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sun 18 dec af daily

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    sun 18 dec af daily

    hey all - up early ready for skating - will be helping out but not skating - knee and back still bit dodgy. Happy to be af.
    Uni - you are being so strong and focused - good for you - keep at it.

    shattered - very disturbed sleep last night - odd dreams - i had 4 strong coffees yesterday and 2 large diet cokes - funny that!

    i walked 4 and a half miles yesterday and feel good for it - achy but good - may do workout dvd after skating. i am gonna try my best to cycle to work tomorrow - if not i will hit the gym and have a steam/sauna.need to work on strengthening core and knee. i need to move each day to feel good.

    happy to be af - i found party bit difficult to be sober at times - felt shy and worries of 'they don't like me' talked back to it - recovery princess says she can ddeal with feeling bit uncomfortable on odd occasion as life is so much better overall.

    happy sunday everyone
    one day at a time

    sun 18 dec af daily

    bear73;1228548 wrote: happy to be af - i found party bit difficult to be sober at times - felt shy and worries of 'they don't like me' talked back to it - recovery princess says she can deal with feeling bit uncomfortable on odd occasion as life is so much better overall.
    VERY good point!!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      sun 18 dec af daily

      Hi bear, :crowned:, and all to come!

      happy to be af - i found party bit difficult to be sober at times - felt shy and worries of 'they don't like me' talked back to it - recovery princess says she can ddeal with feeling bit uncomfortable on odd occasion as life is so much better overall.
      Love it Bear!

      Uni, so proud of you!

      Lav, I am goofing off a LOT this weekend!

      Hi Kas, Sunni, Det, Turn, and eveyone else from yesterday!

      Off for a weigh in and then to the gym for a hard workout. Then off to the in-law holiday *whatever* where I will be learning how to play Qwirckle(sp) with the kids instead of sitting at the dessert table with the women. That dessert table has derailed me more than once. Not going there. 21 days sugar free today.

      I used to be the only one having more than one glass of wine at this particular party. And I was sure nobody would notice. :H:H:H

      One thing is for sure...

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        sun 18 dec af daily

        Morning abbers! Up and hangover free! Feels so good.

        FH is out all day today so I can veg and sleep and not have to care about what he thinks. Greenie - LOL on the haircut!

        I am looking forward to a lazy day today. Maybe wrap the rest of my presents but other than that gonna do nada except read a book and veg. Feels good to be able to do that. Especially after yesterdays craziness. So happy that I prevailed!!!

        Okay, off to get a coffee in me. Love you guys,

        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          sun 18 dec af daily

          Good morning Abbers!

          Congrats on a hangover, guilt free morning bear!
          It really is awesome to realize you have such power!!!!!

          Hey there greenie, DG & uni!

          I have to go visit deceased relatives today, don't get there more than a few times per year.
          I am going to go out back & cut some greenery, add some holly cuttings, a red bow & make something nice to leave them.

          Wishing everyone a fabulous AF Sunday!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            sun 18 dec af daily

            Morning Fabsters!

            Some sanding & finishing in the shop for me today, I believe we'll go cut a tree, and I would like to get some baking done - that should be my day today

            Bear... love that rebuttal. Very true.
            Greenie... thank you, Lav explained in PM as well. And I understand YOU had something to do with coining that phrase... quelle surprise! :H
            DG... good luck with shunning the dessert table. You're a better woman than I am
            Uni... glad you'll be able to have some down time today.

            Btw... we had sn*w overnight! I clearly requested 'none of that white shit' in my letter to Santa... maybe he didn't get it?

            Anywhoo - off I go. Have a splendid Sunday! One thing is for sure...
            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

            Winning since October 24th, 2013


              sun 18 dec af daily

              x-post Lav... have a fabulous time!
              Geeez... I haven't done any of that this year. I usually make outdoor planters and whatnot
              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                sun 18 dec af daily


                papmom, I cannot wait to see what it is!! I am so floored by you wonderful MWO people. Lav, I LOVE my hat and toque! I am wearing them a lot these days!

