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AF Daily - Thurs 1/12

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    AF Daily - Thurs 1/12

    sleepin' in bear? I was reading your freezer ingredients (you always seem to eat REALLY healthy food) and I get to "frozen pies".....:H


    Shout out WELCOME to hawaii!

    How did I let the vet talk me into an $80 wellness check on a perfectly healthy dog? This is in ADDITION to the $100 regular annual visit. Guilt marketing. grrrrrr.

    I lucked up on lunch with some friends (the ones I went to China with, Marshy) and they have a place at the beach and have invited me to go this weekend. I'm still not caught up from being gone over the holidays.... but ..... oh what to do? I hate to pass up an invite like that. On the other hand, I hate to be behind (or my perception of being behind which I am finding is sometimes exaggerated).

    Det, I saw an interview by Dr. Mercola and he thumbed his nose to the D3 supplementation thing. I'm not taking a stance, just that it was interesting. It seems that for every claim (even statins) there is a counter that seems equally valid. I learned in college how statistics can be manipulated to say what you want so I guess it's good to always fight for our right to decide for ourselves. This is moving off on a tangent so I'll bail out now. About the pate... Liver just strikes me as the dirty vacuum bag of the body. That is all.

    P3 :l I too wish I could create a job for you.

    uni, that sounds like a stellar exercise routine for you! Maybe it'll kick up your metabolism a couple notches! I'm cramming in as much yoga as I can during this unlimited classes for 30 days offer.

    Have a thrilling thursday!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    AF Daily - Thurs 1/12

    Yep, where's our Bear?

    Greenie, it is so good to see you back. I missed you but glad you had a good time.

    Hi, Abbers. Hope all to come have a serendipitous AF day today.

    As my AF days pile up, I am feeling stronger and stronger. I have no idea how many, nor do I want to know, I just know that each day sober is a blessing and I am grateful to be here.

    Amazingly, even the pain from my ruptured disc has not made me long for the booze. Perhaps, in some weird way, it is helping me to strengthen my resolve to live each day as best I can?

    Det, I have no idea what to think about that link. I saw it posted on another thread yesterday. Will have to follow up on it. I suppose all my failed trials with Topa, Naltrexone, Baclofen, Kudzu, etc, makes me very very wary.

    Anyway, off to read some more. I'll check back in later.

    I hope the newbies join in today.

    AF April 9, 2016


      AF Daily - Thurs 1/12

      x-post cindi!

      Cinders;1243168 wrote: Amazingly, even the pain from my ruptured disc has not made me long for the booze. Perhaps, in some weird way, it is helping me to strengthen my resolve to live each day as best I can?
      Ahhhh a silver lining of sorts! I'm so glad to hear of AF days piling up for you and you're right, you do seem to do better to not focus on keeping track of them, just knowing they are accumulating. :l And they are! Like a beautiful white snow drift.

      I hope to see the new faces too.
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        AF Daily - Thurs 1/12

        Good morning, Greenie and Cindi!
        Was also wondering where Bear is. Hope we see a post soon.
        Greenie, we have three dogs, and our vet started with the wellness thing last year. It's closer to $100 (extra) I think. Plus, one needs CBC once a month now, as he is getting chemo--won't even start on how much that is costing--and two have thyroid meds and need a yearly check for that. Chinese herbs--it never ends.
        Cindi, it is great that you are hanging in even with your back issue. Hope you get your epidermal tomorrow. Not sure if I posted it here, but one of our AA members had a horrible car accident New Year's Eve morning. (She's been sober something like 13 years.) Paralyzed from the waist down, and they are thinking it will be permanent. She has accepted it and is having some members and the hospital chaplain do meetings for her!
        Finally getting snow here, and all schools are closed, Supposed to get worse as the day moves on, may end in freezing rain. One of the benefits of not having a job, LOL! Looks like I won't get to a meeting today, but have lots to keep me busy here. Soup in slow cooker was excellent, and later today I will make a chicken paprikash and hope to freeze half.
        I wish everyone a happy sober day!

        "One day at a time."


          AF Daily - Thurs 1/12

          Forgot a couple of things!

          Brain not working so well! Get emails every day from Dr Mercola--have several I haven't read and will read today. Not sure what his connection is with Dr Becker, holistic vet, but hers come through him, I think. Lots of great info. And--if you can find Dr Becker's bites for your dogs, they will be in doggy heaven! Expensive, but I used to carry them with me when calling on doggy retailers and dogs went bonkers over them!
          Also--had my real first "drunk" dream last night! It was a crazy dream, but I ended up taking a drink, and was about to take a second stronger one when I woke up. And I have a slight headache, too. I'm so relieved it was just a dream!
          "One day at a time."


            AF Daily - Thurs 1/12

            Figures... I call in to get my lab results and the D3 is low and MD wants me to take supps. :H Kinda like instant karma, eh?

