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fri 6 jan af daily

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    fri 6 jan af daily

    morning all - made it to friday.
    skating last night was great - lovely to see everyone.

    Big report I was working on was signed off and praised - really pleased with that as that is an area of work that I struggle with/is a development need. I worked really hard on it as well.

    Today is a quieter day at work and am off to the gym later - just realised i need to put dinner in slow cooker - so need to run some kind of moroccan style beef stew - using up tonnes of carrots - bit of an experiment!Good day all.
    one day at a time

    fri 6 jan af daily

    Good morning, Bear and everyone else!

    A little , snow here but nothing much. Have to take one of our dogs for chemo later this a.m. and it is about an hour's drive. He has cancer of the tonsil--never heard of it, and it was found in late September when he got into a scuffle with a porcupine and had to go to the emergency vet (it was a Sunday.) They were checking the inside of his mouth and saw the growth. Anyway, $1600 to remove the tonsil and to be told this is one of the most aggressive cancers a dog can have. He has had no symptoms, and lymph node was too small to biopsy and x-ray of lungs was clear. (It supposedly travels to the lungs first.) But they suggested chemo, and today will be his fourth. $500 each time, and they wanted to do an MRI today for another $500, but we have decided to wait until he is finished with the course of six treatments. We see a lot of sick dogs at this place, and nobody can believe that Bud is sick. He is 11 1/2 and looks like a five year old! He also has elevated kidney enzymes and I had been cooking for him. He now doesn't like the hamburger, so we use chicken. Eats like a pig!
    I hope you all have a good sober day!

    "One day at a time."


      fri 6 jan af daily

      OH TDN I'm so sorry to hear about your doggie! What a devoted mom and family he has! I will send tons of pings that he beats the odds and the cancer doesn't spread so he can live many more years with his wonderful family!! :l

      We too had a frosting of snow this morning but it's supposed to go up to the mid 40's so it won't last long.

      Congrats Bear on doing such a great job with the report! It must feel so good to be praised and appreciated for good work. I wouldn't know.

      Very slow moving today. Woke up multiple times with coughing spells last nite. maybe I should have taken the doc's offer of an Rx cough med. also still feeling nauseous and no appetite. I forced down a bagel and tea but feel worse. Maybe I should just drink water and juice today and nothing else. The coughing spells are dreaded as my ribs and chest hurt so much. Bah.

      Plan on another day in bed with the pups keeping me warm. Brother will be stopping by later this afternoon so I'm hoping I'll feel good enough to hop in the shower, look presentable and do some cleaning by then so he doesn't think I'm a complete wreak!!

      Hope the weather across the pond has calmed down some!
      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!


        fri 6 jan af daily

        Good Morning Abbers
        :goodjob: Bear, kudos on your report, it's nice to be acknowledged every now and then, moroccan stew sounds yum
        3DN prayers for your dog, you are a special mom for taking such good care of your dog, many people would not have gone as far as you have. There is a special place in heaven for people like you.
        papmom3 what about some smoothies, just to keep your energy up. Colds really are the pits Hope you feel better soon.
        All clear here, woke up re-energized and motivated.
        Hope everyone has a fabulous day.
        Wally22:confusedmonkey::confusedmonkey::confusedmo nkey:
        If I don't want to brag but I can still wear the earings I wore in highschool
        November 2, 2012


          fri 6 jan af daily

          great idea Wally! I do have all the ingredients too! I'll see if I can wrestle up an appetite for one in a few hours. thanks!
          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

          KO the Beast!!


            fri 6 jan af daily

            TDG, so sorry to hear about your dog! Wow, vet bills are so expensive. You are such a good doggie mom! I would go over the moon for my animals too! xoxo

            Pap, I hope you feel better soon! Nothing like coughing fits in the middle of the night. I had a bout of that last week. Almost peed my pants on several occasions! :H

            Det, you attitude is a good one! So sorry about the house. In regards to me being chipper during chemo; not always!!! I am trying to maintain a positive attitude, to the best of my ability while going through this. That is all one can do. You either sit around and feel sorry for yourself, being angry of the hand that is dealt, or you can just accept it and make the most of it. I think that being an alcoholic and the struggles that came with that had prepared me mentally to deal with this in my life. Just goin' with the flow, I guess. :l

            I had a Parent Advisory Council meeting last night. We are doing a bottle drive later this month. I kind of laughed, on the inside. I would have had TONS of empties to contribute back in the day. I am proud to say that I have NONE! LOL! We are also doing a Tropical day for the kids on the 20th. Kind of put some 'pep' and 'spirit' in them during this long, but mild winter. Should be fun.

            Anyway, that is all. I should do my dinner dishes from last night. I am so OCD! I rarely leave anything unwashed before I go to bed. It is so bugging me. So, off to the kitchen sink I go.

            Have a fantastic day everyone! xoxo


              fri 6 jan af daily

              Good morning Abbers!

              bear, congrats on your job well done

              TDN, I have never known anyone to go to such lengths for their wonderful of you!

              Wally, I'm still waiting for my energy to start up this morning!!!

