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AF Daily Dec 28th

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    AF Daily Dec 28th

    Am I missing something or is this the first post for today's thread? If so, I'm getting the party started. If I missed something, sorry!

    Speaking of missing something...I have missed you all for the last few weeks. I just posted a long message in the December Diligence thread so I won't go into detail but I am here and trying to play catch up. Hope everyone is having a lovley hump day so far. I am enjoying my first day to myself after the whirlwind of the holiday festivities. Glad to see the sun is shining and another mild day. Plan to do some housework as I'm hosting my book club bright and early tomorrow morning (still discussing The Gift of Change). Lav, I am really loving The Power of Now, by the way. I am baking a blueberry tea bread for them for the meeting and we'll have lots of coffee, I'm sure!

    Hope you all have a great day and here we go full on throttle to the New Year! :h
    Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.


    AF Daily Dec 28th

    Hi, Blonde!
    I remember your posts form last summer, and we are sort of "neighbors," as I am in NH, and used to live in MA.
    Anyway, thanks for starting the thread! I am on day 39, and am so grateful for another sober day! Attend AA every day, and spend quite a bit of time on here, too. It is a great help to me!
    Hope everyone has a nice, sober day!

    "One day at a time."


      AF Daily Dec 28th

      Hi ThreeDogNight! Yes, of course, I remember you!!! Sounds like you are doing great and well done on 39 days! Howdy to a fellow Yankee .
      Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



        AF Daily Dec 28th

        Hi Blonde and 3DN! Great to see you both this morning!

        One thing is for sure...there will be no AL in my life today.

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          AF Daily Dec 28th

          Morning abberoos!

          Frickin freezing here today - lots of ice covered roads so I'll have to drive especially careful to little uni's hockey game. Feeling really good, journalling every night in my new journal that I got for x'mas. Mike's been good, more supportive. My body is exhausted just from so much running around but I know that will get better once the season is over. Just glad to be sober and happy!

          Love and hugs,
          One thing is for sure here today.......
          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


            AF Daily Dec 28th

            Hello Hello Fabbies!

            Uni.. you can say that again! (Friggin' freezin').. it has now warmed up to a balmy -18Celsius here *shudder* Since I lost both my windshield wipers at once yesterday, I'm grounded at home (Yay!) til new ones are delivered tomorrow

            Hello Blondie, TDN, DG, and all to come! Gotta get back to work.

            One thing is for sure today....
            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

            Winning since October 24th, 2013


              AF Daily Dec 28th

              hey all just home and cooking dinner- oven chips and mini pies.
              One day back at work tomorrow and mega report to write.plan to cycle if weather is ok.

              Still feel chilled out though and grateful for being booze free to deal with it all, enjoying kindle time and generally being lazy.

              I am really amazed and grateful to still be af - driving new years eve so that is fine.
              off to catch up.
              one day at a time


                AF Daily Dec 28th

                Top-o-the Evening ABerooooos!

                BondeAF good to see you again!

                3DogNight, hooray on day 39! I saw your post on CS's thread. fabulous!

                DoggyGirl, Universal, Bear, Sunshine, big hugs to all xxxxxx

                hey, we're missing a few peeps.

                oh, movie report: the new Sherlock Holmes is great fun!

                also I'm curious if anyone else has problems with melotonin as a sleep aid? when I take it I have AL dreams every time (tried off and on a few times now). anyway, just found that weird.

                be well
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  AF Daily Dec 28th

                  Good evening Abbers!

                  Finally checking in after a long but fum family day
                  Went to the Brandywine River museum so EB could see the trains......a really big deal for a 3 year old - he loved it!!
                  The Brandywine River Museum Railroad Returns for A Brandywine Christmas

                  Blondie, hope you get back into the groove without delay
                  Also hope you send me your recipe for blueberry tea bread - yum!

                  TDN, yay for you on 39 AF days! Glad you are here!

