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christmas eve af daily

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    christmas eve af daily

    hey all - had lovely lovely time at friend's house - didn't leave until half one - zzzz.
    up early to collect parcels and then shower and visiting.

    It was a great night - i was nervous - there was zero pressure to drink and they were really encouraging and happy for me. Lovely warm glow and I was really honest with them - then as usual they started talking about how they drink too much/should cut down. I find that happens a lot to me now.OH been very supportive too - he said if you're happier don't drink.:h

    Anyway must dash - prime rib mmm - ham in coke tastes lush - did glaze of maple syrup,mustard and soy.

    No intention of drinking this Christmas and feeling great about that decision. Finally.
    Peace to everyone.
    one day at a time

    christmas eve af daily

    Merry Christmas Eve to one and all! Bear, watching you turn this corner has been a joy! So happy you also have the support of friends and OH. Thanks for getting us started today!

    After reading yesterdays thread, I have visions of prime rib dancing in my head. And also a strong motivation to :bling up my avatar!

    Here is my idea for a new book.

    Determinator Cooking
    Table of contents:
    Appetizers and Garlic
    Salads and Garlic
    Soups and Garlic
    Poultry and Garlic
    Beef and Garlic
    Pork and Garlic
    Seafood and Garlic
    Wild Game and Garlic
    Desserts and Garlic

    I would buy one!

    Today will be filled with prep work for tomorrows dinner, exercise, and reading the Stephen King novel I just bought. (11/22/63 - anyone read that one?) I'm still undecided about putting up the Christmas Village because what goes up must come down. :H Maybe I'll dig out the holiday cancles instead! I got a new fake tree last year post-Christmas on sale. It looks pretty nice all decorated up. And you can't taste it the second you touch it LOL like the old toxic tree.

    For some reason I was thinking of Dr. Bob (co-founder of AA) this morning. Bill W was the talkative one of that duo for sure. Dr. Bob was a man of far fewer words. But I also suspect the voice of reason many times. A good quote from him. "It's all about love and service."

    Have a fabulous day everyone - whatever you celebrate (or not).

    One thing is for sure..

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      christmas eve af daily

      Hey Ho Fabbies!!

      Taking of to my sisters for the week +

      Everyone be safe, be sober and be happy!

      When I get back I'm seriously thinking of cooking a prime rib. Once I made a standing crown rib roast for a NYE dinner and it was so beautiful I pranced around the living room with it. :H (No, the robe was not involved) My mother used to do a ham with cloves stuck in it and a coke glaze. No prancing though.

      I want bling too! I wasn't successful with the link first go 'round.

      Tally ho, and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        christmas eve af daily

        Doggygirl;1232129 wrote: "It's all about love and service."
        I hear that over and over again these days from the metaphysical peeps.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          christmas eve af daily

          Travel safely Miss Greenie! Hope you get a chance to post from the road but if not, I will be missing you! Merry Christmas.

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            christmas eve af daily

            Good morning & Merry Christmas Eve Abbers!!!!!!!

            bear, you sound so good - do what you have to do to stay that way, it looks good on you

            DG, so funny you mentioned Bill W (that's YB's real name :H)
            I do agree with his quote too. Keeping my mind & hands busy & off of my stuff works for me

            Greenie, have a fun, safe week with your sister
            You're going to Florida, right??

            Well, the weather is pretty OK - chilly but dry. Not a chance for snow & that's perfect for me.
            I have the entire group coming for dinner & gifts tonight. I know we'll be having lots & lots of AF fun (at least for me & the kiddies).
            I'd better go get my semi-defrosted stuffed ham out of the fridge & give it a little microwave assistance.

            Will check in when I can. Wishing everyone a fab, AF day!

            :h Lav
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              christmas eve af daily

              Greenie, you're headed to Florida and my sister is headed from Florida here! LOL - I hope you have a great holiday.

              It's quiet here this morning - little uni had a sleepover and they are still out cold. Mike is upstairs with the dog so I am getting in some quiet time!

              I stepped on the scale yesterday and found that I had lost 5 pounds! Sweet! Hopefully I can keep that up.

