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mon 2 jan af daily

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    mon 2 jan af daily

    morning all - on sofa chilling - taken christmas decs down, load of washing on, am watching 1 episode of true blood then stripping wallpaper.I plan to hit gym later and then begin team funding app.

    I am feeling relaxed and trying to hold onto the feeling and enjoy today and not stress about tomorrow,its been a lovely relaxing break.
    one day at a time

    mon 2 jan af daily

    Good morning, Bear.

    Had a nice quiet New Year's Day. Went to church, and it was so incredible how the sermon seemed to be custom tailored to me!! Even my husband agreed. Never used to go to church, but this one is so different, and I love the pastor. Lots of music, too, and I enjoy that. (Don't join in myself, as I can't sing!!)
    About to do my readings. Going to help with making coffee for AA today, and this job will be mine for Mondays.
    Day 44 today. Feels so good to be sober!
    Hope everyone has a great sober day!!

    "One day at a time."


      mon 2 jan af daily

      Good Morning Bear,

      As always, thank you for starting the thread today. :-)

      What is going on with everyone? It seems that Underoos are deep cleaning houses, Canadians are remodeling rooms and now you are stripping wallpaper. I am painting a door but it is under extreme duress. We also have to redo the floor in the dining room because our refrigerator leaked and the water has run under it and ruined the flooring. But that can wait.

      Unfortunately, I have to figure out how to get to the doctors on Wednesday and my DIL has to go to the courthouse to get some paperwork done for the accident and my daughter's car is broken down. I need to go follow up on my back so I can get to Florida to deal with my parents. The situation continues to degrade, there. Yesterday, mom had a very bad day and ended up calling the police. sigh.

      I am not sure what to do but know I can only advise my dad and since he seems to be losing his judgement, it can be frustrating.

      Nonetheless, I am sober and very darned happy to be so.

      Hope all have a wonderful, AF day!!

      AF April 9, 2016


        mon 2 jan af daily

        Hi, TDN. xposted

        When I used to go to AA, I loved the days when I was involved in the meetings.

        AF April 9, 2016


          mon 2 jan af daily

          Good morning Abbers!

          bear, sounds like a good plan for the day, glad you've enjoyed your break

          TDN, I rarely get to church anymore but usually do enjoy the peaceful & calm feelings I get there. Glad you found a good one. Congrats on your AF time, you're doing great!

          Cindi, I sure hope you can find your way to the doctor Wednesday!
          Sorry to hear that your parents are in a rough spot. I know how hard that is having dealt with mine as well. Watching them slowly lose the ability to care for themselves is tough. Do you have any brothers or sisters available to lend a hand? Sadly, my brothers were no help whatsoever....

          I am also happy to be AF & motivated enough to get myself to Curves this morning. Glad I didn't really go nutz with the eating/cookie thing this past week
          Have a great AF day one & all!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            mon 2 jan af daily

            Hi fABbies! Bear, love your attitude! Not so sure about stripping wallpaper though! You can keep that!

            TDN - good for you getting involved in service work. Making and serving the coffee is an awesome place to start.

            Cindi - sounds like you have a lot going on. My Dad is getting worse and worse physically, and is also starting to show signs of some mental deterioration. And Mom & Dads "affairs" are definitely not in order in terms of long term care when he can no longer function at home, etc. It's really worrisome. I feel for what you are going through there. You sound so good since quitting that job. I hope you feel as good about life as you are sounding these days.

            Can't believe 1/2 the holiday break is already gone. Lots to do still before school starts! Much of it is year end book keeping..... I am trying to keep a good attitude. I need some Lavanitude about it LOL!

            P3 - hope you are feeling better today!

            One thing is for sure...

