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Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

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    Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

    Merry Christmas everyone!! Hope you have a wonderful day!
    'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

    "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

    AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

    "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


      Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3


      Waking up sober and unhungover on Christmas morning is the best Christmas Gift I could ever give myself and you guys all helped me to achieve that.
      THANK YOU!

      Enjoying a lazy morning with coffee, laptop and phone in bed. Chatting and messaging friends all over the world.
      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
      AF - JAN 1st 2010
      NF - May 1996


        Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3


        I got the only thing I WANTED this year....I am AF and loving it! I owe my AF status to all of you here. I don't have the words to describle how grateful I am. 18 months ago, I couldn't fathom enjoying the holidays with my family without having a drink. You all were so key in helping me change my thinking! I hope you all have a lovely day! :h

        Cassia, thanks for stopping in.



          Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

          Merry Christmas to all.....

          I was so busy yesterday, cooking and was fun. The weather was perfect, sunny and in the 40s. Unbelievable for this time of year.

          Woke up early and feeling refreshed, but a little swollen from all the salty food. More today.

          Sped, I know how you feel, my house is a mess and everythingis crowded. Whew. One more day.

          Rustop, sorry your pet is not doing well.

          Chill, taking care of yourself is top priority and your are having a peaceful time.

          Rusty, sounds like a great party. It is good to make up with people, life is so short.

          To Lav, Pap, Cyn, LBH, Cassia, Sooty, and everyone, have a great Christmas Day.
          Formerly known as redhibiscus


            Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

            Meery Christmas Dazzlers

            Chilly but sunny in these parts, perfect!

            Nice having company this morning, everyone just kicking back & enjoying the day.
            Not a hangover in sight which is just awesome!

            Wishing everyone a wonderful Christmas day!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

              Merry Christmas Dazzlers! Thank you for the company along the AF journey, and for all the inspiration.

              This is the first time in years that I have awakened in my own house on Christmas Day -- we (HB and Step-d) had a merry and hilarious stocking unveiling, along with the dogs (who love to unwrap presents, as it turns out). It is the first time ever that we are with the dogs....what a peaceful feeling.

              Rustop - I had to help one of my dearest dogs 'to the rainbow bridge' just before Christmas one year --so hard, my thoughts are with you. Sped, go to as many meetings as you want - it's all about YOU!! Sending you strength. Lav - so glad you had some folks in the house with you - this must have been a happy morning. LBH - hope you feast turns out well. All all and everyone, wishing you an even-keeled, happy day.

              Blessings abound --
              to the light


                Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

                It's almost over!!
                For Christmas I got socks and soap. Ate cheese blintzes with raspberry syrup and mangos for breakfast. Played frisbee golf with the "kids" at the park. Walked around the hood in the late afternoon and ended up at an AA meeting. Learning there is no one way to do anything and that includes celebrating Christmas, traveling along a spiritual path and achieving sobriety, one day at a time, folks.
                Love to all.


                  Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

                  Shelley, glad you checked in & are OK.
                  Keep doing what you have to do

                  cyn, a quiet Christmas at home for a change ~ good for you.
                  You certainly deserved one this year!

                  8 pm now & I'm kicking back a bit - tired as anything but good
                  Maxie fell asleep more than an hour ago - no keeping that dog up when she's tired :H

                  Wishing everyone a cozy & peaceful night!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

                    Merry christmas Dazzleroo's!

                    I hope you are all relaxed and happy.

                    Lot's of love from 'downunder'! :h

                    (i hate getting stuck in the middle of a knit too Cyntree )

                    Greg xx

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

                      Good morning Dazzlers

                      You all sound as if you had a nice Christmas.

                      Unfortunately we had to put the JR to sleep on Friday and buried him on Christmas Eve. The girls are heartbroken, he was their first puppy. Over the last 11 years I probably cursed him more than I praised him but I was his nurse, feeder, walker and main carer. I cannot believe how empty the place is without him. The goldie spends a lot of time outside but apart from his walk he was always inside. He will certainly never be forgotten.

                      Quite day yesterday, ate way, way too much. However, was up early this morning and myself and the goldie spent an hour walking on the beach. Because the JR was agressive I tended to just stick to the woods near us where he did not meet too many dogs. I guess it is now her turn to become more social. Very windy but it blew away a lot of cobwebs and I feel a lot better for it.

                      Have a lovely day everyone.



                        Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

                        Good moring Rustop & everyone!

                        I am sorry about JR Rustop, I do know how hard it is to say goodbye to a beloved pet/family member. Glad your girls were nearby to support one another :l

                        Christmas was wonderful with the kids & 3 grandkids, lots of laughs.
                        YB was on his best behavior too which is amazing because he never truly cared much for Christmas. He has always held onto his rotten childhood memories no matter how perfect things really were in the present. I've always understood that about him but never could do anything to get him to let go of that historic pain.

                        I am starting my day off with a trip to Curves because I can

                        Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Monday!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

                          Boxing Day Greetings my friends

                          Rustop - :l I'm so so sorry about JR and sad for your girls. they leave such gaping holes where they were part of our world. I couldn't imagine how I could go on without my Elle, she is often my only reason to keep putting one foot forward.

                          I have nothing much to report. Its great to be off work and I've had a leisurely day to myself with a long dog walk and trip to the gym with pretty much the same planned for tomorrow. I also managed to fill 3 sacks of clothes and shoes which went to the salvation army. One thing for sure is that 2012 will be about minimalistic living for me.....
                          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                          AF - JAN 1st 2010
                          NF - May 1996


                            Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

                            Oh Rustop-I'm so so sorry about JR. I truly believe in the Rainbow Bridge and now he is frolicking and pain free-pretty much a puppy again. He'll be waiting for you and the girls. Please know I understand and feel your pain. :h :l.

