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fri 13 jan af daily

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    fri 13 jan af daily

    hi everyone - up ready for another day - last evening meeting last night - don't have to do that again

    I am cycling to work today and have lunch packed- thai pork curry was nice - bit too greasy though but can skim it off now in fridge.

    Feeling anxious about staying af as we approach weekend - don't want to drink - maybe i need to focus on time I have achieved, how much better i feel rather than worry about future.
    one day at a time

    fri 13 jan af daily

    Happy Friday the 13th fabbies!

    May your day be lucky in all ways possible!

    bear, what are your bullet-proof plans for the weekend?

    Kas, nice to see you surface yesterday (and with a lovely picture) ~ I knew you and turn are buried in projects but it's nice when you can pop in just to say hi.

    I decided to go to the beach tomorrow morning. Spending tonight there isn't important to me and that gives me a bit more time to get some things done. I haven't been to the beach since last spring.

    P3 hope you're feeling better.

    Does anyone know what happened to blondiegirl? Hope she's just busy. I worry a bit when someone is a bit of a constant and then disappears.

    Off into the freezing arse windy AF day!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      fri 13 jan af daily

      Good morning, Bear and Greenie!
      Bear, I hope you come up with a good plan for the weekend. I keep thinking of all those days when I was feeling so terrible--physically and mentally--and the DUIs. I pray never to go back there! I try to focus on what I have--peace and serenity, which I never had while drinking. You can do it!
      Greenie, I'd love to be able to go to the beach!:H :H It's about 28 degrees here, and may get a little more snow later on. I HATE winter, but this is where I am, so have to suck it up!
      Watched a Netflix movie yesterday--ToThe Bone--about addiction. Sobering, no pun intended! Also spent a lot of time on The Drinking Diaries and Immortal Alcoholic--saw these posted by DG.
      Today amd going to AA meeting and later making a chicken paprikash, which I was going to make yesterday.
      Good sober day to all!

      "One day at a time."


        fri 13 jan af daily

        Morning abbers!

        We got snow here finally (not a happy finally, I was enjoying the mild winter). My car has to go into get it's brakes done so I'm a little worried about driving it there with the roads snowy and wet but Mike will be following me in the truck so I'll be okay.

        Had a great AA meeting last night. Am going to meet a friend from there for breakfast tomorrow morning.

        Not too much going on today - just chillaxin in the cold.

        Bear - get those drinking thoughts out of your head STAT! I know from personal experience that once you have some time under your belt and then drink that the cycle begins again and it's a hard one to get out of. Don't let that cycle start again. If you are worried then STAY HOME and do not go out with friends. It's so not worth it. Think of how happy and free you felt when you were AF for so long. Go back to those past successes and do what works. But get the thoughts out now by doing something else or you will drink. I truely suggest staying home this weekend. Pretend you're sick, get a good book, have a hot bath, some tea and cuddle under the covers and do some self care. It's safer, trust me on this one.

        I hope everyone has a happy and AF Friday the 13th. I know I will not drink today.

        Love and hugs,
        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          fri 13 jan af daily

          Hi is snowing here too but like Uni I have been enjoying the mild weather so I am not thrilled with the white stuff. The good thing is I have my day off today and do not have to fight my way into the city. It is great to have the energy to use this time off to do things. Constructive things.

          Bear weekends use to be my worst nightmare. Try to take it one day at a time. And focus on how great you will feel on Monday. When I feel the urge to drink..I stop and do something I didn't pair with drinking. Even if it is getting into bed and having a nap.
          Don't know if that helps.

          Hope Cindi you got some relief for that back problem. Sid


            fri 13 jan af daily

            Morning all!

            Surfacing for a bit to catch up with some of the most wonderful peeps on the planet!

            Greenie! So glad you're back - we missed you a lot!

            The project is going as smoothly as possible...still a little bit of stress...but NOTHING close to how this process went while I was drinking. After about the 6th glass of wine, I thought I was fabulously brilliant and creative. So why did my writing read like shit the next morning? Hmmmmmmmmmmm

            So thrilled to be living the Vida Sober!

            Okay...going back in....

            See you soon FABbers!
            Sober for the Revolution!
            AF & NF July 23, 2011


              fri 13 jan af daily

              hey all - just back home - cooked healthy from scratch dinner and staying in watching Dexter. Tomorrow at spa all day and most of evening and up early for skating Sunday - Sunday drinking won't be tempting - friends over for roast dinner.

