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Monday, Dec 5 AF Daily

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    Monday, Dec 5 AF Daily

    Good morning Fabbies!

    Well, sort of. It's 4:30 am and I haven't been able to get to sleep yet. But I'll try again now. Wish me luck!

    Hope you're all having a heavenly snooze and a bright and marvelous Monday
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013

    Monday, Dec 5 AF Daily

    Sunni, ouch 4.30am and well done on not taking the wine it does feel like panic, i feel each time we say no we get stronger and it gets easier.taken day off work with cold - not awful but feel it will be and I need some rest.

    Det how's the back?

    Blondie - how you doing today?

    Everyone - thanks so much for the support and encouragement, :l:l
    it means a lot to me and is really helping me through. I feel able to say no to events now (HUGE step forward for me) and I have nothing in the diary that is heavily booze based/spooking me - nice!

    Team xmas do but i am driving as are many others.Next sat dinner at friends(plus i skate early am)I relaise that all of the hurdles are to hide the fact that drinking is a problem for me - i have told a few people that i was worried about my drinking, it made depression worse/made me depressed, i feel better without. I think that i feel not confident enough to say never - i worry about failing,self sabotaging myself and being seen to fail - that is silly!

    Cat just stood on netbook - amazed I still have a message!!:H

    The biggest hurdles will be christmas day and new years eve - i am going to drive us to friends house new years so no worries there, christmas day I will drive us to relative's house and back home before mine and OH's christmas day.I find driving if at all possible is the key for me, if I go that is.

    Day 1 of month 2,not said that for a long time!!
    one day at a time


      Monday, Dec 5 AF Daily

      Ugh sunnybutt! Double ugh! One simple tip I have is to use ear plugs and do deep rhythmic breathing. The ear plugs magnifies the white noise sound of breathing and makes it like ocean waves and the combination is usually effective. Of course I'm assuming you're focusing on breathing and not letting your busy brain run wild.

      I'm suprised I slept given the amount of late afternoon coffee I drank. And I drank it even after reading Turn's article. I feel like an addict again. bummer. And to add to it I bought candy for my dad and where is it??? in the hall closet. Open. Feck.

      What the heck it's MONDAY! New day, new week ! Swimmers take your mark!

      bear you sound SO GOOD!!! I understand the hiding the problem aspect. And the fear of failure that goes with it. Would using the term "for now" or something like that be helpful?

      And sunnybutt, great job on last night - great answer! I think the panic feeling is a good thing in a protective mechanism kind of way. It shows a healthy regard (fear, if you will) for the dangerous path that can be opened by the wrong choice in a split second.

      Gotta tend to a legal document and go downtown for some freelance work.

      Im going to follwo kas's lead and sew a bed for little doggie tonight.

      One thing's for sure!
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        Monday, Dec 5 AF Daily

        Morning abbers!

        Sunni, I hope you are asleep!
        Bear - keep on going girl - keep remembering not to put yourself in harms way. Find something you like for these events, a sparkling soda or something, even throw in slices of lime or lemon, whatever you need to do; and take it with you everywhere you go. That way you are prepared and don't feel like you are missing out - preparation is key.
        Greeny - Feck - Mondays when you have to work suck!

        So, I have already had my first spiritual experiencne for the morning. I was reading my "just for today" meditation book and realized that the desire to drink was in me today and I know I can't. I put it down and looked up and said "help me please, I don't want to drink today and I can't do this alone, please help me lose the desire". For some reason I picked up the book and turned to June 3rd (my dry date) and on that page was a note from my counsellor at rehab reminding me of how awesome I am and that I am worth this. And the article was on ammends but that ammends are not enough, you have to change behaviors and attitudes as well. I don't believe in co-incidences (or a religious god for that matter) but something (universe?) got me to look at that page. I just looked up and said "thank you". Because now I know that I was supposed to read that page and that I'm not alone today.

        I go see my therapist today and then come home to finally do the last question on my assignment that's due and hand it in. I did one question on Sat, one on Sunday and am going to finish it today. It takes about an hour and a half to do each answer so I broke it up into periods that I can handle. But I feel good knowing that it will be complete and I can go on to the next one.

        I know that today will be a good day because I choose to make it a good day - AF.

        Love and hugs,
        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          Monday, Dec 5 AF Daily

          universal;1220840 wrote: So, I have already had my first spiritual experiencne for the morning. I was reading my "just for today" meditation book and realized that the desire to drink was in me today and I know I can't. I put it down and looked up and said "help me please, I don't want to drink today and I can't do this alone, please help me lose the desire". For some reason I picked up the book and turned to June 3rd (my dry date) and on that page was a note from my counsellor at rehab reminding me of how awesome I am and that I am worth this. And the article was on ammends but that ammends are not enough, you have to change behaviors and attitudes as well. I don't believe in co-incidences (or a religious god for that matter) but something (universe?) got me to look at that page. I just looked up and said "thank you". Because now I know that I was supposed to read that page and that I'm not alone today.
          Fabulous, uni!! We're never alone. We just need reminding from time to time.
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            Monday, Dec 5 AF Daily

            Hi Monday abbers!

