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wed 11 jan af daily

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    wed 11 jan af daily

    Morning all - up ready for another day - bike and bag packed for work. I will hit the gym/workout dvd later as well.

    I am doing well apart from evening snacking on chocolate/biscuits. I may freeze the chocolate and then use as little chunks in muffins/cakes - thrifty bear!I'm really enjoying eating out of freezer/cupboards and it is making me realise how much money I waste on food each month. I still have loads left and it is really good to be back into cooking again.

    Enjoying being AF again trying just to focus on each day - otherwise I think of failure/that is more likely to make me drink. Have a great day.
    one day at a time

    wed 11 jan af daily

    Good morning, Bear and all to come today!

    Sounds like you are doing well, Bear. Do you have a slow cooker? I am going to make a chicken/pasta soup today. Got the recipe from Tomorrow I will make a chcken paprikash from a recipe I found on That one isn't in the slow cooker, but is very easy. We have lots of chicken breasts in the freezer, but have been buying chicken thighs to cook for Bud, and they are cheaper and even on sale yesterday at the local market. And both recipes use those. I'll let you know how they turn out.
    Finally getting snow tomorrow early a.m. and may continue much of the day. Oh, well-we are due for it, but I hate winter.

    Wishing everybody a great sober day!!

    "One day at a time."


      wed 11 jan af daily

      Morning abbers, bear i know what u mean about if u don't stay focused on each day, u think of failure, thats me all over
      I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
      Audrey Hepburn


        wed 11 jan af daily

        NYT article

        Tried to copy the link, but can't seem to do it. A friend told me aboit this, and I found it very interesting reading. I went to, clicked on Opinion and added philosophy and addiction, searched and found this, written by Peg O'Connor.

        "One day at a time."


          wed 11 jan af daily

          Good morning Abbers & a Happy Humpday to you

          bear, just how big is your freezer? :H
          I know what you mean about wasting food/money. I avoid cooking when it's just me here - cooking for 1 is damn near impossible.

          TDN, I love finding new recipes because food is so boring to me these days. I have had no choice but to go dairy free so that's another challenge but interesting in itself.

          How's it going littlepinkcat?

          OK, I'm off to Curves then back for a bit of work then meeting a friend for lunch ~ nice!
          Wishing everyone a fantastic AF Wednesday.

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            wed 11 jan af daily

            Hi Lavande, things here are good, 5 days AF and going strong, off to the beach today for a january stroll, wishing u a good day
            I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
            Audrey Hepburn


              wed 11 jan af daily

              Morning abbers!

              I did 25 mins on the eliptical this morning and feel so good! I am going to do a week of straight cardio before I add in the weight training. I figure I'll jump start my metabolism and then do cardio 3 times a week and weight training twice a week with 2 days off to rest. I am actually excited about excercising right now - I put my headphones on and listen to music and before I know it, 25 mins have gone by. Working for me.

              I have to take little uni to basketball today and then I have my women for sobriety meeting tonight. I have already made all of my calls that I needed to make and am in the process of doing laundry. After that just reading and doing some homework.

              Feeling good, AF is the only way!
              Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                wed 11 jan af daily

                Good almost afternoon. Everyone sounds so upbeat and positive. What an inspiring thread to read.
                Lots to do here and still AF. Thinking about getting into an exercise routine. I have lots of tapes just need to get the machine hooked up and getter done. Hope everyone has a great day
                Wally22:confusedmonkey::confusedmonkey::confusedmo nkey:
                If I don't want to brag but I can still wear the earings I wore in highschool
                November 2, 2012


                  wed 11 jan af daily

                  Hello Fabberoonies!

                  Mild here, no exercise for me right now, lotsa work, and thankfully AF.

                  That is all. Have a wonderbra Wednesday! One thing is for sure...
                  Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                  Winning since October 24th, 2013


                    wed 11 jan af daily

                    hey there - yes i do have a slow cooker - making thai pork curry in it tomorrow that will last a good few days. I forgot about it and tried to cook a moroccan stew in it last week but forgot to plug it in - and put 4 times so much spice in it so it tasted of soap!!

                    Lav - have a normal size freezer but it is jam packed full of food, still got squid, chicken, quorn, veg burgers,cooked roast beef, turkey and ham,felafel, pittas and frozen pies and veg. Enough to last another month I'd say!

