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wed 4 jan af daily

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    wed 4 jan af daily

    Morning all - here with coffee waking up, was contemplating cycling today but will be another windy wet day - exercise dvd it is for me tonight.
    Decorator friend coming over tonight to price up room - cleared it all and stripped walls thinking he was starting this week - is next week, happy we have done the majority of the prep.
    I really don't have the January blues (feature just been on tv) and I am feeling optimistic and content.
    one day at a time

    wed 4 jan af daily

    Good morning, Bear.

    You sound really good! Home decorating used to be one of my favorite interests, and thank goodness our house still looks nice. But I want to get back into it--changing things around a bit using things I have.
    Very cold here--coldest morning we've had at 3 degress F!!! No snow, though, which is very odd. May get some this weekend.
    Today is hubby's birthday, so may go out to lunch or dinner. Other than that, just my AA meeting. I don't mind staying home when it is cold! But would love to find a job--even part time--in our local area, which is hard. Will also look into volunteering at the hospital one day a week.
    Well, hope everybody has a nice sober day!

    "One day at a time."


      wed 4 jan af daily

      Hi fABbies! Bear, I think the fact that you feel very peaceful in January - a tough month mentally for many I think (me included sometimes!) - says a lot about how far you have come. Tell us more about your decorating project.

      TDN - what a crazy weather year we are having, eh? I just came off the site and we're due for a one week stretch of weather in the very high 30's/40's. :egad: Still not a real snow flake in sight. I've already got my walkin' shoes on LOL! Good that you are considering volunteer work. I find I get very deep satisfaction out of that.

      I cannot believe I ate sugar again last week. What a friggin' mistake. When am I going to learn that addictively for me, it is JUST LIKE AL!!!!! I really need to detox off of it for good. Many people stop it and don't start it again. I can too.

      I am grateful to be unhung this morning, and in full recollection of what I did and said yesterday. At least I think I remember it all. If I forgot something, well - it's not due to AL!

      One thing is for sure...

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        wed 4 jan af daily


        Did you follow a progarm for removing sugar from your diet? I signed up at Thirty Sugar Free Days and got the thirty days of email hints--but that was in the fall, and I never followed it. But saved the helpful hints. Just like AL withdrawals. I also have Seven Weeks To Sobriety. I ate cookies and chocolate at rehab and over the holidays--luckily I only gained about four lbs.--but want to go sugar free.


        "One day at a time."


          wed 4 jan af daily

          Good morning Abbers!

          15 chilly degrees here this morning! Brisk, to say the least!

          bear, you are kickin some butt - good for you!

          DG & TDN, I seem to have better impulse control where it comes to sugar. I crave salt, honestly! And I really need to stay away from salt to keep my B/P down It's always going to be something........

          OK, got to check on chickens then go to Curves.
          Have a terrific AF humpday one & all.

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            wed 4 jan af daily

            Hello friends,

            AFM, you had me laughing out loud describing your experience teaching your daughter to drive! Although it did make my heart race a bit with Kaslo's story too! Ya, my son knows it all already too. I warned him that he needs to just listen to what we tell him instead of just saying "I know" all the time. For some reason I'm not as worried about this kid driving as I still am about #1 son. I suppose it is because I've been through it once before or maybe just know this one is a little more focused. I don't understand why they don't teach driver's ed in the schools anymore. However, I was already driving for a year (to school only) before I took it. These days the kids can get a temporary learners permit--to drive with an adult and log so many hours within 3 months at age 14. Then if they live in the country they can drive to and from school and school activities only. They can still drive with an adult anywhere. At 16 we turn them loose with a provisional operators permit which just means they have a driving curfew which is 6 am to midnight. I know--seems young and scary stuff. At least the country kids have been driving and helping on the farm so have some sort of experience.

            Lav--I need to dust off my dreadmill too. I also got 2 dance games for the Wii, which are a pretty fun workout. I just need to motivation to JUST DO IT! Yoga today, so I am looking forward to that.

            Have a great sober day all!:h
            NF since June 1, 2008
            AF since September 28, 2008
            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


              wed 4 jan af daily

              Kitty kats!

