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sat 17 af daily

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    sat 17 af daily

    Hiya Turnagain, Uni, Kas, Lav, Papstar,Nelz, and Abbers to come,

    Great pic Kas, thanks. Nice symbolism.

    Uni, never forget that you are a hero, and a star. You are made of great stuff. You are strong, smart, wise, and your courage is outstanding. Look at your incredible journey and how far you have come. As Pap say's, it sounds like your partner's issue, not yours.
    We who battle this addiction and don't give up, are very special people. We who stop drinking, and stay stopped, like you, are absolutely amazing, and made of very special stuff.
    Your partners comments, whilst hurtful and out of order, should bounce off your superhero aura. No, i haven't been drinking. :H Hope you have a peaceful and happy sunday. :h

    L8tr, Yo!

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      sat 17 af daily

      Hey guys, Thanks for the support. He just came home and i was like "so how was your day", and he was like okay. I need to go shopping again though. I was immediatly suspicious because for the past 3 days he has taken off to go "shopping". So I said, you aren't done yet? I'm surprised, you've been shopping for the past 3 days. To which he admitted that he lied and he wasn't out shopping, he was out with one of his friends. Who happens to be a gorgeous girl. hmmmmm - I'm thinking we have a lot to talk about in our next counselling session. FH

      I am going to see if a GF from program wants to catch a movie or go for coffee. I need to get the bleep out of this house before I say something I will regret. Because right now I'm pissed. Deservedly so.
      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


        sat 17 af daily

        Universal I hope you have a fabulous time at the movie. You need a little space right now.
        So sorry you are going through this while you are doing so well on the AF transition. Christmas just seems to make some people a little crazy.
        Still Af here, and still trying to lay a floor, which is apparently not something I do very well. Covered in bruises, floor stil 75% naked. Sigh
        Hope everyone has a fabulous Saturday night.
        Wally22:confusedmonkey::confusedmonkey::confusedmo nkey:
        If I don't want to brag but I can still wear the earings I wore in highschool
        November 2, 2012


          sat 17 af daily

          (((Uni))) I hope you were able to catch up with a friend to go do something with. These support groups are sure awesome for that, eh? FH indeed. I'm sure it's hard but I hope you can just keep focusing on YOU and being the very best "you" you can be....for YOU. The rest will be whatever it will be.

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            sat 17 af daily

            Ready for my Christmas brunch tomorrow for 18. I hope. I am excited but I know I will feel relieved when its over. I am not worried about not drinking. There are at least two others who do not drink and of course the kids. I told everyone if you want wine please bring it. I am supplying everything else.

            Sorry your husband is being a dick Uni. Christmas doesn't always bring out the best of everyone. I know how hard it is but if you can ignore him maybe he will back off.

            Bear you should be so proud of yourself. We are.

            Kaslo I agree your photos are breathtaking.

            As for the sugar thing I am not worrying about it until Monday.

            Take care all wish me luck tomorrow.



              sat 17 af daily

              Hello Dahlinks. Checking in on the site here to say hi. My daughter is making us DINNER. :h:h She is quite a good cook. Taught herself over the past two years at University and did a fine job. She is making a chicken currry with coconut, orange and red peppers over basmati rice with some fresh spinach. Im chuffed!

              Tomorrow is Mr. Kaslos birthday. I went and bought him a bottle of wine as he never drinks it at home, now, since I quit last February, and this will be a treat for him and our daughter. Neither of them are big drinkers. Once or twice a month, maybe? Wish I could be like that, but Im not so boo hoo. (Not). I went into the jar store, it has not changed, but I felt....nothing. Was pretty bored to listen to the woman ahead of me talk about how much booze they have already consumed this Christmas season. My daughter was with me, and she kind of lightly patted me on the shoulder to show me how much she supports my effort, and I found her reaction very sweet. But really I drew a blank, and I could not have cared less.

              Dont have much to add to the others comments Uni, but if you kept it together, thats a good thing. I hope your daughter is ok, and that you survive the whole thing with your dignity intact.

              Sid its your Mr. Sids bd tomorrow too isnt it? Enjoy your brunch thing. Its just going to be the three of us, here, and I have to work, which sucks but its the usual.

              Turnagain, too funny re bellowing Serenity Now! That would crack me up too, so perhaps I should try it. I find that even though its been almost a year now, I still loose my temper, and still get angry, AND I still get depressed sometimes. I think the sugar link is important and I read the site you posted. Like P3 I had a history of sweets, my great uncle started me out at a very young age with a huge bag of jellybeans every weekend. And then, he took me around to all his Hindi and Shuswap and Cantonese growers and THEY fed me sweets too, and I could not understand a word that was being said, but it tasted great! So its no wonder Im a huge pile of pooh in the blood sugar department. A happy pile, mostly, but huge. SO.... Ima try to cut back and see if that helps with the mood swings, which I am sure you are all familiar with.

              Thats it for me, time to go help Jane and Toby the parrot with the raita.

              One thing is for darn sure.

              SS Kaslo, paddlewheeler of the Kootenay.

              Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
              Status: Happy:h


                sat 17 af daily

                sid, good luck with your brunch
                The fact that you are cool & sober will make it an event to remember!

                uni, I hope you found a friend today so you could get a little space & relax time! FHs indeed!!!!!!