              Papmom, I feel sorry for you because I know what you're going thru:l
              Why don't you call & get that Rx cough med, take it at bedtime tonight so you can get some rest. My daughter has had episodes of coughing herself into costochondritis - very painful inflammation of the rib area. Get yourself some Motrin/Advil for that ~ it works :l

              OK, off to Curves!
              Have a great AF Friday everyone!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                fri 6 jan af daily

                Good morning, FABlanders!

                Bear - I really love your positivity! Really brightens all our days.
                TDN - Holy. Wishing Bud a complete recovery. He's one lucky pooch to have you in his corner.
                PapMom - Rest, rest, and then some rest, dear. I think Wally's idea of smoothies is a good one. And don't go cleaning up for your brother... let him do it!
                Wally - how's the hair?

                Well, I'm very excited to say: Today is PEANUT day! Mr. Wonderful had to drive to the big smoke today, so I sent him on a mission to snatch peanut and bring him back Gonna have ourselves a fun weekend! He's been sick, my daughter is still sick.. so she really didn't mind the prospect of sleeping in for a few days

                And that's it, that's all... work 'n other stuff need my attention before the little tyke gets here. Have a fabulous Friday!
                Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                Winning since October 24th, 2013


                  fri 6 jan af daily

                  x-post Lav :hallo:
                  Have fun at Curves!

                  Whoops.. and x-post AFM, too! :hallo:
                  Funny you should say that about the bottle drive... Our Grade 8 class in town is coming around tomorrow to pick up ours... a miesely 3 bottles - Gosh I would have done SO much better a couple years ago! :H
                  Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                  Winning since October 24th, 2013


                    fri 6 jan af daily

                    Wally22:confusedmonkey::confusedmonkey::confusedmo nkey:
                    If I don't want to brag but I can still wear the earings I wore in highschool
                    November 2, 2012


                      fri 6 jan af daily


                      Wally - I had about five mins spare last night to get to grips with Picasa... and failed :H Will try again tonight if I can. I've posted stuff before via Photobucket so might stick to that instead.

                      Sunshinegg - have a happy Peanut day!

                      Papmom - hope you feel better soon. Lots of fluids.

                      AFM - I think the battle with addiction prepares us for all sorts of other stuff. Strange eh?

                      ThreeDog - hope Bud responds well to treatment.

                      Lav - I LOVE cheese too. Not sure if I could ever give that up.

                      Turnagain - Vietnam definitely deserves a place on your bucket list. There were two Americans on my trip (both from Brooklyn). One flew via Paris, the other via Tokyo and it took them both about 26 hours door-to-door. It took me about the same time. It's a long journey!

                      Where's Greenie?

                      I've signed up for an astronomy evening class starting next week. I know nothing about astronomy and am expecting to be the class dunce but it sounds really interesting. My girlfriend loves taking courses (she has two on the go at the moment) and has inspired me to try one. Not quite sure why I picked astronomy :H

                      OK, back to work. Have a peaceful day all.
                      AF since December 22nd 2008
                      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                        fri 6 jan af daily

                        Maybe you chose the astronomy course because you have stars in your eyes
                        I had no choice but to give up all dairy ~ sucks :upset:
                        But I do feel so much better & finally have a happy gut!

                        Happy Peanut day Sunni
                        You will be exhausted by the end of the weekend - I guarantee it but I can't think of a better way to spend my time!

                        Hello to everyone I cross-posted with earlier.

                        Good question - where is our green queen?
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          fri 6 jan af daily

                          Hi guys,

                          Papmom - feel better soon!
                          Marshy, astronomy sounds cool!
                          I would love to comment on everyone but I am running out the door (again) - today has been busy. Had my appt with my addiction counsellor this morning - that makes 3 counsellor appointments this week! LOL
                          Then had to get my car fixed and then took little uni and myself for a much needed haircut. Back to let the dog out and drop off little uni with Mike and now out to get groceries. My anxiety is through the roof right now (not sure why) so I'm hoping a little time by myself at the store will help. The store I go to is not busy usually and I can wander aimlessly through the ailes. When I come home I will put on my headphones to block out everyone while I put the groceries away. Then I have to get dinner ready and get the girl to hockey practice. Finally by about 7:30pm I will be able to lounge in my bathtub and ignore the world and then go to bed.....I can't wait for tomorrow - days like today kill me anxiety wise. Oh well, at least my depression has lifted and I'm not lounging around in my bathrobe anymore like I was 2 months ago - baby steps and progress!

                          Love you guys,
                          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                            fri 6 jan af daily

                            Hello Abbers,

                            Det, I add my admiration for your attitude about the house. Just curious, would it be possible to rent it out close to the mortgage payment? Just a thought...

                            Pap, Get well. I hate coughing at night and being unable to get rest. Miserable.

                            Uni, Anxiety is something that affects me and my daughter. Alcohol was my drug to handle it. Now, I don't have that "cure" which became a nightmare. Some days, all I can do is start pacing back and forth. My husband sees the signs and worries because serious anxiety episodes have often led to relapse.

                            A shout out to Wally, AFM, Lav, Marshy, Bear, Sunny and TDN.

                            Have a wonderful, AF, day my friends.

                            AF April 9, 2016


                              fri 6 jan af daily

                              Here's a few pix from Vietnam. We bought a lantern in that lantern shop! When GF gets round to downloading hers I'll post more - she's a good photographer.
                              AF since December 22nd 2008
                              Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman

