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fri 9 dec af daily

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    fri 9 dec af daily

    morning all - up ready for work conference - it's all about the plans for our line of work under NHS reform.

    weighed self and not put on or lost - lots of meals out and not much exercise.makes me think what would have changed if i had hit gym/cycled time i am injured i will keep on exercising the non injured bits.

    i need to limit tv time too - it's all evening every evening - hibernating!
    Det - stay strong and it's great that your OH is so supportive.
    one day at a time

    fri 9 dec af daily

    Morning Bear and everyone checking in today!

    Bear, on the weight...remember that water weight can be a few pounds here or there. For me, when it is that time of the month, I can carry up to 5 extra pounds. So I just remember that when I get on the scale. I have pretty much stayed the same right now which is fine cause it's the holidays. I am so grateful to not be wasting empty calories on wine anymore!

    Well, gotta run as I'm behind in getting ready for work and gotta be there in a half hour. Hi to all and I'll be on later tonight. Today kicks off a busy weekend at the store...but glad to be busy and not bored!

    Later all!
    Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



      fri 9 dec af daily

      Hi all!

      A quick check in. I have been busy. Lots of stuff going on at Little AFM's school, and seeing I am on the PAC, and Christmas is coming, it has kept me super busy. Plus, I am doing some distant education courses along with being back at the SPCA part time. I certainly cannot complain!!

      I have my 3rd chemo cycle coming on Tuesday. I will then be half way done. This last time around went really well. Just a bit of bone pain, but nothing like the side effects I had with the first. I am hoping the rest are good too! I have been eating healthy (maybe a bit too much salt - seem to be craving carbs and salt a bit too much), and getting lots of rest at night. So, I am plodding along just fine.

      Bear - I hate the scale. I have to get weighed in before every treatment. So far, I haven't gained any weight - chemo can make you put on weight. But with all of the Christmas goodies around, may be singing another tune in January! I need to get in some walking though. If only I can figure out how to download music to my Ipod. I am so technically inept!

      My mom and my Nana are taking Little AFM and my two nephews to 'Arthurs Christmas' movie tomorrow and then to the Christmas Train at the Forest museum this weekend. She will be nicely tuckered out when they return her! A day off for me! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

      Lots of love to the rest of you. Have a fantastically AF day everyone!


        fri 9 dec af daily

        Good morning Abbers!

        Just back from Curves & waiting for my daughter to arrive. We are hitting the outlets today

        bear, I won't weigh myself again until after the holidays!
        It is what it is

        AFM, you sound great!!!!
        Enjoy your weekend & I hope littl eAFM has fun!

        Have a great AF Friday everyone!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          fri 9 dec af daily

          Hiho fabbages and fabnips..... Good to see you AFM.. That's nice your mom can take lil AFM for a day. Wish. I could do that for my daughter. Hello to Blond and Marshy and all to come. Still working on papers here. Sore shoulder...not t I f sure
          Edited for cross post w Lav Hey

          Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
          Status: Happy:h


            fri 9 dec af daily

            Hey AFM-just replied to your PM before I read your post. Got my questions answered!! :H So glad to hear you're back PT at the ASPCA-give those furry ones a hug for me!

            Kas-take some R&R at some point K?

            Bear-thanks for starting us off-have fun at the confernence

            Blonde-with all that AF energy you will have the best holiday season at the store and home evah!!

            Lav-have fun shopping! Wish I had a day to do just that. Bah.
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              fri 9 dec af daily

              think i need to let weight go - if i don't put on weight this time of year that is an achievement.
              no gym tonight AGAIN - tomorrow am is good enough. i have cycled once this week - not great - but not terrible either.

              classes are way forward for me unless i get the real urge for a run - may run tomorrow am - keep getting urges to run in the am - and think i need the cold fresh air as well.waiting until evening isn't working. firm commitments next week and until end of year - 3 weeks. i am 5 weeks tomorrow - longest i have achieved in a LONG time.

              have nice evening all of you
              one day at a time


                fri 9 dec af daily

                On phone here.

                At a seaside cafe having clam chowder and coffee with view of the ocean.
                Its a lovely un-hung day!
                Afm good too see u
                Hugs all around xxxx
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  fri 9 dec af daily

                  At Kaslo side lunch counter, with view of Columbia river having scotch broth and a bit of cheese. Much love to all, specially Det.


                  Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                  Status: Happy:h


                    fri 9 dec af daily

                    Hello fabby Abbies!

                    Busier than heck... but sober and sane (relatively speaking)!
                    Hope you're all well and one thing's for sure today....

                    zoom zoom
                    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                    Winning since October 24th, 2013


                      fri 9 dec af daily

                      Hello friends,

                      Just checking in briefly here. I am forever trying to wean myself from computer time, but then can't resist a post now and then. You all are doing great and I am so happy to hear that no one is giving into those nasty cravings!

