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Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

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    Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

    Happy New Year's Eve, AF Friends!

    Chill:l....we haven't heard from you are you feeling? You are such a strong and venerable inspire us here with your positive energy. BTW, the only reason why I suggested volunteering is because you are SO good at helping others...and very generous with your time. I think you and I and ALL the people on this thread are like that....we like helping people, cheering them up, and not asking for anything in return. It minimizes our own problems and takes my mind off them. My father, an extremely well-educated and generous, but tough man (like Lav's father) used to tell me..."if you give of yourself (time-wise, financially) without expecting anything in comes back to you twofold." Boy, he was right! I know you support people in AA and I just applaud you for doing that. Consider yourself loved by the incorrigible Rusty today.

    Rustop-how is your goldie...and how are you....doing with the loss of your dog?:l Were the holidays hard and is your goldie looking for its mate and can't find her? Oh how I know about the stuffing your face part. I certainly did. Why does food taste so good when someone else makes it? I always enjoy hearing from you. Are both your girls home now for the holidays?

    Sooty-how are you doing, our faithful bus driver? You mentioned you had a old is she? Sorry if I'm prying.

    Papmom-do you have any recent quilting projects to show us (2nd request). So sorry your hours got cut....geez, that's not right. I know you'll be finding out why soon. Strong woman, you are. I admire you in so many ways. Wow, I love Chill's new spin on your avatar.

    Lav-I am proud of you for treading slowly in the trust and commitment aspect with YB. Yes, it will take an epiphany for him and some actual evidence of change before you can recommit. I don't blame taken the high road with him and have made the right have the patience of a saint....and you have a supportive husband and how lucky you are....and he is, tyou and :goodjob: In the meantime....just enjoy the gifts he's gotten you....the Ipad, etc. When you so choose....hit him up for some nice jewelry!:H

    Star-I'm so glad your son is doing better!:goodjob: You have always oo. I'm sure he realizes that.

    Shelley-what are you doing for NYE? Will you have your family near you?

    Cyn-thank you for your kind and intuitive thoughts and always. I love reading your posts. Soothing, always. Yup, I agree with you on handling issues AF. Sometimes it's even harder because we don't have that "friend" AL as a distraction.

    Blonde-I hope you are ok today. Just let me tell you....this is NOT a judgmental thread. We won't lambast you because you had some wine on Christmas. Hence, the reason I LOVE this thread. We want to be AF....we plan to be AF....and guess what, sometimes it doesn't happen. So, back in the saddle.

    Hello to G, Starty, Bear...wonderful to see you. And for lurkers from other threads who don't post. Nice to see you, too. We love new and returning members.

    Ok, well I'm off to my x-ray of my neck.

    January Jewels sounds fantastic!

    Have a wonderful New Year's Eve Eve AF!!




      Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

      Here I am Rusty :hiya:
      Thanks for the suggestion re volunteering, its an honourable idea but Im afraid the stress of trying to fit it in would be too much. The only free time I have is on weekends and thats when I do my exercise which I miss badly duing the week. If I gave up that I would go insane and I also could not afford the extra cost of weekend doggy care. Come rain or shine its when I have the time to spend with Elle and get out in the fresh air. The rest of the week its dark before I leave for work and dark by the time I get home.

      Rusty, 33lbs! That is an awesome achievement! Wow, you must feel amazing.

      Lav - Yes I heard that episode on Hayhouse, doesnt Davidji just have the most soothing voice in the world! What a great guy he is.

      Star - It really helped to hear the story about your Son, thank you so much for sharing. I remember well how difficult that time was for you too and how it seemed hopeless for him to get back on track and support himself. How wonderful to hear he is happy!

      Cyn - I truly embrace lifes trials, (maybe not while in the midst of them :H) but when we conquer our demons and turn that corner there is a sense of achievement. I believe our emotions are like muscles and dealing with them rather than numbing them out makes us stronger for the next time. Facing these turmoils completely sober is terrifying, raw and heart wrenching but my spiritual beliefs are such that our experiences are why we are here in the 1st place.

