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sat 10 dec af daily

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    sat 10 dec af daily

    wow - we're really getting close to christmas now!
    I am up early and glad to not have a hangover - this morning i will either do a workout dvd or hit the gym and buy some packing boxes to help with major clear out.

    I have read the' living sober sucks' website - has anyone else - Mark (can't remember surname). Title sounds really negative BUT it's not - he's got quite an aggressive style won't appeal to everyone but I really like it. He says living sober sucks (sometimes) but living drunk sucks more.

    I realised that i am waiting for my life to be perfect as i am not drinking(from reading the site) - this won't happen, i will need to put in continuous effort. This sounds obvious but i think i often get to the point of - well i don't feel much better and this partly helps my drinking thinking.

    I read a true life story in zest last night of a woman who is my age and lost the amount of weight i need to lose - inspiring. It's getting the balance between small steps but not so small there is no overall plan.
    one day at a time

    sat 10 dec af daily

    Hey Partner! Wow, you are up and early today! Looks like your post hit MWO about 4AM? That's what it says on my screen. Funny, I remember seeing a book called Living Sober Sucks when I was searching for some books on sobriety on Amazon a while back. I always remembered the I will check out his site, looks interesting.

    How much weight do you want to loose Bear? I was getting a bit disappointed with my weight this week as I was retaining some water due to that "time" of the month, ladies. In fact, yesterday morning I was above where I usually am but about 2 pounds after dieting all week and doing a "fat flush" detox (drinking lots of concentrated cranberry juice in water, lemon water, low carbs, etc.). Then I just weighed myself this morning and I guess I "peed" out about 3 pounds since yesterday as I was down by that amount. Weird, huh? Another one of my addictions is to weigh myself every day,which I know is excessive but one addiction at a time, ok? I used to be anorexic in my early 20's (long time ago), and I am a healthy weight now, but I always check the scale. Anyway, long story but I wish you the best Bear, just keep up the exercise and sensible diet and don't be too hard on yourself. The weight will come off

    I am running off to work in a minute but just wanted to say hello and wish you all a happy Saturday. I am bracing myself for a busy day as it is Saturday and getting close to Christmas!

    Feeling good this morning as I reve up on coffee. Love not heading into work on my early day hungover, such a much better feeling!

    Love to all!
    Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



      sat 10 dec af daily

      Morning fabbies!!

      Yeah, christmas is in what, 2 weeks? Honestly, they need to move thanksgiving to mid october!

      Guess I'll go to yoga and not kneel on my knee. The gym is being funny about not wanting to pay the instructors for a class size under 5 so I'll go in case it's a small class. What a stupid thing for them to do. Especially now during maniac season when people have to shop and go to drop ins, etc. The queen may have to speak to the mgt about it.

      THIS MORNING'S MOON WAS SPECTACULAR!! A huge pale globe hanging heavy and low in the haze of the pre dawn light.

      Not hitting the river trails after work sort of opens up my day. Guess I'll wrap pressies.

      One thing's for sure!

      X-post blondiegirl. Another thing is when you have to get up and go early is that you look in the mirror and you look good. BEFORE the shower and all. Bright clear eyes with no dark circles, tight smooth skin with a healthy glow.....
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        sat 10 dec af daily

        I am up early too. Have a funeral to go to out of town. Feeling up to all the driving I will have to do. I am so happy I can do it!

        Bear I always lose weight when I don't drink I've lost about 10 llbs in just over 7 weeks.
        but I don't eat sugar, and mostly vegetables and lean meat..chicken and fish. No pasta, rice or potatoes or bread. the would think the weight would just fall off because of the no Al but it gets more difficult as we get older. And man I am old.
        I recently started going to the gym that helps. At least I can eat more!

        I am sure if you keep at it you can lose the weight but it takes a long time at one or two pounds a week. I get frustrated when the scales don't move. I look everyday too.
        In the past I have done the 17 day diet to sucess. You might want to look at that it got me started. And like the author says anyone can do 17 days. (after Christmas)

        I hope some members answer you here who have lost a lot. I know there are success stories. I try to remember I have already changed my life style if I can't lose the weight right now so be it. At least I am healthier and happier from giving up the booze.

        I sure look better and I bet you do too. Take care. Sid


          sat 10 dec af daily

          Ahh Green Eyes said that too. She is right. No longer do I have a red bloated face staring me back.


            sat 10 dec af daily

            Cant drink on the day of my hatching!! :H

            Although I was hoping for some "crease" in the time spectrum I could slip through for a few hours.............LOL
            Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



              sat 10 dec af daily

              Good morning Fabbadabbadoos!

              Got a busy day ahead, a little painting at the barn, a little cleaning up, a little wrapping presents, a little work, a little decorating and with any luck a little nana nap
              But first things first... COFFFFEEE! Have a great day!
              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                sat 10 dec af daily

                Good morning Abbers!

                Happy Saturday

                bear, Blondie - stay off the scale until after the holidays! Why drive yourselves nuts??
                When you get as old as dust (like me) the numbers just don't matter as much

                Greenie, wrapping gifts is a great idea & I'll think I'll do the same as soon as I get some dust & dog hair out of here :H

                Sid, hope your day goes well.

                Nelz - what are you hatching into man??

                Hi Sunni!!!

