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fri 6 jan af daily

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    fri 6 jan af daily

    Yabadabadoooooo it's AFriday!

    just a quick blaze through to see all my friends xxxxxx

    what cool pics Marshy! I love the roof with moss/grass growing on it. wow!

    back later

    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      fri 6 jan af daily

      Marshy - AWESOME pics! So glad you had a good time!
      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


        fri 6 jan af daily

        Wow Marshy!! I didn't realize how beautiful that country really is!! My images of Vietnam are from the 70's and we know how horrible that was!! Great job on the pics!!

        I am just now starting to feel less nauseous and dizzy. I did do a little clean up of the yard and kitchen before my bro came and almost passed out! But walking the yard with him kind of revived me a bit. After he left (leaving me a bottle of Pepto) I had a banana smoothie (thanks Wally!) and so far so good.
        Lav-I never did call for the Rx. I don't think I actually took the Robitussin DM last nite so will be sure to take it tonite.

        I will probably not go into the NH on Sunday. I already talked to my boss and have to let her know by tomorrow at noon. I'll miss the $$ but we did get a raise from the state this month and my paycheck today was healthier so I can probably deal with the loss. I'll need both tomorrow and Sunday to get some good work done for my full time job since I've lost 3 days and my deadline is approaching.

        Cinders and Uni-big :l going out to you during this time of anxiety. you are so right Uni-you've made great strides in these past 2 months. You too Cinders-just keep on top of the triggers. We're right here for you both!

        Det-good to see you! I'm sorry about how you got into the situation you're in with the house but please don't take all the blame. Those mortgage brokers should be strung up along with the banks. they were making some good commission selling products that were way too much for most people. yes, we are responsible in the end but who wouldn't want to believe they could afford something they really can't? I fell into that trap too and will probably never be able to sell my house without owing a huge amount to make up the difference. Renting comes with it's own set of problems but if you could get close to your monthly payment it may just save your credit and going through foreclosure if the short sale doesn't work out.

        Sunni-have a great weekend with Peanut!!

        Where is our :crowned:? Did she abdicate the throne????

        How about DG and IJM? Roll Call!!!
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          fri 6 jan af daily

          Quick check in! Trying to catch up but am still way behind. So...just a couple things....

          Det - I'm really sorry to read about your house. I know it's hard to believe, but sometimes letting go of one thing we think we love allows us to reach out for something even better. I hope that is what the universe has in store for you!

          (Where is :crowned:! )

          Marshy - fabulous pictures! Can't wait to see the ones XNGF took! I bet you will enjoy astronomy. Mr. Doggy LOVES his telescopes as a hobby only. He's a computer guy by profession. Have fun!

          TDN - I am sending positive healing vibes for your doggy.

          Hello to all other fABbies! I hope I get more caught up sometime this year. Can't believe only one week left until school starts! Still so much I want to accomplish.

          One thing is for sure...

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            fri 6 jan af daily

            Good evening all!

            Marshy, very nice pics, thanks for posting them
            Where are you going to hang your lantern?

            Det, glad to see you today!

            uni, focus on your breathing - let the anxiety go (that's what I do when I feel it myself).

            Cindi, I think anxiety is something that is passed from generation to generation (at least the predisposition for it). It's how we choose to handle ourselves that's really important

            papmom, I'm gonna come up there & tie you to a chair if you don't get some rest tonight Nurse Lav can't be everywhere at once & I can't stop worrying about people!!

            DG, when do your classes start? My DIL will be doing an internship this semester in addition to her classes. I have a feeling I going to be doing a whole lot of babysitting

            Wishing everyone a good night.
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              fri 6 jan af daily

              Hi again all!

              Lav, my first class is 1/17. Not juggling internship quite yet, but that will be coming later in 2012. Good luck to your daughter! She is blessed with such a fabulous Mom, Grandma and babysitter with great Lavattitude!

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.

