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fri 16 dec af daily

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    fri 16 dec af daily

    Good morning all - up after little lie in ready for wallpaper stripping. I think i may be a bit odd - I quite like it!! Not looking forward to clearing the room out first, there also seems to be a small washing up mountain as well.

    I changed plans for tonight - was gonna be cocktail evening in posh bar - I was gonna drive. Instead invited friends over for food and dvds, cheaper and cosier and means I can go to bed when I need to. It's the big parties, bars that tempt me - drinking on an evening in isn't a trigger.I am also over the moon that I will be at 6 weeks af tomorrow and no way will I give that up for a glass of off grape juice.
    They'll be drinking - one very moderately if at all - she's from the states and finds our UK get trollied at all occasions approach baffling - I like her attitude.
    I won't be drinking and that's ok... Marshy - I love that phrase thank you.

    Glad to have a day off - only two and a half days left to work next week, then I am working on 29/12. Happy Friday everyone.
    one day at a time

    fri 16 dec af daily

    BEAR YOU ROCK!!!!! I am over the moon to see you swap out your plans to keep yourself safe!!! YOU ARE DOIN' IT!

    Kas I'm speechless over yesterdays post. (This is tongue in cheek as you will see) You are so engaging with your humor and wit, it absolutely baffles me how Mr. Kas can go days without a verbal interaction. I am so sorry about the coyote. That sort of thing can really haunt you. Let's make up a story. It was a very sick coyote and was in a great deal of discomfort which would have continued on in a painful demise had you not given it the favor of a speedy end. There I feel better already.

    OK ther robe comes off at 8. I'm outta here.

    One things for sure. I'd rather strip naked in public on the stage of an outdoor sports arena in a cold driving rain than........ STRIP WALLPAPER!!

    And that other thing is for sure.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      fri 16 dec af daily

      Kas so sorry about the coyate too, We hit a bear once it effected me for days. Luckily the Subaru did not falter. Could have been a disaster. Glad you were not hurt.

      I have a ton to do instead I am in bed reading the newest Steven King book. I figure I deserve to lie in. Besides I can't put it down and its huge.

      Off to do cleaning and bake a cake. No wallpaper for me. One thing for sure...


        fri 16 dec af daily

        Oh Kas, I'm so sorry about the coyote! I haven't hit anything bigger than a squirrel but even so I was devastated. I can't imagine hitting something resembling my beloved canines! My brother saw a moose get hit on his way to my sister's party in Nov. He was 2 cars down and on a road he NEVER goes on. Decided to take it because it was dark and the road he usually takes is always a huge deer and moose strike risk. Ironic huh? So you never know when it's the poor creature's time. I like Greenie's story. Stay safe on your way back home with your precious cargo.

        No wallpaper stripping for me until holiday week and then only a border so hope it won't be too bad. Still___________________.

        DG-are your finals over finally? Please check in! You too IJM!!

        Bear!!!! I think you've got it!! (she says in her best cockney ala My Fair Lady accent). I think you are going to be very surprised at how much fun you will have tonite staying in! Good on ya!!

        Hey to Lav, Sunni, M3, Turn, Sid, Fly (hang in there-it gets better I promise!!), Det and anyone else lurking.

        I'm home sick today. Had a rough afternoon yesterday requiring way too many trips to the little girls room and woke up exhausted. I'm caught up with all my work for now so except for missing a meeting (of which we've had 2 already on same subject this month alone-really?) this morning I don't feel too guilty. The funny part is I bet everyone is thinking I'm sneaking off to do xmas shopping and apart from a trip to the bank and PO I'm staying put!! I'll do computer work, read, rest and that's it!!

        I'll check in off and on so be good fabbers!
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          fri 16 dec af daily

          Hello! Hello! I'm here!! P3 - it was so cool to come here today and see your message!!

          bear - I am SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!! Changing your plans to something that is manageable for your current place in the sober life is just AWESOME. What a change! And an important one as well. YOU GO GIRL!!!!! Can't wait to help you celebrate 6 weeks tomorrow!

          Kas - I haven't read the back threads yet but I'm sorry it seems you hit a coyote. Hope you are OK.

          Greenie - you are so funny as always. Strip nekkid in a sports stadium. My word! (I think I would rather do that than strip wallpaper too....)