                DG, I hope you are having some relax time yourself this weekend - you deserve it too!

                Hi Wally & G!

                Turn, a Polar Plunge? Geez, sounds cold :H
                it is currently 34 degrees here & saw a few snow flurries earler - about time I guess.

                Nelz, glad you are with us & that everything is cool for you too

                papmom, are you over your viral disturbance, feeling better I hope?
                My grandsons both have colds - that's a lot of snot!!!

                Kaslo, another gorgeous picture, thanks! Hope your time with your daughter is good!

                Had a pretty good day myself. I asked YB to drive us 71 miles into Southern MD to pick up a handmade stuffed ham (FlyAway told me about these hams). We were stuck in a 2 1/2 hr traffic jam on the Interstate, YB remained calm & pleasant & I didn't feel the need to jump out of the car & run :H His overall mood & attitude have been improving - proving that there is a God!

                OK, wishing everyone a peaceful night!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  sat 17 af daily

                  Hi guys - daughter is at her fathers Kas, so she's good but it was sweet of you to ask.
                  I am really proud of myself. I decided to go out after all and pick up a couple of things. All the way up the hill I was thinking - just grab 6 beers, you're sleeping in the spare room anyway, he'll never know. I immediatly picked up my phone and called a friend (not home); so I looked up and said "please help me, I don't want to drink, I am weak right now and need your strength". I drove past the liquor store and didn't stop - went and picked up what I needed and came home. Feeling stronger and so glad that I didn't give in cause really it's like DG said yesterday - I would have been drinking "at" someone. And for what? I won't let anyone have that power over me. So I'm patting myself on the back as I am sitting here drinking my diet pepsi and getting ready for bed. Thanks guys for all of your support today, sorry if I hijacked the thread.

                  Love you all,
                  Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                    sat 17 af daily

                    Oh goodie!! I'm so glad there's a happy ending to the uni story! Good girl uni!! :goodjob: Everybody's all safe and sound and AF and det's at home and not in a hotel. I can go to sleep all peaceful now. Except I had a real coke at the party and 2 choccie truffles so I have a minor caffeine buzz goin' on. :zonedout:

                    Kas... LOL at the SS Kaslo paddlewheeler of the kootenay :H

                    Maybe I'll cruise up to Canada tomorrow and give the newest addition to the FH ranks one of my special haircuts.
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      sat 17 af daily

                      Hello Fabs!

                      Wow, it's been busy day here! Uni, so glad you came through unscathed :l I quite like the phrase 'drinking at someone'... I think all of us can identify with that. Thanks DG! Wally, what type of floor are you laying? G-man, always happy to see you here Lav, you went driving for hours with YB??? And he lived to tell the tale?? :H Btw.. I've asked this before.. what does YB stand for, please? Sid, have a smashing good time at your luncheon tomorrow. Kas, well done getting through the wino aisles. Oh.. and beautiful picture, as always Turn.. :H "I feel bad when YOU are an asshole" Love it!

                      I got a FB message from my niece last night (ex-asshole's brother's youngest daughter) who lives out in AB. Have not seen/heard from that part of the family since.. hmmm.. my son's 2nd birthday, I believe. 17 years ago. Anywhoo... she has a little boy of her own now and is looking for some sort of family connection, I think. Mixed feelings here. Really f*cked up family all around but ya can't blame the kids. Maybe this is the time to break the cycle? We'll see, I suppose.

                      Youngest step son made it home today. Like the kid (24) but will have to have a talk with Mr. Wonderful. I'm so dead broke right now and I'm not sure if the assumption is that I'll feed him (he's vegetarian and usually hangs around for a few months in the winter). Having him here can easily add $200 to my overall monthly bills (groceries/hydro -which are the bills I pay). Anywho.. am a little apprehensive.. I suck at confronting anything/anyone and usually avoid it like the pest. But, that's part of the cycle I
                      need to change.

                      Ok, that's it, that's all... will talk at ya tomorrow! Have a super Sunday! Over and out!
                      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                      Winning since October 24th, 2013


                        sat 17 af daily

                        Thank you all for your kind wishes! And it is Mr. Sidney's birthday tomorrow. Nice for him to see his side of the family on that day. Sid


                          sat 17 af daily

                 will do so well at the brunch. I know it because you are fabulous.

                          Happy B-day to Mr. Sid and Mr. are some lucky dudes.
                          Sober for the Revolution!
                          AF & NF July 23, 2011


                            sat 17 af daily

                            Well done Uni! After the kind of day you've had you showed some real cajones.

                            Thanks everyone re comments on the photo btw, it's a passion of mine.


                            Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                            Status: Happy:h


                              sat 17 af daily

                              Kas, that is a beautifully allusive picture. thank you.

                              a quick dirty cellphone picture of an obnoxiously over-decorated house I saw tonight. it actually had a sound system and the lights were synchronized. eeeeek! yes I took a quick video of it I'll upload to youtube tomorrow and post the link

                              be well friends
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)


                                sat 17 af daily

                                Obnixious as it may seem, I am excited by the aspect of it being the expression of someone's passion for a hobby. I think I would like more of that kind of passion in my life.

                                sunnybutt, YB is yard boy.
                                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