              Cycled to work and back and cos i felt tired not beating self up about not doing work out dvd. I have gone from doing pretty much nothing and lost a lot of fitness - so 12 miles cycling a workout dvd and a skate session in a week is good enough.
              one day at a time


                fri 13 jan af daily

                I think that is a lot of exercise Bear. I must admit I did not get to the gym today but shovelled snow for more than an hour. That counts.


                  fri 13 jan af daily

                  Afternoon Abbers,

                  Had a great 24 hr visit with my girls & they're on the way home now
                  I didn't even realize it was Friday the 13th until a few hrs ago - duh. It also happens to be the birthday of one of my brothers (but I don't bother with him anymore).

                  bear, I'm wishing the best for you this weekend. Please don't let anyone interfere with your AF plan

                  greenie - the beach? Really??
                  It's so friggin cold & windy here today. I wish you wonderful weather

                  TDN, uni & sidney - I know you guys are feeling the cold today as well, Brrrrrr!!!

                  Turn & Kaslo (from yesterday), great to see you both & I hope your projects are going well!

                  I missed my trip to Curves today, didn't want to miss a minute with the girls.
                  Instead we went to the Amish market in town & came out with two bags loaded with fresh veggies. We walked right past all the baked goods including the Whoopie Pies, thank God :H
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    fri 13 jan af daily

                    Afternoon Abbers,

                    It sounds like all are doing well despite some weather and some thoughts.

                    Good on you, Bear, for filling up a day fraught with danger. A spa will be a great substitute, btw!

                    I did get my epidural and it is amazing!! No more shooting/burning pains in hip and leg and I am not on the Hydrocodone, either. So, it is what it is.

                    Hopefully, this will last a while. While I was lying there "prepped," I heard others saying they had had two or three of these before. I felt like asking them how the pain comes back, slowly or all at once like it did for me this time? I am willing to pay the $$ for this shot over a surgery if I can manage to still live a reasonable life. The last three weeks have literally been unbearable at times.

                    Enough of that, though. It worked for now and I am feeling mighty good. :-)

                    Time to clean some house!! (I NEVER thought I would be happy about that. ????)

                    Thank you all for caring.

                    AF April 9, 2016


                      fri 13 jan af daily

                      Hello Fabs!

                      Chiming in on the distaste for the timely yet uninvited arrival of white stuff.
                      Haven't got much else to say for myself today - it's one of THOSE.

                      Ah well.. at least one thing is for sure...

                      Happy weekend, everyone!
                      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                      Winning since October 24th, 2013


                        fri 13 jan af daily

                        My condolences for your snow Sunni :H :H
                        I hate it too! Your barn pics were really cool btw.
                        No snow down this way yet.......... hope to keep it that way!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          fri 13 jan af daily

                          Greetings Abbers from the great white north
                          It's c c c cold here.
                          Had to shovel the drive and walkway brrrrrrrrrr
                          Sitting here in my fuzzy jammies and my warmest robe, with socks, fingers and nose is cold. I REFUSE to turn up the heat.
                          Had a good day today, sounds like everyone else did too. Cindi so glad to hear you FINALLY got that shot.
                          Hope Everyone has a great AF weekend.
                          Wally22:confusedmonkey::confusedmonkey::confusedmo nkey:
                          If I don't want to brag but I can still wear the earings I wore in highschool
                          November 2, 2012


                            fri 13 jan af daily

                            OK, here's what's starting to happen - ideas anyone?

                            Some of my return customers walk in to get a haircut. So if they didn't make an appointment, I have no heads up on their name. But they know mine. It takes me a little while to learn someone's name. I remember before, we had a receptionist and I could look at the book with my back to the waiting area and ask which one is "so-and-so"? And she'd say what the guy had on, whatever until I learned their name. How can I navigate this comfortably? Or just get over it and say "I'm sorry I'm bad with names, could you remind me again?" I'm afraid they will think that if I don't remember their name, I don't remember THEM or their haircut. I'm probably overthinking this but it really is uncomfortable for me. TIA!

                            wally is that your chiwawawawawa? cute!

                            and sidney, is that you? Nice pic!
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              fri 13 jan af daily

                              Yeah thats me at Niagara Falls...Wally's dog is cuter.

                              I think it is easier to say you don't remember their name. I got a head like a sieve and just admit I can't remember. At least since I am not drinking I really don't remember and not having one of those booze blackouts.

