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Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

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    Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

    Good morning Team D

    LBH - Gosh I'm sorry to hear about part 2 of your day. We are dealing with so many maintenance issues for Tenants at work and when we manage to send them a plumber this close to Christmas they are eternally grateful. Let's dwell instead on part 1, isnt it grand when things flow! I swear the other week I drove the half hour from my Parents house home and got only green lights the whole way! There must be a dozen sets of lights, I couldn't believe it and was grinning widely by the time I got home.

    Rusty - if business dries up you could be a stand up comedienne :H you are hilarious! I'm gob smacked to hear of "dry" towns and places where you can smoke indoors!! It sounds like you are visiting another planet. Oh and your Mom sounds like my kinda gal, I could talk to her about dear Wayne for hours on end.

    Lav - At Papmom and I's PP day care centre you could be the doggy nurse! Actually I must see if there is a more holistic vet around. After the steroids given to Elle recently the poor girl was shaking, I ended up putting them in the bin.

    Cass - great to see you girl! Please come back and tell us how everything is going for you.

    Dewdrop - you describe so beautifully the nativity, I could visualize the children and all the smiles, clapping and tears. You sound like you soaked up every single lovely moment of it.

    Papmom - i really hope you get a well deserved lie in on Friday morning. I always feel guilty staying in bed and lately I get up and take Elle a quick walk and come back to bed if I don't have to work. So you are working on Christmas day! I hope you get extra pay.

    I'm working up until 1pm Friday then off until Wednesday! Yippee! Apart from Christmas day Lunch with my Parents I haven't a single plan. I want to fit in as many trips to the gym as possible, hopefully get enought dry weather for long walks with Elle and I'm intending to do some de-cluttering.

    We have been given lots of presents from clients at work including heaps of chocolate and some wine. It doesn't bother me to have it in the house but I'd still rather not so will take it to my Parents. (not the chocolates! )

    Oops is that the time......have to fly! Have a wonderful day guys.
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996


      Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

      :H :H Good morning December friends!
      I'm trying to not pee my pants due to laughing so hard at Rusty's story!!!!! Holy cow lady, that should be made into a movie - I kid you not :H :H
      I really, really hope you get home soon!

      LBH, your story is also a perfect example of a 'my kind of day'. Honestly some days everything I touch just seems to fall apart The good thing is we have grown & can look past those nasty moments and not really be affected by them anymore, right?!

      chill, I hope your plan for a quiet holiday work out for you!
      Sometimes doing nothing is just purrfect

      I need to get myself into gear & get some things done around here today.
      Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Thursday!!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

        Hello all -

        Rusty, seriously you have to get home! ( I once played a 'blind' person in a show on a road tour; we were somewhere in the south, and at the after-party a man kept insisting that I was that 'blonde' girl (which I am not)....took awhile for me to get it) But I will always treasure the sound in my head of your story and 'sheee-iiit!'. Too funny.

        Dew, what a great tale - I have a great visual from you of being on the chair and waving wildly. What lucky grandkids you have - those memories will help them feel safe and cared for their whole lives.

        Cassia - great to hear from you - looking forward to hearing more.

        LBH - I'm experimenting with different visuals on you breaking into your own house! Good luck with the 'fixers' and I hope they are dashing.

        Gotta run - big hellos and happy thoughts off to everyone --
        to the light


          Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

          Cold and gloomy here today. But the stories on here made me laugh, get home soon Rusty that place sounds awful. I hope the repairer was very dishy LBH

          Mr S in the kitchen making mince pies so I'm keeping out of the way . I hope they're edible cos he'll be so disappointed if they fail.

          I'm going to the pantomime tonight, the Brownie pack in the village where my daughter is a leader, had spare tickets! I'm so excited, I love panto.

          Have a good day all catch you later


            Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

            I?m working late to get things finished and that?s me until the 4th of January ? yahhhhh. Will probably be working until the wee small hours but it will be worth it. I have so many plans and looking forward to lots of snoozing on the couch with the log fire on. Still plenty to do for Christmas yet but lots of time left to get it all done. I think I?ve said this before but I ?just love Christmas?.

            I hope to be able to catch up with each of you over the holidays.

