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wed 21 dec af daily

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    wed 21 dec af daily

    morning all -last day!!
    Looking forward to today and the break and even the huge christmas food shop I am doing on my own tomorrow, is that normal??

    Off to friend's house tonight for drinks and nibbles - fizzy elderflower for me - not tempted!
    I am enjoying my new life as a non drinking and non smoking rebel.I am having more tattoos next year, I may have something that means something to me re being sober as a permanent reminder.

    Feeling pretty happy sat here with my coffee.
    Uni - how was the assessment?
    one day at a time

    wed 21 dec af daily

    Good morning bear & everyone!

    I have that same food shopping list to take care of today as well bear. Better to get it done today than wait until Friday

    Papmom, I read your post about your sugar overload.....
    Honestly, I think we need to start looking at cookies the same way we look at AL - poisonous I've baked lots of cookies, not because I want them, just do it out of the habit of trying to please others. I plan to donate all the cookies to my chickens after Christmas - they'll love me :H

    Heading out to Curves this morning the meeting my son & his family for my birthday lunch later. This birthday seems to be going on forever :H

    Wishing everyone a fabulous AF Hump Day!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      wed 21 dec af daily

      Hello all! Bear, you are FANTASTIC as a REBEL!!!

      Lav, so glad Curves was a good choice for you! I will also admit some envy that you can have "just one" cookie. Not me. So none is the choice I have to make to stay sane, and have a hope at being trim and fit like I want to be. For me it is EXACTLY like AL.

      :b&d: to any sugar lovers out there who need to keep their mitts off the sweets!

      I joined a couple of challenges in the Weight Watchers community that are helping me stay on track - especially through the holidays. 100 days of journaling, Every day on plan in December, Strictly On Plan (SOP), and No Sweets (one day at a time). That's a lot of checking in, but that's what it takes right now. No sweets (not even fake ones) have crossed my lips in 24 days now. I'm also down several pounds instead of up several pounds. I hope to be back at my optimal weight in a couple of months. That is more important to me than cookies.

      Or AL, of course!

      Have a good day one and all....did Uni post how the evaluation went? Need to go back and check...

      Two things are for sure:

      1. NO AL
      2. NO SUGAR

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        wed 21 dec af daily

        Hello friends,

        I did pretty good on the sugar thing yesterday. I kept my hands and self busy and that helps. Part of the time for me it is just a bad habit, others I think it definitely is a replacement for the alcohol and cigarettes. I am truly going to work on a healthier lifestyle after Christmas. Pap--when I worked at the clinic, people were always giving us cookies and goodies. After awhile it is overwhelming and too much!

        I know some of you have had insomnia issues in the past. My friend is having trouble sleeping "no matter what she takes" and I wondered if you guys could share what has worked for you. Thanks in advance.:thanks:

        Today I get my hair done--yay! And my colorologist had a candle party so I get to put her orders together and collect my money. Then a quick trip to Walmart to finish up stocking stuffers--wish me luck I hate that place! Then back for supper with the youth group and a church meeting.

        I'm skipping out on a funeral of a friend's father--have a funeral for a friends mother tomorrow, and hubby learned yesterday and old friend of his apparently fell down the stairs in his home and fatally broke his neck. And I wonder why my Christmas spirit is missing????

        I just need to keep in all in perspective and enjoy what I can.

        Have a great sober day all!:h
        NF since June 1, 2008
        AF since September 28, 2008
        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


          wed 21 dec af daily

          Morning Fabs!

          Bizzy bizzy bizzy here. Tree is still not decorated. I may enlist step son to do so today as we're having friends from BC drop by this aft. Kinda embarrassing, that green elephant in the room

          LVT - :l I'm so sorry you are having to deal with and witness so many losses. Perhaps, what we all should take away from it is that any day could be our last, or our loved ones last and we need to make it a good day and treat each other kindly. Something like that...

