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weekly AA Thread - Dec. 26 - Jan. 1

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    weekly AA Thread - Dec. 26 - Jan. 1

    I hope all out there are enjoying the season. Sobriety definitely puts a different spin all the festivities. We usually see the parents of someone close to us on Christmas Day. They're pretty heavy drinkers. (I don't like to characterize anyone as alcoholic unless they do). Anyhow, this year, they decided to stay home on Christmas Day. I know exactly what they were doing, because that would have been my preference a few short years ago. When you're at home, especially w/someone who is also a heavy drinker, there are no constrainsts. You don't have to:
    -make conversation.
    -put up w/over-excited children.

    I know exactly how tempting that isolation can be. The less I had to interact w/the world, the better I liked it. Thank God I don't have to live like that anymore.

    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    weekly AA Thread - Dec. 26 - Jan. 1

    Happy to be sober!

    Hi, reteacher.

    I was a teacher myself for many years, mostly in MA. See that is where you live, too. Anyway, haven't posted on here for a long time (until the last couple of days), but have 37 days today. Had to go to rehab for 28 days, but I "got it" this time. I go to AA meetings every day now, and did one today and am doing another tonight while my husband goes to AlAnon. I am doing everything it takes to maintain my sobriety, as I never want to go back to where I was just six weeks ago. I am going to check in here every day.
    Thanks for starting the thread! And thanks for being an inspiration!

    "One day at a time."


      weekly AA Thread - Dec. 26 - Jan. 1

      TDN!!! It is so awesome to see you and especially to hear that you are doing so well! It took me a long time to "get it" as well. The important thing is that we are alive and we are here!

      Mary, thanks for kicking things off tihs week. Boy I know that "i'd rather stay home and drink like I want to" mode. Especially in the last 6 or 7 years of my drinking, I cancelled out of as many family / holiday gatherings as I could. I would rather stay home alone and get tanked. Ugh. I'm so glad I don't live that way any more and I'm very grateful about that!

      Christmas day with the immediate family was fine. We even had sparkling cider (non alcoholic) in champagne glasses. That is something I was not ready to do prior to this year. It was nice to have a festive touch without alcohol, and (for me) not desiring alcohol. That feels like another step forward in my sober living.

      Todays meeting was awesome. We discussed a reading from "The Best of Bill." It was about bottoms, and how everyone's is different. There was a great degree of sharing about bottoms from everyone in the group. Good to remember where I came from because I sure don't want to go back to that desparate place - my bottom - where I didn't want to live.

      I used to think "alchohlic" and "bottom" meant living under a bridge drinking *something disgusting* out of a paper bag and peeing on yourself was the definition of alcoholic. Since I wasn't there, I wasn't alcoholic. What a shock to find out the truth!!! :H

      Hope everyone is off to a great start on the last week of the year!

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        weekly AA Thread - Dec. 26 - Jan. 1

        TDN: Please come here every day & share. This is such a wonderful addition to my meetings. Remember it's ODAT...don't think about the long-term too much at this point.

        DG: My fam & friends always get something kind of special soft drink for me. It's such a caring expression of their support. I've found in sobriety that I don't have to get drunk to relax. I can just excuse myself from the festivities & take some time for myself.

        Last night's speaker meeting was awesome. One of our dear AA friends spoke impromptu. He almost lost his marriage to alcoholism. His gratitude for regaining it brought tears to my eyes.

        Have fun one & all. It's all so much better sober. Mary
        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          weekly AA Thread - Dec. 26 - Jan. 1


          Will do, retteacher! On Day 38, and going to AA at noon. Womens group was great yesterday and eight o'clock was okay, although it is always a small group of the same people, so have heard the stories before. Still good just to be there!

          "One day at a time."


            weekly AA Thread - Dec. 26 - Jan. 1

            tdn: Just to let you know, my husb goes to Alanon & sometimes AA meetings w/me. It's not for everyone, but he likes it. It gives him a human face (other than mine) to alcoholism. We now socialize w/AA friends.

            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              weekly AA Thread - Dec. 26 - Jan. 1

              Thanks for that, Mary.

              My husband hasn't been to an AA meeting yet, but does go to AlAnon, and seems more accpting of the meetings now. We only have a beginners meeting and regular AlAnon here, but I am going to check to see if some neighboring towns have any. We had a weekly AlAnon meeting when I was in rehab and I enjoyed it. (I seemed to be the only one who did!) Even read a lot of the family book.

