Other than that - today's plan is freeze turkey/ham/sprouts and funding application for team.Tonight we are at a friend's for takeaway curry and games - they are BIG drinkers like I was. No pressure though and it's going to be fine - I'm driving and taking my af beer/7up and fizzy elderflower. I'm not into big New Years celebrations these days - would much rather just stay in and chill with a few friends.I like the idea of ending the old year and starting the new one sober.
I realise how much i demand perfection and make life more difficult - my gym is 10 min drive away BUT is big, huge range of classes and has sauna,steam and bubble pool (10 minutes is also not long).There is another gym 5 min walk away from my house - ?10 less per month BUT overcrowded/run down, lot less classes and no sauna etc.I was trying to convince myself i should make closer one work, no wonder i don't go to the gym as it's not close, i need a car to get there etc etc.
It's the behaviour I need to focus on - i can and have got into a routine at several gyms, if I am happier at further away gym then that's fine. I also then stressed about ' well what if i don't have a car' - well I guess then i would go to the other one! Talk about getting in your own way and making mountains out of molehills.I think I'm always looking for the magic hit,' this will be the best class to lose weight so i need to do that one a lot' etc etc.- I may not always want to do spinning but i may want to walk/swim gently - and that is better than no spinning or no movement at all.
I am going to try to listen to myself more and trust myself more in 2012 - in terms of lots of areas of my life - staying af, losing weight, work and my relationships.
Happy and bright new years eve to all of you.