                  Hey DG & uni!
                  Getting colder here too & windy, Brrrr!

                  Sunni, can you buy windshield wipers by the case? :H
                  Hope you get your vehicle back on the road soon!

                  bear, I agree, it's a wonderful thing to be AF and enjoy it as well

                  Det, I take a combination herbal product with melatonin every night because I've been such a poor sleeper the past 15 years. I think it does cause some bizarre dreams but frankly I don't care. If I'm sleeping well enough to actually be dreamming then I won't complain
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    AF Daily Dec 28th

                    So today I have hit day 31 AF after many attempts really starting in March - so I am heading back to this safe place - I was posting here back in spring, but kept posting about day 1 again, so decided to wait until I had got somewhere - and now I have got "somewhere", I am back here again, hopefully to hang around for a while!
                    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                      AF Daily Dec 28th

                      det-no weird dreams with melatonin-just doesn't help me sleep at all no matter what the dose.

                      Blonde-good to see you back!

                      TDN-also saw your post on Bean's thread and I'm so happy for both you and Bean!! Way to take charge and take back your life!!

                      Lav-how fun! Oh I bet EB will remember this for years to come! Did YB spring for dinner? :H

                      Sunni-I feel your pain with auto trouble. Hope your wipers get there soon!

                      Uni-so glad to hear Mike has finally come around! I know you could do this on your own but to have him by your side must really feel good!!

                      Busy 2 days here. Huge car repair bill-over $400 yesterday plus without the car for 5 hours. More vet bills today to rule out bladder stones for my Mickey. I have now managed to spend almost $1K in 3 days!! Thank god my bro prepaid me. I just hope it doesn't take forever to work off the check he sent. So far he's not giving me the work I thought he would. :upset:
                      Mickey is most likely fine with possibly a UTI-will find out on Monday.

                      Early PT appt this morning then up to the optician's to pick out 3 new frames and get my most recent Rx filled. I had $1500 left in my flex account which needs to be spent by march. Managed to spend $1100 today!! too bad that money couldn't go towards the car or the dogs but I be styling in 2 weeks! :H
                      Last boot camp this evening as I defo can't afford it anymore. At least I come away with it with some great exercises I can do at home that will work the core (should I be that motivated). Agility went much better tonite as well-didn't forget any of the courses!

                      OK peeps. time to turn in. I must get up early and get at least an hour of work in before I take my dad to check out the assisted living complex a few towns over.
                      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                      KO the Beast!!


                        AF Daily Dec 28th

                        xpost SL-Congratulations on your 30days!! that is fab!
                        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                        KO the Beast!!


                          AF Daily Dec 28th

                          Hello Abbers,

                          My granddaughter has helped me read this thread. She is dictating.

                          "I am with my granddaughter and happy to be AF."

                          We played Blackjack, 5 card stud and Life tonight. My two oldest grandsons are over here, too.

                          I had my appt today with the Spine doctor and it went well. I had x-rays and an MRI done. The x-rays show arthritis and signs of osteo. I will know the results of the MRI next week, but the doctor feels fairly certain that my issue is a bulging disk causing nerve impingement. She will determine that from the MRI and if it is the case, she is going to give me an epidural.

                          Okay, granddaughter wants to add some more:

                          "I am proud of being AF, my grandchildren have enjoyed me being sober and I have enjoyed being with them sober."

                          She says that's all she wants us to say.

                          Hope all have a lovely night and a good night's sleep.


                          ps Det, if I take 6 mg of Melatonin, I get weird dreams, if I only take 3 mgs of Melatonin, I just get sleepy. HTH

                          pps My granddaughter wanted me to let you know her name is Destiny and she says hello to all of you.
                          AF April 9, 2016


                            AF Daily Dec 28th

                            Scottish Lass, hooray for 31 days AF! good to see you back.

                            thanks for the melotonin info everyone. will keep experimenting.

                            ahoy to Papmom Lav and Cinders.

                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)

