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January Jewels - week one 2012!

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    January Jewels - week one 2012!

    Good Morning AF Friends!

    WOW....Lav.....maybe YB has had the epiphany I hoped he would have over a YEAR ago. Ok, so he's a slow learner.:H I don't want to jinx you, though. You are wise to take it slowly and let him be the one to open the door about a reconciliation. You're probably starting to compile a laundry list of chores for him to do. Just kiddin.

    Cassia-I am not worthy of all your praise. I could NOT handle accounting. I tried taking it in college and dropped the class after 2 weeks. Regarding the name, Rusty, um, well, I'll try to say this tactfully. It was a name an old beau gave me as I am a natural redhead. He got the name Rusty because it was the nickname Elvis Presley gave Ann Margaret because she was the first natural redhead he had "dated." Ok, that's all I'm saying before I get into trouble.:H Good luck with your training for the 1/2 marathon....gosh, you're ambitious. I feel like a slouch.

    Dew and Papmom-I hope you both are on the road to recovery. Pap, I'll bet you got that nasty virus from the NH. Nursing homes are just like kids' day care centers. All of my clients who have kids in day care get these horrible viruses they pick up from their kids and these bugs last a long time.

    Dill-thank you for that wonderful quote. I hadn't realized how dependent I had become on them....they always start my day off on the right foot.

    A big hello to Starty. Are those brand new Fruit of the Looms you are sporting in your avatar? I'm glad you're taking care of Chill, your visit together will surely lighten her mood. I hate to see our dear friend so sad.

    Has anyone heard from Fair Lassie Rustop? I miss her. I too miss Blonde and Jolie. Come back you guys!

    Star-I have to go back to work on Tuesday and I am dreading it already.

    Here's what's happened recently in my world: I start Physical Therapy tomorrow for my neck. The place I am going to was recommended by my doctor and I'll go once or twice per week, depending on my work schedule. My neck is actually starting to feel better. I just have to tell you guys about yesterday. It was sunny and about 50 degrees here yesterday ande I was walking on the lake path and I look out on the lake and there are these two people on a Wave Runner (jet ski) zipping across the lake, dressed in downhill ski gear....goggles, down jackets, snowpants...and life jackets. On January 7th! I laughed so hard. But of course the weather won't always be this nice. We're bound to get clobbered with snow...and the winters here are always long!

    Cyn, you are one resourceful woman and I have no doubt you'll be able to get back into business again soon. Good news about the Reiki opportunity. What an incredibly funny and touching story about your dad. I'm glad you can smile about it....I burst out giggling thinking about him screaming out the window like an alien monster. Gosh, you have a gift for words. As far as budget tightening....I am doing the same as I have to retake my exam in March and I have turned down work in January and February so I can study.

    Well, I am going to go for a run on the Lake Path, and then unfortunately, it's paperwork and studying. Hey, I'm lucky. I am AF and I feel great and running is sure a lot more fun with 33 less pounds.

    A shout out and warm hello to Shelley, LBH, SD, Sooty and anyone I may have missed...have a fabulous AF Sunday!


      January Jewels - week one 2012!

      Good morning Jewels,

      :H cyn - my BIL next door shoots at everything & it makes me crazy!
      Funny you mentioned the smudging. I have been watching the moon the past few nights & thinking it is time to fire up the old smuge stick again. Somehow the smudging ceremony has helped me keep my focus. Sounds weird I know (especially after being raised Catholic) :H AND the best part is I have told YB about the smudging & why I do it - he just says 'Oh'!

      Chill & Starty - glad you two are taking care of business!!!!
      Am I seeing thermal BGPs on that squirrel????? Sorry about the cold weather you are having. It was Spring-like here yesterday!

      Star, I have no concrete plans for the day either & that's OK. I kind of enjoy just putzing around once in a while - good for the soul

      Dew & papmom, hope you are both feeling great today!
      Hello to Dill, Sooty, LBH, Rusty, G & all the Jewels.

      Have a wonderful AF Sunday everyone!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        January Jewels - week one 2012!

        Hey to Starty!! so glad you were able to make the trip to visit our Chill. We will be waiting anxiously for the announcement of world peace!! Isn't Chill's little cottage darling? At least it looks that way in the pics.

        Rusty-enjoy the time outdoors! Wow on the jet skiiers!! Good thing they didn't fall off-with all that gear they would have sunk in spite of the life jackets!!

        Chill and Cyn-how very exciting that you both have been able to find workshops for Reiki! I will be your very first customer Cyn for DD. I understand Reiki can help with dog issues. Chill, you'll have to stop in on your world tour someday!!

        Lav-you sound very peaceful and calm today. No GKs?

        Star-saw a recipe in today's paper for butternut squash and pear spicy soup. Hmmmmmm.

        Dew-hope you're feeling better today too!

        Hey ho to Cass, Dill, Sooty and Sped. Sped-whatever happened with your son's kitty?

        I am definitely feeling better today although the coughing is getting old. I did wake up a lot last nite due to coughing but that's to be expected as the virus makes its way out of my body. My one goal today was to tackle the dishes that have been piling up since Monday nite. I have to do it in 2 shifts as I don't have a dishwasher so I'll be heading to the kitchen soon for go #2. I haven't done anything else but that. I decided that I wouldn't get that much real work done so no dent in my pile would have been made. I will just deal with it all tomorrow. I'm anxious because I haven't heard one word from my boss-no "sorry you're sick"; no phone calls, nothing. Just confirms my assessment of him. And I'm really sick of it. I'm sure he's going to be very cold and distant tomorrow and for the whole week and is shitting bricks because Orientation is a week from Wed and if I don't get my work done his arse is on the line too. This is why I'm so worried about going back to work tomorrow. We're also in the middle of a moderate system upgrade and I haven't tested one thing yet. See, now I'm getting myself all worked up. I need those smudge sticks Lav!!