              Had a fantastic time in Vietnam. What a beautiful country. The cities are crazy, with scooters going in every direction, even on the pavement but they somehow manage to avoid you. To cross the road you just have to take a deep breath and step into the sea of traffic, walk slowly without stopping and everyone will weave around you.
              The countryside was lush and green, lots of paddy fields and buffalo. We swam in the sea, snorkelled, cycled through villages, went on a train, buses, boats, rickshaws. It was a real whistlestop tour.
              Oh, related to the food discussions here: I developed some eczema on my hand when my mum was dying and it hadn't gone away. In the first week in Vietnam it totally disappeared. The main change to my diet was no dairy. No milk in tea, no butter, no cheese. Wonder if it's as simple as that?

              Hi to bear, ThreeDog (what sort of job are you thinking of?), DG, Lav, LVT, hope you're all well.
              Back later, with pix!
              AF since December 22nd 2008
              Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                wed 4 jan af daily

                I can't believe kids can drive at 14 there! In Canada it is 16 before you can even get your learners permit and then they have to go through 3 stages to get a permanent liscence.

                Marshy - glad you had such a wonderful trip!

                The appointment with the couples counsellor went really well last night - things are looking up here.
                My daughter had a friend over last night for a sleepover and I did a spa night with them - gave them both facials and footbaths with massages and pedicures. It was a lot of fun for me and for them. It's something I've always wanted to do with my daughter but was always too drunk or hungover. I'm glad I got the chance.

                Today is cold and it's a lazy day. I have to do my assignment and the girl has hockey practice at 5pm but other than that it will be a pretty relaxed day. Finish up some laundry and that's about it.

                One thing is for sure here!
                Love and hugs,
                Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                  wed 4 jan af daily

                  Greetings, Fabberdoodles!

                  Marshy, glad you're back. Sounds like you've had a fantastic trip! Any pictures!?

                  We're actually emerging from the deep freeze; it's considerably 'warmer' today (I use that term loosely). As I was saying on the Canuck thread, I was mugged by my equine monsters this morning. Them brats grew rather fond of candy canes in no time flat and at the first crinkle of plastic wrapper today, their heads popped up and they boldly attempted to storm the fortress that is the gal with the goodies. So we had a little ground manners reminder session. I wonder if I need to wean them off of sugar now, too? :H

                  That's it, that's all for today... I really need to get a move on. Anyone else have a hard time getting back to routine after the holidays? Uggh.
                  Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                  Winning since October 24th, 2013


                    wed 4 jan af daily

                    Good Afternoon Abbers
                    As mentioned on the canuck thread, I am just getting my lazy butt in gear.
                    When I got the cinnamon out of the cupboard just now to put on my oatmeal. the animals thought the crinkle was something for them and all came running to stand expectantly at my feet. LOL
                    Last night they got chevre noir, because I felt so guilty. That stuff is expensive!!!! sigh
                    So good to hear everyone is feeling good today.
                    My son went to driving lessons, I couldn't imagine teaching him to drive, now he just criticises me...sigh.
                    Uni I am available for spa nights, I would be very very appreciative! Glad the couples councelling is going well.
                    Marshy please post pictures. You can upload to picassa and then share them ALL with us that way...if you wanted....I would like that....really!
                    LV I would love to do dance videos. that the kind of exercise I could really enjoy!!! Have fun.
                    Howdy to everyone else, I am just procrastinating here, avoiding the work around me.
                    Hope everyone has a fab day.
                    Wally22:confusedmonkey::confusedmonkey::confusedmo nkey:
                    If I don't want to brag but I can still wear the earings I wore in highschool
                    November 2, 2012


                      wed 4 jan af daily

                      not too chipper for this late checkin. coming to the realization that we can't keep our home and will be forced to short-sell it which is a bummer in many ways. not going to whine about it, and certainly NOT going to drink about it, just breathing and getting my head wrapped around this change in my life so I can proceed to the next adventure.

                      Marshy, i do hope you have some pictures. the dairy thing is so interesting and your right on the money. Eczema is an autoimmune disorder that is treated by strict paleo diet (no diary!) so you are indeed right on the money. I'm guessing in Vietnam you also ate less wheat products? just a guess but it also helps a TON in eczema treatment.

                      *disclaimer* Doctor Det received his medical license while onboard an alien spacecraft during one of his many abductions.

                      be well everyone

                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        wed 4 jan af daily

                        OH det!! I'm so sorry! so many people are in your shoes and the banks aren't doing a damn thing about it! Have you tried for a modification or refi? It just doesn't seem right that good honest hard working people are put in this horrible position. You can whine all you want on here as long as it is accompanied by constructive thoughts so that togehter we might be able to help brainstorm a solution for you.
                        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                        KO the Beast!!