      Papmom - Im glad you like the paphut decorations, I wish I could buy you a real one :l Im going to have a go at finishing the chocolate in the house this weekend Wish you were here to help me!

      I had a mad day at work and then went food shopping. Finally home and have the next 4 days off! Yippee.......

      Has anyone got any passionate desires and resolutions for 2012? I remember last year we were all fired up and writing mission statements.
      I get the feeling we are a little quieter this year, maybe more reflective instead.
      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
      AF - JAN 1st 2010
      NF - May 1996


        Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

        Hi Chill,

        I totally understand about not having the time to volunteer. Just a thought. Enjoy your 4 days off.


          Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

          Good Evening AF Friday Friends,

          Chill-you asked about resolutions and passions this year. I think I will keep mine quiet and reflective (excellent words) moving forward in 2012. I have many areas, businesswise, in which I want to improve....and only I can change them.

          I like January Jewels. You are a jewel in my eyes.:h


            Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

            Chillgirl;1235477 wrote:

            Has anyone got any passionate desires and resolutions for 2012? I remember last year we were all fired up and writing mission statements.
            I get the feeling we are a little quieter this year, maybe more reflective instead.
            Hiya Chilli and Dazzling Jewels!

            Mine is simple and 2 pronged.

            1. 2012 will be a totally AF year, as i resume and embrace my sobriety and life again, and i already have a kick start there.

            2. I will kick the procrastination demons ass out onto the street.

            I shall achieve these 2 things with daily action, and a fierce, but relaxed determination.

            It's been deceptively difficult getting back on the horse, but i've had enough, and it's time for some common sense, peace, love and joy to take their rightful place again, and for me to take my rightful place in the Universe. I feel a positive power and energy brewing, because of my recent experiences, unlike i have felt before. :welcome:

            Good to see you posting Chilli. :l

            Hiya Rusty! Congratulations on your new achievements, and good to see you.

            Have a happy, safe, sober NYEve everyone. And..................:thanks: for just being youse.

            G-bloke. :h

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

              I?ve moved from the bed onto the couch and back to bed with the Wire In The Blood dvd series and the coalfire roaring. Still not much better and I?ve developed three ulcers between my top lip and my gums. My brother dropped by yesterday afternoon and when he saw me he said ?God sis you look like death warmed up?. Great! I?m sleeping through the day and all night so hopefully I?ll be on the mend soon. I?ve been reading all the posts and keeping up with you all.

              Thought I?d share my Xmas story - my telly packed in a few days before Xmas and I took it to a local repair man who was recommended, he is retired but continues to work part time since his wife died. He was very busy and not able to get to it till after Xmas but offered me a reconditioned one from his shop to tide me over the holidays (free!). He phoned me a few days ago to tell me he can?t get the part as the telly is old and was sorry he couldn?t fix it and I agreed to bring his one back. Well because I?ve been ill I haven?t managed to get it back to him so I asked my brother yesterday to drop it off which he did. My brother explained why I was late getting it back to him and he asked if I?d bought a new one, when my brother said no because I was in bed he told him to take the reconditioned one back to me because he was going to be shut until the 4th so it would only be sitting in a closed shop. He said ?it?s the season of goodwill and all that so tell her to get it back to me next week when she?s feeling better?. Honestly there are so many kind and thoughtful people around and it made my day, what a lovely man :l

              Dewdrop :h
              Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

                Rusty, how were the neck xrays??
                My neck acts up very occasionally but I have found a round of Flexeril fixes me up

                Chill, Davidji reminds me of the eternal hippie :H
                I just love listening to him.

                G, stick with us & we will collectively provide you with a kick in the butt if/when you need it! :H
                I'm very happy that you have gotten back on the horse, regarless of how hard it was to do.
                Don't let the 29 year old women here drive you crazy!!

