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Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

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    Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

    Rusty you are talking about the future King of England, how very dare you :H

    And the tampon tapes were played with sickening regularity, as indeed so were ones taping Diana - as if gives anyone gives a SHHEEIT :H

    Mr S and I went for a walk on Will and K's wedding day, I admit that I would have watched it, but he's such an anti royalist that his chuntering would have spoiled it! I only wanted to see what she looked like and I saw the dress plenty of times afterwards. We didn't see a soul on our walk

    Absolutely pouring down here so I'm staying in and being domesticated!

    Have a grand day everyone back later


      Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

      Good morning December friends,

      Starting out with a dark & damp morning here, oh well!
      I have lots to do so I'll just turn up the lights & get busy

      Rusty, you take the prize for having the most interesting week :H
      Glad you are back in familiar territory!

      papmom, enjoy your mostly vacation over the coming week
      Hope the new vet is helpful for DD.

      chill, Christmas Eve is the best part for me as well! I'll be feeding the gang & we'll be opening gifts.
      Don't tell anyone but I baked 7 dozen chocolate chip cookies last night & had a ball :H

      Star, I need to make a list myself for today so tomorrow will not be insane
      Enjoy yourself & grab a nap later.

      Hi bear & Sooty!!
      We are fed way too much information about the royals over here. I'm another who really doesn't give a SHEEIT :H

      Heading out to Curves now then back here to get stuff organized for my busy weekend.
      Have a great AF Friday one & all!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

        Whooo Heeee!!! Slept in until 9:15 (minus a 15 min potty break at 6:15!!) Felt darn good!
        gotta get going so I can cash my new found wealth and then watch it fly out the door :H

        No real plans today except errands. Tomorrow I will wrap and then it's Christmas Eve at the In-laws. I can't wait! it will be a catered affair by the company that did my sis's Bday party and the food was out of this world! The company won't be bad either :H and then there's the Yankee Swap which is always a hoot, especially since the older kids now participate. Should be a very nice evening.

        I'm trying very hard to be joyous about working on Christmas but it's getting harder as it gets nearer. I know my boss is very grateful. Unfortunately one of the residents died last nite (I don't know who yet but the undertaker was there when I came in) and another of my favorite residents whose mind is sharp as a tack is in the hospital and if he makes it back to the NH will be on hospice. Seems cancer has invaded his pancreas and bowel. I'm very sad. His room is directly across from our office so I always was able to stop and chat many times during the day or evening and of course he always partakes of the activities. I'm hopeful there will be a christmas miracle for him. I don't think he's past 84 or so (young!!)

        OK, enough maudlin news. Time to get shakin'!!
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

          Morning all -
          Got stuck in a knitting tangle this morning at 6:30 after taking care of the dogs, and just now got myself out! Long ago I nearly finished some mittens to be felted for myself, which now I wish to give to my step-daughter. Problem is that I thought they were ready to be felted, but as it turns out I had stopped in a precarious spot, with no remembrance of how to finish! And, PS, I've never felted anything before, and she arrives tonight, so the pressure's on!! I think I figured it out, but it would have made the top of the YouTube charts if someone had filmed it -- double-point needles dropping, multiple skeins of yarn rolling down hallways, me hysterical. (Of course I could have taken care of this anytime in the last 2 months, which is when I found them again, unpacking after the move...hmmmm, OK, no time for guilt and shame....'I love and approve of myself, I love and approve of myself, I love and approve of myself'....)

          I'm here giving everybody a Big Hand for all they are accomplishing - remember to Breathe! (Pap - sorry you are working on Christmas, but your spirit and smile and words with make the holiday for the residents, I just know it. Sorry about your friend, good luck with DD).

          Will try to check in later - PS Lav - HB asked to make Christmas cookies last night, looked up a recipe and we did them together - a first! Recipe: triple chocolate chip cookies. But only 2 doz!
          to the light


            Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

            Hi all

            Just a quick check in. Busy with all the usual Christmas stuff. Have had bad news regarding our JR who has not been well all week. It looks as if we may have to put him to sleep before Christmas. He has had a long and very eventful life but as you pet owners know, it is never easy!!

            In case I dont get to check in over the next few days, wishing one and all a happy and peaceful and AF Christmas.



              Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

              Oh Rustop-I'm so sorry!! I sure hope he rallies for the weekend but if not we will be here for you. :l :h
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

                Don't get so attached to the NH residents......
                you know why most of them are there. Just provide the support & comfort measures all living beings deserve

                cyn, I can't knit & have never felted anything - I wish you luck

                Rustop, so sorry about JR :l
                I've been thinking about Girl Dog lately but even more so about my Golden who passed away more than 7 years ago ~ he just loved Christmas with the family.

                Wishing everyone a good afternoon. Looks like th esun is trying to make an appearance
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

                  Good morning guys and a very Happy Christmas Eve to you all

                  Papmom - Im sorry about your NH patients, old age seems such a cruel end to our lives, i often wonder why it is the way it is. Maybe we just live too damn long these days I wish I could sent them all healing powers like in that movie, what was it called when they were all jumping in the pool?

                  Rustop - I'm so so sad to hear about your little JR. :l One of the girls at work had to suddenly put her dog down yesterday too and I was in floods of tears with her. These furry friends are such darling faithful souls I hurt even thinking for a minute about ever loosing Elle.

                  Lav :l to you too.
                  How many choc chip cookies exactly did you eat?! . I have disgusted myself with my chocolate intake this week. In the office we have had big tubs of them and I have been scoffing them in the handfuls. Yesterday we divided up the presents from clients and I got two huge boxes of choc biscuits (cookies) which I opened when I got home and promptly had about 6!! I seriously have to give the rest away..... The trouble is its so damn cheap here. In Portugal because it was all imported (they make dreadful chocolate!) it was at least 5 times the price and you would only buy very little and on special occasions. I used to limit myself to some only on a Saturday but that discipline has long gone, I NEED to be stricter with myself.

