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Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

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    Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

    Morning Chilli and other Dazzlers!
    Yep Chilli, my days are just the same as normal too. What I am looking forward to is some time off work to make my plans and resolutions for 2012. Oh and watch a few films and eat a bit of crap for a while Other than that, I have nothing to organise and I must say, its quite nice. I do feel guilty tho when I see everyone else going a bit mental with so much to do and buy.

    I too am leaning towards Glasgow
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

      Good morning everyone

      :welcome:Starting, good to see you.

      I guess everyone is busy with Christmas stuff. I dont go near shopping centres from the end of November but I do like to have the house clean for the holiday. Fighting a loosing battle with the doggies, especially the goldie but my daughter is giving it a good going over before Christmas eve. Seeing people (I want to see) this week and then plan to just veg out as much as I can over the holiday. No doubt the teens have a busy social week planned so will be driving a lot.

      Happy hump day to one and all.



        Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

        Happy hump day everyone, I hope we're all doing ok. I dunno if it's because it's the solstice but I'm feeling quite gloomy today so I'm going to take myself out in a minute to do some shopping that I don't need.

        We have been invaded by visitors so that's why I've not been around but peace is restored thank goodness and I can get back to catering for normal numbers!

        Lav I didn't manage to get on line yesterday so missed your 1000th day - can I be the first to congratulate you on 1001? You rock girl and what would we do without you.

        have a good day one and all :l


          Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

          Good morning all....

          Winter solstice, finally. Now we can start to focus on more light every day. This year is different for me as I don't leave for work till later in the morning, so I do get some sunlight into my day. Last year I left in the dark and came home in the dark. I love the light and longer days.

          Congrats Lav on all your accomplishments, you take your life and sobriety seriously and are so helpful and always there to all of us. Thanks.

          Chill, what a quiet Christmas you describe...lovely spending it with your parents. I remember one ofyour goals in leaving Portugal was to have this time with them. I am happy for you that they are both present for you this Christmas season.

          Sooty, sounds like you were doing too much and need a break. Retail therapy is fun! It is so good to have you back. What are you doing for the holidays?

          I have really been struggling with work....I need my time off! I vow to take more time off in 2012 before I get so burned out. I will be so busy on Friday through Monday, mostly with feeding and cleaning, visiting and celebrating. I organized well this year and have no last minute stressful things to do, except food. My family eats at Christmas!

          Rustop, I must be bad as I do minimal cleaning at Christmas. My family comes in, and within 10 minutes, it wouldn't have mattered anyway. Have a lovely time.

          I have bought no booze for the holiday, if people want to drink, they can buy it themselves. How's that for attitude. To all, take care of yourselves today.
          Formerly known as redhibiscus


            Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

            Good morning Dazzlers!

            Happy solstice, bring on the sunlight

            Chill & Starty, I'm sure you two will make your trip to Glascow memorable & save lots of $$ to boot
            I think my years of stressing out over Christmas are long gone. There will always be dust & dog hair in my house even if I had an army of helpers. EB comes over & can trash the place in five minutes anyway so why stress myself :H

            Rustop, Goldens drop more hair than any other dog on the planet, honestly :H
            Don't kill yourself with the housework!

            sooty, glad to see you! I hope your visitors haven't worn you out! We need to keep our bus driver in good shape to help steer us straight thru the holiday season. Get some rest now & happy shopping!

            Star, no booze in my house either. I provide the warmth & food but not any booze & I have come to prefer it that way. My son will bring beer for himself & YB, my SIL does not drink AL at all.

            I'm starting off my day with a trip to Curves then I am going out to lunch with my son & his family. He had to work the past two days so today is a belated birthday lunch, nice!

            Greetings to Rusty, hope you are on the way home soon! Too much country music will destroy your brain :H

            Have a great AF Hump Day y'all!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

              Didn't go shopping, took the dog for a walk instead and feel better now thank you. And the days will start drawing out from tomorrow so that's something to be pleased about!

              Hi there Star, good to see you. Christmas day will be spent at home, just us and then Boxing Day we drive to visit relatives and end up having lunch at our oldest friends house. It's become a bit of a tradition now. How do you spend it?

              Hope everyone's having a good day


                Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

                Wow - so much has happened while I was traveling --

                Lav, Happy Belated Birthday!! And kudos on all your anniversaries -- I know another one is just around the corner...

                Sped, SD - Big Congrats on 6 months, such a milestone.

                Hello to all in our various stages of over- and under-doneness. I somehow think that if I make enough pots of good strong tea that all will be right with the world. Or at least my inner world. Our trip seeing our dear friends these last few days was lovely, but I'm done with the traveling. Thank goodness I'm not getting on a flight now to go to NE, even though it seems strange, I think it was the right decision...
                (Rusty, good luck flying these days before Christmas -- I too wish you more Rusty time, and less traveling in the New Year...)