            How are you all doing? I'm just leaving a quick note as now I am running out of time this morning and gotta dash to work. Doing a 10 - 6 shift today and I still haven't showered and gotten dressed. But at least the coffee is kicking in and I've had a decent breakfast.

            Uni, thank you for sharing your spiritual was just what I needed to hear right now as I am really struggling with thoughts of drinking due to the holidays. And I am really chaulking it up to the holidays because the last time I quit for a long time was in January Feb and March of 2011 and it seemed way easier to get through it because it was a much quieter time of year away frome the holidays. Do you guys know what I mean? But, I really want this for myself and know that I am on the right track. It just seems like I picked a totally insane time of year to quit...aaaahhhhhh!
            Stocking up on my holiday seltzer flavors that I scored before TG...loving the Eggnog one...sounds gross but does the trick .

            Ok, gotta run but hi to everyone. I love you all and wish you a peaceful, sober day!
            Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



              Monday, Dec 5 AF Daily


              Well, 4 1/2 hours of sleep is better than nothing, I suppose. While I was up I did some online price checking for Mr. Wonderful's Christmas present. The closest Canadian Tire store (and on the way to my daughter's where I'll be heading on Wednesday) has what I want at 50% off until Thursday! Bonus! I won't have to hustle from store to store in the big smoke... I'm delighted.

              Other than that - I haven't got much to say for myself yet. Need gallons more coffee

              Have a great AF Monday... one thing is for sure!
              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                Monday, Dec 5 AF Daily

                hey there - i really wish we could get seltzer in UK.
                i am stocking up on fizzy elderflower/schloer and maybe appletize.
                plus some pomegranate and welch's purple grape juices....mmmmmmm

                on sofa now - washing up soaking - christmas tree lights on - planning healthy dinners for week.

                i am super enjoying this day off - will make sure i have that bubble bath was talking about weeks ago(have showered daily since then i would like to point out!)and an early night.
                one day at a time


                  Monday, Dec 5 AF Daily

                  Almost lunchtime but here I am

                  Nice to see you all toady!
                  Sunni, I feel for you with the insomnia. Mine started suddlenly 15+ years ago & hasn't improved all that much

                  bear, welcome to month #2! Hope you feel better very soon.

                  greenie, coffee & chocolate are big pitfalls for me as well. I only have decaf after my moring coffee & really, really try to limit the chocolate (but sometimes it's kinda hard)

                  uni, keep choosing the good things!!

                  Blondie, I'm having a hard time imagining eggnog flavored seltzer but I'll take your word for it!

                  Well, I've been to Curves, to the bank, to the UPS store to drop off packages, to the drugstore & am now home deciding what to do for the rest of the day........hmmmm!

                  Wishing everyone a great AF Monday!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Monday, Dec 5 AF Daily

                    Good morning, Fabigiddybigs. Sunni demmit, that's not enough sleep for a gal. Hope you make it through the day. Well Fabinks I watched the Rain in my heart documentary last night and was reminded once more just how awful a death from too much drink is. And I wonder how far along that road I was 15 years ago when I really was up to a bottle of wine a day. And I also wonder how long it takes to get to be like Nigel was, who is the only survivor now. Watching this really put the Christmas can I have just one thing in perspective. I also wonder why some of the counciling methods and stuff in the tool box was not used on or by any of the patients in the documentary. Wanted to shout at the doc when he's just asking Vanda about drinking in a way that forces her to draw a complete blank....

                    Will try to post a few pics later. Wish I didn't have to work today...I could sure use more weekend and less week! Cross post Lav hey Lav, have a great day. Sorry no time for roll call now, gotta go, but you are all in my thoughts this morning.


                    Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                    Status: Happy:h


                      Monday, Dec 5 AF Daily

                      Good stuff, Uni...


                        Monday, Dec 5 AF Daily

                        Ok here they are....

                        A better hobby than drinking, hmmm?

                        Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                        Status: Happy:h


                          Monday, Dec 5 AF Daily

                          KAS THOSE ARE AWESOME!!!!
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                            Monday, Dec 5 AF Daily

                            Wow Kaslo I am so impressed! What an amazing sewer you are. The fabric is really cool too.

                            I think you should start a sewing bee.


                              Monday, Dec 5 AF Daily

                              WOW Kas,
                              Great work!!!!!
                              Now I feel like I should get the dust off my sewing machies(s) :H

                              Hi sid, Chief, etc.
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