                            Cyn-how nice you were able to have Christmas the way you wanted it for once! Glad it was a nice day for you and hubby and dogs!

                            Chill-sounds like your time off is going to be a great balm for you! Keep on walking with Elle!

                            Lav-YB continues to surprise and amaze! Did he go on meds or something? Sure sounds like the chemistry in his brain has been altered and in a very good way!! You have abeen a saint to be so patient with him this past year and a half!

                            Rusty-congrats GF!!You did it and you're loving it! I didn't even have one craving Sat or last nite! It was second nature to be AF and my sis was so nice to have gotten my fav juice for me.

                            Sped-I think the disc golf with the kids was probably the best present you could have given yourself besides the AA meeting on Christmas nite. Congrats hon on your new life!!

                            Mr G- :h :h. Hope you had the christmas you wanted!

                            Hope everyone else had a wonderful day as well, filled with family, friends and love!!

                            Well, it is over. Whew!! I shopped till I dropped on Friday AND Saturday and then went to the "In Laws" on Christmas Eve. I as soooo exhausted I could barely keep my eyes open!! It was fun tho. Glad I decided to dress up as everyone else did too. Even managed to pull on my super skinny heeled black boots I haven't worn since I was 30 lbs lighter! Didn't think I would be successful and could have taken another shower once they were on (doesn't seem fair the fat went to my stomach AND my calves!!) but I looked good (I think!).

                            I overslept yesterday and got into the NH 1/2 hour late but still managed to pass the gifts out (and help open them) in record time. Helped seat the guests for lunch and helped myself to the fake Beef Wellington the kitchen made for the employees. Also sat with one of the residents who didn't have any one visiting (heard it was against policy to do that but feck 'em!!). Then it was time to transport them back upstairs only to bring them back down for the movie 30 min later!! I showed White Christmas and it was very cool to watch it on a nice huge wide screen flat screen with surround sound. 2 hours long tho and I had to scramble to get them all back upstairs after it was over so I could leave. got to my sis's at 5:15 and surprise, they waited on everything for me!! My family was very generous as usual (my sister among other things got me a GC to our hairdresser-she's been horrified I've been cutting my own hair :H ). I still feel very bad that my budget was so limited this year but at least I had a budget instead of winging it and I think I only went over by about $50 so good on me!! I'll continue to contribute to my club saver account and will try to double it this year.
                            Dinner was yummy as usual, my little nephew was cute as can be and very mature for 6 and my older nephs surprise me everyday how adult they are now. Love being around them!! My niece had a meltdown right before dinner because dad asked her to turn the Beiber down, not off mind you, down. Slammed doors, screaming, the whole shebang. She joined us in the middle of dinner all sniffling and teary eyed. How tumultuous to be 14! :H She did like the huge makeup kit with every color under the sun that I gave her so score one for auntie. Finally got home around 9:30 and crashed heavily.

                            Today was a vet app't for Mickey at the new vets. Like her. No nonscense but didn't question how I've been doing things with vaccinations, and preventatives so that was super. he will need a dental and the office visit was twice what I thought it would be so I will need to scare up more work (which I think might actually be happening). After the app't we went next door to the new doggie day care and I left him for his half day eval and trial. Went and did some errands and stopped in quickly to see how he was doing. All is well. Hopefully I can manage 1 day a week. It will do him good and give him a break from DD.

                            I'm going to start my tidying now and then pick him up around 5. tomorrow is car fix day (told ya-easy come easy go!!) and I'll have to buckle down and do some work work for a few hours. At some point this week my dad and I will be visiting a Life Care center to see if he can afford it and likes it. Tough to realize that that time is around the corner for him. Even he isn't quite accepting of it yet I don't think but is being pragmatic.

                            Happy Boxing Day!!
                            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                            KO the Beast!!


                              Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

                              Hey papmom, busy, busy
                              Liked the story about the 14 yr old drama queen. Boy do I remember that :H

                              Thought I'd share a pic of my little ones with everyone. My daughter & DIL managed to get a whole bunch of pics of them & put together a big framed collage for me for Christmas - love it!

                              I made a pot of ham & bean soup today & guess who's coming to dinner? :H :H
                              I don't know if he's been on medication or not but something is different......maybe he had a secret personality transplant......
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

                                Happy second day of Christmas all -

                                Rustop -- Big Hugs to you, I am SO sorry for your loss. As I said, I've been through it, and the hole it leaves is so huge. So glad to hear that you took the beach walk...

                                Lav - I'm so glad that YB is more open - I remember in past holidays when you were writing how unhappy you felt that he was such a 'grinch'. What a turnaround...and that photo - what a gorgeous crop of kids!

                                Sounds like it was a fine time for all. We did 'stockings' yesterday morning, then I spent the rest of the day cooking, but it was worth it. The duck a l'orange turned out very well, even though it set the smoke alarm off about 5 times while I was trying to get the skin crisp. The oven here is actually older than I am (and I'm not 29...). Later we Skyped with family in the midwest, and (via laptop) did a sing-along with my 3 grand-nieces. Technology!

                                This morning we did the 3 hour round-trip to the airport to get step-daughter on her way, and when we got home, I took a NAP - I feel like it was a 72 hour whirlwind.

                                Mr G - you KNIT??! End of the mitten story - miraculously, after I finally got the mittens out of the evil washer, I just agitated them by hand, and it worked! Felted! Step-D was thrilled, especially since I agreed to knit her a cowl with the same colors (we found the yarn at a local alpaca yarn store while 'window shopping' on Saturday).

                                I'm worn out, but happy. Into NYC tomorrow to meet my ex-SIL and her boys (one is my god-son) the first time I will have seen them in years. Will try to check in with you late tomorrow -

                                Cheers to all -
                                to the light

