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Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

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    Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

    Thanks Chill, Lav and R59 for the welcomes.

    I have been reading on this thread recently after many months of not logging in at all. The recent discussion about moderating was timely for me. I have been trying my hand at it lo these many months and I have had a very similar experience to what G described. For me it simply isn't possible and over time, my drinking has escalated to a very unhealthy and unmanageable level. I need to stop. Again. I am so impressed with the progress many of you have made and I want to join you. Can I come back? Pretty please?!! I know it will not be easy to get back on board. Again, Mr. G spoke to that and I am sure what he says will be true for me. But here I am.

    I will be ringing in the New Year tonight AF.

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

      Well, it's gone 2012 here, and i can tell you, it's looking bejewelled, not to mention dazzling, so........Happy new year friends!

      Thanks Cyn and Lav, and yep a brigade it is, and some tunes on the way to settle you all down!

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

        Well, it's gone 2012 here, and i can tell you, it's looking bejewelled, not to mention dazzling, so........Happy new year friends!

        Thanks Cyn and Lav, and yep a brigade it is, and some tunes on the way to settle you all down! :H

        I will awake sober, free, and bejewelled on new years day.

        G'night from me, and have a safe, sober and happy magical day and evening.

        Hiya Dill!

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

          dill;1235843 wrote: Thanks Chill, Lav and R59 for the welcomes.

          I have been reading on this thread recently after many months of not logging in at all. The recent discussion about moderating was timely for me. I have been trying my hand at it lo these many months and I have had a very similar experience to what G described. For me it simply isn't possible and over time, my drinking has escalated to a very unhealthy and unmanageable level. I need to stop. Again. I am so impressed with the progress many of you have made and I want to join you. Can I come back? Pretty please?!! I know it will not be easy to get back on board. Again, Mr. G spoke to that and I am sure what he says will be true for me. But here I am.

          I will be ringing in the New Year tonight AF.
          Cross posted Dill and Just read this.

          I just feel so much better without booze in my system, but i had to get it through my thick head and do what i had to do to convince myself, and i have. The battle in my head is over, and i'm getting on with it, and very happy and relaxed with my decision. Plus, my recent sobriety time is so fresh in my head, and my achievements have been so huge, that i know first hand how great and free AF life is. And i like all the possibilities and magic the unexpected day ahead can hold. Did i mention happiness, joy, no fear, pride, clarity, the list goes on.

          Great to see you getting back on the horse. :l

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

            Happy (almost) New Year!!!

            What a perfect way to start January....:l:l WITH DILL BACK!!!! YEA!!!!! I've missed you and your posts so much!! :l I'm anxious to hear how things are going!! I'm also very excited to be ringing in this new year AF...although I wish I wasn't doing it alone (my son is with his dad until tomorrow) needless-to-say...SUPER excited for tomorrow!!! Anyway...I am so glad you here...I hope you have a very Happy AF New Year's Eve tonight!!

            I can't even begin to tell you all how happy I will be to start jumping back into my routine again. Going to see my dad for Christmas (ugh)...or should I say, watching him drink himself stupid and fight with his wife was fun as always...then I got back and went to stay at my moms for two days so I could watch her dogs while she was out of town. I just got home about an hour ago...thank goodness!!!

            Dew-gosh you got hit pretty good with whatever you came down with...geesh!! I sure hope you are downward slide now and are beginning to perk up!!

            Rusty--I hope you xrays turned out ok too!! Surgery on your neck sounds a bit scary!! Hopefully the therapy ha been helping and doing what it suppose to!! And...OF COURSE I'll be watching the Packer game tomorrow!!! I know a bunch of people that actually went over to the cities today to go to the Bears/Vikings game tomorrow...that would be cool to be at a New's Year Lambeau!!! LOL!!!

            Rustop--Thats nice you will be there for your girls tonight!!! I'm with you...the diet starts tomorrow!!! HA!

            G-I'm not sure I've ever heard any of your there a way you can put some on here for us to hear??? Just curious??? And...HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I really think you should become a regular poster here---I love reading what you have to say and the advice you give to people!! You speak the truth and from your heart....that's sometimes a hard thing to convey through the computer (the heart!!

            Cyn-You also made a comment (to Chill) a few pages back about dealing with all these emotions and feeling AF/sober...and how much tougher it is than when we were drowning ourselves or numbing ourselves out when we got we wouldn't have to feel the pain or the hurt or uncertainty of what was occurring in our lives (be it relationships/spouses, jobs, living conditions, money, illnesses). This hit home with me because this is exactly how I it is tougher (more emotional) to deal with...but I thought after awhile (of being AF) it was going to get easier...if that makes sense??

            Lav--I meant to tell you in my last post how totally cute that picture was of your grandkids!! What a bunch of sweethearts!!!!

   phone just rang I need to call my friend back from I'll catch you all in 2012~ Everyone have a very HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Blondie, Pap3, Star, sooty, Sped, and everyone else who pops in are ALL AMAZING---and I'm better for knowing each and every one of you!!! Thank you for making my 2011 an awesome year!!! Love you guys!!!!
            "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



              Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

              Think I?m over the worst and feeling a bit better today thank goodness, I?m hopeful to get out for a walk tomorrow if the weather is good ? I hate being cooped up. I just wanted to wish you all a very Happy New Year when it comes it?s nearly 9pm here so only three hours to go. I plan on being in bed asleep so I?ll catch you all tomorrow but I am thinking of you all and couldn't have made it through this year AF without you all :l

              Dewdrop :h
              Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

                Good Evening Guys

                Dill :welcome: back! what a lovely surprise, jump back on the bus and we will all support you in remaining AF in 2012 :l

                SD - Good to see you and I'm so proud of you for getting through the holidays AF, you have come such a long way. Here is our very own amazingly talented Mr G talking about the booze and which he dedicated to our dear Starty, i so love this song :h[/video]]'Startingover again blues' - YouTube

                Dewdrop - glad you are on the mend, hope you wake up in 2012 feeling good.

                im relaxing with my music on and my candles lit, browsing through some inspiring writings. I will stay up to greet the New Year, welcome it and ask it to be kind........
                "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                AF - JAN 1st 2010
                NF - May 1996


                  Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

                  Hello on this reflective last day of the year, sweethearts. For me tonight is shaping up to be very quiet and peaceful. I have for tomorrow morning a ?New Years in New Orleans? brunch to prepare for a couple of sweet older fellows so tonight it is just going to be music, a slow gumbo in the pot, maybe a movie. Tomorrow night there is STILL one more traditional alcohol soaked holiday dinner party to attend (will they never end) but I shall bring my own beverage and accept the company for whatever it is. As you know I did not have an alcohol free year but here I am still working at it. I think that because I drank every single night for so many years, people around me think that if I ever even had a ?problem?, I don?t have that problem anymore, even my husband who got sober through AA twenty years ago sees me now as just an ?occasional? drinker. I don?t want to get all dramatic about it with anybody but you guys, but you know it messes with my head for many days even weeks afterward, it is even worse as it seems I can ?get away with it?, and it is worse because I never get beyond the stage where I am appreciating the early challenges and rewards of being AF. Addiction is nothing to flirt with, drinking always hurts me. I feel that I have changed a bit for the better during the past year in terms of getting more self contained, more awake, less busy, less worried, and I want to find ways to feed that. It really is a discovery of a pleasant inner state that was evidently inadvertent collateral damage in my thirty year effort to take the edge off things with alcohol, perhaps it is my spirit. I know I can?t be the same person that I have been, thinking and doing the same things and be sober for more than a few weeks or months. Addiction is a prison, I might spend some days now in a less restrictive area but freedom means actually getting out. The best present I could have today is the return of Dill and I got it!!! Love and peace and hope, Ladybird.
                  may we be well


                    Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

                    Dill, I am so relieved to see you back :l
                    Hang in there with us, we'll help in any way we can.

                    Chill, Rustop, G, SD, pap mom, Rusty, LBH and everyone......
                    Please have a quiet, safe evening!

                    Looking forward to spending 2012 with all of you

                    :h Lav
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

                      ladybirdheart;1236088 wrote: Hello on this reflective last day of the year, sweethearts. For me tonight is shaping up to be very quiet and peaceful. I have for tomorrow morning a ?New Years in New Orleans? brunch to prepare for a couple of sweet older fellows so tonight it is just going to be music, a slow gumbo in the pot, maybe a movie. Tomorrow night there is STILL one more traditional alcohol soaked holiday dinner party to attend (will they never end) but I shall bring my own beverage and accept the company for whatever it is. As you know I did not have an alcohol free year but here I am still working at it. I think that because I drank every single night for so many years, people around me think that if I ever even had a ?problem?, I don?t have that problem anymore, even my husband who got sober through AA twenty years ago sees me now as just an ?occasional? drinker. I don?t want to get all dramatic about it with anybody but you guys, but you know it messes with my head for many days even weeks afterward, it is even worse as it seems I can ?get away with it?, and it is worse because I never get beyond the stage where I am appreciating the early challenges and rewards of being AF. Addiction is nothing to flirt with, drinking always hurts me. I feel that I have changed a bit for the better during the past year in terms of getting more self contained, more awake, less busy, less worried, and I want to find ways to feed that. It really is a discovery of a pleasant inner state that was evidently inadvertent collateral damage in my thirty year effort to take the edge off things with alcohol, perhaps it is my spirit. I know I can?t be the same person that I have been, thinking and doing the same things and be sober for more than a few weeks or months. Addiction is a prison, I might spend some days now in a less restrictive area but freedom means actually getting out. The best present I could have today is the return of Dill and I got it!!! Love and peace and hope, Ladybird.
                      Brilliant post LBH. Addiction sure is nothing to flirt with.

                      Hi Lav!

                      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                        Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

                        :waving:HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

                        Thanks to all you guys for making 2011 so special for me....and here's to the beginning of 2012. We will be January Jewels when we wake up.

                        Welcome back, Dill! It is great to see you and I missed you so.

                        LBH-fabulous post, as always.

                        G-I'm glad you post on our thread still....I thought I had scared you away.

                        SD-Yup, I'll be watching the game with my mom.

                        I just got back from a lovely evening out with my best friends. I am so loved!

                        To everyone else I didn't mention... Happy New Year!!


                          Dazzling and Diligent December - Week 3

                          Dill, welcome back, I missed your post on the December thread. Let's all work on being AF this year!!! We will feel so much lighter and freer.
                          Formerly known as redhibiscus

