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fri 13 jan af daily

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    fri 13 jan af daily

    Hey Greenie--I think it's perfectly OK to be honest. Tell them you know their haircut but it will take you a while to remember their name. I think this is more common than we think. I know I always remember faces but I have to meet someone at least 5 or 10 times to remember their name.
    Cindi-so glad you finally got some relief!! Hope it lasts a good long while!
    Greenie-so glad you're going to the beach!!
    Wally-its cccccold here too with quite the wind howling.
    Turn and Kas-we have missed both of you but knew you were neck high in projects so were keeping a respectful distance so as not to interrupt you. Believe me, we would have sent out the search party if you had stayed away too long!
    Speaking of which-where is our intrepid Ms DG and the ever hunky G?
    Greenie-I think you asked about Blondie? It's my understanding that during the christmas holidays she decided to go over to the mod side. I haven't seen her post anywhere else so i hope she is OK.
    Lav-we got about 2 inches of the white stuff yesterday but no more is forecast for at least a week. Thank God. So glad you had a great girls nite sleep over and day shopping. How did you pass up those whoopie pies????
    Shout out to Det, TDN, Sunni, sydney and bear. Bear-stick to your guns this weekend and please take Uni's advice. She is spot on and as much as you don't want to admit it, hanging with your mates when you feel weak has always lead you to drink. Its time to put yourself first. Your mates will be there when you are ready to socialize again. and when you are strong enough too. Each time you cave, the beast gets another peice of you. Don't feed him anymore.
    So I did hear back from the job I applied for. They can't afford me so no 2nd interview. I'm pretty bummed and having a hard time trying to figure out where to go from here. I'll figure it out tho. I always do.
    My virus is still hanging on. The cough and congestion are better but the fatigue is very annoying. I haven't done my hip exercises for 2 weeks and feel like I've undone all the good work over the past 6 weeks. I see my PT next week and it won't be pretty but hopefully it won't take as long to get back to where I was.
    This long weekend will be spent doing my transfer evals. I have 55 that need to be done by Wed. As long as no new ones come my way on tuesday I actually might meet my deadline but it will be close. I've kept my boss appraised of my progress so that he won't be blindsided if I fall behind. He's been surprisingly calm this past week. I hope it isn't the calm before the storm.
    Thats it from here. I think it's going to be an early nite.
    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!


      fri 13 jan af daily

      Aloooha Friday ABlanders near and far!

      Bear, your sounding good, stay tight with us and we'll sail through this weekend AF together. I'm also a Dexter fan BTW. one of the few tv shows i got into.

      Papmom, hang in there, your persistence will pay off eventually.

      Kas, what a darling picture of the little birdies from yesterday! I'm such a big softie when it comes to animals. I'd be useless on a farm sad to say I'd be petting the animals and telling them stories while the weeds took over the place.

      well, it's that time of year for the SHOT show in Vegas which is a HUGE industry event for me and I'm going to be gone from Tue to Sunday night in sin city. I've done this show sober, and I've also totally crashed and burned at this show......gathering my strength and also taking some advice from dear Sidney and dosing up on the antabuse just as a tad of insurance.

      off to check chat

      be well everyone
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)

