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Dazzling and Diligent December - week 2

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    Dazzling and Diligent December - week 2

    Oh gosh Chill-I love it-PP and all!
    Lav-I predict big changes in your relationship with YB in 2012!! Maybe he'd feel comfortable texting his feelings and thoughts to you instead of actually talking? Might be worth a try :H
    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!


      Dazzling and Diligent December - week 2

      Okay, I ordered a turducken too! :H I'm going to have enough food to feed a village. But doesn't this sound good?:

      With the three birds spread open on the table like jackets made of poultry, he starts with the turkey. He sprinkles salt and pepper over it and arranges an inch-thick layer of summer sausage on top. Little cranberries poke out among the pork base. To this he adds apples. Then comes the duck, which he tops with an inch of Virginia sage sausage and pistachios. The wee little chicken comes last, along with a generous ball of pheasant pate.
      This is a place in the Italian Market where I'll pick this up fresh on Saturday. Can't wait to try it!


        Dazzling and Diligent December - week 2

        Wow FlyAway,
        You'd better have the entire meat eating army over :H :H
        I've never had turducken - take a pic for me
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Dazzling and Diligent December - week 2

          Chillgirl--It's funny how different work parties appear when you're sober! I just went to mine and was the only person not drinking. It's very sad to hear about your friend. I hope that in some way you're able to reach him.

          Lavande--I was thinking of you the other day. The neurologist I see for my headaches lives about 2 houses down the street from me. For some reason a chicken has taken to living in his yard! :H He's not really a "country" kind of guy and he's freaked out about it. I always ask him how his pet chicken is doing. He's not amused. He told me that he's afraid it's going to bite him and give him some kind of disease or pox! Chicken pox! :H He's serious though.


            Dazzling and Diligent December - week 2

            I meant to say I am sorry to hear about your friend as well. But I do remember his visit last year & he really sounded then like he was on a major downward slide.

            FlyAway, I'm not a country kind of person either but I'm learning.
            I lived the first 49 1/2 years of my life in a Philly suburb
            Tell your friend to look at: Raising Backyard Chickens. Purchase Chicken Coops, Baby Chicks, Raise Pet Chickens in Your Backyard, Learn About Chicken Breeds!
            Chickens are very friendly - well the hens are, I've never been bitten. I had a rooster atthe beginning & learned he was a mean SOB so I gave him to a big old farmer from Lancaster. (I'm sure SOB ended up in the stew pot :H )
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Dazzling and Diligent December - week 2

              Good morning guys

              A night of disturbed sleep and odd dreams, that's what I get for eating crap for dinner and cheese for dessert!

              FlyAway - your neurologist sounds a bit neurotic :H and has a lousy sense of humor.

              Lav - like Papmom I think PP makes the name even better
              And Lav, show me what's normal, the longer I live the more I'm convinced it's an urban myth probably created by governments :H
              and what normal about that lot!? The only important thing is does it feel ok with you? If it does the "screw normal!"

              I have another no. to try for my friend. I have thought about going to visit him but I don't think I can cope with that, if I get him by phone then fine, I'm not feeling strong enough to take on his troubles right now.

              The weather had predicted a big freeze over night making roads problematic but it looks ok down here. I think I'm going to attempt to go to Glasgow to my "positively Alive" group, I loved the last meeting and it's just what I need especially after last nights fiasco. It's left me feeling even more that I just don't seem to fit in anywhere. But I remember how "at home" and comfortable I felt with this group last time even although they were all strangers. Maybe I am "odd" and that's fine with me, I just need to fine other odd people to hang out with :nutso: that's why I love hanging out here so much! :H

              Wishing you all an amazing AF Saturday, I will be back later......
              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
              AF - JAN 1st 2010
              NF - May 1996


                Dazzling and Diligent December - week 2

                Good morning everyone

                Just a quick check in before my daughter takes over the office.

                Safe journey Chill. Very frosty here but I dont have to drive for a few hours. Very sad about your friend. It is a shame what addiction can bring a person to. You are not the only one who feels they dont really fit in anymore. I am getting more and more anti-social as I get older.

                Fly - I have one of those turdurkens in my freezer to try out over the holidays.

                Lav - who knows what is normal, go with the flow.

                Papmom, Cyn, Star, Sooty, SD, Sped and everyone else big hello and have a great week-end.



                  Dazzling and Diligent December - week 2

                  Good morning frosty friends!

                  Chill, drive safely today & enjoy your group of oddballs :H

                  rustop, I think the anti-social feelings (at least on my part) are part of my survival kit. I have discarded many toxic old friends over the past 10 years.......just didn't want to deal with their BS anymore - especiallt the drama queens :H

                  FlyAway, I'm about to call & inquire about one of those stuffed hams

                  Have a great day y'all!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Dazzling and Diligent December - week 2

                    Evening folks! quiet in here, you are all probably rushing around doing last minute Christmas things.....

                    Lav - I got to thinking about the anti socialness and I reckon we just "know" who we do and don't want to hang out with, being sober we see it much clearer than before.

                    I have to tell you all about my experience today, it couldn't have been in more contrast to the office dinner last night. I met one of the most incredible people today that I have ever had the pleasure of being with in my life. Her name was Maggie.

                    She arrived slightly late for the meeting, shuffled in with tubes going up her nose and around her neck. She was struggling to carry a rucksack with her which I discovered was her oxygen. She was out of breath from walking the way most would be having run up a staircase. She has an enlarged heart and cronic lung disease and will need a transplant to survive. Her smile could light up a Christmas tree and I have never met such a happy passionate person. It was her 1st meeting and she told us when she heard the group was called "Positively Alive" she had to come as it perfectly describes how she feels. She is a single Mum and doesn't own a car so joining us was a big effort.

                    Maggie talked about feeling like an outsider and we joked about us being aliens. She lives for every single moment and loves every breath she takes. She told about how when she was diagnosed her boys were so protective of her. Yelling to people to get out her way so she could get through and making sure no one smoked with in a 100 miles of her. She says now they moan if she asked them to get her something and complain if she asked them to carry her cylinder. She says it makes her so happy. At 1st I didnt understand what she was saying, surely it was good when they were fussing over her? "No" she relied, "now I know they are no longer scared and worried for me." That is how beautiful and selfless Maggie is....

                    Half way through our wonderful 2 hours together I no longer even saw the tubes, I just saw the most amazing soul with the most amazing smile. I feel so so blessed to have met this lady and can't wait to spend time with her again. She was also so relived to have met like minded people and was shining with joy at how we instantly clicked. If being odd means fitting in with beings like Maggie I'm proud of my oddness.

                    Maggie has banged me on the head and woken me up, just like my earthquake 2 years ago.I came home and opened the pile of Christmas cards (thank you Blondie for yours!) which have been building up all week and I put on my Christmas music. I think I met a real live Angel today......
                    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                    AF - JAN 1st 2010
                    NF - May 1996


                      Dazzling and Diligent December - week 2

                      Chillgirl;1228203 wrote: Evening folks! quiet in here, you are all probably rushing around doing last minute Christmas things.....

                      Lav - I got to thinking about the anti socialness and I reckon we just "know" who we do and don't want to hang out with, being sober we see it much clearer than before.

                      I have to tell you all about my experience today, it couldn't have been in more contrast to the office dinner last night. I met one of the most incredible people today that I have ever had the pleasure of being with in my life. Her name was Maggie

                      She arrived slightly late for the meeting, shuffled in with tubes going up her nose and around her neck. She was struggling to carry a rucksack with her which I discovered was her oxygen. She was out of breath from walking the way most would be having run up a staircase. She has an enlarged heart and cronic lung disease and will need a transplant to survive. Her smile could light up a Christmas tree and I have never met such a happy passionate person. It was her 1st meeting and she told us when she heard the group was called "Positively Alive" she had to come as it perfectly describes how she feels. She is a single Mum and doesn't own a car so joining us was a big effort.

                      Maggie talked about feeling like an outsider and we joked about us being aliens. She lives for every single moment and loves every breath she takes. She told about how when she was diagnosed her boys were so protective of her. Yelling to people to get out her way so she could get through and making sure no one smoked with in a 100 miles of her. She says now they moan if she asked them to get her something and complain if she asked them to carry her cylinder. She says it makes her so happy. At 1st I didnt understand what she was saying, surely it was good when they were fussing over her? "No" she relied, "now I know they are no longer scared and worried for me." That is how beautiful and selfless Maggie is....

                      Half way through our wonderful 2 hours together I no longer even saw the tubes, I just saw the most amazing soul with the most amazing smile. I feel so so blessed to have met this lady and can't wait to spend time with her again. She was also so relived to have met like minded people and was shining with joy at how we instantly clicked. If being odd means fitting in with beings like Maggie I'm proud of my oddness.

                      Maggie has banged me on the head and woken me up, just like my earthquake 2 years ago.I came home and opened the pile of Christmas cards (thank you Blondie for yours!) which have been building up all week and I put on my Christmas music. I think I met a real live Angel today......
                      thank you so much for this Chill, I have tears in my eyes. xx
                      "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                      AF 10th May 2010
                      NF 12th May 2010


                        Dazzling and Diligent December - week 2

                        Chillgirl;1228203 wrote: Evening folks! quiet in here, you are all probably rushing around doing last minute Christmas things.....

                        Lav - I got to thinking about the anti socialness and I reckon we just "know" who we do and don't want to hang out with, being sober we see it much clearer than before.

                        I have to tell you all about my experience today, it couldn't have been in more contrast to the office dinner last night. I met one of the most incredible people today that I have ever had the pleasure of being with in my life. Her name was Maggie

                        She arrived slightly late for the meeting, shuffled in with tubes going up her nose and around her neck. She was struggling to carry a rucksack with her which I discovered was her oxygen. She was out of breath from walking the way most would be having run up a staircase. She has an enlarged heart and cronic lung disease and will need a transplant to survive. Her smile could light up a Christmas tree and I have never met such a happy passionate person. It was her 1st meeting and she told us when she heard the group was called "Positively Alive" she had to come as it perfectly describes how she feels. She is a single Mum and doesn't own a car so joining us was a big effort.

