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tuesday 3 jan af daily

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    tuesday 3 jan af daily

    Love it Kas, what a beautiful sky
    I think black & white photos are more....nostalgic?

    It's pretty cold here too kids & windy. Tomorrow morning's wind chill is supposed to be 1 degree!!!!!
    Think I'll throw a few blankets in with the chickens :H (JK)

    Gots lots done today (yay me) & I attribute my focus & energy on my AFness so I am one grateful granny

    I am starting a walking plan soon to increase my overall cardio fitness & hopefully lose a few more pounds. While it's this cold out I will do the walking on my dusty old dreadmill
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      tuesday 3 jan af daily

      Kas-what a gorgeous photo!! I think b&w is more striking.

      Bear-great start today. I too love your new Bearatude!!

      Uni-hope your couples counseling goes well.

      Sunni, DG, and LVT-get to work!!:H

      Lav-I can't remember-is this the first winter for the girls? Cold and windy here too. Got down to about 25F today. Expecting single digits tomorrow. Brrrr

      3DN-you definitely have the right atti/gratitude! Keep up the great work.

      G-we'll have no more talk about balmy temps!!

      I did manage to haul my sick arse to work today but shouldn't have. I just figured it wouldn't look too good to call out after having 10 days off. Wouldn't you know it, my boss called out!! Said a tree fell across his drive yesterday and his Hummer couldn't get over it. Hmmmmm on so many levels not the least of which we haven't had a storm in 5 days!! Anyway I got as much done as I could and left at 3. No quilting for me tonite! I'm snug in bed with the pups feeling like crap and can't wait to take an Ambien so I can conk right out. I'm pretty sure tomorrow will be a sick day and i'll be missing agility as well. :upset: I'm just hoping this thing doesn't turn into Brochitis-I've been so lucky for 2 years!!

      I'll say good nite now in case I don't get to it later.
      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!


        tuesday 3 jan af daily

        Bronchitis sucks papmom ~ don't let it go there
        Go get some Abx if you have to!!!

        My Buff Orpingtons will be having their 2nd winter - it's the 4 Araucanas, the blue egg layers who are having their first winter. The Buffs are a pretty tough breed, hopefully they will keep the young ones warm

        I got out for a haircut today, stopped at Walmart, Lowes & the supermarket, fixed a pot pie for dinner & even invited YB over to help me eat it :H I am so damned nice :H

        LVT, I put a video on FB showing a chicken puppy sitting a litter of 6 dogs - it's hysterical!

        OK, time to call it a day!
        G'night all.

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          tuesday 3 jan af daily

          Evenin' abbies!

          Pap - I hope you feel better soon!! I will go to the Post Office tomorrow with the information you sent me, and I will let you know.

          I had chemo today. Cycle 4/6. 2 more to go!! Whooo fricken whoooooo loooo!

          Funny about the driving lessons, LVT. Thankfully your son has knowledge on how to use an automobile. My 18 year old obtained her learner's licence in the summer. Well, she claimed she could drive........ she claimed she has driven friends' cars (ahem) and her dad's truck a few times. I will digress after my first experience taking her out; let me tell you! :upset:

          She scared the freaken Jebezus outta me! First we took my car. It is smaller than the van we had available to us at the time. My car is a standard. "mom, I know how to drive a standard.' Um, no she does not. Not only did she wreak havoc on my beautiful car by stalling it and revving it and not knowing when to change the gears, but, after going around the block - she blew through 1/8th of a tank of gas. It was a small block! So, I said, let's try the van......... it is automatic. Well, OK. She is wearing this toque that is in the shape of a orange fox to start with. We head out down the road (quiet road) and I suggested she pull into this empty parking lot to practice. Practice parking and backing up and stuff. Well turning into the parking lot she gunned it instead of using the break to slow down. Then I asked her to pull into the parking spot and put the van into park. Well she goes to turn into the parking spot, and gunned it. Slammed on the breaks and almost hit the fence! :goodjob: I then said to her. You do know which is the break and which is the gas, right? (meanwhile sweat is pouring off of my head). She claimed yes. So we proceeded to do this for a while. Not getting any better, let me tell you! So after a little while, I said, I think that is enough for today, let's drive the van back. Well, on our way down this little quiet road, a black cat runs out onto the street.......... she almost hit it, but thankfully she hit the break this time. She starts to scream out of the window at this cat with this stupid fox hat on. People were coming out to see what is going on. (embarrassed!!!).

          Got the vehicle back safe and sound. I have never given her another lesson again. I told her that it is really her father's job. :H I still laugh to this day. A very anxious laugh. Her father has yet to give her a lesson. :thanks: We need to keep the crazies off the road, I tell ya!

          Have a good night everyone! xoxo

          edit: Um, I do know how to spell, brake. Just noticed. Good Lord! Brake, not break.......... and a toque, is a winter hat; we Canuckleheads call it a toque. And let me tell you, it was a hot day. I just don't know kids nowadays.............. LOL!


            tuesday 3 jan af daily

            Too Funny AFM! A fox hat, I gather orange, is not appropriately straight laced road wear for a juvenile driver. I bet you occassionally still wake up in a cold sweat. Why is it people must learn how to drive a 5 thousand pound machine equipped with torgue and acceleration when they are the most opinionated, reckless, and self confident?? Hmmmm??

            I tried to teach my eldest teenager too. Oy. Took her, with her little sister in the car, all the way down to a big sandy flat with an endless amount of room, and she did well but then when I got her over to the other side of the river I neglected to calculate for a large cliff over the Columbia River. We didnt die, and stopped short of plunging into to boiling River, but only just by the skin of our teeth. I highly recommend hiring this job out to a drivers ed company. The owners of which can be identified by gray hair and nervous twitch. I did this for the younger one, I was much wiser the second time around. For one thing they have two sets of controls in the car.

            LVT I bet your 14 year old is a good kid and will be a great driver. But do they really let people drive when they are only 14 there? I sometimes think my 21 year old is too inexperienced and young to drive and she has been driving for 5 years now. On icy mountain roads.

            I just try to keep my head down at all times.


            Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
            Status: Happy:h


              tuesday 3 jan af daily

              Funny, Kaslo! Well, not really........... It is VERY scary, the thought of her on the road. She is so smart, and beautiful, but somewhat a bit of an immature 'flake' right now. (not to be mean). Kids nowadays are sooooo much different than when I was a kid. We had responsibility ingrained into our heads at such a young age. Kids these days, I find, are so aloof! Driver's ed will be her only option I am afraid. (AFRAID - is the word). Her dad has no confidence in her either, hence the no driving lessons to date. We offered to go half-ers (he and I), but she just shrugged it off. Driving is just another 'passing' flavour of the week in her life right now. (thankfully, so, I would say).

              Thank goodness, your experience ended up OK. By the skin of your teeth. Scary shit.

              Her toque was bright orange.