          Btw, your bath salts look LOVELY! If I wasn't done shopping (and it wasn't so late in the game) I'd ask you to send me some for my girls.

          DG - I have done absolutely terrible with sweets this month. Uggh.
          Lav - happy your 29th birthday celebrations are still in progress. Milk it for all ya can, baby! :H
          Bear - have fun tonight. If you're into tattoos, I think that would be a lovely idea!
          Uni - word on the assessment?

          Ok, off to feed critters and hopefully get the house in some sort of presentable shape. Oh.. and there's that work thing, too..

          Have a wonderbra Wednesday, lovely peeps.. one thing is for sure...!
          (AL, that is... not making any promises on the sugar part)
          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

          Winning since October 24th, 2013


            wed 21 dec af daily

            Bear I think a tattoo is a wonderful idea. Makes me want to get one too. (Almost) I am a little saggy and old.

            The sugar thing has hit me hard. I been scarfing chocolates and profiteroles. These little cream puffs. Gotta get a grip or I will gain all that weight back I have lost. Here is a link to the dessert I was going to make with the profiteroles for Christmas day... for fun. But we ate all the cream puffs... have to buy more.

            Dulce de Leche Croquembouche - Great Food - Recipes



              wed 21 dec af daily

     digestive system is paying big time today for Monday's big cookie craziness. I white knuckled through yesterday and no sugar entered the system....but I must credit DET who chatted me down from raiding the remaining cookies on the premises early in the evening AND Papmom whose inspiring post last night helped me cap off a sugar free day. Thank you, friends....

              DoggyG I like your plan for dealing with this sugar shit. I sure lost my accountability when I didn't fill in my food journal. And Lav....I like your approach. NONE has to be the operative mode for me, too. Sugar IS the same as AL.

     sound like you're over your grumpy sugar bear moment! I'm with you on the tatt....want one...but not sure if the tattoo store would have enough ink to deal with my sags! Bear, if you come up with a design for your FREEDOM tatt...will you share? We are all awesome rebels for bucking an addiction that is so institutionally promoted!

              LVT...your bath salts look so pretty and inviting....I second Lav's suggestion: ETSY them - they are beautiful!

     can leave your worries behind about that nekkid tree. You are just creating a new decorating tradition!

              I am taking today off from 'work - work' to catch up around the house....going for a cleaning marathon. It's past time. It's a gift to the family and to me.... I just feel calmer and clear-headed when all things are in their place.

              peace to all.....

              Uni....hope all went as you needed...let us know how you're doing...please?
              Sober for the Revolution!
              AF & NF July 23, 2011


                wed 21 dec af daily

                Quick check in still AF. Sounds like everyone has a plan and working it. My friend gave me 10 home made cookies yesterday and I scarfed them down in like 2 hours. Sigh
                Food Journalling sounds like a good idea.
                Wally22:confusedmonkey::confusedmonkey::confusedmo nkey:
                If I don't want to brag but I can still wear the earings I wore in highschool
                November 2, 2012


                  wed 21 dec af daily

                  Well -
                  Looks like I will be stretching out my BD celebration at least one more day :H
                  My son (wonderful but sometimes clueless) didn't think to make a reservation at the very nice & busy restaurant SO we will be going back tomorrow at noon for lunch

                  sid, please stop with the dessert recipes :H
                  I actually make homemade cream puffs ~ so good......

                  Sunni, your new Christmas decorating style is minimalist, right?????

                  Turn, I promised myself I would do some cleaning tomorrow but now I'm not so sure! Lunch comes first :H

                  Wally, a food journal does make you humble. It's kind of sickening when you realize just how much food you consume in a day's time......

                  LVT, sorry to hear about all the people passing so close to Christmas. Sometimes makes you wonder what's going on, doesn't it? I am so incredibly lucky I landed on my head when I fell 11 years ago. Messed me up for a while but I healed & am still here.
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    wed 21 dec af daily

                    Hi guys, sorry. Assessment went really well. I'm having a hard time because it is the anniversary of my best friends death. Det - you were here when I found out in 2008 I think. Anyway so I'm sad. Mike is still being a FH and I'm just so depressed right now that I don't even care. LVT - I can completely relate and I feel for you. ((hugs))

                    Okay, I'm off, have a meeting to go to tonight and need to get the kiddo fed.