                Happy Solstice all -
                to the light


                  Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

                  Too much to catch up with and comment on so apologies my friends, life is far too busy at the moment. I do love this time of year though and I really enjoy Christmas especially now the grandkids are around, they seem to bring the family together and everyone puts aside their niggles. I sat in my grandsons school carol/nativity play with all the other parents/grandparents and do you know they were all amazing, every other year I have been too busy at work and have missed this. I am so annoyed at myself; I missed much of my own kids? school things because I was on that hamster wheel of work. Why did I do that??

                  However this year I laughed, cheered, clapped and at one point had tears in my eyes as an 8 year old read out a very poignant poem about homeless people at Christmas. My grandson was a shepherd and he was a little star, I went up to the back of the school hall stood on a chair and waved away to him and he waved back delighted to see me! Do you know I don?t care if the other Mum?s & Gran?s think I?m a bit mad ? what the hell he was delighted to see me and I was delighted to see him. They put on a fantastic show with a few jazz Christmas carols and a rocking robbin song that had everyone clapping away. I just loved the afternoon.

                  Okay work to finish because I?ve been lurking on here, miss you all

                  Dewdrop :h
                  Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                    Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

                    Hey everyone. Just wanted to drop by and let you know that I think about you often. Work has been completely crazy and I have been super busy. I am off between Christmas and new year so will drop by properly then and give you all the goss. I hope you are all well and having a great holiday season!!!

                    L x
                    'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

                    "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

                    AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

                    "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                      Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

                      whoo hoo!! Cassia is back!! So glad to hear from you. You have a huge anniversary coming up kiddo! Can't wait to celebrate with you on Friday!

                      Dill-good on you for taking time out for your grandkids!! Isn't wonderful seeing them pour their little hearts out in song and dance? I have not regretted for one minute all the hockey games, jazz concerts and various other performances I have gone to throughout the years, even it it meant giving up something else. It is over all too soon as they grow up and go off to college or jobs. Enjoy it while you can!

                      Cyn-glad to see you are back safe and sound. I think it's going to be a very special christmas for you and your hubby this year. You might even get a little snow!

                      Rusty-you're home now right? Glad to hear you made it out of the wild west LOL!!

                      Where has Blondie been? I bet her store is mobbed this week! Please check in when you can!!

                      Meech-you still with us?

                      Yea Sooty! So glad to see you again too!

                      Lav-you have such a great family to extend your Bday for a few more days! So happy to hear your business was booming this year too! May it continue throughout 2012!

                      Chill-I vote for Glasgow too if you can swing it! I'm so excited for you-I know how much you love WD!!

                      Star-I'm ready for my partial week off too! I really had to dig deep to find patience today!

                      Starty-so good to see you! I'm taking it very easy this christmas too-day off on friday-just have one more gift to get (and get those &^%^$$ lights up!!). Day off Sat and family get together sat. nite. Work on Sunday.

                      rustop-have a blast with the girls home finally. Lots of driving but you seem to enjoy being their chauffeur-at least you know they are safe and sound!

                      Hope I didn't miss anyone!

                      Had the second bootcamp tonite. She's pushing us a little but it's doable. I really like it. We have 2 more sessions and then the time and place changes and I don't think I can go due to work and other committments. it's also a little pricey at $15 a session but if I can swing it I will. Agility class also went sort of well. The facility obviously had some sort of holiday party today. They had a table in the corner with a mini tree and DD could barely focus on me with all the crumbs on the floor. Kind of pissed me off actually that they didn't bother vacuuming or sweeping after it was over. Oh well-he did well despite my forgetting the course! He does have a sore of some sort on his upper lip. It doesn't look good-sort of crater like. I had to muzzle him to dab on some witch hazel tonite. If it doesn't look better by Monday, i will make an appointment for him for next week. Mickey goes on Monday for his annual so there goes any savings I had managed to accumulate over the past 2 months. But anything for my babies.
                      Well, better get them fed and turn in for the night. Early start to the day tomorrow (7am) and going to the NH straight after work. Can't wait for Friday! I 'll sleep as long as the boyz will let me!!
                      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                      KO the Beast!!


                        Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

                        Oh thank God, it's Papmom I see who is online with your green light on! THANK YOU!!! A New England accent...what I wouldn't give to say to you or anyone from Massachusetts, Maine, etc..."Go PAHK YUH CAH IN HAHVUHD YAHD!!":H If you're not doing anything tonight, could you please come and get me?

                        No, I am NOT home...I am still in the home of abysmal grammar....I asked my client, who was born and raised in this town...if they teach the kids the word "ain't" in English class. He pronounces the word "oil" "awl." He said, "why do y'all say the word "OY-UL???" It takes too long to say!!" (Insert picture of me with my head in my hands).


