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new years eve af daily

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    new years eve af daily

    Morning everyone - here with my coffee waiting for Saturday kitchen to start. I went to the gym yesterday - LOVED IT - and want more of it. May venture into town today - need some more chromium and plan to get some fish oil - would be good to walk/cycle.

    Other than that - today's plan is freeze turkey/ham/sprouts and funding application for team.Tonight we are at a friend's for takeaway curry and games - they are BIG drinkers like I was. No pressure though and it's going to be fine - I'm driving and taking my af beer/7up and fizzy elderflower. I'm not into big New Years celebrations these days - would much rather just stay in and chill with a few friends.I like the idea of ending the old year and starting the new one sober.

    I realise how much i demand perfection and make life more difficult - my gym is 10 min drive away BUT is big, huge range of classes and has sauna,steam and bubble pool (10 minutes is also not long).There is another gym 5 min walk away from my house - ?10 less per month BUT overcrowded/run down, lot less classes and no sauna etc.I was trying to convince myself i should make closer one work, no wonder i don't go to the gym as it's not close, i need a car to get there etc etc.

    It's the behaviour I need to focus on - i can and have got into a routine at several gyms, if I am happier at further away gym then that's fine. I also then stressed about ' well what if i don't have a car' - well I guess then i would go to the other one! Talk about getting in your own way and making mountains out of molehills.I think I'm always looking for the magic hit,' this will be the best class to lose weight so i need to do that one a lot' etc etc.- I may not always want to do spinning but i may want to walk/swim gently - and that is better than no spinning or no movement at all.

    I am going to try to listen to myself more and trust myself more in 2012 - in terms of lots of areas of my life - staying af, losing weight, work and my relationships.
    Happy and bright new years eve to all of you.
    one day at a time

    new years eve af daily

    Hi, Bear.

    Great post! Glad you have couple of gym options. I miss working out, but hope to get to the gym where my husband goes starting next week. He has to drive me, and there is nothing close to our house--cannot walk anywhere, as we aren't "in town." Our area is a summer resort area and it is pretyy quiet at this time of year.
    I have been doing cleaning projects since I got back from rehab, and have things pretty much in control. (My husband is a neat freak and control freak, too!) Yesterday I tackled the pantry and that is done.
    Not going to AA today, as right now the roads are icy and later there will be a big New Year's Eve celebration in town and there is a big dinner at the church where we usually meet. Am happy to do my readings and stay on this forum. Day 42 today, so I am grateful to start the New Year that way!
    Hope everyone has a great sober day!

    "One day at a time."


      new years eve af daily

      Good morning bear, TDN & all Abbers!

      bear, when we accept that we really have control over nothing in our lives & stop all the mad struggling ~ life become much easier. I very well could have turned into a control freak too (was raised by one). I am just trying to do the best I can do with everything & everyone in my life & hoping for the best outcome

      Well, I have ignored the cookie crumbs & dog hair piling up around me this week. So my plan is to clean up around here today, have a relaxing evening in front of the fire & try to figure out how my new iPad works. It's a cute little thing, just not sure yet what all it does :H

      Have a great AF Saturday one & all!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        new years eve af daily

        Morning abbers!

        I have to go to Fort Erie today to pick up my sisters cell phone. She left it there when she was driving up so I promised her I'd get it for her. Then drop off some library books, come home, do some tidying, reading, etc. Tonight is going to be a quiet night, just Mike and I, a nice dinner and watch the Canada/US juniors hockey game. I'm not sure if we'll even make it to midnight! LOL

        Tomorrow I am going up North to my dad's to see my new nephew and my neice and spend a couple of days with family. It will be the 11th anniversary of my mom's death so I am glad I will be with my sister.

        I checked on line as there is a pool right by my daughters school and I want to get back in shape. I find that until I looked at pictures of myself over Christmas, I didn't realize how much weight I had actually put on! And I love swimming as excercise, in fact, I prefer it over anything. Well it turns out they have adult swim every day from 9-10 so that is perfect. I can drop my daughter off at school and go to the pool daily. I'm quite excited about that because once I'm out and about I'm good, it's when I get home that I have a hard time getting out again. Knowing that the pool time is available and is right there will help me with motivation!

        I hope everyone has a great AF night tonight. There will be no champagne at midnight for me but I will toast with a ginger ale if I'm still awake. I'm very much looking forward to 2012. It will be a good year for me, I can just feel it.

        Have a great day abbies!
        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          new years eve af daily

          Wow, great posts this morning. Hi everyone. Bear looking for the magic hit has been the curse of human society for millenia. You sound focused and determined thats great! Uni you sound terrific. Tdn have a great evening.