            Dewdrop :h
            Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


              Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

              Thank you everyone, special thanks to Rusty, for the unbelievable 1 Year thread. I am SO touched -- as I said in my post, what an exultation of good wishes. I was so nervous about the looming anniversary, I didn't want to say anything about it...fearing some 'jinx' I suppose. But now that the cat is out of the bag and I have lived another 10 days AF, I feel like I will be OK to move forward. ( Lav, you were dear to call my attention to the thread: otherwise I would never have seen it!)

              The mentoring, support, examples, honesty, creativity and inner light here is something quite remarkable - there's not a thank-you big enough ---
              to the light


                Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

                OMG, Rusty I am dying reading your stories! :H:H:H "SHEE-IT!"


                  Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

                  Aw chill - I love your new avatar

                  FlyAway, I think maybe some of us should go rescue Rusty :H
                  Poor thing - I really feel for her!!!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

                    Lavande;1231185 wrote: Aw chill - I love your new avatar

                    FlyAway, I think maybe some of us should go rescue Rusty :H
                    Poor thing - I really feel for her!!!
                    She definitely needs some help from her Yankee friends! :H

                    Got my ham the other day btw. I'm really impressed with Brandy Farms. They shipped that baby overnight, in a styrofoam cooler with cooler packs for $15. It was frozen solid. I've got it thawing in my fridge. Can't wait to try it!


                      Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

                      There's no place like home...there's no place like home....there's no place like home! (From the Wizard of Oz).

                      Hi guys...I've just landed in Chicago after we were delayed in KY for 2 hours due to traffic control in Chicago.

                      Thank you, everyone, for your love and humor while I was in Kentucky. Yes, Lav, I agree, listening to country music would have fried my brains. I think listening to country music causes inbreeding. In fact, I think listening to country music is the leading cause of birth defects in the US!:H

                      Cyn-Congratulations on your 1 year AF status!:goodjob: I also would like to know how, where and when you would sing. I know you are an accomplished chanteuse.

                      LBH-Oh, what a frightening Day 2! I hope things are better now. Shelley said she saw you at the Y and you look fabulous. Are you and Lord Bird Heart still using those scandalous carrot enhancements in water aerobics? hahaha.

                      Lav-congrats on the 1,000 plus AF days! You amaze me every day with your strength. Are you using the new Ipad YB got you?

                      Hi Flyaway! Nice to see you here! How are you doing? My sister-in-law is serving that ham for our family Christmas lunch. Yum!

                      Blondie...come out, come out!

                      Sooty Sooty Sooty....guess what? I met a woman on the plane yesterday who was from London, and her best friend's father worked for Lady Diana. Yup, he did. And I asked her if she watched Will and Kate's wedding....and of course, she did...and if she knew Diana, and she said...yes, she worked in a store and Diana would come in frequently and was just so lovely. And, that Prince Charles was dating Camilla WAAAYYY before he and Diana got married. And and and.....this is the best part...she said...."look at Prince Harry. He looks like Diana's bodyguard. We all know he wasn't Charles' son." WHOA!
                      I'll never forget when it first came out that Chuckles was cheating on Di that someone had actually taped Charles saying to Camilla....(insert British voice here) ..."Ohhhhhh, CaMIlllaaaa....I wish I could be a tampon inside you." Puke me a river. You couldn't pay me to get into bed with that guy!:H

                      Chill-I love your new avatar, too!

                      Hi Rustop-is your daughter home for the holidays yet?

                      Papmom-what I would have given to hear your wonderful New England voice yesterday, really. How is pup doing? All better yet?

                      Cassia-1 year tomorrow, girl! We want to hear from you, and undoubtedly, someone will be posting a congratulatory thread, so make sure you read it.

                      Shelley and Star, you have been on my mind and in my step today. USA Today had an article about steps to avoid holiday stress....and how we raise our own expectations SO high about how WE want things...that really, people don't put that much pressure on us to perform, so why should we? And, we shouldn't fret about the $ value of gifts...we place too much focus on that ourselves....really, all people want to know is that the gift we gave them has some significance....and especially when small. If it reminds us of a particularly wonderful moment that we spent with them...then that's what they'll remember, and be totally thrilled. I AM GUILTY OF THIS!!!!!

                      Ok, well...I have a bit of a drive home but I will see you in the morning. Peaceful, pleasant dreams to all my friends here!


