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January 4, 2007

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    January 4, 2007

    Ugh. It is SO early and I am still awake. Meeting at 7:30. Napped for an hour or so. I am real smart - all nighter at my age. I have 13 minutes to finish before shower. Tick Tock. Still have a few things to finish up. Hope today goes well. Content of meeting good (I think) - today's outfit pinkish ensemble with light spritz of Clinique Happy.Generally not a stinky girl. Come home, chat (well you know I am going to), prepare for tomorrow's meeting - Friday ensemble black with spritz of bug spray or fels naptha.

    Still on abs train - choo choo Day 4. I am feeling much better. Did not even take Topa yesterday. Being aware of my likely state of stupor this AM, I am taking my ADD medication ... DUH (I have been told by those who love me that it really affects me in a positive way), why don't I do that everyday??? I will buddy/sis/PA AND the Adrafinil that I bought out of concerns about topa dopa. I guess I am not (oops ... 9 minutes) topa dopa, just global dopa. Perhaps no one will notice, or they will at least not subject me to a typing test. My house is a mess, but I am sober!

    So, to all in absville - enjoy this pleasant little place of (5 minutes) of stress free living. Stop and smell the roses. It is nice here. I can actually sit here composing before I use my fine electric 3-hole punch to create the final touches for my anal binders. I am a bit OCD about hole placement you see. But that is ME, not the booze talking. I don't go near the hole puncher after too much wine.

    To those just starting on their abs walk ... remember it is process. If you falter, get up and get right back on. Yes, figure out WHY you tripped ... but don't waste the next week afraid to take any more steps. It is the small day to day steps that count. It really is day by day. And over time, the days get easier.

    WOW - I think I am getting more alert. That adrafinil is kicking in!!! Neato!

    Okay, have a great day all in absville -
    Da Pans

    (edited 'cause I don't want to offend Oprah lovers)

    January 4, 2007

    you are nuts.

    I have had (snuck, but I told about it, so it's not sneaking so much), 1 drink in the last 13 days. Not perfect, but not too shabby. I plan to be AF at least through the time my husband comes back from his business trip Jan 11th. As many know, him being gone is one of my biggest triggers to drink, but last time I drank while he was gone, I nearly killed myself with the amount of wine and worried every single person who cares about me. Guess I DO need a freaking babysitter after all, which is most unsettling.
    I think the Campral is working. I am sick with a cold, so it's hard to tell as I've had a headache for the last 2 days. Taking a lot of the other supps too.
    Feeling pretty down still. Oh well.

    Hello to everyone, I'll have time to start getting to know people better maybe over the weekend. I do read. Just not much energy.

    Take care, happy thursday.


      January 4, 2007

      Good morning Absville,

      Pansy and Becca a special :l to you for starting off.
      It's so good to come on here and have you here.

      I have a quote for us.....(surprise-NOT)

      "I find the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand as in what direction we are moving."
      Oliver Wendell Holmes

      I like this because sometimes it seems I can only "stand" still in my recovery. Really though if I'm not moving backwards, then I AM going forward in my plan.
      This is a process. It's ok to "be still" and get my feet firmly planted in the right direction.
      Let's not be discouraged...we HAVE made progress here.

      Just a thought.
      Love you all.
      Nancy:l :l :l
      "Be still and know that I am God"

      Psalm 46:10


        January 4, 2007

        Hello and good morning ,

        Pansy whatever your on I want. Becca sorry about your cold get better!
        Today is my first day back since Saturday, yuk. But I am not hung over thats a plus.
        I am on day 6 AF, and happy to be here.

        Happy Thursday

        AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
        Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


          January 4, 2007

          All is well in the land of the duck.



            January 4, 2007

            Hey all,

            Special hello to the newer folks that I haven't met yet...I've been away the past two weeks. And, as I've said in my two other posts (General and Fitness threads) it's GREAT TO BE BACK HERE!! Yowza. I never realized how supportive this site and all you amazing folks are to me and my spirit... until I went away for two weeks. Anyway, long story short, I did drink over the holidays and managed to get it "moderated" to one to two glasses of wine at dinner until NYE... when all that tampering with moderation unleashed my drinking demon and I was completely shocked to find myself "on a mission" to drink as much as I could possibly get my hands on. It was awful! Fortunately, I put myself to bed at 11:00pm, drunk, but not delirious, obnoxious or in a black out. And, I paid dearly with the next days' hangover.

