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January Jewels - Week 2

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    January Jewels - Week 2

    Good morning everyone

    Just thought I would start us off on week 2. Boy is it good to be back!!! School has started, hubby back in work, work (not hogging the office here) so things are getting back to normal. My daughter in university has another week but she does not surface until lunch time so I have some me time in the morning.

    I have a lot of catching up to do. Hope all those of you not feeling well are recovered.

    Have to go, we have slates off the roof and the roofer has just arrived. Will catch you all later.


    January Jewels - Week 2

    Morning jewels!
    Rustop thanks for the start to the week - how good to see you, and I'm so glad that you finally have some 'me' time. (But what a shock though to see January week 2! As if the first week of January should last until I've gotten used to the idea of a new year...)

    Rusty - so glad that you will be doing PT for your neck - so much better than the surgery option. 7 years of osteopathy have changed my neck from something resembling a crumpled piece of foil to something more like a curve...hope your therapist is really good - keep looking around if it doesn't seem to work at first...good luck!

    Dew - what a week for you while recovering, do take care. PMom - do whatever Lav says! Lav - what a relaxing Sunday for you! Hope you can rest today.

    Wishing all a good start to the week -
    to the light


      January Jewels - Week 2

      Change before you have to.
      Jack Welch

      Hi Cyn, Hi Rustop, thank you for starting us off on week 2.

      I've had a really busy weekend with my daughter's unexpected visit. She brought 3 month old baby James and he got to meet his cousins (5 month old Kylie and 6 year old Matthew). What fun! But so busy. I am exhausted.

      Have a grand AF day, friends.

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        January Jewels - Week 2

        Good morning all...
        Do I write about food alot? It cracked me up that several jewels asked about recipes! We did not create anything new, just a juice for breakfast (carrots, celery, parsley, apples, pineapple, beets), soup and chicken for the week and a pork roast for Sunday dinner. Pork was on sale, I found a greek marinade and it was really tasty. No cooking now till crockpot Thursday, when I will make a great clam chowder that is fattening and delicious.

        Isn't this weather wonderful? We were out and about all day, we actually went to a new church, and for some reason, I started crying and could not stop. It was really embarrassing for me. I used to go to church till my mom died, then couldn't anymore as it was too emotional for me. I have been able to go from time to time, but want to find a place to call home, make friends, and find useful work to do, you know, service work. I feel kind of confused on the church front, but have my own spiritual ritual with daily prayers. I have been reading about Buddism, and like some of it, but the samsara (?) is a hopeless theory to me and left me feeling discouraged. Plus, the transmigration freaks me out, coming back as an animal, hungry ghost, or in hell. Yikes. Christianity is what I was brought up to believe and feel comfortable there, but again, there are so many ways of being Christian, it is confusing. I would appreciate feedback.

        Lav, you are just having lots of family time and YB is realizing the good things in being with you. I think depressed people just focus mostly on negativity and it is a worthless way to spend your time. Glad you had a nice weekend.

        Rusty, good luck on the studying, the weather is unbelievable, but jet skiing in January? Wow.

        Chill, lovely weekend for you. Hope your weather clears up for a time.

        Cyn, Rustop, Pap, Dew, Cassia, hello to you and all and have a great Monday.
        Formerly known as redhibiscus


          January Jewels - Week 2

          Dill, cross post. I like that , change before you have to. Ha. That is true, if we do not change our ways, we will have the consequences of ill health, broken relationships with others and ourselves, and negativity. I guess by not making a choice, we are making a choice!!!
          Formerly known as redhibiscus


            January Jewels - Week 2

            Morning Jewels,

            Week two already - OK!

            Rustop, enjoy having your house back to yourself - almost

            cyn, Nurse Lav always did rule with an iron fist - kind of like Nurse Ratchett :H
            It's not easy keeping all the sick ones in line....... Your neck - is it OK now?

            Dill, wow, sounds like you had a terrific weekend!
            Congrats on your newest grandchild They really are tons of fun & a constant reminder of why I want/need to keep my quit(s). The quote is perfect!!!!!

            Star, church is difficult for me as well. Was raised Catholic, ended up a member of a Lutheran church but have moved away from that as well. I go to a Presbyterian church & an Episcopal church once or twice/year with the kids I honestly don't know where I should be at this point in my life.

            I need to get to Curves then back here to declutter my shop (what a mess in there).
            Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Monday!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              January Jewels - Week 2

              Evening Jewelettes

              Rustop - Thanks for starting us off on week 2, I would have forgotten as my brain is scrambled today and Im firmly blaming it on the full moon which has been visible here for most of the day....

              Dill - Change before you have to, your quote could not be more apt for me right now and Im busy scheming and planning before the shit well and truly hits the fan.
              I even managed a conversation today with my dear ex husband, not that he was the bearing of much good news. Im grateful for clarity though even if its harsh.

