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Weekly AA Thread - Dec. 5 - Dec. 11

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    Weekly AA Thread - Dec. 5 - Dec. 11


    I'm speaking tonight at the large speaker meeting. It's a 2 speaker meeting, & I have about 20 min. It's daunting, because the meeting is large (100 give/take), but it gives me a chance to look at my addiction & recovery. My inclination is to take notes & try to get it perfect, but that's part of my disease. I'm mulling it all around in my head & will go w/what comes out tonight.

    I'm always surprised at how the "clouds" of moods & incidents pass away. I used to drink over the ups & downs of life, thus compounding them. I didn't realize that I could:
    -try to settle things.
    -wait it out.

    I thought everything that happened was the be-all & the end-all. Now I know that life is meant to be lived, not avoided.

    I hope all is well. If you haven't shared here, please feel free to do so. You don't have to say anything earth-shattering. Just a little bit of courage, strength, or hope will do.

    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Weekly AA Thread - Dec. 5 - Dec. 11

    Mary, good luck at the meeting - I wish I could be there!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      Weekly AA Thread - Dec. 5 - Dec. 11

      Hi All,

      Just checking in to say Hi to all my old friends and any new ones!

      I'm doing well....sober and having a good time just living a "normal" life. Been running and swimming and doing alot of work for the Lions Club. We're very busy this time of year trying to help those in need during the holidays. Wish we could do more, but every little bit helps.

      Going to North Carolina for the holidays to see our 2 year old grandson....that'll be a blast!

      Have a good day everyone!



        Weekly AA Thread - Dec. 5 - Dec. 11

        Don: Have a wonderful time w/the g-son...You're going to find he'll become the joy of your life. M
        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          Weekly AA Thread - Dec. 5 - Dec. 11

          Speaking at last night's meeting ended up being a real high. It isn't easy to speak about myself while looking out at a sea of faces, but I had a real sense of accomplishment in doing so.

          I'm doing well both in my program & in my daily family life. Ups & downs of course, but that's life. I tried so hard to avoid the lows through drinking...only to create an almost insurmountable problem of alcoholism.

          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
          October 3, 2012


            Weekly AA Thread - Dec. 5 - Dec. 11

            Mary, good on you. Big meetings are quite daunting to speak to and yes, I too have had a sense of accomplishment in doing the same thing. I certainly would NEVER have allowed myself to get into any situation that involved speaking in public when I was drinking. I may have said 'yes' to people please, but wouldn't have turned up. No way.
            Great to read how well you are doing in your program & family life. I did the same as you did with drink. Couldn't accept that problems were just a part of life & drank to avoid them, compounding the problems and also my drinking.
            So, so happy I am not doing that any more.

            Hello to you too Chief. Haven't seen you on the boards for a while (mind you I am in and out fleetingly). You sound like you are doing well too - a pleasure to read.
            All the best.

            Sober since 30/06/10


              Weekly AA Thread - Dec. 5 - Dec. 11

              Avoidance was such a big part of my disease of alcoholism. It seems so illogical now, but at the time, I thought I was getting relief. The by-products of all that avoidance was shame, guilt, & self-loathing. It's just easier to deal w/life. Mary
              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
              October 3, 2012


                Weekly AA Thread - Dec. 5 - Dec. 11

                Good to see you all here this week. I've been out of town and away from the personal internet so it is good to catch up here.
                I passed two years sober on Wednesday. Amazing to me.
                Love and Peace,

                Sobriety Date 12.07.2009


                  Weekly AA Thread - Dec. 5 - Dec. 11

                  phil: That is so wonderful! I remember when you struggled & did I. I'm so grateful for this thread & for AA. Sober is the best way to be. Last night coming home from a Christmas party, I mentioned to my husb that I haven't had any alcohol in my system for over 2 years. I had fun at the party & feel great today.

                  Tomorrow we have yet another party to go to. I'm not worried. Our friends are mod drinkers, & I'm perfectly happy to drink soda.

                  Take care of yourself.

                  Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                  October 3, 2012


                    Weekly AA Thread - Dec. 5 - Dec. 11

                    Wow Phil, that is awesome!!!!!! Good for you. I am not sure whether my timing (being on the boards) will be right to wish you congrats then, so keep up the good work for the next 4/5 days and big congrats for Wednesday!! I struggled for a long time too. Thank goodness I don't have AL in my life anymore.
                    Amelia x

                    Sober since 30/06/10