              I have to clean the house today but other than that I am organized for Christmas so for that I am very grateful. Happy to have a nice house, tree, presents and food and friends. Looking forward to a good sober holiday.

              Love and hugs to all!
              Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                christmas eve af daily

                Lavande;1232155 wrote: so funny you mentioned Bill W (that's YB's real name :H)

                Have fun tonight with the family!!!! I bet the younguns are excited about going to Grandma's house for Christmas eve. :h

                Hi Uni! Sounds like you are in a good place heading into the Christmas weekend. :l That is awesome!

                I'm going to suit up and head out for my power walk! Crisp and sunny - just the way I like it.

                Oh I wanted to mention Uni that I've been thinking of you on the last few power walks this week. Maybe you recall during the summer I got chased down by a pit bull, then another dog chased me the very next day. It has taken me a LOOOOOOONG time to get semi-past that in terms of mental and physical reactions. At first my heart would be racing and pounding at the mere thought of walking through my neighborhood. Then ANY noise from a dog, no matter how far away, or even the leaves rustling aka squirrels, would make my heart race and pound. Only now am I noticing that I am relatively calm through most of my walks. (and still through the roof racing and pounding when nearby dogs bark or I encounter a loose one) I'm thinking this is a very mini version of PTSD - holy kats I can't imagine how it must be for people who have suffered far more significant trauma than I did!!! Mine was very minor, and yet these reactions have been horrible. I just wanted to say that I was thinking of you and how challenging it must be to overcome what you have.

                OK - NOW I'm suiting up in some chilly weather gear and heading out!!! I want to go at least 12,000 steps which will be roughly 6 miles.

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  christmas eve af daily

                  Good morning Fabbers, Bear and Uni, you are both sounding so resolved to enjoy life, and that is just FANTASTIC! Bear you are lucky to have such a lovely group of friends and supportive OH. I sure miss my friends and family out here in the mountains, but life is good. Greenie enjoy your visit withyour sister! Lav i just know christmas with you and your grandchildren is going to be a gigglefest. Dg enjoy your walks, glad your calm....i hate rushing dogs too. It why i carry a magnum...just kidding.

                  Last night whilst sitting reading with mr kaslo and little kaslo when one of them not sure who dumped a huge glass of red wine on the new sofa and beige carpet....i did not bat an eye, but cooly surveyed the domain from my chair, whilst all manner of pounding feet, frantic wiping, urgent surfing of internet to find antidote, mr kaslo arse up, swabbing, furniture shuffling....and surprised how much time all that took. Observing the dial, i said "elapsed time: 22 minutes 18 seconds. ". Feck sez Mr Kaslo, that was a lot of work, and now i have no wine left. I did not share his sorrow, but on the other hand i reflected on how many similar home Olympic events i had participated in. The Sweeping up of broken glass, cutting self and swearing prodigiously biathalon. The Race downstairs to the laundry with clothing item and salt shaker 100 yard Dash. The Disguising of wine bottle collection with Cardboar Recycling event, a bimonthly round....usually well attended by neighbours. Yes my Olympic drinking competitive rounds are now over. I have a Gold in Cryptic Guzzling, i am not particularly proud of.

                  Merry christmas every one! Chistmas AF totally rocks! This is my second one, and im signed up for this event for life!


                  Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                  Status: Happy:h


                    christmas eve af daily

                    Hello Fabber Abbers,

                    Stopping by to say hello and wish everyone a Merry Christmas. We celebrate Christmas and Hanukkah. Finally got the tree up and decorated with the girls yesterday and today is the fifth day of Hanukkah. Looking forward to a quiet weekend with family. What I like most about Christmas is the family time and the permission to do absolutely nothing (which is very hard for me to do).

                    Sounds like all are doing well. Hugs all around.

                    Kas, LOVED your story about the red wine.

                    AF Since April 20, 2008
                    4 Years!!!


                      christmas eve af daily

                      Hello friends,

                      Just popping in quick to wish everyone Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas! Mom3--I am ashamed to admit I know very little about the Jewish holiday. Maybe you can fill me in on some of your traditions.