              "One day at a time."


                weekly AA Thread - Dec. 26 - Jan. 1

                tdn: You're doing great. Remain open & change will happen for you & your relationship.

                Example: Today I had a brief skirmish w/my husb. He said something I really didn't like. In the past, I would have kept quiet...maybe would have sulked a little. Today, I got in the shower & thought about the situation. When I was calm, I spoke to him, expressed my anger, & we reached a solution. Now, it's all over. No residual resentment...our #1 enemy. Without the tools of AA, I'm not sure what would have happened. It was mentioned in another thread on this forum that the 12 steps give us a new way to behave. Once we put the drink down, there's work to be done on our minds, spirits, & ways of relating to people, particularly our significant others.

                Take care one & all.

                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012


                  weekly AA Thread - Dec. 26 - Jan. 1

                  DG, yes the tools are wonderful.
                  This past year I had a couple of job issues that the smartest thing I did was to say nothing. Without the knowledge from AA I would not have a job...well...anyway with the current employer.
                  Looking forward to NYE party at the AA group, it also our birthday night.
                  Keep the faith.
                  Love and Peace,

                  Sobriety Date 12.07.2009


                    weekly AA Thread - Dec. 26 - Jan. 1

                    Just checking in to say hi and wish everyone all the very best during the festive season.

                    The 12 steps are a great guide for living.

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      weekly AA Thread - Dec. 26 - Jan. 1

                      Hello all, thanks for your posts so far.

                      I really enjoyed my sober Christmas this year. I was the only non drinker, but there was a young couple in their 20's with us that really didn't drink much at all. I noticed them say 'no' to quite a few rounds of drinks, so I didn't feel like I stood out too much.
                      My partners family know I don't drink (but don't know I go to AA), so social situations with them are quite easy for me.

                      I feel like I need to put some time into step work at the moment. I was extremely busy leading up to Christmas, so apart from doing a service position and attending my regular meetings I feel like I have lost touch a little with the programe. I feel I need to get back into putting time aside to read the & begin to work through steps 8 & 9.

                      I did another main share last night. It is a ladies meeting and one of my regular weekly meetings. Just feeling the change in how I felt prior to speaking was amazing. When I first shared there - 13 months or so ago, I fixated on the fact I was sharing for weeks before the actual night. I was so anxious I lost over half a stone in weight in the week before and couldn't sleep properly.
                      Last night however, I felt fairly relaxed and clear when talking. I certainly didn't fixate on the share prior to doing it. I had no idea what I was going to say beforehand, but I spoke for half an hour & felt good afterwards.
                      For me, someone who dreaded 'speaking up' in any way shape or form - this is a huge sign of growth.

                      Mary & CPN, I too have noticed that I am beginning to be a better communicator. Either choosing to say nothing or responding after some thought (instead of an immediate 'reaction'). I am noticing this in all areas of my life. I am also aware that I am better able to try and see my partner's point of view.

                      TDN, congratulations on your 38/39 days. Keep on popping in for support & to share your experiences!!
                      DG, the non alcoholic cider sounds like a good idea. Will have to investigate and see if there is something similar over here in the UK!

                      All the best everyone - have a great week.

                      Sober since 30/06/10


                        weekly AA Thread - Dec. 26 - Jan. 1

                        Have just read my 24 hours book and women's New Beginnings for this day. Said my prayers and will read chapter 3 of the BB today. Yesterday at AA was 12X12 and we read step 11. Today will be Topic meeting. Trying to stay focused on the day.

                        So grateful for this forum!

                        "One day at a time."


                          weekly AA Thread - Dec. 26 - Jan. 1

                          I no longer feel like I stand out as a complete non-drinker when I'm w/normal drinkers. Last night was a good example. We had friends over for dinner, & while most people had a glass of wine or 2, I didn't drink. There was another woman who also didn't just because she knew she had to get up for work today. Most of my dearest friends know I don't drink at all & often are sweet enough to buy me special sodas & sparkling cider. Mary
                          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                          October 3, 2012


                            weekly AA Thread - Dec. 26 - Jan. 1

                            You don't gotta live that way no more! Yay!


                              weekly AA Thread - Dec. 26 - Jan. 1

                              Misskris76, yes that is so true.
                              Sometimes I overlook the things that are right in front of me.
                              Love and Peace,

                              Sobriety Date 12.07.2009