          Sidney - I haven't read any of Stephen King in many years. As a teenager (before ice boxes) I read The Stand and couln't put it down. Is whatever one you are reading that good? If so, what is the title?

          Hello to all fabbies yet to come!

          Last final was yesterday morning. I drive through a forest preserve on the way to school, and for some reason, yesterday morning in the dark I was thinking "deer." Funny Kas had an issue with an animal in the road on the same day. I drive through there all the time and see deer all the time, but only a few times have I felt on "high alert." I got all As in my classes. Amazing how fast they get grades posted here in the computer age!

          I have also been "heads down" on my other big issue - SUGAR. Which of course is tied to weight gain. I am happy to say I have been fully back on track for 19 days in a row now. I am really determined to keep sugar and the subsequent problems it brings for me out of my life for good.

          Besides thing is for sure! I'm looking forward to catching up with what everyone is doing.

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            fri 16 dec af daily

            Morning abbers! Wow, everyone is doing so well! Bear, so proud of you, that rocks. P3 hope you feel better soon, being sick sucks. DG - all A's you are awesome. Greenie, as always you are hillarious!
            Kas, I hope you are doing better today, sorry about the coyote.

            I am vertical but not quite awake yet, but THAT'S OKAY! I am doing some homework today and maybe some baking but that's about it. Nothing overly exciting.
            My daugter called at 7.30 (she's at her dad's this week) and said Mom, can you bring me my running shoes right now? Last night she had us bring up her soccor socks and shin pads because she's in a floor ball tournament today. I was like, sorry kiddo, we have already run up there once because YOU didn't pack your bag properly. I am not running all over the planet for you, you will have to figure something out (she has shoes there so she'll be fine). I felt bad but tough love you know? She has to learn that she can't keep forgetting things and getting away with it. I swear she would forget her head if it wasn't attached to her body, most forgetful kid ever.

            Anyway, I'm off to get more coffee and start my day. One thing is for sure.
            Love you guys - so grateful to have you all in my life.
            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


              fri 16 dec af daily

              Still losing the sugar battle myself DG but I may have found a secret weapon. Just have to employ it mindfully! It's call Sugar Cookie Tea by Celestial Seasonings. It' smells very much like my beloved sugar cookies, the taste however could use some sweetening BUT it's close and I think will do the trick at nite before bed. I've only had it once, last nite I couldn't bear anything but water and toast so tonite I will give it a second try.

              The whoopie pies seem to be a thing of the past especially since chocolate now gives me an uncomfortable buzz throughout my whole body which is not good when trying to fall asleep. I've made peace with that.

              good job uni on the tough love. My parents never felt bad dishing it out I swear but I learned early on what consequences were!!
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                fri 16 dec af daily

                I stopped reading Steven King too. However the last couple of books have been more like the old stuff. 11 22 63 is the title. It is about the assassination of JFK...and time travel.
                Hope to finish it today so I can clean my house. Sid


                  fri 16 dec af daily

                  Good morning Abbers

                  Finally calming down from a major firestorm at home with the wife this morning. I kind of reached the end of my rope over a relatively minor issues that was one of a long string of minor events. Not sure where that all came from. I don't feel bad over getting upset, as I had cause....but I do think I did let it get out of control to a point it never should have reached. Perfect time for vodka to rescue me but at 6:30 am before work?? Not a chance....not anymore....never again.

                  Sigh....trying to put on a happy face today and not sure I will find that anytime soon. Sorry to be a downer and I do appreciate all your positive energy! Keep on keeping on!
                  Is Addiction Really a Disease?
                  Watch this and find out....


                    fri 16 dec af daily

                    Good late morning Abbers - actually almost noon already! Geez!

                    Kaslo, sorry about the coyote. It's always sad to hit an animal but it's not your fault.
                    We have tons of deer around here, always have to be on the look out.

                    DG, hello! My DIL's finals are done as well. She looks absolutely beat right now :H

                    bear, so good to see YOU in charge of your life

                    greenie - have a good day cutting!!!

                    sid, I gave up reading Stephen King when I read Kujo - gave me horrible nightmares!

                    papmom, take care of yourself today & drink lots of fluids - don't want you to dehydrate. Viral stuff is rampant this time of year!