                          Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

                          Poor Rusty :H :H :H
                          When do you get out of that one horse town???

                          papmom, the vet bills are really over the top, aren't they?
                          I'm going to do some more reading about getting the vaccines & just giving them to Maxie myself. I can listen to her heart & lungs (I have experience with that stuff )

                          Hi Cassia!!!!!

                          Dewdrop, so nice that you enjoyed the grandkid time ~ it is very special

                          Hi cyn, stay home for a while lady! Rest yourself, bake cookies or something!

                          Sooty, glad you are feeling better
                          Enjoy your Christmas at home, sounds nice!

                          Tired tonight, will try to make myself go to bed a little earlier than usual!
                          Good night to all!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

                            Ooppss....I missed Papmom. Sorry.:upset: I love hearing about your agility activities. Are you working on a quilt right now? I just found out that my SIL loves quilting! She's part of a quilting group and finds it very relaxing.

                            Dew- you mentioned the lovely time at the play....I could just envision you enjoying seeing your grandson and how delighted he felt that you were there. You mentioned that you missed a lot of your children's activities and events because you were on "the hamster wheel of work." What can you do when you have to support your family? You did what needed to do at the time...and look how fabulous your children and grandchildren turned out! The two-parent family is so rare these days. And how many mothers can afford to stay home?The best ending to this story is that you are there for your grandchildren....clapping...cheering...and AF! They will remember it forever. Now you are paying raised your children...and now you can enjoy their children....cast a positive and wonderful memory in their heads of a savvy, delightful, attentive Gran who came to their events, with the confidence of knowing you might go out on your own, start your own business and be just fantastic!

                            Lav-sorry I missed your b-day and your anniversaries. I am so glad you had fun...and that you are saying NO to any more rush orders for Christmas.:goodjob: BTW....for any of you here who hasn't seen the magic Lav can make with should see. She can stitch anything on anyThING...buttonholes...yes, buttonholes....towels, etc. I just appointed myself VP of Sales for Lavin-itude Designs!:H

                            Hi Cassia! Can't wait to say CONGRATULATIONS on your 1 YEAR AF on Friday!

                            Sooty-great to see you...lovely bus driver.

                            Chill-I have to read the What We're Reading section to find out what book you recommended from Wayne Dyer. You know who likes Mum! Wow!

                            Star-I hope you enjoy the week off between Christmas and New Year's. I'm doing the same.

                            Ok, off to bed. Sleep tight, my friends. :h


                              Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

                              Lav, I promise I won't order anything before Christmas....but the day after Christmas....look out! Ohhhhh.....the ideas for gifts are swirling.:H I also forgot to mention that I am so glad YB seems to be so much more aware....and present in your life and your kids' lives...Fabulous!

                              I forgot to mention one significant thing....I am working in the Bible Belt of Kentucky....dry they do not serve AL in the restaurants. 2 years ago....I would NEVER have stayed here without bringing my own supply of booze.'s like, who cares? My only problem is....there are NO nice restaurants. When they say, "Home Cooking.." think fried...and cholestrol hangover. UGH! I buy my salad at Wal-Mart and take it back to my hotel.

                              Today, I was on the toilet in the ladies room at my client's factory when one of the hourly shop people came in....they still allow smoking in the building here....and she was puffing on a cigarette....then left...and shut off the lights....and I yelled, HELLO I'M IN HERE....and she yells back, "Oh my gosh, I done turned out the lights.....I didn't know she was in there"...SHEE-IT!!":lalala:


                                Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

                                Lordie Rusty that is funny, it's got me "all stove up". It sounds as though we are all perking along toward Christmas and the New Year. I extend to you my warmest regard, Nurse Lav, on your birthday and 1000 day milestone, you help me every day whether you know it or not:l. I have been fine in spite of the madness often all around, and I was even thinking life was ?unusually easy? today. The trees were laced with exquisite frost but the roads were clear and dry, the water in the old YMCA pool where I take early exercise was a glorious 86 degrees, somebody sent me a huge wild smoked Scottish salmon, I found parking everywhere as well as exactly what I was seeking from every store, even the music on the radio was the soundtrack to a day well lived. Now Act 2. So I came home all proud and uppity and within seconds the front door lock had broken so badly I now can not go in or out, and after breaking in elsewhere, setting off the monitored alarm, calling off the police etc, my upcoming rather formal Christmas Eve party preparations were thrown a particularly low and nasty blow when the plumbing backed up. I am humbled but in still reasonably good spirits with the hope the locksmith and plumber will be cute. Just moving toward peace and the big picture. Love, Ladybird.
                                may we be well