                      I've felt pretty good the last couple of days. I requested #1 son put the lights on the naked tree as his gift to me and he did. Then, I asked both boys to put their favorite ornaments on and I did the same. No garland or nothing else. I'm happy with the entire situation. I thought hubby would complain that the lights weren't on right--he is real anal about such things, but he said it looked nice.

                      The gifts are all wrapped under the tree--we spent too much (again), but I got word from one of the members of the cemetery board yesterday that the head groundskeeper job is mine if I want it. They are meeting after the first of the year, so I'm not counting on it until it is official. I need to do some research on contract labor laws so I know what I am getting into. They also gave the boys and I a nice bonus--so I used that to buy hubby's new saw. How's that for giving??

                      Hubby bought a pickup for #2 son and me from our friends whose dad passed away--got a good deal and it will be a great ride for us!

                      I'm still overwhelmed about the anonymous gift I received the other day. Sure is a nice feeling that someone would do something nice for me with so many more deserving.

                      Long story I won't go into but #1 son and a friend kept us up for the most part until 4 am! I have a lot to do today and you can bet he is going to help me so I can have a nap before Christmas eve services!

                      Wishing you all a very happy and joyful and sober holiday season! :h
                      NF since June 1, 2008
                      AF since September 28, 2008
                      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                        christmas eve af daily

                        Kaslo I read your post twice. I enjoyed it immensely. I enjoyed the content and the style. You are a great writer.
                        Merry Christmas Eve and Happy Hanukah to all the abbers, which I am pleased to say I am as well.
                        LVT25 congratulations on all your good news, your post was wonderful to read as well.
                        Doggygirl, I have never understood people's fear of dogs, but somehow your post resonated with me. I hope you never have another fearful moment in your life. I keep saying I am going to start walking, but saying is not doing. I have a little chihuaha cross and crossing the living room is exercise for her.
                        Uni 5 pounds WHOO HOO and at this time of year as well. Good on ya!
                        Det, desserts with garlic, not so much.
                        Momof3 I hope you enjoy your quiet weekend, I plan to enjoy my time with friends and family, like you I am really looking forward to it.
                        Wally22:confusedmonkey::confusedmonkey::confusedmo nkey:
                        If I don't want to brag but I can still wear the earings I wore in highschool
                        November 2, 2012


                          christmas eve af daily

                          Okay....FABulous peeps.....don your's your Christmas Blingee!

                          Those of you who have seen A Christmas Story will recognize the "Major Award." I made this for my hubby about 10 years ago (It must be Italian!) YANKS...If you haven't seen the movie...check your cable listings today...TBS usually runs a marathon of this sweet nostalgic film. Our family watches every year - we now own the DVD!

                          This is the first AF Holiday I've had since I can't remember when....

                          I am grateful for all of your friendship have helped me recover my life......and that is one of the most precious gifts I've ever been blissed

                          Thank you for sharing your strength and courage and hope....

                          Pugs and Kisses!

                          Warner Home Video - A Christmas Story
                          Sober for the Revolution!
                          AF & NF July 23, 2011


                            christmas eve af daily

                            Happy Christmas Eve ABerooooonies far and wide!

                            wow, so many great posts I just can't keep up. hugs all around xxxxxxxxx

                            Greeneyes dancing with her roast..... that's precious. love it

                            Kas, our veritable Shakespeare. loved that holiday madness dissertation.

                            DoggyGirl, thank you for the menu planner

                            Turn, it really is a leg. lamp, leg-lamp? roasted leg of lamp? hmmmm
                            more coffee i think

                            be well everyone!
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)


                              christmas eve af daily

                              6.50 a.m. Christmas day here, so................

                              Merry christmas everyone!

                              Here's a little true story from my neck of the woods. The other day, a woman walked into a big department store, and asked to pay off any outstanding lay by's. She remains anonymous, and left $1 to pay on the overdue and outstanding items. Nice huh?

                              Take care folk's, and Merry christmas to all and your families.


                              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

