Only plan for rest of day is gym and sauna and freezing leftover turkey/ham and then dying hair later. I am really liking being lazy especially after working so hard yesterday and such a long day,now worrying what I did wasn't good enough. It's the best I could do under short timescale and is a good start.Need to keep my worry wart in check.
I am coming up to 8 weeks this weekend i think - losing track - in a way it doesn't matter.
Sara - it's great to see you here again and I remember some of your posts from way back and how they inspired me.
Thinking about new year's resolutions - don't make them as such as find they are a bit doomed. I love the idea of a new start/fresh beginning but have often bitten off more than i can chew/had a negative focus(e.g. lose this,stop that etc)
Anyone else got any?
Each year usually i have stop smoking/drinking and for once i have done both of those things
Trying to focus on what I want more of, want to achieve rather than stop doing/lose.
I want to hit the gym twice a week and cycle to work twice a week
I want to run a 5k by July
Worry less
Save more money and spend less/focus on what i spend
Continue decorating house and decluttering
Start to eat 3 portions of vegetables each day
Main focus for Jan is exercise and eating changes, may try to have a new focus each month - not been very good at goal setting in the past as I think they have been quite vague
Happy Friday all.