                I am truly grateful that Little AFM is on holidays now. I really ran my arse off the past month doing stuff for her school, that yesterday, I was so exhausted and really couldn't muster any energy to do much of anything. I even attempted going to Walmart last night to grab a couple of things and almost passed out. I really gotta start taking it a bit easier instead of pretending that I am the Bionic Woman.

                Today, I am gonna do nothing much of anything. I need to chill and regain some strength. Chemo is starting to make me a bit tired, and need to rest up a bit.

                Bear, I am sooooooo super proud of you!!!!

                Lots of love to you all. I am heading back to the couch to watch Coronation Street. Have a great AF day everyone! xoxo


                  sun 18 dec af daily


        [/video]]Christmas lights synchronized to music - YouTube
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    sun 18 dec af daily

                    wowee peeps...this place is rockin for a Sunday! It is always so fabulous to wake up feeling so good.....unhung....and ready for another day of life on this beautiful planet. And it is such a treat to pop in here and see how all is going for some of the bravest, strongest people I've ever had the privilege to know.

           did well yesterday....and you know how darn proud of you we all are here. Glad you are getting some recharge time....that's really a great thing.

           glad to hear from you. You are always in my thoughts....It's great that you've been out doing what you want and need to do AND you are wise to listen to yourself when it's time to slow down a bit. That is a great quality to cultivate!

                    Speaking of taking it easy...Bear you are a wonder on wheels! I know you are anxious to get back in the rink. I can only add my cautionary tale here: I went all out the first in the first hockeygame I played after surgery and strained my good leg! Still dealing with that, but have some time before the games resume. I think my team could end up in championship play this season and damn it, I want to be thar!

                    Det...thank you for posting the holiday vid. Decorators Gone Wild!? I am not sure how much of that I could take in person without it inducing a seizure! You took one for the team, sweetie! I wonder if the neighbors have gone nuts?

                    DoggyG - I am channeling your iron will. No sh-sh-sh-SHUGAR for 21 days?!?! HOLY SNICKERDOODLES!!!! You are my idol x 2 now! Today...I've got yet another xmas partay....some neighbors do a big chili and cookie extravaganza. Even the word cookie makes me salivate. Cookies are like Al to me in that I cannot have just one. I want them all. I will survive because I am working today and can only visit long enough to be polite.

                    oh...Pmom...I remember you mentioning something about a cookie flavored I went to the store to hunt some down and could not find a celestial seasonings brand....BUT I did find a LIPTON Tea (believe it or not) called.... Vanilla Caramel Truffle.
                    Black Tea (so assuming it has caffeine) Zero Calories. A good treat in a pinch...but now here's another believe it or not....the tea has CORNstarch in it! WHUH?

                    If you ever want an eye-opener on what's really going on in our food supply I encourage you to read...

                    The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollack.

                    It is a well written and entertaining book. You'll learn more than you ever imagined about corn - you'll read about corn sex (corn porn!!!) and how the corn kings have managed to get corn into nearly everything we eat. Last year, I found out EVEN some salmon can have corn in it. I kid you not. Up here....the hatchery raised salmon is fed a kibble made from corn! And yes, farm-raised fish eats that same corn-kibble. YIKES! WILD is always the way to go, eh? I just hope those wild ones know better than to have fish sex with their corn-fed cousins.....

                    ooooo....didn't mean to rant. Well...maybe just a little. I am passionate about figuring out a way to stop this madness.

                    Sid...can't wait to hear about your brunch....If you've got leftovers...maybe you can send some to Sunni to help her out with the kid with the hollow leg!

                    holla and wishes for a beautiful day to all who come this way.....

