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Dazzling and Diligent December - week 2

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    Dazzling and Diligent December - week 2

    stop lurking & start posting :H
    Really - post away
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Dazzling and Diligent December - week 2

      Lavande I never noticed before that your avatar blinks! :H

      Well I'm hosting Christmas dinner at my house this year and am trying to figure out what I'm cooking. Does everyone have a "regular" dinner that they cook for Christmas or do you change it up? I love beef and would love to do a prime rib, but the problem with that is my sister's family likes their beef well done. :yuk: Sorry, if I'm cooking an expensive roast it's going to be medium-rare. So they won't eat it. :nutso:

      I'm considering ordering a Southern Maryland Stuffed Ham or a turducken! Never had either one before.


        Dazzling and Diligent December - week 2

        I like my big, blue, blinky avatar

        What is a Maryland ham stuffed with? Probably crab? I live 1/4 north of the Maryland state line
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Dazzling and Diligent December - week 2

          Lavande;1226430 wrote: I like my big, blue, blinky avatar

          What is a Maryland ham stuffed with? Probably crab? I live 1/4 north of the Maryland state line
          Nope, it's stuffed with vegetables. Usually kale, onions, spinach, celery, peppers, and spices. I don't know everything in them! It's made with a boneless corned ham. And it's famous in Southern Maryland. I've only heard about them, never had one.


            Dazzling and Diligent December - week 2

            Wow, that sounds kinda different!

            I usually end up with ham, pierogies......that kind of stuff
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Dazzling and Diligent December - week 2

              Back in NM, way down in the southeast corner. Spent the afternoon hiking in the rugged invigorating Guadalupe Mountains National Park. It was nippy/breezy mais tres jolie. I do appreciate these glorious mountains of the West.
              Home tomorrow. I will put up a Christmas tree because I love my ornaments and only get to see them once a year. Presents, I just don't know about presents..

              Chill, nix on that party and you do not need any other excuse aside from "I just don't want to go.".

              Hi Fly, where are you from?

              Cyn, I love Desk Set too.

              Lav, you sound like the energizer bunny!

              Bon nuit, all. Oh, and Rusty, loved your nativity scene story.


                Dazzling and Diligent December - week 2

                Good morning all

                Rustop - I can relate to what you say about how liberating it can be when we decide NO, I don't have to do something that doesn't feel comfortable for me. In saying that I'm failing dreadfully re the office party!

                As expected I was met with huge resistance to my not going and the latest was I agreed to go for dinner and leave before the party begins. I have a very early start on Saturday morning which I told them and need to be tucked up in bed at a decent hour. It's my monthly meeting in Glasgow of my "Positively Alive" group and after the 1st I attended I came away so uplifted that this is a necessity to me right now, not an option. I just hope the weather is kind as its quite a drive.

                Sped - Usually I'm good at "I just don't want to..." but I seem to have temporarily lost my Big Girls Pants, maybe Santa will bring me some.

                :welcome: FlyAway its always great to see new faces here, your dinner sounded lovely although I don't eat meat but the stuffing would do me just fine.

                Cyn - haven't heard of Desk Set, luckily we don't have a mail boy in this office so that's one less thing to worry about

                LBH - thank you for your story, what I so love about here is like Lav says, you are no crazier than the rest of us :H that's why it's the one place I feel comfortable. Two years ago I begged God to help me give up AL that very night I was awakened by a strange noise and my bed was being shaken. I remember lying there thinking God was giving me his answer. Of course it turned out to be an Earthquake :H but will forever be my message from God.......
                "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                AF - JAN 1st 2010
                NF - May 1996


                  Dazzling and Diligent December - week 2

                  Good morning everyone

                  :welcome: Fly, post away and let us know how you are getting on. We always have the traditional turkey and ham at Christmas with all the trimmings.

                  LBH - I second what Chill says. You are no crazier than the rest of us and it is great to come on this thread and be totally honest.

                  Cyn - I love the idea of your doggie play area. My JR is so anti-social I cant take him anywhere but the goldie would love it.

                  Chill - I think that sounds like an ideal solution. You go to the dinner (saves you cooking) and then get to hell out of there. Enjoy Saturday, it sounds just what you need at the moment.

                  Still cleaning but getting there. One of my daughters is working off some debt (boyfriends present) so I have a cleaner for next week. Even though everywhere got a big clean the past few weeks, with the doggies around it will need a good vacuum and dust again and I am so glad I wont have to do it.

                  Blond - how did the lunch go?

                  Star, Sooty, Lav, LBH, Sped and everyone else big hello and have a great day.



                    Dazzling and Diligent December - week 2

                    Good morning all....

                    Chill, you are really having a case of the holiday blues....the weather is not helping and the Christmas party sounds as if dinner only is a good idea. You are right, you must attend to that group if there is any way possible. I think it is a shame that you are working full time and not getting paid enough to support yourself....many I know are in the same position.

                    At my place of employment it was decided to have a potluck at lunch next week. I like that idea as we have to eat lunch anyway, no drinking, and we do not have to bring our spouse....that can get uncomfortable. This way it will be done, go back to work, and it is over.

                    Rustop, good you have a cleaner for next week. We too have the traditional turkey and dressing, and all the rest of the fixings. I may get a small ham as my son-in-law loves his ham.

                    Lav, interesting you are getting orders for Christmas now, it seems last minute to me. The weather here is supposed to change, dropping 30 degrees and snow. Good weather to stay in.