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              mon 2 jan af daily

              Good Morning Abbers
              Bear73 thanks for starting the thread, you are very motivational today and I need that
              Good morning to 3Dognite, Cinders, Lavande, Doggygirl and all to follow.
              (I had to write that all done, my memory sucks)
              3DN congratulations on Day 44!!!!I have been skipping church lately and need to get back on line.
              Cinders I really hope you get to the doctors and this situation with your parents resolves itself, it's such a stressful situation, especially combined with the accident. You sure do have a plateful. Thank god you are handling it sober, can you imagine trying to do all you are doing and drinking too?
              Lavande, I wish I had shown your self restraint in the sweets department...sigh
              Doggygirl, just wade in and geterdone. It's the only way, my sympathies on the year end paperwork. Plan a treat for the end. I would suggest cookies, but that is just such a bad idea.
              Wally22:confusedmonkey::confusedmonkey::confusedmo nkey:
              If I don't want to brag but I can still wear the earings I wore in highschool
              November 2, 2012


                mon 2 jan af daily

                WINDY & CHILLY here tonight ~ starting to feel like winter
                They're talking about flurries tonight too - that's OK, just so I don't have to shovel them :H

                OK, I went out to the chicken house a little while ago to collect eggs. I noticed one of the youngsters had hopped over the fence & was on the loose but I just walked past her knowing she wasn't really going anywhere. Next thing you know I hear squawking & a flurry of flapping wings - she's running into the house towards me being chased by the big black & white piggy swissy! Next thing you know she's standing on my BACK :H :H
                I really need a video camera out there........

                Wally, I'm a weirdo in that I enjoy the baking process more than I enjoy eatingthe stuff. When you're over 29 just walking past food puts weight on you...
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  mon 2 jan af daily

                  Wally, just THINKING about cookies is a bad idea for me! :H Maybe a new pair of shoes. YA THAT'S THE TICKET! Now we are cookin' with gas. A girl can NEVER have too many shoes.

                  Lav, I would pay $$$$$ to see a vid of piggy swissy in action! I would FREAK OUT if a bird landed on me. That is all.

                  Where is :crowned:?

                  Hi to all fABbies yet to come. Is everyone taking a big ol' nap today?

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    mon 2 jan af daily

                    :H DG, having a 6 lb chicken landing on your back is absolutely hysterical, really :H

                    Chickens are incredibly stupid - she was the same one Maxie chased for half an hour yesterday until I was finally able to grab her & put her back in the fenced yard.

                    We haven't had a visit from Greenie or Marshy yet. Where are the travelers?
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      mon 2 jan af daily

                      Happy Unhung MOnday ABerooooooos!

                      I'm late but I'm doin' great. slow work day so i snuck off to the gym for the noon kickboxing class. whew! love those endorphines.

                      Bear, Lavande, Doggygirl, Wally, Cindi, Threedog, good to see you all zipping along on a great new year of AFness.

                      I'm thinking about a chicken/cranberry curry. hmmmm.

                      be well everyone
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        mon 2 jan af daily

                        Not LAV's chicken in the curry, surely Det???

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          mon 2 jan af daily

                          I'll donate that stupid chicken for Det's curry......
                          At least that way I won't have her jumping on my back anymore running from the piggy swissy

                          I was just thinking - have we heard from IJM? It's been over a month I think
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            mon 2 jan af daily

                            Hello chicken lovers! :H

                            Lav, I'd love to sit and watch your menagerie for a while! And, I really don't think chickens are as stupid as we think... I had a pretty darn sneaky, quick witted clucky :H

                            Been another long day at the barn (and yes, a nap thereafter, DG ) and now I shall disassemble that sorry excuse for a Christmas tree, get the garbage and recycling bins ready (they pick up at like 6am here... ungodly hour, if you ask me) and THEN retire to bed with a cup of tea and a trashy book I found in the basement (sometimes I think I should go down there and clean up more often) :H

                            You know, I don't wanna jinx it.. but I think I'm finally getting the hang of this AFness thing. I'm really REALLY enjoying the simplicity of not drinking. I'll admit I was fretting a little over NYE but it was more along the lines of 'what will they think' than 'I want a drink'... weird, huh?

                            One thing is for sure... there was no AL in my life for the past... 80-something days! (I'm too lazy to go pull up that date calculator thingie again)
                            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                            Winning since October 24th, 2013