                    Edited to add: Sober for the Revolution!
                    Sober for the Revolution!
                    AF & NF July 23, 2011


                      sun 18 dec af daily

                      Hey. Still working. Mr Kaslos birthday today. He is playing on the ipad he got, and little Kaslo is playing on my ipad. Leaving me ipadless. Which is fine. Except they have not gotten the tree or the lights up. NOT allowed prior to Mr. Kaslos birthday, on acount of its his birthday, not Christmas, just in case you were thinking of combining gifts so he gets only one gift for both occassions. Not on with Mr. Kaslo. Pound of Flesh, etc. So I have written out the requirements for calculating the kg/ha for a productivity study I have to have finished by the 21 December. Im hoping I can get that instead of lights and tree up. Kind of a pick the easiest job out of the birthday job jar. Currently hes trying to find a VNC app for his ipod that will allow him to access his office computer instead of getting up off his arse and going into his office 18 feet away.

                      Sometimes I worry if I might have to "light a fire, and make it up" as they say in field biology.


                      Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                      Status: Happy:h


                        sun 18 dec af daily

                        Turnagain;1228759 wrote: and how the corn kings have managed to get corn into nearly everything we eat.
                        and probably GMO corn at that.

                        Happy day to mr. kas and mr.sid!!
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                          sun 18 dec af daily

                          Uni-I'm so proud of you!!

                          DG-21 days no sugar? Wowza!!

                          Det-great video!! but kinda glad I don't have those neighbors on my street!

                          Turn-great info about the corn invasion. I never eat farm raised salmon anymore. The Celestial Seasonings is usually in the natural food isle but can be in the regular tea/coffee isle. The full name is Sugar Cookie Sleigh Ride. It is caffeine free and no corn! Hope you can find it up there!

                          Sunni-lots of good thoughts being sent to you that you can find a way to deal with Stepson and not feel like you're being taken advantage of.

                          Bear-I'm am LOVING your new way of seeing life. The beer/wine goggles have definitely come off my dear! Keep up the great work.

                          Sid and Kas-hope both Mr's birthdays went well today.

                          Lav-freakin' 16 degrees this morning!! But, here is my grateful thought-no snow!! Tomorrow I wear boots to keep my toesies warm on the way to work.

                          AFM-please let me know when it arrives! I've never sent anything international before!

                          Hey ho to Greenie, Wally, Blondie and anyone else lurking.

                          got my cleaning done yesterday, hoarder friend brought the 2 fosters over. She wasn't one minute out of the car when she accidently let go of one of the slip leads and Ms. Lilly was off and running-in a strange neighborhood on a street that isn't very busy but when the cars do come they come fast. I grabbed Ms Lacey not caring if she bit me and ran onto my deck where she would be safe and sat and prayed harder than I ever prayed in my life that Ms. Lilly would come back to my friend. My prayers were answered. I wanted to throttle my friend for not putting harnesses on them instead of slip leads-wouldn't have prevented the dropping of the lead but at least the dog would have been still attached and she might have been able to step on the lead. Oiy. They are very sweet but skittish girls and were indifferent to my boys and the cats. Poor LM thought he had 2 new playmates to do zoomies with but no dice.
                          After the mini play date I went to my nephew's hockey game. this is his last year as he's a senior. He's also the captain. They won after a rocky start. Next game on Monday nite. Hoping to get to all the home games. There are no more local hockey players in my family after JJ. Little Nate lives too far away to be a hockey aunt like I was with the older 2.
                          Nursing home was good today. I'm in a rhythm now on Sundays and I'm finally getting to know the long timers. I love how some of the 90 somethings remember everthing and are so with it! Please let that be my dad, me and my whole family!!
                          Food shopping after work and at 7:30 I could easily turn in for the night!! I'll read the paper first and maybe do some work for my bro.
                          Still didn't get the *&^ lights up!!
                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!


                            sun 18 dec af daily

                            um hummmmm....(clearing throat) you're not getting outta here without a little celebration....

                            HAPPY Birthday Lovely Lav!

                            Thanks for inspiring us and for so generously sharing your wisdom and support!


                            Sober for the Revolution!
                            AF & NF July 23, 2011


                              sun 18 dec af daily

                              Oh my... she kept real quiet about that, didn't she??? Welllllllll.....

                              Happy Birthday, lovely Lav lady!

                              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                              Winning since October 24th, 2013