                  Well so much for my lie in today! I woke up at 5.30am with dreadful stomach cramps (no, not the choc ) I seem to be having worse monthly times these days and I can't even blame it on the moon! Im going to do more clearing out today plus I have a spin class at lunchtime and if it's dry another long walk with Elle. Yesterday we actually managed it onto the beach.......
                  "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                  AF - JAN 1st 2010
                  NF - May 1996


                    Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

                    Good morning & Merry Christmas Eve to everyone

                    Chill, believe it or not I didn't eat any of those chocolate chip cookies
                    I know I'm a weirdo but I also know if I eat one it will turn into 3 or 4 or more.......
                    I just want to give them away

                    The group will start arriving after lunch - this will be one long day but I'll love having the company.
                    Wishing everyone a great AF day. I hope to be able to check in later.

                    :h Lav
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

                      Happy Christmas Eve everyone. I posted on the Army thread earlier about the joy of driving to the supermarket early this morning and the liberation of not worrying about whether I was legal to drive! It's the relatively mundane things that take on great significance without al in the equation I find.

                      Rustop I'm sorry to hear about your dog, our old one is getting increasingly blind, deaf and arthritic and I dread the day we have to say goodbye to him :l to you.

                      To everyone here and those who've not yet poked their heads about the parapets, have a lovely day and take it easy.


                        Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

                        Sorry to bah humbug, but wake me up when it's over. It's great to see my sons but there are so many people in this house right now, I feel like hiding or drinking. Neither of these are options.
                        Am going to AA meetings daily to get grounded. Today I may need two..
                        Need to do a gratitude list and then get out of bed and face this day.

                        Love and best wishes to you all.

                        Rustop, I too am sorry to hear about your dog. Stay strong.


                          Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

                          Lavande;1232153 wrote:
                          Chill, believe it or not I didn't eat any of those chocolate chip cookies
                          Lav - I aspire to be like you in 2012! For me it's exactly the same as with the booze, I just can't have one! :no:

                          Sooty - drinking and driving, yes it's so wonderful for it not to be an issue ever again. Tomorrow I'm driving to my parents, in the old days it would have been a very costly taxi ride as I would never have dreamed of NOT drinking on Christmas day.

                          Sped - I have been feeling very similar but now we are at the last gate I'm actually chilled out and just going with in. I always think in terms of this will be my 47th Christmas, put that way it never seems like too many and it's a shame to waste one.

                          I've had a non eventful but good day. Coffee with my parents then a real hard core circuit training class at the gym, so much so that I'm lying on the sofa aching! I really love this feeling after exercise and will sleep well tonight. I have all my candles lit and my fav music playing and a yummy dinner for later.
                          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                          AF - JAN 1st 2010
                          NF - May 1996


                            Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

                            Hi Everybody,

                            Just checking in. I am at my mom's and I am so happy and at peace this Christmas Eve. This is my 2nd AF Christmas Eve. Last year, I was AF on CE, but had that yearning of everyone's drinking champagne except me. Not this year.. It feels so good NOT to miss it. Last night I went to the best Christmas party I've ever been to. My sober-for-9-years friend and I had a spat a couple of months ago and I hadn't talked to her. I had written her off as I felt she was a toxic person and our relationship was all about her. I was fed up and told her so. I had not bought her a card or a nice gift like I have for the last 8 years or so. A month ago I got an e-mail from her which hinted that she wanted to make amends and invited me to her annual party last night. She doesn't ever say she's sorry...but since she offered the olive branch, I went. It was a blast. She and her brother play the drums and they played Wipeout and Bullet from Bob Seger. Her other brother played the guitar and invited us to sing a long as he sang Christmas carols. The food was delicious and there were about 60 people there. I knew that she was sorry, and I forgave her. Her family made me feel very welcome to be there....and I met many of her other friends. I learned from her brother at the party that it was really important that I come to the party as she was afraid that I had written her off and she didn't want that. I think that's what Christmas SHOULD be about. Celebrating a new life.....repairing damaged ones, and reaching out to others.

                   sorry about JR.:l That is so sad. My brother is taking care of my nephew's dog while my nephew is in Senegal and my brother had to put his dog down last night due to liver failure. My brother felt really bad.

                            Shelley-I hope you can get through this Christmas AF and good for you for wanting to go to meetings.

                            Chill-sounds like you had a peaceful evening with your parents.

                            Luv and hugs to Lav, Sooty, LHB, Star, Cyn, Dew, Papmom, SD, and anyone I may have missed. For all our friends in Europe who will read this when the rest of us in the US are still sleeping....I just want to wish you a:MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!:h




                              Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

                              Merry Christmas everyone!

                              Had a lovely evening with family, too much food & yes ` a few cookies

                              My daughter, SIL & Lily are staying overnight so I have company for a change & I am grateful.

                              Shelley, don't let your overcrowded house put you off track. Try to enjoy having your sons with you today & tomorrow

                              sooty, we are indeed liberated. What a great gift to ourselves!

                              chill, I thought of you as I munched my chocolate chip cookie :H
                              My AF fruitcake with organic dried fruit turned out great too!

                              Rusty, so nice you & your friend have mended fences. It sure is a good time ofthe year for that!
                              And I'm so happy you made it home in one piece from that hillbilly town you were in this week :H
                              Sorry to hear about your nephew's dog, geez

                              OK, wishing everyone a peaceful night (especially you Shelley).

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

                                Flying by to wish everyone a very merry and sober christmas.

                                Up early tomorrow to play santa at the nursing home so must get my zzzzzzs.

                                Love to all!
                                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                                KO the Beast!!