            So, I'm back and so happy to be home in my little cottage here in Absville. Ahhh. It is just so nice, warm, comfy and wonderful. I'm officially on day 4 AF but am committing to all of January. I will go 30 this time (was at 25 before the Christmas holidays) and see where things are then. I look forward to more of your inspiring posts and wisdom as they keep me keenly aware of great I feel when alcohol just isn't an issue in my life.

            best wishes,


              January 4, 2007

              Hey everybody..just flying by. I'm back to work after a couple of weeks off..bummer holiday because my husband and I were both sick the entire time, but starting to feel better now.
              Becca-hope you feel better. You are doing great!


                January 4, 2007

                Absvillers, good day, good day, yap it's a good day.
                I am almost through day 4 AF. Hope things are getting better, yes, they will. Now the insomnia is starting to kick in again. Oh s...t what I night I had. Finally I took two of these travel pills, which usually get me sleeping. Fell asleep and woke up 2 hrs. later with my entire body having the creepy crawlies. I would have rolled in the snow stark naked, it we had any. I was sweating and scratching, yuck.
                Then I finally must have fallen asleep around 4:30. My husband never woke me and went to work. Last thing I remember is that I dreamt I had gone to the movies, but I left as I did not like it. I walked through a park at night and spotted to full grown tigers. I was petrified and tried to slink away unseen. Suddenly something grabbed me from behind and pinned me to the ground. I could feel the impression of the cats claws on my neck and knew I was going to die. Suddenly, a couple of very small cubs came up to my face and I knew that this tiger was a mama. I carefully started to pet one of them (as I was going to die anyway) and all of a sudden I heard the big cat behind me purring loudly. That is when I woke up and that little red devil of a cat was curled up to my face, purring up a storm.
                Whoa, I have never been so glad to wake from a dream. Yeah, I know that I am crazy.
                Just thought I share.
                Any suggestions for getting a better sleep?
                All of you are doing great. Whoever is sick, please get better soon.
                *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                  January 4, 2007

                  Good evening Dudes and Dudettes,

                  Day 3 Af for me today..I decided Mods was a good idea over Christmas...Looking back i dont know if that was a good decision or not...I did manage to keep a loose grip...loose meaning i did drink most nights, but i didnt go over the top with the amounts..

                  I'm pretty excited going AF for january though...Through December i always had that nagging fear in the back of my mind that i was playing with fire..That i could end up back at square 1.

                  Abs gives me peace of mind.

                  Like you Lori my sleep is suffering though...The last 2 nights its been gone 4am before my eyes shut..I tend to lie there awake and start worrying...about anything..and when that starts i dont stand a cat in hells chance..

                  Anyway...Its great to be back in Absville...Have a good day all..

                  Love Macks:l
                  I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                  One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                    January 4, 2007

                    Hello everyone:

                    So good to hear from all of you. I love to think that abs provides "peace of mind." Awesome. I'm on board for that.

                    Day one (again) AF. Will start Campral tomorrow (thank you lucky) . I am not going to try to go 5 days AF and then start the Campral because that was my plan last time and I caved on day 5. However....the good news then was that I did 4 AF days! My brain keeps telling me I can moderate but I truly do not think I can moderate at this point in my life. So I come again. Refuse to listen to the nasty little liar in my head.



                      January 4, 2007

                      Hi Guys

                      This time thing is so weird!! It's the fifth here!

                      I managed to not drink so have done 7 AF days and onto the 8th - the most I can say for a very long time.

                      I too have a shocking cold/ sore throat (make that KILLER!) and head cold so although I would dearly love to start my fitness campaign, I again will have a dvd day and hopefully will be OK for tomorrow.

                      I am taking supplements now, especially with this cold, so hopefully that will help.

                      I would just like to express my gratitude to everyone here - this forum, and wealth of support at my fingertips, is truly helping in my remaining AF and dedicated to my newfound sobre life.

                      Thank you,


                        January 4, 2007

                        Wow! January 4th already!

                        Gosh this year is already flying by! Congrats to all who have maintained any amount of sobriety already this year!! Me, I am on day 6 - and feeling pretty positive about it all.

                        Battling a MAJOR head cold at the moment, and my little one is too.... no time really to obsess about the drink - Thank God!

                        Tomorrow is Friday, and another storm is suppose to hit the West Coast again.... number 10 since November! Getting tired of the wind and rain!

                        Wishing you all another sober day!


                          January 4, 2007

                          Very Good

                          Congrads to all of you - It is my day 2 - just reading all of your crazyness - makes me reaize I am OK.
                          Thanks to all