                    4theboyz, this time of year brings out the worst in people's personalities I think - if only by accident. I think we all get a little too touchy & just feel too much anxiety. I am trying to avoid that BS by setting aside 20 minutes or so to mediatate every evening

                    Uni, teaching our kids to be responsible for their stuff is all part of the parenting job - keep at it & she'll catch on soon enough.

                    Time to get some work done.
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      fri 16 dec af daily

                      Ab fabbers!

                      Packing for our Vietnam trip. We're leaving early tomorrow morning. I'm really not looking forward to the flight but GF has just shown me her inflatable neck pillow thing for the plane. Why have I never thought of that before? Will buy one at the airport tomorrow!

                      Back in a couple of weeks. Have a happy Christmas and New Year everyone. Be good!
                      AF since December 22nd 2008
                      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                        fri 16 dec af daily

                        Have a really wonderful time Marshy. You will be missed! Sid


                          fri 16 dec af daily

                          Hi againg fABbies! Marshy - have a fABulous trip with GF. Can't wait to hear what it's like in Vietnam!

                          sidney - I'm looking forward to getting to know you.

                          4tbz - it's AWESOME to see you here. Sorry you had a rough morning. I can sure relate to eyeballing the vodka (or...pouring a drink) at 6:30AM. Been there done that. What a life of misery it was! I was usually "drinking at" someone too. Not a good way to manage relationships for me. Hope the rest of your day is better. I like the link in your sig line. I'm going to watch that series. The "you're in denial you just need to surrender" days of treatment are not compliant with the new world order. Counselors who continue operating in that vein are eventually going to find themselves behind the times. It's an exciting time to be getting involved in the changes happening in the addiction treatment community.

                          Lav!! :yougo::yougo: As always, the voice of reason! I hope your DD enjoys her time off school and the family time with you over the holidays! I've got Big Plans for my time off. :H We'll see how much of it actually gets done LOL!

                          Uni - I'm sure the tough love was the right thing. How will she ever learn to double check and make sure she's got all her stuff? Great to see you!!

                          P3!!!!! The sugar thing is a b!tch. I'm determined to just stop going there, ever. It's like AL for me. Same story different day. I really want to be over doing the same thing again and again and expecting different results. That is the definition of.......

                          It's good to be back!

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            fri 16 dec af daily

                            Hidy Ho AB-family!

                            Papmom, you feeling any better?

                            yep, sugar is my biggest dietary challenge now as well. doing 'mostly' well on that front.

                            Doggygirl, you straight A superstar you! way to go

                            been a crazy work week and I'm happy to be home.

                            Off to a tea party rally (I'll wave to you all if news cameras are there) then to the gym for a sound trouncing

                            be well
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)


                              fri 16 dec af daily

                              Safe travels Marshy!! Hope you and GF can manage to post some pics while you're there!

                              4TBZ-hope your day got progressively better!!

                              Damn it's cold in this house!! I think I might need to invest in an electric blanket for once!

                              Managed to get out and do some errands which means I have all morning tomorrow to clean. :wd:. I think I have all the xmas shopping done too. Mostly gift cards and gift certificates. I still have to stop in at the fabric shop to pick out curtain material but can do that sunday nite. Dad ordered the snow shoes for my bro. Oh crap, forgot the Old Navy gc for my sil. no worries-easy pick up. everyone else is accounted for. whew!

                              I've decided to economize with veterinary issues. My vet of 14 years left the practice that is 30 min away from where I live. :upset: Very sad but wish him well heading up a new local low income vet clinic. He's a great man to do this. he'll be working closely with the voke tech vet ass't students as well since the new clinic is actually inside the school.
                              Anyway there is another VCA clinic right down the road from me. i've decided to transfer all the kids over to there. They are taking care of getting the records transferred and I have my first app't on the 26th.
                              Right next door is a brand new doggie day care (these people are living my dream!!) so I stopped in and introduced myself. Husband and wife team and seem very nice. The facility is clean and still smells of fresh paint. I may see if I can squeeze one day a week out of my budget to bring Mickey there for some socializing and away from DD time. He deserves a little pampering after all he's been through the past 4 years with DD coming into the fray.
                              Change doesn't seem so bad these days. In fact, kind of exciting!! Now if I can just conjour up some change in my job situation!!

                              AFM-your surpise is on its way!!
                              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                              KO the Beast!!

