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tue 6 dec af daily

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    tue 6 dec af daily

    hey all - up early ready for work, it's freezing icy and cold - i get to wear my new coat!porridge with cinnamon for breakfast to warm me up.
    Det - thank you so much for that spin on work - I get to work today - I am using that today.

    Today will be busy as I need to catch up for missing yesterday - i needed it though and feel better for it. Zumba class tonight - love it!

    Good af day for all of you - ma well pop in tonight. looked into life coaching training last night. been interested for ages, time to act
    one day at a time

    tue 6 dec af daily

    Hi Bear and all fABbies to come! Quick check in before zoom zooming to school. I get to take a quiz and wear new boots today. One thing is for sure...

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      tue 6 dec af daily

      Morning abbers!

      It's snowing! Boo saw snow for the first time this morning when I let him out for his pee - it was hilllarious - he went running outside and then........DEAD stop. Like WTF is this stuff? LOL - he got into it after that though and was okay although he was shivering. I need to get him a sweater.

      I have my appointment with the addiction therapist today. First appointment so I'm looking forward to it. I've decided that this is a good thing for me as I didn't do any aftercare when I got out of treatment. Better late than never, right?

      Okay abbies, I'm off - check back in later. Have an awesome AF day.
      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


        tue 6 dec af daily

        Hi Gang!

        I'm up and off to work too Bear. I get to wear my new winter coat but it isn't too cold here yet. Today is technically my "Friday" as I'm off for the next 2 days, whooohooo! Gotta run right now as the clock is ticking. Will check in with you all later but meanwhile have a glorious day to all checking in!
        Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



          tue 6 dec af daily

          I may as well run out the door along with the rest of ya!! :H

          Unfortunately, I am NOT dressed but instead I'm looking on-line at LL Bean's robes.

          FH just left. Yes it's only 8:30. He stopped by with coffee that he brought me (and proceeded to pour half of it into his cup to warm it up) and to see if I wanted to go to brekkie. Now we all know that HE knows I've got to go to work. I guess I avoid him so much he's checking to see if someone else is in my life. I feel more sad than annoyed. How was I married to him for so long? I guess we were both different people then. And really, the marriage dissolved long before it ended.

          So, today I'm grateful to be AF and I'm especially grateful for the gift of a new and different life that the journey has given me. Coming from the depths of addiction opened my eyes, my heart, and a multitude of doorways to explore. If anyone is lurking please consider this for yourself. Jump in, make the commitment and join us!

          The robe is pink. That is all.
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            tue 6 dec af daily

            Dark & damp here this morning so I'm just hanging out in my jammies too :H

            Good morning bear, DG, uni, blondie, greenie, et al

            Well, I do have to get to work & should really feed my fur & feathered friends first!

            greenie, seems like the formers are doing a lot of sniffing lately, huh? We must be careful to protect our newly remodeled & better selves

            Have a terrific AF Tuesday one & all!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              tue 6 dec af daily

              It's warm here in the south. I fell asleep to crickets churping. It was like summer time. Only I wasn't drunk.

              i miss my dog and seeing him romp in the first snow of the season. Just earlier this year he could do that. Now he's gone


                tue 6 dec af daily

                Good morning FABlanders!

                Yikes, busy day today! I just realized that Wednesday is TOMORROW and I'm heading out to my daughter (supposedly with lots of stuff in tow- all of which I still need to organize). Tomorrow is also the dreaded day of Christmas shopping *uggh* I'm so not a shopping kinda gal. But, it'll be mostly for the little ones as the big ones are pretty much covered, so at least I'll get to squeeze paws and push bellies at the store :H I did some online checking last night - holy mackerel, toys are expensive!

                Bear - have fun with Zumba. I'm hearing only good things about it and might give it a go myself one of these days.

                DG - good luck with the test! You'll zoom through it as usual, I'm sure.

                Uni - too funny :H My old shepherd girl hated snow and would be thoroughly disgusted - every year all over again!

                Blondie - TGIT!

                Greenie - he brought you coffee and then drank 1/2 of it!??? What a turd!

                Lav - truth be told, I never got out of my jammies yesterday... I just put some pants over when I went out to the barn :H

                Piper - welcome and I'm so sorry about your dog :l And I'm green with envy over your weather! Damn nipply out here today but at least the sun is out

                Where is AFM? Anyone talk to her? How is she doing after the last chemo treatment?

                Alright, I best get busy. At least I got some sleep last night. Wasn't perfect but sure better than the night before.

                Have a totally terrific Tuesday.. and one thing is for sure!
                Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                Winning since October 24th, 2013


                  tue 6 dec af daily

                  hey all - sofa and magazines for me tonight - I got a pay rise!
                  Been nagging for ages and boss finally conceded that she agreed with me 2 days a week i was paid a lower band - my argument is if you act as a senior 3 days a week you don't stop doing that the other 2 days - but don't get paid for it.
                  Now to talk backdating - very pleased,
                  one day at a time


                    tue 6 dec af daily

                    Way to go sound like force out of the rink, Ms Basher!