                Have a great AF day one & all!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  sat 10 dec af daily

                  Nelz, is it your birthday? If so, happy birthday!

                  Greenie, move to Canada, Thanksgiving IS in mid October here! LOL
                  Sid, sorry about the funeral, I hope you can stay strong today.

                  I have hockey with little uni (surprise, surprise!) and then housecleaning etc.

                  Slept well, feeling good and zooming so gotta fly.

                  No AL for me here today.

                  Love a nd hugs,
                  Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                    sat 10 dec af daily

                    Hello friends,

                    Quickly checking in before I head to the church to open "my" mission project-the clothes closet. I hope someone needs some nice warm coats-cuz we have lots!

                    Happy birthday, Nelz!

                    Bear--do you like to walk? I used to walk all the time, but I just can't get back in the habit. For me yoga really helps to keep me toned and helps to keep the weight off. I have TERRIBLE dietary habits that I need to work on. There is a new class that is circuit training and nutrition I'd like to go to. It is in the evenings-when normal people are getting off of work and I am home not too excited about getting back out when it's cold.

                    Sorry about the knee Greenie. #2 son dislocated his knee cap at wrestling practice the other day. OWIE! It doesn't seem to hurt too bad now, but he needs to wear a brace for basketball. We're lucky it wasn't worse than it was.

                    Lav and Pap--thanks for the advice on my bath salts. I checked out Etsy and HOLY COW! I can't believe I've never been there! Looks like the market it flooded, but who knows. My idea for a name is "Just Because.....Bath Salts" With labels that say Just because....I care or I love you or You deserve it get the idea.

                    Ok, I better get busy. Namaste Yall!:h
                    NF since June 1, 2008
                    AF since September 28, 2008
                    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                      sat 10 dec af daily

                      universal;1223433 wrote:
                      Greenie, move to Canada, Thanksgiving IS in mid October here! LOL
                      Or move over here and you wouldn't have to worry about it at all

                      Hello abbers! It's my last Saturday at work this year - hooray!

                      Got a big pre-Christmas dinner with GF's family tomorrow. Eek. I've met some of them but not all so I'll be a bit nervous about that.

                      LVT - I like the Just Because.... idea

                      Zooming. Hello to all and all to come. Back later.
                      AF since December 22nd 2008
                      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                        sat 10 dec af daily

                        Good morning Abbers! It has been a couple years since I sat in this room with y'all and I know I need to sit among like minded souls in order to make this AF journey a successful one! I remember the incredibly strong and positive attitudes of the wonderful people here and can see not much has changed other than the new names here. I will take on this new day AF and know your strength and support we all have for each other will give me strength and the courage to navigate each day AF.

                        Enjoy your day everyone!
                        Is Addiction Really a Disease?
                        Watch this and find out....


                          sat 10 dec af daily

                          Happy Saturday ABerooooos!

                          4theboyz, I remember you well, good to see you in this fine part of the world

                          Bear, ditto what Sidney said about weight gain/loss. here's a super simple dietery strategy to try: cut out sugar and wheat products from your diet for two weeks (be carefull as they hide wheat in all kinds of things), then see what happens. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at how much better you feel and the weight loss will actually be a side benefit.

                          have come down with a head cold but I can deal with that being un hung. being sick used to be a strong AL trigger for me and I still have to be careful with this.

                          here's a quick pick from my car on the highway back home yesterday in the sierras:

                          I was about 1/2 mile from the slopes so not the best resolution.

                          Nelz, happy birthday man! do a wheelie for me. (carefully)

                          note to self: avoid browsing at REI mountain sports outlets. eeeeeek! it's like the land of temptation for cool outdoorsy stuff.

                          be well everyone
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            sat 10 dec af daily

                            Morning all (at least it's still morning in this part of the world!) It's always such a treat to pop this thread open each day whether I get a chance to post or not. It helps fuel my soul. Thank you...wonderful peeps!

                            Welcome 4.....Marshy, Det and IJM could use a few more guys to pal around with....not that they mind having a lot of lady friends! Coming here helps bolster my resolve to remain matter what!

                            Geez....I use a lot of exclamation points! Can't help it, I guess! I'm just so darn exclamatory these days!

                            Off to have a fabulous AF Saturday. I am CLEANING my office today and can't wait to see what's at the bottom of the piles. I feel like Indian Jones on a big archaeological dig. Hope there are no snakes!
                            Sober for the Revolution!
                            AF & NF July 23, 2011


                              sat 10 dec af daily

                              hey all popping in while hair dye takes- team photo shoot tomorrow - I have begun boxing up room for decorating and got three boxes of clothes/books and nic nacs to go for team car boot sale. Have some books that will just recycle though as they old self help ones - feel kind of embarassed.

                              Gonne trawl loft in new year and sort through coats - far too many fake fur coats - i need a couple not 6!

                              LVT I do like walking and used to do more of it packing and lifting boxes has been my exercise today.

                              Det - I am planning to cut down on sugar but don't want to cut it out yet as it's still early days in af for me. I plan to reduce carbs and increase protein next week/eat natural food.

                              Today not too bad - banana and peanut butter sandwich and turkey with veg and roast potatoes for lunch - 2 squares of chocolate and dinner at friends later - don't know what it will be.
                              one day at a time

