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fri 30 dec af daily

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    fri 30 dec af daily

    afternoon all - 2pm and still not dressed - old friend popped over and chatted for 4 hours!It was lovely to see him.

    Only plan for rest of day is gym and sauna and freezing leftover turkey/ham and then dying hair later. I am really liking being lazy especially after working so hard yesterday and such a long day,now worrying what I did wasn't good enough. It's the best I could do under short timescale and is a good start.Need to keep my worry wart in check.

    I am coming up to 8 weeks this weekend i think - losing track - in a way it doesn't matter.
    Sara - it's great to see you here again and I remember some of your posts from way back and how they inspired me.

    Thinking about new year's resolutions - don't make them as such as find they are a bit doomed. I love the idea of a new start/fresh beginning but have often bitten off more than i can chew/had a negative focus(e.g. lose this,stop that etc)
    Anyone else got any?

    Each year usually i have stop smoking/drinking and for once i have done both of those things

    Trying to focus on what I want more of, want to achieve rather than stop doing/lose.

    I want to hit the gym twice a week and cycle to work twice a week
    I want to run a 5k by July
    Worry less
    Save more money and spend less/focus on what i spend
    Continue decorating house and decluttering
    Start to eat 3 portions of vegetables each day

    Main focus for Jan is exercise and eating changes, may try to have a new focus each month - not been very good at goal setting in the past as I think they have been quite vague

    Happy Friday all.
    one day at a time

    fri 30 dec af daily

    Day 41

    Hi, Bean and everyone.

    Your resolutions sound fantatsic!! All doable and healthy. I haven't thought yet about what mine will be, but they will not be too ambitious. Used to do all kinds of aerobics classes--from Step to Zumba--but it is hard now that I won't be driving for a while. Did do the bike and treadmill two to three times a week while in rehab, and may be able to go to my husband's gym with him and do that same kind of thing and some weights.

    Was supposed to meet with attorney at 8:00 a.m., and was up by 5:30. His secretary called at 7:30 and said that he was home sick. He will call me on Monday, as we have to go to DMV for a separate hearing on Tuesday. I am leaving it in God's hands!

    Off to AA at noon, and as usual, looking forward to it!

    Happy Sober Day to all!

    "One day at a time."


      fri 30 dec af daily

      Good morning bear, TDN & all Abbers!

      Have been to Curves. fed myself something healthy, fed dog & chickens & now I can finally get into my shop & get some work done

      bear, last night I listened to the Intentions Setting for 2012 meditation on Emotional Healing Arts Meditation Workshops |
      Slept quite well afterwards, no worries for a change

      OK, off to work I go. Wishing everyone a Fabulous AF Friday!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        fri 30 dec af daily

        Good (still technically) Morning Bear, ThreeDogNight and Lavande and all to follow.
        Your resolutions all sound so upbeat and positive. My resolution is not to resolve to do anything negative. Quit, lose, stop anything. I want to do something positive start, learn enjoy I just haven't decided what to focus on yet.
        I can make resolutions until the cows come home and fail at all of them. This year I will focus on healing and enjoying, in whatever way seems appropriate at that time.
        Off to have lunch with son.
        Hope everyone has a fab AF day.
        Wally22:confusedmonkey::confusedmonkey::confusedmo nkey:
        If I don't want to brag but I can still wear the earings I wore in highschool
        November 2, 2012


          fri 30 dec af daily

          its always morning in Cascadia. How are Ye teday?

          I like Wallys sentiment. I resolve to get outside more. I always was an outdoorswoman. Riding, skiing gardening swimming. cant ride any more since the arthur and hipreplacements of its still in the cards. swimming now not so hot as is a tad chilly. i think ill get down to my river side today... blessed year end and new beginnings, i love it. 11 was good, hope 12 is better.

          have a great new years weekend everyone. kas

          Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
          Status: Happy:h


            fri 30 dec af daily

            Good (way not) Morning (anymore), Fabbies!

            All good here, busy working and since I'm too lazy to type it out again I'll copy from another thread:

            Not quite as 'friggin freezin' as it has been but crap, there's more snow than I thought. Had to lug some stuff to the barn this morning and was rather huffing and puffing and blowing nuttn down by the time I got there.

            Speaking of lugging stuff... One of the things requiring lugging was cat food. Lemme tell ya about my 'BARN TOM': He eats like a proverbial horse, he dispels of anything consumed in THE most smelly manner I have ever had the misfortune of witnessing (and in unbelievable quantities), he sleeps in a cushy kitty bed on top of the (heated) tack room (ok, I'll admit, the bed was my idea), and he no longer comes outside with me (God forbid, he might get his delicate paws wet). He has a rough life, indeed. However, and I think I mentioned this before... he IS using the litter box now... which thrills me to bits and I think is really quite awesome, seeing that he's never known anything but a barn.

            Oh.. and speaking of barn (or pasture behind it)... my equine friends were feeling mighty spunky this morning.. there was much rolling in the snow, cantering, and butts/hind hooves kissing the sky Quite delightful to watch.

            Anywho, I'm back home (at work, whatever) safe and sound and semi-warm.. so all is well. Hope you're having a marvelous lunch with the junior! (That was for Wally) :H

            And now... back to work. Thankfully, one thing is for sure...
            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

            Winning since October 24th, 2013


              fri 30 dec af daily

              Hiya Fabbies near and far!

              Today, i focus on what i want, and take action without overwhelming myself. Small steps, one foot in front of the other, but daily movement and growth, from the place i wish to be. My attitude is i am already there, and i am, as long as i cultivate my dreams and goals with a daily plan of action. This i carry into the new year. Because of my recent somewhat negative experiences that i chose to engage in, i feel a positive power and energy brewing, unseen in the young fella for quite awhile. Big words from a big man.

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                fri 30 dec af daily

                Hiya Fabbies near and far!

                Today, i focus on what i want, and take action without overwhelming myself. Small steps, one foot in front of the other, but daily movement and growth, from the place i wish to be. My attitude is i am already there, and i am, as long as i cultivate my dreams and goals with a daily plan of action. This i carry into the new year. Somehow, and probably because of my recent somewhat negative experiences that i chose to engage in, i feel a positive power and energy brewing, unseen in the young fella for quite awhile. :welcome:

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  fri 30 dec af daily

                  Afternoon all - Bear, I love the NY resolution ideas. I kinda want to stay away from AL resolutions as I have made them before and never delivered - maybe the eating right (along DR Det's mantra) would be a really good one? And if I don't make an AF one, maybe I will actually achieve it! Reverse psychology??
                  Sunshine - I am jealous! The horses sound fabulous to watch, what fun - sheer enjoyment! and snow - we are in northern Ca, and the resorts are in deep trouble with a teeny hint of snow in Nov and not a single snowflake since! What is happening to the weather - last year they were deep in snow, and this year people are on the beach in Tahoe and not the slopes!!
                  In the thread a couple days back melatonin was discussed and teh benifit of 3 mg vs 6mg to avoid SE's - I was shopping on line and saw 1 mg - does that work? without any yuckyness, but a lovely sleep - I am getting so tired with a couple weeks of broken sleep that I know my resolve is tiring, so really want to get some decent zzz's
                  “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                    fri 30 dec af daily

                    Here is the product I take & I usually throw in a couple of Benadryl as well because I am a chronic insomniac.......
                    MELLODYN - Natural Ingredients

                    Plain old melatonin just doesn't cut it for me - but this combination product helps a lot
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      fri 30 dec af daily

                      Sunshine - I hear you on the cat 'products' mine seem to produce their own body weight each day. I love my kitties, but they don't make it easy sometimes!
                      one day at a time

