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sat 14 jan af daily

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    sat 14 jan af daily

    morning all up ready for spa day, books packed and need to shower and pack bag.have a massage booked - can't wait -see you later.
    one day at a time

    sat 14 jan af daily

    Good morning to all!
    Sounds like a wonderful day, Bear! Haven't been to a spa in years--literally! I may get in the jacuzzi, which I rarely use, filled with Epsom salts to remove toxins (whatever they may be.) Husband is heading out to go to the gym and then to pick up Chinese herbs for one of the dogs, and will be gone--hopefully--most of the day. He has been reitred for a long time (retired early) and won't admit it, but has OCD --gets worse and worse. That's a story for another time! Tonight we are going to some friends' for dinner. Other than that, a day like all the rest. Have to see my nurse practitioner on Tuesday to get a form signed so I can start going to the gym with my husband. They told me they have a new comouter system and I have to bring my Paxil and ALL vitamons and supplements I take--in original bottles!! I warned the secretary that I'd have to bring a shopping bag. LOL! I am not used to going so long with no exercise.
    I hope we all have a nice sober weekend!

    "One day at a time."


      sat 14 jan af daily

      Helloooooo Fabber Abbers,

      It has been such a long time since I've checked in. I've missed all of you. Looks like everyone is staying AF. Woot Woot.

      I've been crazy busy work family, work, yoga teacher training. I will be finished with teacher training end of February but lots to do before I get there...papers due, have to teach a 90 minute class and have it videotaped and critiqued, etc. Good news is that I am working one day per week at the studio now. This gives me free yoga classes and huge discounts on workshops, etc. Awesome. This is really what I wanted. Not thinking about becoming a full time yoga teacher. But, if I can teach one or two days per week, stay in the process of learning and self-discovery, and be part of an awesome community. Well, it doesn't get much better than that.

      Had a health scare over the past month with my youngest daughter. In december, she had massive amounts of blood in her urine. No signs of infection; just blood and protein. It seems to be clearing up on its own and nothing showed up on tests. Doctor thinks it might haved been a gymnastics injury. We are keeping an eye on it. Puts things in perspective.

      Papmom. I hope you are feeling better. There's lots of yucky stuff going around.

      Bear. Stay AF. It's that simple. You will feel so good about yourself. YOu've come so far and you can't even imagine how much better life will get for you by staying on this path.

      Uni, DG, Greenie, Det, LFM, Lav, TurnAgain, Sunni, 3DogNight, Cinders, Marshy, ....I know I'm leaving lots of folks out. Hello to all of you.

      AF Since April 20, 2008
      4 Years!!!


        sat 14 jan af daily

        Morning abbers!

        I have a busy day ahead of me so just zooming in quickly. Meeting a friend from AA for breakfast and then little uni's hockey game. After that going to a friends house for a get together. Long day ahead and I'm tired but I'll get through it.

        AF! Loving it.

        Have a great Saturday all!
        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          sat 14 jan af daily

          Morning Boyz 'n Gurlz!

          Frrrrrrreeeeezing here this morning - burrrrr.
          Bear, spa sounds devine!
          TDN, have a nice quiet day to yourself
          Momof3, good to see you! Scary stuff with your daughter. Yikes. Good luck on your teaching finals! I'm sure you'll do great
          Uni, have fun at hockey!

          It'll be some work on the barn today (I don't think we'll do too much, after 20 minutes you just can't feel your fingers in this cold) and some finishing work in the (heated, yay!) shop My back is slowly coming around and I'm moving much better.

          Cindi, so happy you got that epidural yesterday! Hope it lasts and lasts for you!

          Happy Saturday to all to come... have yourselves a fabby day!
          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

          Winning since October 24th, 2013


            sat 14 jan af daily

            Bonjour mes amis Abstainous, comme ce vas? Je suis tres fatigues a la papier stinkie et poopie. Je n'avez past finis, mais c'est deadline a semaine.

            Ok for those of you who actually speak French, forgive me, I cant help it. Im a Canuck. We had to take it in school, hear it on planes, sing it at hockey, read it on cereal boxes, and now its stuck inbetween our cerebelums and our hoo hoos. Somewhere.

            Still working on the beach paper, and I have to go down and extract the edited first half off of YouSendIt from the editor, a lovely woman who studied long-billed curlew on grasslands, despite having some spinal disease, I really admire her, and have told her so.

            So I cant keep up, havent been here, mea culpa. I think I saw IJM make a brief appearance one day, but cant remember what he said. Poor P3 seems to have been sick for an awful long time...Sunni is back in the barn (I could possibly live in the barn, along with the entire homeless group in my little town. M3 check, Bear check, Uni check.. where is BlondeAF? Someone send her a PM yet asking just what the heck is going on? Det off to Vegas to rattle some iron, DG presumably back in school or doing books, or something? Turn still wearing bling, hasnt taken her Christmas tree down yet...

            Its my 11th month. One more month and Im a whole year as of today. There is a big Christmas party (I know, I know) tonight for the company my husband works for and that I contract to, and the booze always flows at this thing, except none of these young skier snowboarder types in the Kootenays actually drink anything very much. And I may not go if I dont get my English Canadian hiney down the stairs and start tossing vowels and consonants around.

            Love to all.

            kaslo of the something or other ______ hmmmmm______ north.

            Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
            Status: Happy:h


              sat 14 jan af daily

              Bonjour mes amis

              "Je suis tres fatigues a la papier stinkie et poopie."

              stinky = puant

              poopie = merde

              Otherwise your french is impeccable. We english canadiennes must help each other. Best of luck on your papier.
              Sunshine stay warm, I am sure it's good for your back. Have to work today, so can't play online.
              Hope everyone has a fabulous AF day.
              Wally22:confusedmonkey::confusedmonkey::confusedmo nkey:
              If I don't want to brag but I can still wear the earings I wore in highschool
              November 2, 2012


                sat 14 jan af daily

                Hiya Abbers, today is my 7th day alcohol free, this site has been dead helpful
                I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
                Audrey Hepburn


                  sat 14 jan af daily

                  hi all
                  Still AF day 11 and going strong.. good luck to everyone. enjoy the day ! !
                  AF since Sept 2013...


                    sat 14 jan af daily

                    hey all - back from spa lovely day -so relaxing - back feels much better after a swedish massage and a good session in jacuzzi with jets aimed on back. Came back to living room decorated and house all tidied/decluttered by OH - looks like a different house - lovely!

                    Lots of space in back room for me to do exercise dvds as well now - lovely new leopard print throw on old sofa has given it a new lease of life.
                    No temptation at all to drink today - even when friend had 2 glasses of my favourite sauvignon blanc at the spa - glad to be alcohol free.

                    Finally feel I have turned a corner in my super high unachievable goals. I am realising that I need to start small - I was planning on cycling 6 miles each day x 5 to work, plus 3 gym sessions plus 2 skate sessions each week - all while sticking to 1200 calories. Over ambitious?Me??

                    So I am sticking with cycling x 2 weekly, gym or dvd x2 weekly and skating x 2 weekly and 1500 calories, slightly more realistic and have half a chance of meeting the goal.
                    Evening all - on sofa with cats in my lovely home :h
                    one day at a time


                      sat 14 jan af daily

                      Here just in time to say hello & good night to bear, TDN, M3, uni, Sunni, Kaslo, littlepinkcat, Wally, caper & everyone!

                      Have been out all day & enjoyed a day away from chickens, chicken poop & all the other good stuff I deal with here day in & day out :H

                      Wishing everyone a good night!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