              Star - I havent got you down as a foodie at all, you are like me and like to be aware of food and how it makes us feel. I have recently noticed its not good to be too tired when its time to cook as I opt for faster unhealthier options.

              Lav - extra smudging tonight, I hope we sleep well.

              Im planning my escape from Scotland and at the moment its unlikely I will renew my lease or continue with my job.
              Havent quite worked out the next step yet but where there is a will......
              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
              AF - JAN 1st 2010
              NF - May 1996


                January Jewels - Week 2

                Evening all,

                I too can't believe we are into week 2 already and the month and year are already running ahead, I need to slow the pace down a bit or get off this merry-go-round!! A busy day and I am pooped so off to bed early, I'll catch up with you all later and when I've time respond on the church/buddhist topic.

                Dewdrop :h
                Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                  January Jewels - Week 2

                  I do a little smudging for all of us chill
                  I hope something good turns up real soon for you!

                  Dew, hope you are getting som edecent rest tonight.

                  I am sitting with a cup of hot coffee trying to defrost......
                  It's just above freezing here & I've just spent half an hour chasing a seriously stupid chicken She insists on grazing outside of the fenced area & I don't have the heart to leave her out to fend for herself all night. My dog finally caught up with her - then I had to remove her from the dog's grip......... oy!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    January Jewels - Week 2

                    Evening Jewels

                    Sounds like we all had a good start to our week. I am still in the office having come in at 8 this morning but I am leaving once I post this - I find it so much easier to post on a laptop.

                    Rustop - thanks for starting us off and it is so nice to see you! :l It's nice to get back to a bit of normalcy eh? What is your daughter studying at uni?

                    Cyn - hello! have a great Monday!

                    Dill - How nice that you had unexpected visitors and that your grandson got to meet some of their cousins. I bet it was a real thrill to see them all together. Another great quote and one that I would do well to remember. I don't know about the rest of you but I always feel so hard done by when I forced to change (for example with the drink) but truly embraced change when I am taking the bull by the horns.

                    Star - I can totally empathized with what you are saying and I am going through a very similar situation myself. I spent many years away from the church (I was raised Catholic) and anytime I would go to a service in that period I always got very emotional. Never happened when I was going on a regular basis. So much had changed in my adult life and when I was younger we went to church every Sunday. I think part of the emotion was that I missed the way things were and that church was a constant in my life. After my uncle died last year, I started going back to Mass on a more regular basis not particularly because I am a total follower of the Catholic faith but the fact that it gave me peace - I could sit there, listen and not think about anything. Granted, I have walked out on more than one sermon because of what the priest was preaching but overall, it makes me feel good. So, I think you should do what makes you feel good - it doesn't have to be a Christian church or even any religious institution at all - it can be what gives you peace.

                    Lav - hope the decluttering went well! it's cathartic isn't it?

                    Chill - good luck with the plans - I really hope it all works out.

                    Again - not much to add today. Just nice to see you all and say hi!

                    'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

                    "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

                    AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

                    "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                      January Jewels - Week 2

                      Hi Jewels!

                      Yes Dill!! I liked that quote VERY much!! I think that quote pretty much sums up where I was at Father's Day weekend, last June....I knew if I didn't change on my own, I was afraid it wasn't going to be my choice anymore...and the thought of what was at stake was something I wasn't willing to give up for anything in the world...frickin' shame it took me as long as it did...and I'm still not 100% certain what happened that weekend in my house that flipped my switch, I suppose a combination of things (thank goodness)...but whatever angel hit me over the head, I'm truly grateful! (Sorry for the ramble...)

                      Chill--that's kinda funny you have the plans in motion you said...I was online all this weekend looking for elementary principal jobs ANYWHERE in the US....I actually found a couple I'm going to apply for!!! Crossing my fingers...I've got nothing to lose!! One is out near Seattle where my sister and her hubs is moving..I know, great near family just what I need...BUT it would be nice to have someone at least close (within 100 miles)...if you were going to a new location!! (NOT in the same town..3 blocks away!!!):H Hey...maybe that angel I was talking about to Dill can do me one more favor for the both of us!!

                      Oh Lav, you and the chickens...sorry, kinda funny! Made me smile!! Thanks!

                      Star--I also grew up Catholic (and then married into the Lutheran Church) and now have gone back to the Catholic religion. I honestly found the Pastor at the Lutheran Church a very good speaker and delivered AMAZING could tell he put some real though into them and really tried to apply them to today's world. I have yet to find anything like that in the Catholic Church. I don't really believe in all the Catholic "rules" they have in place for us to follow/believe in. So, I guess I'm probably kinda feeling like you at the moment as well...little discouraged in where to go with religion....I raise my son Catholic and want him to know and understand how important going to church, praying and believing in God and above all doing what is morally right is. Excellent question!!