                      So many things seem to want to drive me to drink again, but I don't really have the desire, time nor energy to go down that road again. So I am grateful for that.

                      Remember my acquaintance that called me and asked if I would be available to help her after treatment, and then she moved away? Well I saw her last night, she was in town to see her son at a wrestling meet and participate in parents night. I gave her a quick hug and told her I was glad she got to come see her boy. And she smelled of alcohol. And she was headed home--80 miles away. I don't think mama's dry-out is working out that well.

                      Greenie--it was kind of ironic that you mentioned the article with advice about the 16 year old. That morning my son told me he wasn't going to participate in a medical profession club at school because he didn't have time. I was angry and disappointed. He has time for his friends and now a girlfriend. I just wish he would push himself a little more. I also wish he would have discussed it with me as I had signed the paper work so thought he was involved. I still have trouble giving up all control in the parenting department which is kind of what Rosemond suggests.

                      I've taken an interest in another new hobby. I'm making bath salts. I think it is going to be fun, but not sure what to do with them. I don't have THAT many friends. :H

                      Basketball all weekend here. Some community service stuff and hopefully get a start on the whole process of decorating for Christmas. Still not in the mood for that.

                      Have a great sober weekend all!:h
                      NF since June 1, 2008
                      AF since September 28, 2008
                      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                        fri 9 dec af daily

                        Hi guys,

                        Late check in for me today as little uni was in a floor hockey tournament at school and I watched her all day. It was nice to be able to go but now I am just EXHAUSTED!!!!

                        I ordered pizza and wings for dinner from a little outlet we love - not the healthiest but I'm too tired to care. Mike got home and went straight upstairs to lie down, not sure what kind of a mood he's in - don't really care. I'm hoping to just veg out tonight, watch a movie, bath and bed EARLY.....if I could I'd be in bed now for the rest of the night but It's only 5pm and I have to do the mommy thing. I guess I should feed her! LOL

                        Okay, I'm off, talk to you soon.

                        Love and hugs,
                        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                          fri 9 dec af daily

                          Evening one & all!

                          Had fun shopping & lunching with my girls today
                          We ran across some great sales too!

                          LVT, sell your bath salts on Etsy.
                          My daughter & DIL both do great selling there.
                          (PS: I saw your pic on FB) Add a little label & ribbon thingy on the jars - the girly buyers love that stuff!!

                          Kas, hope your shoulder is OK! No lifting heavy stuff this weekend!

                          Hello to Det, uni, sid & anyone I've missed.
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            fri 9 dec af daily

                            Ho! Ho! Holy shit! The traffic is a bitch this time of year.

                            Drove all the way into town to pick up a door prize and ..... well.... eh. I don't really like it that much. However, the visit to the natural foods market was worth the drive for the local feta alone! WOW! Blondiegirl, I'm dying to see what your shop is like. I bet it is the coolest place ever.

                            I'm sick of my knee bothering me so I've hooked up with the energy worker again. It worked well on the other knee before. I agreed to NOT hike at the river for 4 days and to NOT get on hands and knees in yoga. grumble grumble. But that's OK. It'll be worth it. She did some unplanned work on a problem wrist and I felt it happening. Quite exciting as she is in another state!

                            M3, the yoga teacher I like has a shirt that says"Namaste ya'll" :H

                            OK, well... nighty night. Peace!
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              fri 9 dec af daily

                              Det-west coast or east coast for you today?

                              Kas-you are too funny!!

                              Greenie-wow-energy healing over the phone?? Hmm, wonder if it would work for DD!

                              Lav-how great that you had fun AND got some good bargains!!

                              Uni-sweet dreams! Let his crap go OK?

                              LVT-I'm with Lav-Etsy is the way to go apparently. I see a store in my future for sure. I know the feeling about being driven to drink. Felt that way after a very trying and wierd day at work. But really, what would it have accomplished except give us some relief for a few hours? Worse for the wear afterwards. Glad we can recognise these feelings for what they are and let them go. Relief can come in many forms-AL isn't one of them.

                              Hey busy Sunni!!

                              Tomorrow is my breed clubs party-the one I did all the favors for. Had to do 3 more tonite plus wrap the Yankee Swap gift. 18 months ago I would have chosen wine over those jobs and hoped I woke up early enough tomorrow morning to get them done. It was so cool to think-"hey-it doesn't matter how long it takes me to do this-I'm not drinking so I've got all night!!" For the record i was done in an hour :H.

                              After the party I may accompany my hoarding friend to western ma to help her pick up 2 paps taken from a hoarding situation (how freaken' ironic is that???). She is planning on fostering them but I know her. She'll end up keeping them. Still haven't decided if I'm going to go with her or try to get some xmas shopping done. I have until after the party to decide. And no, I am not fostering one of the dogs!!!

                              That's it from here. See you lovelies tomorrow at some point.
                              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                              KO the Beast!!