                        Maggie talked about feeling like an outsider and we joked about us being aliens. She lives for every single moment and loves every breath she takes. She told about how when she was diagnosed her boys were so protective of her. Yelling to people to get out her way so she could get through and making sure no one smoked with in a 100 miles of her. She says now they moan if she asked them to get her something and complain if she asked them to carry her cylinder. She says it makes her so happy. At 1st I didnt understand what she was saying, surely it was good when they were fussing over her? "No" she relied, "now I know they are no longer scared and worried for me." That is how beautiful and selfless Maggie is....

                        Half way through our wonderful 2 hours together I no longer even saw the tubes, I just saw the most amazing soul with the most amazing smile. I feel so so blessed to have met this lady and can't wait to spend time with her again. She was also so relived to have met like minded people and was shining with joy at how we instantly clicked. If being odd means fitting in with beings like Maggie I'm proud of my oddness.

                        Maggie has banged me on the head and woken me up, just like my earthquake 2 years ago.I came home and opened the pile of Christmas cards (thank you Blondie for yours!) which have been building up all week and I put on my Christmas music. I think I met a real live Angel today......
                        What an absolutely wonderful story Chilly and thank you soooooo much for sharing it. And thank you Maggie :l
                        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                          Dazzling and Diligent December - week 2

                          Lav--I grew up on a chicken farm. I love them! My neurologist is not interested in having a pet chicken, he's scared of it. He keeps saying things like he hopes it freezes to death or gets hit by a car. I wish it would come on over to my yard!

                          Chill--What an amazing story! I got goosebumps reading it. Your group sounds fantastic. I visited Scotland for this first time this past April. I was blown away by how beautiful your country is.

                          Rustop--Where did you find your turducken? I was going to order mine online but then found that I could get one locally and fresh. We'll have to compare notes afterward!

                          Ahh, home from work and now my weekend has begun.


                            Dazzling and Diligent December - week 2

                            Good evening all!

                            Had kind of an interesting & pleasant day myself despite the 2 1/2 hr traffic jam on I-95 FlyAway
                            We decided to go ahead & take a ride down to Gambrill, MD to pick up one of those beautiful stuffed hams! It's a 71 mile trip from my house to Brandy Farms but I think it's worth it. We tasted samples - YUM
                            That poor chicken is welcome to move in with my girls. How can a grown man be so heartless & where do you think the chicken came from???

                            Chill, your meeting Maggie was a real gift, just what you needed I think.
                            Isn't it amazing how some people find a way to deal with hardships with such grace, style & eloquence? I'm sure meeting you & the rest of the group was what she needed as well.

                            Hi starty & oney!

                            Just 2 degrees above freezing & we drove thru snow snow flurries - tis the season

                            Hello to the rest of our December Dazzlers!
                            Let's all have a warm & safe night!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Dazzling and Diligent December - week 2

                              Good morning all....

                              Chill, so good that you are feeling the Christmas spirit, that meeting with Maggie put things in perspective. I too have been feeling down and do not know why. When I hear about someone having to be on oxygen and needing transplants, whew, life really is precious. I just get caught up in all the STUFF I have to do and rebel, I think. I always feel that I am not enough, don't do enough, have enough, etc. Then, I hear your story and realize that we are all enough and ok right where we are. I get your feeling of not fitting in, wondering when we will be content. It seems that when we get what we want, we don't always want it. Or we want something more. Does this make sense? Maybe it is the human condition to always keep seeking and searching.

                              Lav, you really drove all over for that ham!!! I went shopping again last night for food, two stores down, one to go today. My goodness, it is really a journey, getting food for Christmas.

                              I will try to check in later. I was woken up to early today and feel kind of irritated about it. The hot flashes are back and sleep is fragile. Darn.

                              Have a joyful day.
                              Formerly known as redhibiscus


                                Dazzling and Diligent December - week 2

                                Quick check- in here...Chill, thanks for the recounting of your experience, wonderful reminder.

                                I have been flying around with the rest of you. HB is restless, wanting to do a million house projects...I'm just thinking NOT NOW! I'll wave at you Lav and Fly - we're off on another shorty trip. Friend performing in NYC tonight, and then on to DC to have a holiday dinner with close friends. We were going to take the train, then realized we were looking at 1 way fares $$, as opposed to round trip $$$$, so it will be a drive instead.

                                My little girl dog has had hot spots since our MN trip 2 weeks ago - I think it is from the anxiety of us traveling, so I hope she does OK until Tuesday. At least I'm not going away for Christmas this will be the first year to celebrate with the family and dogs together!

                                Wishing you all well in the craziness -- LBH, wow the Catalan stew sounds divine. I have a taste for your African Peanut Soup -- I'll be making it when we return. Good for all of you who are continuing to cook and nourish yourselves.

                                More from the road if I can manage it. Solstice is Tuesday!
                                to the light