          Lav, i hear you re crumbs and dog hair. I have no doghair but i have had a 21 year old and her Senegal parrot. Blech! You cant beat birds for poo and food crumb accumulation, if that is your goal in life, and my daughter seems oblivious to both requests to clean it up, and abundant evidence of same. She is leaving on Sunday, though. She is cheerful, and lovely, but gawd what a messy kid.

          My plan for today work, Yesterday I sewed, but today I have only two more days left before Mr Kaslo goes back to work, and only he knows how to run this stats program I bought (dont ask) so I have been whipping him every day for results, lol. We plan a quiet evening pretty much identical to Uni, actually, watching the World Junior Hockey Championship, we are Canucks after all.

          AbberFabinis, have a great AF NY.


          Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
          Status: Happy:h


            new years eve af daily

            Good New Years Eve afternoon Abbers
            Happy Almost New Years to one and all
            Bear I hope you have a fabulous 2012, um why are you freezing the funding application?
            congratulations on day 42 3dog Night
            Lavande I also have been cleaning today, I did a dump run this morning and the line up was horrendous, I guess everyone else was clearing out for the New Year as well
            Uni hope you enjoy that pool time next year, what a happy find.
            Kaslo enjoy your New Year Eve, I didn't realize there were so many fellow Canadians on this thread.
            Going to turn on the fire soon and round up the critters for a good snuggle.
            Wally22:confusedmonkey::confusedmonkey::confusedmo nkey:
            If I don't want to brag but I can still wear the earings I wore in highschool
            November 2, 2012


              new years eve af daily

              Happy last day of 2011 fABbies!

              Bear, you sound fabulous! Love your new thinking.

              TDN, congrats on 42 days! It is such a beautiful thing to witness your recovery. Thank you so much for sharing with us!

              Lav - whatever has been piling up around here is being quickly shoved under the refrigerator. Did YB buy lunch the other day?

              Hi Kaz!

              Wally I haven't been around so much lately so am looking forward to catching up more on what you have been up to. It sure is good to see you 'round here every day!

              Uni - wow it sounds like the pool setup is perfect!!

              Hello all other fABies far and wide!

              I too am giving thought to my goals. A little bit for 2012 but mainly for the next 24 hours. So many options to choose from!

              I fell off the sugar wagon. I'm so mad at myself for making it ALL THE WAY THROUGH CHRISTMAS and then caving the day after. I can do a LOT of damage with food in a few days too. This has to stop. I went to an OA meeting today. This one was a little far off my beaten path. Would love to hook up with some people like me a little closer to home. Unfortunately the meetings in my town are evenings - when I will be in school in 2 short weeks. But maybe I should go this week anyway and see who I meet.

              Funny...this whole food thing with me preceded alcohol. I know it's all connected. At this point I really just want peace of mind and no more of this insanity.

              Anyway...that's my babble. And somewhere in there is a goal for 2012.

              Oh - one more funny. I drive a 1999 Explorer. Runs great and I'm hoping for several more good years. My neighbor has one EXACTLY like mine. Same year, color, "Eddie Bauer Edition," everything. That one seems to be running like a champ too. What are the odds right next door to each other? Now if I could convince them to put our business graphics on their windows, we would appear to have a "fleet."

              One thing is for sure...

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                new years eve af daily

                A fleet! DG that would be awesome! LOL

                Well, frig. My perfect NYE is pretty much kaput. Mike was complaining because he has no friends (he really doesn't, they are all acquaintances). So I mentioned friends of mine because the husband and Mike always get along and I know they would be willing to get together. And of course I get the standard "well you'll have to work on that friendship, won't you, didn't you Eff that one up?". I was so pissed. I'm like, no actually I talk to so and so almost every day and everything is fine but thanks for throwing things that you don't know SH@@ about in my face. Remember that this was a conversation about you not having any friends? Not me? I HAVE friends.....

                So needless to say I really am not in the mood to cook him a nice dinner let alone hang out with him all night. Happy friggin new year. Bring on 2012! I've had more than enough of 2011!!!!
                Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                  new years eve af daily

                  Well friends, it's 2012 here, and i can give you the early rocks.

                  My 4th. consecutive AF new years eve.

                  A safe and sober evening to all.


