I noticed that last night's meeting was filled up to the brim. I think the holiday season brings a disquiet w/it. There are so many expectations of what should be right now that our vulnerability to a relapse is very real. I had one very sleepless night last week, & I must admit that a glass of "something" would have put me right to sleep. Of course, I didn't do that, but I actually thought back to when I did drink to fall asleep. I conveniently forgot about the middle-of-the-night waking up however.
I've been reading a recovery book. It said that an alcoholic/addicted brain is different than a normal brain. Even in recovery, we alcoholics can still react to visual stimulii of drinking or drugging (i.e. a photo of a frostyl glass of wine or shot of Jamesons). Studies have been done w/PET scans that indicate that there is a part of our brains (even in recovery) that still react to these visual triggers.
I guess what I'm saying is that we always, always have to be on our guard. I'm not naive enough to think that after a mere 2.5 years of recovery, I'm immune to relapse. I've heard awful stories of people who go back after years & years.
I have plans to go to a meeting tonight. I'll go whenever I can right now. The cooking, shopping, etc. can wait. My recovery cannot wait. It has to be ongoing & constant. Otherwiise I lose everything.