            Hi TDN!
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              AF Daily - Thurs 1/12

              ThreeDogNight;1243179 wrote: Also--had my real first "drunk" dream last night! It was a crazy dream, but I ended up taking a drink, and was about to take a second stronger one when I woke up. And I have a slight headache, too. I'm so relieved it was just a dream!
              I've been having the random drinking thoughts since that beer thing and I've noticed I'm not drinking enough water during the day. I think it's probably related and wondered about this and your slight headache. Do you really look at how much water you drink?
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                AF Daily - Thurs 1/12

                Hi, Greenie.
                Sorry about your tests. I take D3 every day--2,000 mg.
                I drink a lot of water and tea, also. Constantly have to pee
                I do seem to have a slight headache sometimes, and wonder if it is PAWS or maybe the Paxil. Nothing major, for sure!
                "One day at a time."


                  AF Daily - Thurs 1/12

                  Three Dog - I sometimes get a headache from the central heating, I think. Definitely feel bunged up when I switch it on for the first time in winter. I've switched it off while we're having a mild spell but I suppose if you've got snow you need it!

                  Greenie - get thee to the beach! The paperwork/laundry/whatever will wait.

                  I'm being piled up with extra work hours - good in the current climate but I don't want to get swamped. Just had to say "no" to working Saturday nights. Would rather be with GF, frankly

                  Have a good day all!

                  Oh, Lav - we carried the lantern home as hand luggage. It collapses down to a cylinder (the inside structure is made from thin, bendy wood).
                  AF since December 22nd 2008
                  Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                    AF Daily - Thurs 1/12

                    Marshy;1243200 wrote: Greenie - get thee to the beach! The paperwork/laundry/whatever will wait.
                    Thanks - needed that.

                    About the central heat - me too. I find a humidifier takes care of that.
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      AF Daily - Thurs 1/12

                      Hey all - running late this am so no time to post, slow cooker thai pork curry cooking - switched on this time as well!I do like cooking healthy fresh food - I also like chocolate and takeaways as well - if I massively cut down on takeaways/chocolate/biscuit nibbling I would definitely lose weight. Had sliced apple and peanut butter yesterday for mid pm snack - YUM!!Had pretty much stopped cooking from scratch at end of last year due to feeling exhausted/bit down - vicious circle.

                      Have afternoon off as I have an evening meeting today so chilling on sofa with cats. Decorating almost finished - about ?100 less than I had estimated as well - yay!Leaves me almost enough to buy small shed for front garden to put bike in(live in terraced house so have to drag through house currently)

                      Drove today cos was running late - not going to stress about that - I will cycle tomorrow - I plan to do workout dvd later today but not gonna stress about it.Have a great af day everyone.
                      one day at a time


                        AF Daily - Thurs 1/12

                        Good morning Abbers!

                        We all have a lot in common.......
                        I have a humidifier built right into my heating system & still run a humidifier in my bedroom overnight to prevent the dry/headche thing. I also swallow 2000 mg of Vit D daily in addition to 1200 mg of calcium & magnesium. I already have osteoporosis & flat out refuse to take anymore of those nasty meds

                        I am expecting my daughter & Lily by lunchtime. They are staying overnight so it will be a fun girls night
                        Heading out for supplies now.

                        Wishing everyone a fantastic AF thursday. Cindi, glad you are hanging in

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          AF Daily - Thurs 1/12

                          Hello friends!

                          :welcome: to all the new additions to the AF daily!!! It's nice to "meet' you!

                          Wow, you guys are all so inspiring! I had a bad day yesterday for some reason. I have been having trouble getting myself out of bed in the morning, and I'm always still tired. Yesterday I didn't resist the urge to go back to bed and slept another hour and a half. Then I parked my butt on the couch for most of the day! I just felt kind of crappy and I don't know if it is this cold or the Celexa. I sleep fine, but my energy and motivation is sure lacking. I know if I started exercising and eating better that will help. I have started taking my supplements again and I've ordered some B12.

                          I met with a lawyer yesterday so he could explain to me how things will work if my BIL decides to move away from the land Terry and I owned together--so I feel a little better about that situation.

                          I had a nice visit with my son when he got home from work last night at 11pm. He seems to be maturing some. I feel kind of bad that his athletic dreams are not turning out the way he'd hoped, but he seems to accept it and has lots of other interests. I have learned so much from this child.

                          It turned cold and windy here yesterday with a little snow. I was so happy hubby had a fire in the wood stove when I got home last night. I hope I can remember to keep it going all day!

                          Have a terrific sober day everyone!!:h
                          NF since June 1, 2008
                          AF since September 28, 2008
                          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                            AF Daily - Thurs 1/12

                            Sorry you aren't feeling up to snuff LVT25. I can relate I been feeling sluggish too. Must be the weather it is dark and rainy here. Otherwise still chugging along in my AF world and that feels like a million.
                            I have been going to the recreation centre since early December. And I think that helps. I am not really counting but its been 4 months. After that long it feels normal not to drink. I think that is a step in the right direction.



                              AF Daily - Thurs 1/12

                              Hey Abstenoodles, how we hangin? Did anybody miss me? I didnt think so. Oh well. I am happy to report that my report is not finished yet, so its back down to the office / dungeon for me, but I thought I would swoop in and say hi. Almost done.

                              Take it easy. Sorry cant comment on all the discussion going on about this condition and that supplement, but I do sincerely hope all of you who have discomfort are comforted in some way today. I think of you all often.

                              Kaslo of the frozen north.

                              Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                              Status: Happy:h