                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                    new years eve af daily

                    Hello friends,

                    Uni, I'm sorry you had a tiff with hubby when you had such nice plans. I know what that feels like.:l

                    I love all the inspiration and insight about new year and resolutions. I don't even remember how many new years I was going to give up ciggies and beer. I'm glad I don't have to feel like crap about that failed resolution anymore! Last year I think I was going to try to get into a routine of meditation, prayer, journaling and exercise. That didn't stick either. But, I'm not going to beat myself up about it. I like the idea of learning something new. G--you are such an eloquent poster--congrats on 4 sober New Years. I think I am right there with you!:goodjob:

                    I saw my gyno doctor last week. We decided to try the antidepressant route for awhile. I was on Lexapro several years ago when my folks were sick, but I was also still drinking. So, I thought I'd try it to see what kind of effect it has on my mood. I haven't told my family. Will see if they notice a difference. I do know it makes me sick to my stomach, and not much of an appetite, so hopefully that is all the side effects I feel.

                    Lav--I'll be you enjoy that I pad! I bought myself a Kindle Fire and so far really like it. It is just like a mini computer as far as I can tell. It will be handy to take places.

                    New Years eve around here is just like any other day for me and hubby. I have been doing bookwork and he is making salami and such in the man cave. I am waiting for my friend to stop by--she is really having a tough time with all of these holidays so soon after her sweetheart passed. I'm looking forward to seeing her and giving her a hug and the bag of goodies I have for her and her daughter.

                    #1 son had to work tonight and he was none to happy about that--I hope he heeds my advice and doesn't try to finagle his way out of it. He will still have plenty of time for his friends after work at 10. I have to go in to town and pick #2 son up at 12:30 from a movie party. My how times have changed! A few years ago the boys had to stay home or stay at a friends because we would be partying all night! It was fun at the time, but I'm so glad those days are over!

                    Tomorrow we are headed to my brother's for a late Christmas get together. It will be a quick trip and it would be so much easier to just stay home, but I think it is important to make time for my siblings.

                    Wishing all of my daily af friends a Happy, Healthy--sober:h 2012!!
                    NF since June 1, 2008
                    AF since September 28, 2008
                    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                      new years eve af daily

                      LVT25;1236125 wrote:

                      G--you are such an eloquent poster--congrats on 4 sober New Years. I think I am right there with you!:goodjob:
                      Thanks LV,

                      and i don't intend to have a few drinks between them like i did in 2011 either. A totally AF 2012 for this young fella.

                      Wishing you and family a happy healthy 2012.

                      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                        new years eve af daily

                        I plan to have 2012 be totally af! I didn't start till Dec. 31, 2008 so I didn't have a full af year since 2007 (started at age 22 and spent 21 sober) and I want another year sober. My plan is to come here at least once a day (even if it is just lurking), take it ODAAT, post when I need to, support others,remind myself how bad drinking/hangovers are, and to make sure that I still have a support team for those moments that are bound to come. Just because I have been af 7 months, does not mean that the times of wanting a drink will be done completely, it will take a long time, and I may not fully get rid of them in my life and I may be able to. Only time will tell. I am 3 years NF (4 on the 12th) and there are still times (rarely thank god) that I want a cigarette (weak and I don't and won't smoke). So I expect similar things with my quitting drinking. But it is worth the fight all the way!
                        I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

                        Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

                        Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


                          new years eve af daily

                          Happy New Year, Fabberoonies!

                          Still an hour and a half to go... gonna get ready and head over to friends in a bit. Taking tea and lemon with me - not planning on ruining my AF time. 2012 here we come!

                          Wishing you all a wonderful new year! May your dreams and hopes come true and may you have the strength and determination to achieve your goals.

                          Thank you all for being here :l
                          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                          Winning since October 24th, 2013


                            new years eve af daily

                            Well, it's 10 pm & I just shoved my DIL & grandsons out of here - Geez, I'm exhausted :H
                            Not sure if I'm staying up until midnight :H
                            It was nice having them here though. My son is at work until tomorrow & I hate that my DIL spends so much time alone withthose two little kids.

                            Great to see everyone here today

                            DG, yes YB picked up the $90 lunch bill this week - glad he did too

                            Not sure what the new year has in store for me but I hope it's good!
                            Wishing everyone a happy, healthy & prosperous New Year!

                            :h Lav
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              new years eve af daily

                              I wanted to wish all of my MWO friends a wonderful, sober, happy New Year!

                              I am babysitting my GF's little ones. It is just after 10pm here and the 1.5 year old is still going strong! I just pray she conks out soon, then mine and the other boy follows suit! WHEW! It is way past my bedtime!!! LOL!!!

                              I haven't made any resolutions for this new year. I just know that I will be completely AF, and strive to be the best I can be.

                              Have a wonderful night all! xoxo

