must have been!

                          Sid! :H You nut!
                          Det! All clear or do we have to call in the SWAT team?

                          I was kinda pooped when I got back this afternoon but I wanted to share my split second panic attack... son's g/f opened a bottle of wine (for marinating her roast) and then proceeded to to get a wine glass out "You drink wine, don't you?" :eeks: After that split second I replied "Not anymore honey, thank you." Phew. I'm not kidding.... it really did feel like panic. Anywhoo, I'm home safe and sound now

                          Have a lovely evening, everyone!
                          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                          Winning since October 24th, 2013


                            sun 4 dec af daily

                            Hugs, did well...girlie, girl!
                            Sober for the Revolution!
                            AF & NF July 23, 2011


                              sun 4 dec af daily

                              Sunni, I still hate being put on the spot like that....well done in your reaction.

                              ok, Paleo pizza is pizza made without any processed grains. the crust is made from ground almonds and I must say....I liked it. it's not chewy like traditional pizza dough however, more like a slightly crumbly crust. I'm thinking it would make a fab cobbler or pie crust. or crust for shepherds pie.

                              got an ice pack on my back...ugh. back to chiro in the morning. my old solution to pain of course is unacceptable now.

                              off to check chat

                              be well loves
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)


                                sun 4 dec af daily

                                Hi All, sorry I missed the boat yesterday but just wanted to say hi and also add my congrats to my partner Bear for staying strong over the weekend while facing that party and drinking guests. You did great and should be very proud of yourself. I know I am

                                Also, to the comments about sugar...I agree Lav, sugar has a bad affect on me, almost as bad a booze...I have to stick to a low sugar/low carb diet, I just feel better without it. If I really get a sweet craving, I take something low carb and unsweetened and add a little sprinkle of splenda to it. Does the a cup of tea sweetened with cream and a package of sugar works to satisfy AL and sugar cravings in one swoop. But I usually drink my tea clear, only when the sweet urge strikes do I opt for the cream and splenda. Although they are saying splenda is bad for you in the long run...I only use a teenie amount and not every day.

                                Ok, I'll see you guys on the other more updated threads!
                                Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                                BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!