                        Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

                        oh my! so much has happened today! I just love coming here and reading all the stories!

                        Rusty-what fabulous gossip about Lady Di! Good on her!! Safe travel by car to home sweet home!

                        I am OFFFFFFFFFF until the 3rd!! whoo hoo! I do have to work about 8 hours from home next week, maybe more but at least I don't have to go in. I still have the NH job to go to but I still feel like I have a whole week off.

                        Rusty-no, DD's sore is not looking good. I'm going to stop into the new vet tomorrow, find out if all the records were transferred yet and then see if they can squeeze us in. They might have to sedate him just to look at it-$$$. Luckily I won $100 in the lottery wednesday and the NH gave me a $75 xmas bonus. Easy come easy go!!

                        I am going to make a cuppa and take an ambien (after I finish the tea-the last 2 times I took it before finishing, I ended up wearing the tea! :H). We had a major T-storm last nite and I didn't get much quality sleep at all as well as I had rotten dreams. I'm sleeping in tomorrow too (if the pups let me!).

                        Good nite all!
                        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                        KO the Beast!!


                          Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

                          Chill and dew! House hunters international is in glasgow tonite!
                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!


                            Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

                            Good Morning Everyone
                            Kinda feels like Christmas Eve as its the last working day and we stop at lunchtime which is good cause that means I get two and I LOVE Christmas Eve more than Christmas, anticipation is a wonderful thing!

                            Papmom - I hope Glasgow looked good, no matter how much I'd rather be elsewhere I love that city, it holds so many happy memories and will always be my hometown. Enjoy that lie in, I wish I was there and I could sneak in and take the boys out for a pp. I know it seems harsh when your bonus's go straight out the door but it's the Universe taking care of you :l

                            Rusty - I think we need to make a fly on the wall documentary about your travels, it would make prime time TV! (sorry, I won't comment on the Royal goss, we've heard it all before and a lot worse.) I'm so glad you are home, please tell us that's you finished work for the year and are going to now relax and enjoy some Rusty time.

                            I have started my big clean up, I've piled up lots of books and DVDs to go to the charity shop. I want to keep the only minimum of belonging. I have had this sense for such a long time that "things" are burdensome. Once I find out whether or not I will ever see my house in Portugal again, if it's "no" I'm going to get rid of all my furniture apart from my bed.

                            Have a wonderful AF festive Friday guys!
                            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                            AF - JAN 1st 2010
                            NF - May 1996


                              Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

                              Good Morning all....

                              I am up way to early, excited about the holidays. Yes, Chill, I like the anticipation part and understand your feelings too. I know what you mean about getting rid of stuff, I think I will work on that too next week. I want to live lightly, without too much STUFF.

                              Sooty, for Christmas we are at home on the 24th and go to close friends (like family) on the 25th. Lots of food and visiting. I may go to church, I love the carols and ritual. Last year no one would go with me so I stayed home.

                              Rusty, I find different cultures fascinating, and yes, the south is a different culture. The way you describe everything is so funny! It's almost like we have different countries within the US. I love it as it makes life so interesting. However, I don't travel much so it is easy for me to be amused. I am trying not to stress out about Christmas but waking up at 4:00 a.m. is not a good sign.

                              Cassia, greetings, looking forward to hearing more from you.

                              Cyn, how do you like the weather up there?

                              LBH, why is it when things are going so smoothly it can't last? Do you believe in the bad things come in threes mindset? I don't usually,but when stuff starts to happen, I begin to count, hoping that the negativity has its limits.

                              Pap, time off is the best.

                              Dew, I too have regrets as a mother, but sometimes think that I did what I knew, with age comes wisdom. That is why grandparents are the best!!!! Awesome to hear you are feeling well and enjoying each moment.

                              Have a great day everyone.

                              After this commentary I am making a list, checking it twice, to manage my day.
                              Formerly known as redhibiscus


                                Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

                                I'm getting ready to get off the sofa, shower and cycle into town - I have couple of presents to buy and moisturiser for me, that's it. Then it's quick lunch, gym and sauna and dinner at friend's house.

                                Cyntree - huge congrats on a year - brilliant - how has your life changed? old timers(even tho you're 29) are a huge inspiration to me.
                                one day at a time

