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Monday, Dec 5 AF Daily

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    Monday, Dec 5 AF Daily

    :h Thanks guys. Dont look too close, :H. This is the first sewing I have done in years and years, so the first one was a challenge, took a few evenings, and I managed to mess up the zipper (backwards, then one half upside down, ha ha), and a few messups here and there, but the second one went very quickly and only took about 5 hours all together from scratch. Hope they fit! I have the gks measurements so hoping for the best. They go out in the mail today. I have to make a second pair of rain pants, here obviously, but that shouldnt take very long.

    A big deal was being able to replace a broken zipper on a pair of jeans I like. Now that is worth the time and money!! Fifty dollar jeans, and a 1.45 zipper, fixed in an hour. Well worth it.

    I sometimes see people say they are bored when they quit drinking, or they are bored so they drink. I think drinking MAKES you bored, myself. I could not have done this as well as I have 10 years ago when I was in very bad shape.

    Thanks again.. It was fun,(except ripping the first zipper out twice:upset.


    Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
    Status: Happy:h


      Monday, Dec 5 AF Daily

      Happy un-hung Monday ABerooooos near and far!

      I don't have to work today. I 'get' to work today. hows that for positive outlook?!

      back from chiro and must say I feel much better. whew! I can actually draw a full breath now. yay.

      Kas, how lovely! I consider camouflage to be formal wear

      I think I'll go to kickboxing tonight just to celebrate how much better I'm feeling.

      then tomorrow, I'm back on the road for a few days enduring the hotel doodoo. but I'm ready to wage war on AL if he be spotted.

      be well everyone!
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        Monday, Dec 5 AF Daily

        Hey guys,

        Kas, so cool! LOL Det on the formal wear!

        I had a good day, got my daughter home now, gonna have some dinner and then some mommy/daughter cuddle time!

        No AL in my life today! Had a great therapist appt, got my assignment done and handed in and feeling so happy right now with life. Looking forward to a relaxing night and a good nights sleep.

        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          Monday, Dec 5 AF Daily

          Holy jumpin' jelly beans, Kas!!!!

          Those are mega nice!!! And you did the pants, too!???? Really, really nice!!
          Soooo... do you take orders? :H
          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

          Winning since October 24th, 2013


            Monday, Dec 5 AF Daily

            Well, if they have to fit on a horse, I dont THINK so. But thanks Sunni, and all others again. Lots of fun to make these, including interacting with the lovely Kootenay women in the fabric store. Mr. Kaslo is hinting he would like a pair of pants, as like Det, he consideres Camo to be de rigeur formal attire.

            Uni, I am really glad you are doing so well.


            Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
            Status: Happy:h


              Monday, Dec 5 AF Daily

              Kaslo;1221148 wrote: Well, if they have to fit on a horse, I dont THINK so. But thanks Sunni, and all others again. Lots of fun to make these, including interacting with the lovely Kootenay women in the fabric store. Mr. Kaslo is hinting he would like a pair of pants, as like Det, he consideres Camo to be de rigeur formal attire.

              Uni, I am really glad you are doing so well.

              On a HORSE!
              I had had Peanut in mind... but now you got me thinking :H
              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                Monday, Dec 5 AF Daily

                Determinator, I love your outlook: I don't have to work today, I "get" to work today. That is great. Such a simple twist but totally changes the way we think about work. I shall remember that.

                Hope you are all having a lovely evening! Great pics Kaslo!
                Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



                  Monday, Dec 5 AF Daily

                  OMG so uncaught up am I!!!!!

                  Kas - fabulous coats! I want one!

                  Uni - so happy you are still on track and what a wonderful moment you had this morning!

                  Bear! :yougo::yougo::yougo CONGRATULATIONS ON 1 MONTH AF!!!!! (sorry to be a date late to your party!)

                  P3!!! THE DOG WHISPERER?????? I am so jealous! Glad to hear it was fabulous. Maybe someday.... Can't wait to hear how DD does with your new relationship!

                  Got about 1/2 of my final paper done today for dual disorders. I have a quiz tomorrow in another class - still much more studying to do for that so zoom zoom. Can't wait to catch up proper with everyone.

                  Oh and Greenie - you ARE DA BOMB? I was like.... Bald WHAT??? There is a reason you are the :crowned:!

                  Hello to everyone - I miss you guys!! One thing is for sure.... and one other thing is for sure too - no sugar. 8 days now and doing good, at least for today!

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    Monday, Dec 5 AF Daily

                    Holy Crap Kas!! Those hoodies and the pants are supercalifragle-you get the gist!! I am SOOOOOO impressed! And the fact that Mr. Kas wants you to make him a pair of camo pants, well, that just seals the deal. You are the real thing Mrs!! Congrats on your new found again hobby!!
                    I'm with you on the boredom. I wasn't drinking because I was bored-I was bored because I was drinking. And the more I drank, the more bored I became. I can see it all so clear now. I never evah want to go back to that lifestyle. Nevah!!

                    Uni-I really really think this improved quality of sleep is beating the crap out of your depression. Look how awesome you sound today!

                    Det-safe travels and don't let the beast sneak up on you. Glad your back is feeling better. Can't imagine kickboxing was the best decision today but what the heck!!

                    DG-closest CM is getting to you is Ohio. Maybe next year? Good luck on the quiz and the paper!!

                    No news from here. Work is heating up and I can feel myself falling behind again so I must steal Det's mantra and kick it up a notch.

                    Off to beddy bie.
                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!