                      Rustop--Glad things are getting back to normal for you...when I saw week 2 I about fell over...really?? ALready...didn't the ball just drop??!! LOL!!

                      Rusty--NY Giants...Ahhhh we can take em!!!! I SERIOUSLY was SOOOOOOOOOOOO close to buying tickets and driving over to see the game this weekend!!!! SOOOOO close!! I was thinking we didn't have school on Monday and I'd be able to drive back all day Monday....but the KIDS don't have school...teachers have STUPID inservice and if we take it off we get a full day deduct of pay!!! Son of a _______!!!! SO CLOSE!!! OH! My heart was racin' as I almost hit that purchase key!!!!:H

                      Opppps.....gotta son is just about done with basketball practice!! It went until 9:30 tonight (2 hours long!!!!) What the heck!!!???? 9:30??? HELLO???? School night??!!!! I'll catch up with everyone later!! Have a great Tuesday!!! Pap3--I hope your Monday back to work went ok...and everyone else under the weather is back to feelin good!!!
                      "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                        January Jewels - Week 2

                        Good Evening Jewelers!

                        Posted by our beloved Dill:

                        Change before you have to.
                        Jack Welch
                        Oh, how true that is! Thank you, Dill.

                        Lav-I chuckled when I read the chicken story. Oh, I should have said, "cluckled.":H

                        Chill-I know this situation with moving will sort itself out.

                        SD-Oh, bummer about the game. We'll be routing in spirit together this weekend. GO PACK

                        Cassia-Ah, the religion quesiton...I was raised Catholic and had it shoved down my throat. Walked away from the church for 20 years. Found a new Catholic Church with a fabulous. young and progressive priest who motivates and lightens the mood of both young and old parishioners. Yes, faith has been and is so important to me now. But when I was FORCED to go to church, did I want to go? Hell no.

                        I love this thread because there seems to be a worldliness and sophistication element here that I just love. I was always taught that if you want to be a smarter person, hang around people who are wiser than you are. Yup, I get it here.

                        Shelley-how is your son's lethargic kitten? Check in, please!

                        Papmom-what happened at work today? Is everything ok?

                        A special shoutout to Dew, LBH, TDN, Rustop, and everyone else I may have missed....

                        I love you guys but I must get to bed. 4:30 a.m. comes too soon.

                        See you tomorrow.:h


                          January Jewels - Week 2

                          Good morning everyone

                          Dill - so good to have you and your quotes back. Glad that your daughter came to visit and that you too are getting to enjoy your grandchildren.

                          Star - Glad that you have some nice weather. Dont think of you as a foodie, you are just like a lot of us who 'enjoy' our food and I love hearing about the different recipes. Regarding religion. I was raised Catholic and practice somewhat. I dont agree with all their rules and dont have a lot of respect for some priests. However, my faith is something personal. I would like to explore different religions if I ever have the time.

                          Chill - Good luck with your escape plan, I am sure it will all work out for you.

                          Lav - your chicken story made me laugh:H

                          Papmom - how was it being back at work? Hope you are ok.

                          Cassia - My daughter is studying History and Politics/International Relations. She would eventually like to get into advertising and plans to do her masters in that.

                          SD - Good luck with the job applications.

                          Rusty - you summed things beautifully as usual

                          'I love this thread because there seems to be a worldliness and sophistication element here that I just love. I was always taught that if you want to be a smarter person, hang around people who are wiser than you are. Yup, I get it here.'

                          Shelly, Sooty, Cyn, Mr G and anyone else I missed big hello. Have a great day one and all.



                            January Jewels - Week 2

                            Good Morning Jewel Gang

                            rustop59;1241924 wrote:
                            my faith is something personal.
                            I think that sums it up perfectly! My relationship with God, Spirit, the Universe or whatever we chose to call it is unique to me and totally personal. I never could understand how we could be born into a religion. I always thought it would make more sense to learn about various religions as we grow up and find the one that resonates most with our hearts.

                            Well the full moon did play havoc with my sleep and I have been awake for hours, I also had a dream about being on a plane with my ex and he told me he loved me :upset: It was inevitable after our chat yesterday as that was the longest I have ever gone in my adult life without talking to him. Well maybe in our next lives we will work it out....

                            For now I have neither the energy or the inclination to spend any time dwelling in the past, so better get busy living!! :banana:
                            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                            AF - JAN 1st 2010
                            NF - May 1996


                              January Jewels - Week 2

                              Hi Jewels, I love this thread too.

                              SD, I appreciated your post and honesty about your epiphany. I don't know what went on that weekend, but I am glad that events tipped the scale for you.

                              I am frustrated because I haven't time to post very much these days. There are things I really wish I could respond to, but don't have the time to focus properly. I'll have to wait.

                              I'm glad you all liked that last change quote. I thought it was succinct and definitely applied to most of us here.

                              Have a good one Jewels, and anyone lurking. Make it AF, you'll be glad you did!

                              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