        Also, got word today from my sis that one of her husband's sisters was just let go of her very prestigious job. The company she works for is a high end Event Planning company. They did the Chelsea Clinton wedding. Her position was up there in HR and they have eliminated her position! She has put her heart and soul into that company and was there when they were small potatoes. She is the one who's husband committed suicide last summer. I am just so angry right now. It just proves that hard work and loyalty do not matter one fecking bit anymore!! She's getting a severance package so they didn't even try to reassign her. She is handling this with way more class and grace than the owner deserves. It's going to be really wierd because she got her nephew's new wife a job there this past year. ARggghhhhh!!! Her other sister in law (my sis's I mean) just finished a week of radiation for BC that came back on the side she had a mastectomy 10 years ago (I think it was 10). She's been battling this second occurance for a long time now. I have no idea of her prognosis-my sister doesn't really talk about it.
        Sorry to be such a debby downer-i meant to be upbeat today but all this news has really gotten me down. And what am I watching? "Fantastic Houseboats". Gawd, I gotta get a grip!!
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          January Jewels - week one 2012!

          Evening Guys

          Papmom - so sorry to hear about your Sis's SIL. Sadly the world is a very uncertain place to be. Great to hear you are feeling better :l

          Lav - keep smudging Sister! I light incense religously several times a day as its also a Buddhist tradition for dispelling any stagnant energy and I feel uneasy if I don't.

          Cyn - Great to hear you are signed up for the reiki course! When is it? Will be fantastic to share our experiences.

          Rusty - I hope the therapy gives you more relief for your neck pain. Your run round the lake sounds heaven, wish i could join you.

          Star - I hope you got your trip outside today. I have beautiful lilies gracing my living room right now and the scent is devine!

          Dropped Starty back at the airport a couple of hours ago. We had such a lovely time and it was so good to be with a kindred spirit. We talked about our lives in-depth, past and present, from relationships to our AL abuse. We reminded each other how important it was to be in the present moment and how at times we need to lighten up and not take ourselves so damn seriously! My heart is lighter for her having been here and I'm so grateful to MWO for bringing us together.
          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
          AF - JAN 1st 2010
          NF - May 1996


            January Jewels - week one 2012!

            Evening Gems,

            I?ve had a quiet day and managed to get out for a walk this afternoon, I really hate feeling cooped up inside. Some friends were off hill walking today and invited me I really didn?t have the energy but I was sorry to miss out, they had a good day on the hills too ? typical! Next weekend I am going on an Indian Head Massage course, it was a Xmas pressie from the grandkids and I am really looking forward to it.

            I?m feeling much better this evening so back to work tomorrow, my voice is still croaky and hoarse but improving so I?ll take it easy but can?t hang around the house much longer. A busy week ahead for me too, lots to do on Monday and Tuesday and flying down to Manchester on Tuesday evening for three days training so yet another late night home on Friday aaarrrrgggg. No point complaining I simply have to get on with it.

            Have a contented and peaceful Sunday evening all,

            Dewdrop :h
            Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


              January Jewels - week one 2012!

              Evening all,

              Quite day here. Long lie, run and some chores. Now watching some tv. When hubby gets home I am making Cajun trout. Yum!!

              P3 - glad you are feeling ten times better. I am sorry to here what your extended family is going thru. I see it day in and day out with my job that business just don't care about their employees. It's a disgrace! I hope that she finds something quickly. I imagine that she has an excellent reputation and experience as well as a lot of contacts.

              Lav - I looked up smudging after you mentioned it and it's something I want to try. Do you ipuse sage mainly or one of the other herbs?

              Chill - sounds like you and starty had an amazing time!

              Dew - glad to hear you are feeling lots better. The hills are always there so I am sure you will be climbing them again in no time.

              Star- what are you cooking? I am always looking for new recipes and inspiration.

              Rusty - this weather has been unreal but I am not complaining! I was able to walk around without a jacket yesterday. Sounds like you are going to have a busy couple of months with studying and work. You will do grand on your exam - seems like you are doing the right prep and making it a priority.

              Cyn - :l the story about your dad made me laugh. Pesky squirrels eh?!?! I once saw a couple try and pet a squirrel in Washington square park. Crazy!!

              Big hello to everyone I missed. I really have nothing to add except to thank you all for sharing how you got your names. Very interesting!

              'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

              "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

              AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

              "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                January Jewels - week one 2012!

                Started out the day with no plans but all that changed :H
                Ended up with DIL & grandsons here for lunch & they stayed & stayed thru dinner, etc. At 8:30 pm I told them to go home, I was exhausted :H
                YB came for dinner as well. He's been pleasant & helpful with the grandkids but i can see he doesn't have the patience to really deal with them the way I do ~ that's OK.

                Rusty & Cassia, studing for exams - wishing you both luck!
                Cassia, I buy the smudge sticks from a place called Juniper Ridge. White sage is the best!

                Dew, glad you're feeling mostly better. I hope this busy week isn't going to wear you out, take care of yourself!

                Chill, glad your weekend with Starty was a good one
                Let's all stay in the present moment ~ it's all we really have!

                Papmom, take an Ambien & forget everything else!
                Worrying about work, friends, friends of friends is not going to help you or them. Be kind to yourself

                OK, must shut down now, I am pooped!
                G'night all.

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