                Poor Dewdrop!
                Do you happen to have any liquid antacid in the house such as Maalox or Mylanta? You can use it several times a day to help heal those ulcers. Just take a mouth full, swish it gentlyfor a minute & spit it out. If you don't have the antacids, I understand you can do the same with honey
                Very nice of the repairman to let you keep the TV longer. There are some good souls out just have to keep your eyes open. Get better soon:l
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

                  Guitarista;1235574 wrote:
                  2012 will be a totally AF year
                  :yeahthat: Mr G I would like to wholeheartedly 2nd that motion, for me 2012 being completely AF is still my most important priority.

                  Lav - there dwelleth an eternal hippie in all of us

                  Dewdrop - loved the TV story! I wish you lived nearer as I want to sell my TV. I bought a brand new 32' LG in May so its still under guarantee and I have all the paper work. Its hardly been watched and in my mood to declutter my life I decided the TV had to go as I hardly watch it.

                  I can't believe its nearly New Years Eve, Mr G for you it will be already. On this side of he globe I'm just about to put the light out.....nite folks.
                  "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                  AF - JAN 1st 2010
                  NF - May 1996


                    Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

                    Lavande;1235602 wrote:

                    G, stick with us & we will collectively provide you with a kick in the butt if/when you need it! :H
                    I'm very happy that you have gotten back on the horse, regarless of how hard it was to do.
                    Don't let the 29 year old women here drive you crazy!!

                    lol. Thank's Lav. :h

                    Chillgirl;1235621 wrote:
                    :yeahthat: Mr G I would like to wholeheartedly 2nd that motion, for me 2012 being completely AF is still my most important priority.
                    G'night Chilligirl. :h

                    Dewdrop, I like Wire in the blood too. Great series. Hope you're feeling better tomorrow.

                    Hope your neck's better too Rusty!

                    L8tr, Yo! :h

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

                      In return for our butt kicking skills we will be expecting a new tune or two from you this year - OK?
                      Music always quiets the girlie beasts here :H :H
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

                        Happy New Year's eve all!

                        Dew, I'm so sorry for your bout of illness - I guess your body was just ready to insist on resting...listen to nurse Lav, and I'm sending you lots of white light to heal. Lovely tale of the TV...

                        GMan, it is a real pleasure to hear your voice so often...please stay close this year. Together on our horses, we will all make quite a brigade, don't you think?

                        Rusty, good luck with your neck issues. I also have long-standing neck you work with an osteopath at all? That is the thing that has enabled me to function, and in fact has healed my neck to a considerable extent. There is also a great book with exercises...I will find the name for you. Congrats on your weight loss, what a tremendous accomplishment! You work so hard all year, take good care of yourself.

                        Lav and Chill - thanks for the info about the Chopra meditations, I'll be listening today.

                        More later, just want to wish our eastern brothers and sisters a good New Years....
                        to the light


                          Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3


                          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                            Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

                            dill;1235782 wrote: :sofa:
                            Sister Dill!!! Get your ass out from behind there and tells us whats been happening!
                            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                            AF - JAN 1st 2010
                            NF - May 1996


                              Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

                              Good morning Dazzlers,

                              OMG!!!! IT"S MY TWIN SISTER DILL!!!!!!!:H :H
                              So happy to see you - now SPEAK, please :H :H

                              Greetings cyn chill & everyone!
                              After years of moaning about poor sleep the last two night I have slept great & I am grateful. Hope this trend keeps up for a while.

                              I really, really need to cleanup my house today.......cookie crumbs everywhere.....
                              Will be back later.

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

                                Happy New Year everyone

                                :welcome: Dill - come out here and tell us how you have been. We have all missed you.

                                Rusty, Dew - hope you two are much better.

                                Nurse Lav - thank you for the tip regarding mouth ulcers, never knew that before. Glad you are getting some relaxing sleep.

                                Star - so glad everything has worked out for your son. I remember how stressed you were this time last year.

                                Cyn, Chill, Mr G, Sooty, Blond, Papmom and anyone else I missed big hello and I hope that 2012 brings you all everything that you hope for.

                                I will be driving tonight as both girls are out celebrating. Have been out a lot over the last week (well for me) meals etc. so am looking forward to a quite night in with hubby. The house is still so empty without the JR but I am enjoying my long and different walks. The diet starts tomorrow!!!!

                                Happy New Year