                    Have you thought of cooking and freezing so you have ready done meals?I usually cook for 4-6 and there is 2 of us so I freeze/use up a meal through the week. Mind you I like cooking.In onesie - sofa - decorating really moved on - only thing is more yellow than ivory -eeek!
                    one day at a time


                      wed 11 jan af daily

                      hidy ho ABeroooooos!

                      slept so well last night and feeling really darn amazingly good today. I'm bouncing off the walls even. wow!

                      I did two things differently last night:

                      1) I took Vit D3 after putting it off for ages (haven't been getting much sunlight on me lately)
                      2) I ate a whole bunch of pate' from whole foods store. I've been reading on what a power-packed super nutrient liver is, but I really hate to eat it due to the taste, however I found an all natural pate that is wonderful.

                      zing! boing!

                      keep up the great work everyone
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        wed 11 jan af daily

                        Hi all...I am great believer in making meals for the week too. I never use to do that but I get in from work so late I want to shove anything in my mouth to eat. I am always starving. My family are useless at cooking. I guess because I like to do it. I have let them off all these years. And if I eat soon after I get in from work I don't crave a drink.

                        It has been so mild here in Ontario we have had 1/4 the usual snow. Like nothing. That is okay with me. Good thing for shovelling snow which I hate. Anyway I am feeling so up since the holidays are over. Hope you all are too. Besides Det!



                          wed 11 jan af daily

                          My soup is giving off a beautiful aroma! Love dill and lemon, and they are part of the recipe. Two and a half hours to go, but I have to add the tiny pasta 20 minutes before it is done, then peas and spinach jsut before the time is up.. More chopped dill before it comes out of the pot. Feta cheese crumbled on top--will try it, but not sure how it will be.
                          I have frozen things before, but my husband usually asks me not to so he can sneak some when he gets a chance! Bear, I saw a recipe which must be similar to yours for the Thai pork, so may get prok over the weekend and give it a shot. I never used to be home to cook much when I was on the road, but have the time now, so will do a bit of experimenting. Have tons of cookbooks and recipes cut out of magazines, but with everything online now, they seem a bit redundant and I may give some of them away.

                          Will report on the soup later!

                          "One day at a time."


                            wed 11 jan af daily

                            three dogs, save me some stew, it sounds lovely
                            I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
                            Audrey Hepburn


                              wed 11 jan af daily

                              Hi Abbers!!
                              Sorry I've been MIA. It's been very busy at work this week and since I'm still not feeling tip top I come home and crash. In fact I had to stay home again today due to fever. I've had a serious talk with my body and told it in no uncertain terms that the virus it has invited in is no longer welcome and MUST GO!! This mucus hotel is CLOSED!!

                              Just want to let IJM know I'm so glad he checked in and all is fine. So cool about the piano lessons. You'll have to do a You Tube concert for us when you're ready!!

                              Bear-your thai pork sounds good!! TDN-your soup sounds very interesting!! Hey, maybe you'll love cooking so much it can be a new vocation for you!!

                              LPC-please tell me you didn't turn your cat pink!!:H

                              Det-you sound maniacally good!! I've never had that reaction from D3-I just take it because I need to and you'll NEVER get me to eat liver!!:no:

                              Sunni-I sure hope your back is feeling better. How disappointing you had to cancel your peanut weekend!! Barn looks marvelous dahlink!!
                              shoutout to Sid, Wally, Uni, Cinders and anyone else lurking (DG???)

                              I had a phone interview this afternoon with a local University Registrar's office. the position would be a lateral move but much different than what I'm doing now plus much much closer!! I have a lot of the skills and qualifications they are looking for and it's such a great University-very well respected. My sis got her MBA there and my neph went there last year for his freshman year. I think I did well on the phone interview. They will be inviting 2, maybe 3 people to campus for the next round. BUT, and this is a big but, the salary is going to be 10K less than what I make now. She is going to talk to HR but I really don't have any hope they can even come close to what I would need to make the move. I'm so bummed. I've priced myself right out of the market and have no recourse but it's not like I'm even making gobs of money! You all know how much I've cut back and scrimp and save. I can't stand the thought of staying where I am for the next 15 years-way too depressing plus I'm going to have to work 3 jobs just to pay for the gas to get there every day!! I think I have to reconcile myself to those facts tho and stop looking around. It's just to depressing and frustrating.
                              Off to have some tea and butterfly shaped bran muffins. At least something can make me somewhat happy.
                              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                              KO the Beast!!