                    Greenie and Lav....I think the formers have gotten a good look at how lovely your lives are now that you are AF. You are glowing with vitality and greatness.

                    Uni...what kind of dog is Boo? My pugs LOVE snow. The pup likes to dive in like a submarine ...tunnel for a foot or two and then surface with a big jump. Then he starts all over again. Unfortunately, we had a big Chinook wind blow through. most of our snow is just GONE! We went from 3 feet to nearly 0 in two days.

           will have a wonderful time with daughter...and peanut. I'm with you on shopping. Could do without it! I haven't started yet!

                    Good luck on that quiz, boot-wearing whiz d-girl!

                    Blondie....I'm sure you look just beautiful in your new coat. I would send you cooler weather if I could....

                    Welcome Piper....glad to see you on this thread. I hope you'll stay and get to know us. I am sorry for your loss. Our furry ones are so loved....

                    Tomorrow, I GET to go to Fairbanks for a one day rambo work trip. It will be a loooooong day, but I will try to at least read what ya'll are up to at the airport. I am thankful it's such a quick flight...just an hour. It sure beats driving 350 miles each way on ice.

                    I am sure missing chat! I've had a long run of evening functions which has been keeping me away from the peeps! Det...Sid....Kas....Sunni...myself and others from MWO are quite the chatters....we'd love to see some more of you from here online there. We just have fun, don't we?
                    Sober for the Revolution!
                    AF & NF July 23, 2011


                      tue 6 dec af daily

                      I wondered where you were at Turnagain. I feel like I am talking to myself late at night!
                      Those formers..can never make up their minds especially when they see you doing so well.
                      Hey Sunshine I love to shop why don't you come down to Toronto and I can take you around!
                      Retail therapy warms my heart. Sid


                        tue 6 dec af daily

                        Can I go shopping with you & Sunni sid?? :H
                        I'm another non-shopper! If I don't see it online then it just doesn't get purchased

                        I don't know why the formers don't get it ~ we are looking & doing better because they haven't been around - DUH!

                        Need to finish up whatever it is I'm doing & go fix something for dinner. Expecting my DIL & youngest grandson tonight. He gets to stay with me while his Mama goes to Karate class
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          tue 6 dec af daily

                          Anytime Lav I love to shop in the States..

                          As my friend use to tell me they are called X's for a crossed them out.



                            tue 6 dec af daily

                            Good evening Fabs & Fabettes!

                            Crimety, I had a mild heart attack this morning. That monkey of a horse (the one in my avatar) disabled the electric fence (again) and went for a wee stroll around the perimeter of the pasture. Thankfully, he didn't really meander off into the bush. Took me a second though to process what I was seeing and what exactly wasn't right with that :H And the other one stood kinda pouting watching...

                            Remember all that stuff for my daughter? Hm, yeah.. still gotta do that :H I ended up deciding that today was the day to move the feed box into the barn.. and well.. that took a LOT longer than I had expected. But at least it's done now and stuff won't freeze anymore. So, ever so slowly stuff can actually move into the feed/tack room (I still have all but one wall to sand/finish though).

                            Alright, need to make dinner and get to that stuff for tomorrow. Oh, and Sid... that's a lovely offer, but no thank you! You and Lav have fun, though! :H I'll try to sneak into chat tonight for a few minutes, too - see you then!
                            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                            Winning since October 24th, 2013


                              tue 6 dec af daily

                              Hi guys,

                              Boo is a boxer/pug cross. Looks more like a boxer but won't get as big because he has the pug in him. He's hyper as hell but we love him!

                              Had a good day today. At the appointment the addiction counsellor suggested that she send me to the anxiety and mood disorders clinic at the hospital for an assessment which would then get me into a concurrent disorders group (ie: all people there will have either anxiety/depression and a substance abuse problem). The group will be every Tuesday for 2 hours starting at the end of January. I was like "YES PLEASE!!!" As well, the added bonus of that is that I will have another diagnosis from the clinic if my LTD comes after me again looking for more information. So bonuses all around for me. As well in March they are starting a 12 week relapse prevention course that she is going to put me into. I felt great when I left as I finally will have more support. On the way home I decided to stop in at an AA meeting that I used to frequent but hadn't been at for a long time. Not sure what made me decide to get off the bus and go (universe again?) but I did and It was a great meeting and I felt really empowered when I got home.
                              Had a bit of a nap this afternoon and my daughter and I just put some decorations on the tree. Not all of them but it's a start. She is now doing her math homework with Mike and I am having after dinner coffee and chilling on here. Another good day - looking forward to having a shower and going to bed around 9.

                              Hope everyone else had an awesome AF day. Things are looking up over in this part of the world.

                              Love and hugs,
                              Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

