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wed 7 dec af daily

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    wed 7 dec af daily

    morning all, up ready for another day - happy to be booze free.I bought myself lots of lovely drinks for weekends and christmasas ammunition - raspberry lemonade, elderflower fizz, rose and pomegranate cordial. That's better than a bottle of cheap white wine - and cheaper!

    Busy day today at work and then meeting a friend for coffee/food. planning to cycle to work today as need to MOVE even though it may be a bit wet.

    Just a normal day here - focus on moving more, eating more fruit and veg and dodging the junk food at work. I also need to do a funding app for the team friday evening - will be enjoyable and that is definitely an AF activity.

    I must have that bubble bath/face mask tonight!!
    one day at a time

    wed 7 dec af daily

    Morning all!

    I woke up this morning all confused - didn'tn know where I was! I guess that just means I was deep in sleep.

    Yesterday was a great day - I'm a little tired today but going to force myself to have a shower and get moving once I get the family out the door. I have some homework to do today and I may go to the morning meeting again. I have one more bus pass and tomorrow I get my breathalyzer installed in my car so I can drive again! I made it through 6 months and now have the breathalyzer for a year but I am and will always be grateful that I stopped myself from continuing to drive and didn't hurt myself or anyone else. Every time I start the car I will have that reminder. I am just looking forward to being able to get to meetings, friends etc. again. Especially since the weather is now getting cold and snowy here, taking the bus in that would have sucked big time.

    Okay, must go wake up the troops - have a great AF day everyone.

    One thing is for sure here.

    Love and hugs,
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


      wed 7 dec af daily

      Good morning Fabbies!

      I'm off to the big smoke, wish me luck! I hate shopping. And malls. And lineups. And lineups in malls. :H Got everything sorted last night, though and the truck is pretty much ready to go... just have one rug to roll up and throw in there.

      Hope you'll all have a Happy Humpday!
      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013


        wed 7 dec af daily

        Good Morning All,

        Gosh, we've had so much rain here. Just won't stop.

        Uni...CONGRATULATIONS on getting your license back. Sounds like a new and exciting chapter for you!!

        Hi to Sunni and Bear. Sunni. I hate malls too. Like to do most of my shopping online
        AF Since April 20, 2008
        4 Years!!!


          wed 7 dec af daily

          Well the days to Christmas keep chugging along. A little snow here. The malls are crazy so you are well advised to stay out of them if you can. But good luck with the big smoke Sunshine. You must be very excited to get your license back Uni! Well one thing for sure..(I've have always wanted to write that!)


          Turn and Det where you been in chat? I am still going to the gym wanted to tell you!


            wed 7 dec af daily

            Hi everyone!

            Bear, that bubble bath and face mask sounds GOOD! I may have to do that tonight as a reward for getting my housework done and also for being sober

            Universal-Congrats on the license and it sounds like things are looking up. Glad you had a great day yesterday. I've been thinking of you.

            Momof3 and Sunni, I'm with ya on the anti-mall bandwagon. The closest big mall to us is about a 30 hour drive so I rarely go. We have several good stores in town here and then I also am a fan of online shopping. It's just so much easier and I get to stay in and not deal with crowds. Good luck Sunni, I hope you get some great deals!

            Hi to Sidney! Hope you have a great day! How's your weather up in au Canada?

            Hello Turnagain and Determinator! Hope you are well.

            I'm off to get some stuff done around here or else I could be on here all day. Yup, Lav, it's rain like projected but that makes it all the more incentive to stay in and get stuff done. I have my last of holiday decor to fetch out of the basement and put up, plus cleaning. Glad to have a day off.

            Have a great day to all and I'll check in tonight. One thing is for sure!
            Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



              wed 7 dec af daily

              Good day Abbers!!!!

              Dark & damp but mild here today. Better than cold & snowy

              bear, you're doing great ~ good for you!

              uni, I hope you enjoy & appreciate getting your driving privileges back. I live in a remote area where there is no bus service, I would be devastated if I couldn't drive.

              sunni, try to enjoy your shopping trip ~ just a little :H

              M3, lots of rain here too. If it wasn't for online shopping there would be no gifts in my house!

              Sid, a little snow is OK. It's the 30" storms that break my spirit

              Blondie & papmom, get ready....the rain is working it's way north.

              Have a great hump day one & all!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                wed 7 dec af daily

                Quick heyo from my phone. Good to see you all

                Sid sorry missed you. Was on chat earlier than normal

                Zipping around like a pinball here

                Be well friends
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  wed 7 dec af daily

                  rain. home for lunch at computer. wet cold feet. that is all

                  where's treya been?
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    wed 7 dec af daily

                    It's thursday morning, a Sunny 30C expected here today, and all is well. Keep warm Northeners!

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      wed 7 dec af daily

                      You don't have to rub that in G :H :H

                      greenie, I'm putting off wading thru the mud & puddles to collect eggs
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        wed 7 dec af daily

                        Guitarista;1222084 wrote: It's thursday morning, a Sunny 30C expected here today, and all is well. Keep warm Northeners!
                        Oo, I could do with some of that weather! Ordered my holiday money for Vietnam today so hoping for a warm Christmas!

                        Bear, you're a braver woman than me cycling in this cold wind.

                        Uni - good to see you're feeling a bit better.

                        Sunshinegg - hope the shops weren't too bad. I quite like Christmas shopping if I can find what I want but if I can't it's so frustrating!

                        Hello to Lav, Blonde, Greenie, Sidney, Mom3, Det and all to come.

                        All good here. I've escaped the cuts at work - hooray! But I forgot to take my camera in to take pic of parrot tree. Maybe tomorrow. Off to make dinner. Have a good day/evening all.
                        AF since December 22nd 2008
                        Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                          wed 7 dec af daily

                          Lavande;1222091 wrote: You don't have to rub that in G :H :H

                          greenie, I'm putting off wading thru the mud & puddles to collect eggs

                          Wow, real time 'chat' with The Lavinator! :h

                          Hope you're having a great week Lav.

                          I'm off to pay the bill's. L8tr, Yo!

                          G'day Marshy!

                          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                            wed 7 dec af daily

                            hey marshy - i don't mind cycling in cold - it's rain that upsets me. was lovely tho a bit chilly tonight - on sofa now in onesie. Cycling again tomorrow and doing zumba tomorrow evening after work.

                            my cold seems to be kicking in a bit but still not feeling too bad. glad it's not a cold and being hungover/drunk. i am so much happier - work feels like it's winding down, or maybe it's just me winding down. met friend for burrito tonight lovely to sit and chat.

                            anyway no much to say here apart from it's good to be here.
                            good to see you guitarista.
                            one day at a time


                              wed 7 dec af daily

                              Wet Feet Suck - that is all.

                              I have a huge bruised knuckle from playing mini sticks with my daughter last night. But do you know what is awesome????? I had the energy to play mini sticks with my daughter last night!!!!

                              I feel so amazing, it's scaring me. It's like the depression has totally lifted. I feel alive and energetic and happy! Not enough energy to go run a marathon or anything but just happy. Letting go of all of Mike's crap and not letting his issues bother me anymore have been a huge help as well as getting up and making myself shower every morning. AND Det - I have been eating very healthy and I know that is contributing.

                              Anyway - Bear - I hope you can shake this cold - it's been hanging on for a while.
                              Lav - I want some fresh eggs!
                              Marshy - can I come in your suitcase?
                              Hey Guit man!

                              Okay, over and out - off to hockey practice (her, not me) and then survivor, and special victims unit.

                              I just can't get over the difference in how I feel compared to 2 weeks ago - it's like, really wierd but so awesome!
                              Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