                    Sped, your trip sounds wonderful, hiking in temperate weather. I was daydreaming of a boat in the water off Florida, laying in the shade, basking in the warmth. Have fun decorating for Christmas.

                    LBH, interesting, you experience. I think many people sense there is more than what we see. Were you frightened when you sensed you were not alone? Or was it more a sense of peace? I truly believe and always have....that this is not just it, that there is more than what our five senses can tell us. Not very clear am I?

                    I have had a tremendously busy week and have had difficulty shaking it off, the residue of my interactions, woke up thinking about my yesterday and my duties today. Sometimes it is harder to let go....I am glad this is my Friday. I am making a new recipe in the crock pot, clam chower. It is all canned stuff so not super healthy, but delicious. I need comfort food.

                    I love Christmas stories and just finished Starbright by Andrew Greeley. It is a wonderful read, I love that story. Has anyone else read it? Or do you have a favorite Christmas book? My daughter loved Winter Soltice, by Rosamund Pilcher, another wonderful story teller, sure to make you feel good with the magical way they weave their characters. Lots in that book about Scottish weather as it is set in Scotland. Chill, you might get a kick out of it.

                    Hello to blond, dew, rusty, sooty, rustop, and everyone who stops by this thread. Have a lovely peaceful day, AF.
                    Formerly known as redhibiscus


                      Dazzling and Diligent December - week 2

                      I'm not lurking, I've had probs logging on and posting, but I have been reading!

                      Seems like lots of us are feeling a bit down with the holiday blues. It's not my favourite time of year I must admit and I'll be glad when it's finished.

                      It's really cold here today and snow and sleet are forecast for later today, so I'll be staying close to home.

                      I hope everyone is having a good day. I'll be back later, Internet permitting


                        Dazzling and Diligent December - week 2

                        Spedteach-I've always heard how beautiful NM is, but I've never been. I love hiking.

                        Chillgirl--Your earthquake story is hilarious! God doesn't mess around! :H

                        Rustop--Thanks for the welcome! Since we just had turkey for Thanksgiving, I'm trying to come up with something different. Still not sure what it will be though.

                        Stargazer--I sometimes wish that my work would just do a potluck at lunch too, but that never happens. I end up feeling so stressed and pressed for time around the holidays and I'm not really in the mood to spend one of my evenings off with my drunken coworkers!

                        Sooty--I'm usually relieved when the holidays are over. I feel like life can get back to normal finally.


                          Dazzling and Diligent December - week 2

                          Good morning December friends!

                          Nice & sunny here but the wind is blowing so hard - I think a cold front & some rain are on the way, oh well!

                          Chill, I'm giving you an early holiday gift: :grannypants:anties:
                          Wasn't sure what style of BPs you prefer :H
                          Add a huge helping of Lavan-ittude too!
                          Don't you let anyone pressure you into doing something you just don't want to do!!!!!!

                          rustop, may I please borrow your daughter for a day or two?
                          I really miss those days of having grown kids available to help with chores. And I pay well

                          Star, I bought a Williams - Sonoma soup cookbook as a gift for someone but I changed my mind & keeping it because I know I will actually use the recipes. Soup is on my menu today too!

                          Sooty, stay wram there lady! Wish we could get you a better ISP. I go absolutely crazy if my internet isn't working properly.

                          OK, off to get some work done, Hope everyone has a fantastic AF Thursday.

                          Edited to say hi FlyAway!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Dazzling and Diligent December - week 2

                            Hi Gang! Sorry I have been out of pocket for the last couple of days. The party was lots of work and I spent Monday night, Tuesday night (after working all day at my regular job), and all morning yesterday getting stuff ready. The party started at 1:30 and ended at about 6PM, so it went on longer than I expected. I really thought they would have the lunch and then leave aroud 3PM, but that's OK. I was exhausted last night and felt like a bit of a zombie so I had a cup of my beloved Gingerbread tea and hit the hay. Hubs last night teaching for the semester was last night so I will have him back to a regular 40 hour work schedule for the next few weeks until the Spring semester starts (he works full time and teaches a class at the local community college 2 nights a week Fall/Spring and Summer's a lot of work but it helps us with the bills ). So, it will be nice to have some more time with him and not have him so exhuasted all the time. Especially since next week is Christmas!

                            To add to what folks are serving for Christmas dinner, I am also hosting this year and we are doing a cajun shrimp boil. My friend some New Orleans sent me some spices and basically you take enough pounds of shrimp to feed your crowd, a bunch of small red potatoes, a bunch of small onions, heads of garlic, cut frozen corn on the cob, keilbasa sausages cut up and boil it all up with the seafood boil spices. When it is done, you dump it all out on newspapers and go to town. The rest of the family is bringing appetizers, so I think this will be the easiest Christmas dinner I've put on yet!!!

                            Hope everyone is doing well today. I've got lots to catch up on since my whole day off yesterday was consumed by the party. The pic in my profile below was taken yesterday. My mother's boyfriend played the part of Santa so we all had fun with that!

                            Have a great day all. Can't believe Christmas is so close!
                            Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                            BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                              Dazzling and Diligent December - week 2

                              I hope this works. Lavande, that's a photo of a stuffed ham. I ordered it today! Attached files [img]/converted_files/1732146=6546-attachment.jpg[/img]


                                Dazzling and Diligent December - week 2

                                BlondeAFAmbition--A shrimp boil sounds good! I like trying different things from the usual.

