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sat 10 dec af daily

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    sat 10 dec af daily

    a couple square of chocolate isn't going to harm you Bear! your good to go.

    and really carbs are ok so long as they are in the form of vegetables

    I seem to do fine on potatos and sweet potatoes and even rice. it's the bread/pasta/crackers type of food that make me bloated and sickly

    Turn, I'm digging the happy 'tude!
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      sat 10 dec af daily

      Nice pic Det!!!!! looks cold :H

      Hi 4theboyz~

      Marshy, you & GF should come here for Thanksgiving next year. I'll introduce you to my very best feathered friends & my piggy swissy

      Turn, hope you stay as happy as you are today!!!!

      bear, you are making me want to empty out my closet! Think I will right after the holidays....

      LVT, Etsy is a very popular place for people to shop. You can find some real nice things there. Like I said, the girly stuff is big!!!! Like the name Just Because

      Gosh, I've been busy all day but still have so much to do - maybe!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        sat 10 dec af daily

        Hallo Dahlinks. FABulous AF day-eff er off taday. Drove to our main shopping city here which my great grandfather used to travel by paddle wheeler boat to, I think my trip was shorter, lol! Got all the Xmas gifts for the grand children and most of the gifts for the two adult daughters. I remember distinctly getting ONE present from each person and that was Itsky. Not a huge pile of shite from each person. In years past for my kids I know i have seriously overspent. I grew up poor, and didnt want that for my kids.

        Turn, nice to see you enjoying yourself. Marshy I bet your GFs fam are wonderful, because she is right? Bear I'm so happy you are doing well.

        Hi 4theboyz. It's great to see returning flocks. It's a privilege to be here really. I'm kind of new... Det I was going to ask if you were taking any photos. Looks like a ski hill...nice photo.

        Well I bet us Alconoticus pacificas are all alone now...time for a hot tub...sleep well!


        Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
        Status: Happy:h


          sat 10 dec af daily

          Hey Marshy...sorry for grouping you with the testosterone crowd....(not that there's anything wrong with that!) Thought it was el Marshy...not La Marshy!
          Sober for the Revolution!
          AF & NF July 23, 2011


            sat 10 dec af daily

            Kaslo;1223687 wrote: Marshy I bet your GFs fam are wonderful, because she is right?
            If only that was how it worked.......:H:H
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              sat 10 dec af daily

              greeneyes;1223871 wrote: If only that was how it worked.......:H:H
              AF since December 22nd 2008
              Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman

