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mon 19 dec af daily

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    mon 19 dec af daily

    Good morning - happy birthday lavande!

    Had lovely evening at friend's house last night - food and games - not even tempted by wine everyone else was drinking. Not getting complcent but it's nice the 'it's not fair' phase has moved on - for now.

    Today work - nearly finished now - can't wait! Tonight i plan to cook healthy dhal and baked potato with greens and do exercise dvd and funding app for team.. didn't make team for jan - even tho i am injured am disappointed - i know it's fair and makes sense -realistically i need to get fitter/stronger - i think i had really got my hopes up.
    It's pride - and sums up my worries that i am no good - irrational and not helpful thinking. worried i will never make up etc etc - gonna let myself be disapppointed for a bit then move on.

    I need to get going and make lunch/breakfast - have a great af day everyone
    one day at a time

    mon 19 dec af daily

    i AM SO ON THE FLY THIS am BUT i WANTED (OOPS) to wish Lav a very happy birthday!!

    bear, the universe always works in our favor even when we don't recognize it as such. Perhaps you are being GIVEN the time off the team so that you can heal some nagging injuries and get fitter and stronger in a proper manner. The temptation to press on in spite of your body's contrary needs can be a bit much, no? This gets that out of the way for you. :crowned:

    swimmers take your mark, tally ho, one thing's for sure, and G, it's 8AM :h
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      mon 19 dec af daily

      Morning abberoos!

      Happy Birthday Lav!!!!
      Bear, good for you for recognizing that you don't want to get complacent. And also for realizing that the reason you didn't make the team has to do with your injuries AND NOT YOU!!! So replace any negative thoughts with positive okay? You are doing so well and I'm for one, really, really proud of your success!
      P3 - glad your prayers were answered. I'm also glad you get to see your nephews hockey games. That will be something he will remember as he gets older.

      I am really beginning to understand the power of prayer/meditation. I don't believe in a Christian god per say but I do believe in something bigger and I am finding asking the universe for help when I'm struggling has been a huge help for me.

      Back to the grind, Monday - gotta get daughter off to school and then I have my therapist appointment. Tomorrow I am going to the mood and anxiety clinic at the hospital for an assessment. That will help to get me into the concurrent disorders group that I so desperatly want to be a part of. And an assessment from the hospital will also help to negate anything negative that the stupid psychiatrist from a month ago (remember her?) has to say to the insurance company. They won't be able to argue with another assessment done by the hospital. So that's good.

      Okay, off to get coffee and make sandwich and lunch for little uni!

      Love and hugs - I'll check in later,
      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


        mon 19 dec af daily

        x-post Miss derobed Greenie! LOL
        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          mon 19 dec af daily

          Hi fABbies! Bear, you are doing so well. I am so happy for you!!!

          Happy Birthday Lav!!!!!
          How does it feel to be 29? :bday3::bday2::groupluv::day5::day4:

          Greenie is runnin' nekkid through the streets I guess!

          Uni - sounds like an AWESOME plan re: the assessment. Yes I remember the psychiatrist in question! :nutso:

          Hello all to come!

          Survived the family do booze free and sugar free. Will have to bust ass working out this week to work off the excess cheese and crackers, but that's OK! Goals met.

          I need to get motivated and get some stuff done today and not goof off too much. We'll see how that works out LOL!

          Have a fABulous day everyone!

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            mon 19 dec af daily

            Good morning Abbers around the world

            I have to be honest - today really is the 29th anniversary of my 29th birthday :H :H
            Today is also my 31 month smoke free anni & tomorrow is my 1,000 day AL free day - :yay:
            I really do have a lot to celebrate & be thankful for today!

            bear, greenie, uni, DG & everyone - wishing you a fabulous AF day!
            I'm heading to Curves now then to Longwood & lunch with the kids

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              mon 19 dec af daily

              Those are some AWESOME milestones there Lav!!!! :yougo::yougo::yougo:

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                mon 19 dec af daily

                Sometimes I wish there was a 'like' button on these posts.

                So, very awesome all of your milestones, Lav!! Have a truly wonderful, fantabulous day! Happy 29th x 2 birthday today!

                Nothing much planned for me. I slept all weekend long. LOL! I have so much to do for Christmas, I am having a bit of an anxiety attack. I need to shop for my kids still!! UGH! I am also going to try to go out for a walk down the trail behind my house today. I need to get in some fresh air and exercise - hoping it will give me a bit more energy.

                Have a great day everyone. Time for another cup of java with some egg nog. (goal of the week - to get fat! ) hardee har har! Tis the season! xoxo


                  mon 19 dec af daily

                  Lavande;1229244 wrote: Good morning Abbers around the world

                  I have to be honest - today really is the 29th anniversary of my 29th birthday :H :H
                  Today is also my 31 month smoke free anni & tomorrow is my 1,000 day AL free day - :yay:
                  I really do have a lot to celebrate & be thankful for today!

                  bear, greenie, uni, DG & everyone - wishing you a fabulous AF day!
                  I'm heading to Curves now then to Longwood & lunch with the kids

                  wow, those are some impressive statistics. Good on ya
                  congratulations on your 29 anniversary,

                  we were born the same year, still AF hope everyone has a wonderful day
                  Wally22:confusedmonkey::confusedmonkey::confusedmo nkey:
                  If I don't want to brag but I can still wear the earings I wore in highschool
                  November 2, 2012


                    mon 19 dec af daily

                    Good morning everyone,

                    BIG congrats to Lav, on 1000 days (wow) and your 29th and smoke free too. You are one of the kindest most sensible people I know here, and a real inspiration. One of my past photographs, just for you....Lav the great, all seeing goddess!

                    Have to get going, I asked for an extension, about two weeks ago, and received no answer, so I am assuming I dont have one.

                    Thinking of all of you as I slip off downstream, to my lair to work, Bear, Uni, Wally, 4TB, DG, Greenie, P3, M3, GM, Det, AFM, Turnagain, Sid and of course, the amazing Lav.


                    Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                    Status: Happy:h


                      mon 19 dec af daily

                      Lav Happy Birthday. If my math is right we are the same age. And 1,000 days wow.

                      Kaslo hoping you get that extension so you can slow down. Hope Mr.Kas had a great birthday too.

                      My brunch was a grand success. I am pretty sure everyone had fun. didnt even think about having a drink. 2 non drinkers to bond with. However they all brought wine so I have tons of it. Regift it I am thinking.

                      The baked french toast was to die for.A million calories. I have attached the link I think I should make it again for Christmas morning.
                      (close your eyes Det)

                      Cinnamon Baked French Toast | The Pioneer Woman Cooks | Ree Drummond

                      Thanks for all your kind support. I feel like I can really enjoy Christmas now that is over.



                        mon 19 dec af daily

                        sid that sounds amazing - super lardy!
                        In fact i am going to make my mum's version for a quick dessert - butter sugar and cinnamon - mix spread on toast and put under grill - mmmmm.I had
                        healthy dinner of bean curry and rice- eaten 3 choc biscuits today - but all in all not bad - no exercise though - it's freezing tho.Just seen pics from party at weekend - jeez I am FAT!!

                        Had wine cravings in car on way home thinking i could buy some wine and just drink xmas day - what bs.They were talking about cooking with alcohol and trying to work out when/if the alcohol burns off.

                        I was also hungry/tired/cold and in need of warmth and rest. I need to work on diet/ bringing in small exercise and being gentle with myself. Lessen off the gas on the being perfect maybe?!
                        one day at a time


                          mon 19 dec af daily

                          Bear, I hear ya. I had cravings too after my session with my therapist this morning because we tackled some issues and I didn't want to feel. But I prayed in the car and they passed. Came home and picked up FH to go shopping for daughter. Now home and going to have a nap before I have to go pick up my daughter.

                          Glad the cravings passed for both of us Bear! Life is so much better with out AL to worry about!
                          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                            mon 19 dec af daily

                            ahh do need to lay off the gas. You are doing so well. This time of year there is such much talk about good cheer meaning Al...we are bombarded with drinking images...that are romantized. I am allowing myself some other little pleasures like shortbread instead. January is the time to regroup the diet.



                              mon 19 dec af daily

                              Lav deserves a better looking pix than a big boobed balinesean goddess, I have decided. ha ha ha.


                              Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                              Status: Happy:h

