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tue 20 dec af daily

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    tue 20 dec af daily

    Those bath salts sure look inviting. Rough day today at work. Came home grumpy as a bear. (not the lovely Bear) Nothing much to report otherwise. Reading a lame mystery novel to put me to sleep. Good news is still feeling strong. That is what is important to me now. Take care all Sid.


      tue 20 dec af daily

      Lav and all-we had a freakin' sugar fest Monday, yesterday and will go on all week at work! It's the week for office "parties" which means high fat (but delish) hot dishes and LOTS and LOTS of desserts. And in my office, they are DIRECTLY outside my mini office where I stare at them all day and have to pass them no matter where I go!
      Needless to say, my addiction beast took totally over on Monday. And what resulted? Very poor sleep monday nite, totally grumpy and angry for no reason all day yesterday, destroyed digestive system, fuzziness, mulitiple data entry mistakes and an overall feeling of malais. Hmmmm, now doesn't this sound familiar????? I couldn't resist yesterday either making things worse and worse. Finally, after lunch my brain took over and yelled ENOUGH!! Wasn't loud enough however as when I walked into quilting last nite there were PLATES and PLATES of homemade beasts! ARGHHHHHH!
      Finally got home, had some tea and an english muffin, no jelly, took a sleep aid and feel much better this morning. I VOW NOT to go to the dark side today. My motivation is body memory of yesterday and boot camp/agility tonite. I've had cheerios, skim milk and blueberries to get me going this morning and will have PB, apple and whole wheat bagel when I get in at 8am. My gum is at the ready. I must be strong!!
      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!