                    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                      wed 21 dec af daily

                      Uni, I'm glad your assessment went well. Uni & LVT, I am so sorry that both of you are grieving during this time. :l

                      With every passing year, I dread Christmas more and more. The "reason for the season" is completely lost any of my obligatory activities. And there are always strange expectations. I envy my brother and his wife who stay in FL far far away from either family through the holidays.

                      I offered to cook dinner for my Mom & Dad this year. My Mom usually cooks Christmas dinner but this year has been so hard on her with my Dad this year - so I told her I would cook. No problem. At the last minute my other brother (also out of town by several states closer than FL) sends me an e-mail that he is coming too with [nephew] who is a teenager. I told him great - let him know all the food was covered so he didn't need to worry about a thing - just do the driving.

                      He e-mails "what is the expectation about gift exchange?"
                      I reply: "no gift exchange. What could be easier? Just come and enjoy the family time."
                      He replies: "That might not meet [nephew]'s expectations."

                      I reply: "What are [nephew]'s expectations? I know his grandparents are getting him a gift as they always do - that is the one exception to no gift exchange."
                      He replies: "Hostess discretion."
                      I reply: "i already gave you my hostess discretion and you said that would not meet [nephew] expectations. I am trying to understand [nephew] expectations.

                      And there ended the converstation. It was 5PM local time so I guess he just left it at that. So of course I called and now am waiting for a call back.

                      Ugh. I hate this crap. My brother in FL has the right idea.

                      No booze or sugar for me though. I'm thinking of heading to the gym and banging up a dreadmill. Thanks for letting me air that. I needed to let off some steam.

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        wed 21 dec af daily

                        Uni, glad your assessment went well!
                        Anniversaries of the passing of friends & loved ones are hard, especially this time of year. The good thing is it does get easier as time goes on.

                        DG - I suspect you need to borrow a little Lavan-ittude here!
                        Your nephew is a teenager? He's expecting to be rewarded for visiting his relatives for Christmas??
                        Tell him to stay the f_ck home!! Merry Christmas!!!! :H :H :H :H
                        I hope you don't murder that dreadmill tonight

                        Having some strong wind gusts here tonight - kind of rattling the windows a bit.
                        At least it's just rain moving in & not snow - yay!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          wed 21 dec af daily

                          Lavande;1230657 wrote: Tell him to stay the f_ck home!! Merry Christmas!!!! :H :H :H :H
                          LMAO!!!!!! twice!

                          Sunnybutt, at least you have a tree! You're one up on me!

                          I was going to brag about no sugar today but I rmemebered 2 cookies at the bank. Oh well.

                          Uni I'm glad your asses went OK.. What does that mean exactly? You and LVT, you will feel better as time goes by. I buried my mother on my birthday, immediately followed by thanksgiving without her, then finished cleaning out her apt. 10 days before that christmas without her. I don't really think about it any more except when I do think of her, I can feel my heart space expand and that's nice. I think people who have transitioned from this life plane wish they could assure us that it is even better than wonderful and they probably wish we were at peace even more than we wished that of them. :l

                          Good job on the bath salts, LVT!!

                          It's busy at work. Yay!
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                            wed 21 dec af daily

                            Wow. You rock Greenie. That is all.


                            Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                            Status: Happy:h


                              wed 21 dec af daily

                              Greenie that's lovely.

                              Lav - I nearly spat my coffee out laughing.
                              DG - I agree - maybe you could suggest it can be character building not to have all of our expectations instantly met? One of my dad's key phrases in response to the 'I want,I want' was ' well little wanters don't get' Or even better you all donate to a charity instead of gifts?
                              one day at a time

