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tue 10 jan af daily

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    tue 10 jan af daily

    happy Tuesday AFenators near and far!!

    Greeneyes, good to see you again!

    Littlepinkcat welcome! and kudos on your AF tiime

    Turn, I think I fixed my computer so should be able to chat again. arg! driving me nutso here.

    been a bit stressed lately so I made my signature Italian Ahi carpaccio for breakfast. outlook is much better now and the world smells like garlic as it should.

    gotta find a storage unit and a handyman. weeeeeeeeeee thud

    I'd be totally freaking if I had this daunting task and was still living life in the blurry lane. whew!

    be well everyone
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      tue 10 jan af daily

      I am still around and still AF. Just wanted to check in. I know what you mean Det. I could not handle all the stuff I have to do with my changing and complicated life without being sober. Daunting. It all seemed so overwhelming with a hangover now I can deal with tasks one piece at a time. No panic. Take care all.



        tue 10 jan af daily

        Sunny the barn looks great! Can't wait to see it when it is completed.

        I took the dust bunnies off the eliptical and did a 20 min workout - can't believe how invigorating it felt! Going to try to get onto some type of workout schedule and drop this 30 lbs that I accumulated over the last year. I know a lot of it is due to medication but I still think if I work hard enough I can get rid of some of it!

        Glad everyone is having a great day! And Bear, Freduian slips are okay as long as they don't lead to real slips!

        Love and hugs,
        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          tue 10 jan af daily

          Cindi: my goal after that is 30 days, then so on and so on till permenant abstinence
          Everyone else: cheers for the welcome
          I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
          Audrey Hepburn


            tue 10 jan af daily


            You will find that goal much easier to obtain than trying to moderate. It sounds harder but it is actually easier. You will also find this a really nice group of people to have around to help. I think you will like the monthly abs thread.


            Cindi, how are you feeling? I've advanced to standing up in one continuous motion. Whoop! I did make it to the barn yesterday and wrestled 2 bales of hay onto the sled I had got out for Peanut (to move from barn to pasture)... but ended up in bed after. Slow and steady, I guess.
            Well, I was doing much better last week for a while. Once I was up and around, I was "okay." For some reason, on Saturday things went downhill and the pain is back to being there 24/7. Sleep lasts about 2 hours at a time due to turning over and being awakened by the pain. Getting up is killer. It takes about 30 minutes of sitting down, standing up, sitting down, standing up before I can bear much weight on my leg. I am increasing my Gabapentin but it isn't helping at all. So, I keep popping the hydrocodone because it is the only thing that makes being able to get up and get around possible. I do see how people with chronic pain become addicted to pain meds. :-(

            So much for whining, though. I am sorry your back is hurting, too. :l:l I doubt if your doctor would approve of you lifting bales of hay right now. :egad:

            At the end of the day, though, I am basically pretty happy. Once the pain is at a dull roar, I recognize that I am sober and staying sober despite this. Huge step for me.

            Det, I am stumped about dinner. It seems all we have is frozen chicken, which I have been trying to use down. I love chicken but am actually starting to get tired of it!!

            I guess I'll have to do some garlic chicken thing tonight. :H

            AF April 9, 2016


              tue 10 jan af daily

              Cindi, be brave and creative with the chicken. think about fruit flavors, broths with cinnamon are really fun. pan roasted or oven roasted chicken with mixed fruits, diced onion and white vinegar is a personal fav with Moroccan spices. also a zesty tomato based dish cooked uncovered in the oven gets toasty and wonderful. tonight I made a pan roasted chicken, then removed to the warming oven and deglazed the pan with red wine vinegar. reduced that quite a bit, then whisked-in cold butter to mount the sauce (thicken and give it a glisten) and pour that over the chicken. it was soooopa yummy
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                tue 10 jan af daily

                Hey ho fabaroos!

                Sidney glad you're still with us! Where is blondiegirl?

                Littlepinkcat and getting there - a big welcome to you!

                Marshy I was in china 8 to 10 years ago for a couple weeks. 4 day cruise down the Yangtze River before they dammed it. Literally of course. Saw the Terra Cotta warriors, etc. Spent a few days in Bejing with chinese friends and had AMAZING FOOD!!! You really should go.

                I rocked in yoga today. I had my balance goin' on!

                Different guy put a sign up at his spot (different guy is someone at work) that says something about not leaving messages for him on the voicemail. I started to intervene but then let it be. Rather proud of that. That's between him and his clients, not me.

                Gotta do the dishes (I'm with whoever said they couldn't go to bed leaving dirty dishes) and go to bed. Little doggie has annual vet visit at the crack of dawn. cha-ching:kaching:

                Det, I simply must eat dinner at your house one day.
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  tue 10 jan af daily

                  Sunni, just wanted to say that your barn is incredible!!! I could move right in there!
                  The place where I worked this summer had the largest horse in North America!! Incredibly beautiful animal--Belgian Draft Horse. He loved carrots! He'll be back next spring--"resting" at home for the winter, LOL!!

                  "One day at a time."


                    tue 10 jan af daily

                    ThreeDogNight;1242619 wrote: Sunni, just wanted to say that your barn is incredible!!! I could move right in there!
                    AMEN!! Ar you going to board any horses or otherwise make it into a source of income? Teach your horses circus tricks? :H
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      tue 10 jan af daily

                      Can i join in?

                      Hi everyone,
                      could i join in?I'm one day alcohol free.i'm going to do one day at a time because when i go for longer periods i relapse,:thanks::new::thanks:


                        tue 10 jan af daily


                        :welcome: to our thread!! No matter how much time anyone on this thread has AF, it is always one day at a time.

                        Glad you are here.

                        We post a new thread every day. I think you will enjoy the group. There are other threads you may want to visit, too, such as Newbies Nest.

                        I look forward to getting to know you.

                        AF April 9, 2016


                          tue 10 jan af daily

                          :thanks:Thanks cinders1hope you are doing ok

