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January Jewels - Week 3

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    January Jewels - Week 3

    Hi Jewels,

    I?m at Edinburgh airport again, off to London back tomorrow evening ? at least it?s not that late Friday night trip home so I am very grateful. I?ve been sleeping so much recently I?m getting worried about it! Honestly since I?ve had that cold/sinus thing since before Christmas the result has been that I go to bed early and could very easily sleep in most mornings, I seem to need an awful lot of zzzzz?s. I shouldn?t complain because when I stopped drinking it took almost 6 months for me to get into a good sleep pattern. I?m just so used to waking up before the alarm and jumping out of bed ? maybe the dark mornings are contributing. Actually I?ve noticed that the evenings are stretching out a bit as it used to be dark by 4pm but it?s after 5pm now so we are on the turn to spring :happy::yay:

    Papmom I am so sorry to hear that you are still unwell this has been going on for ages and you must be getting really tired of it. I?m sending you lots of love across the pond and hope you start to feel better soon. Don?t go back to work too quickly either as you need to be 100% better or you?ll catch something else. Believe me I know how easy it is if your immune system is down to catch numerous little things which all add up to bigger things. I?ve googled how to boost my immune system but there doesn?t seem to be anything other than the usual regular exercise, eat healthily, avoid stress and stay positive ? the answer to all ills!

    Chill again I?m sorry that you are in such a deep hole at the moment but I think you are doing all the right things to battle the depression you are feeling. I read your thread in the holistic site and I too would probably go the holistic route first but like Cassia I wouldn?t rule out AD?s because for some people they really do work and can lift your mood to allow you the space and clarity to tackle the other issues. Hopefully your counsellor will be in touch soon and you can work on coping strategies. I meant what I said in my PM and if you want to meet, come visit with Ellie or chat on the phone just let me know :l

    congratulations on the 7 months :yougo::yougo: honey you are doing so well and with all your plans for the future I know this is going to be a good year for you. One of these days you will be in the right place and the right partner will come along, you and your son deserve to be happy.

    Hi to everyone else and have a good Hump Day Jewels

    Dewdrop :h
    Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


      January Jewels - Week 3

      Happy Humpday Jewels

      And I hope we don't freeze our jewels off the next few days - very chilly here :H

      CONGRATS to SD - job well done Ms 7 months AF

      Dew, hope your trip is quick & smooth!
      I have also found myself 'oversleeping' of late so I cut my handful of bedtime herbals in half last night & still slept well ~ who knew??

      Chill, I hope today is a better one for you in every way possible.

      Beginning to worry about papmom.........
      Maybe it's time for Nurse Lav to make a visit?

      Greetings to Dill, Rusty, Sooty, LBH, Cassia & all the Jewels!
      I'm getting my rested self to Curves this morning then see what develops for the day.

      Have a wonderful AF Hump day!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        January Jewels - Week 3

        Greetings everyone and congrats SD - excellent achievement.

        Chill I'm sorry you're not feeling any brighter, I hope the doc helps.

        I've not long got home from my collecting stint for victims of stroke. People were so generous and we had a few tears from people who had lost someone, it was all very humbling. I'm so glad I volunteered and I'll do it again when I can. Flipping cold outside that supermarket tho! I was glad of my secret weapon thermal vest

        Hope everyone is keeping warm and safe, happy humpday Jewels


          January Jewels - Week 3

          Sooty-great to see you, and I think it's great that you are volunteering. How is everyone is your family?


            January Jewels - Week 3

            Hi Rusty, how are you my little cupcake? We are all fine thank you, everything grand this end. Daughter no 1 off to Thailand for a. Holiday shortly, daughter no 2 is 23 on Sunday so I think we'll be shopping on Saturday and celebrating on sunday.

            I hope you are doing ok and keeping well :l


              January Jewels - Week 3

              Hi Sooty,

              So good to hear from you! I didn't know you were old enough to have daughters in their, your daughter is going off to Thailand. My nephew spent a year there "working" and "touring" with his girlfriend and he just loved it. I've never been there but I'm sure I would love it. Thank you for asking about me. Feeling quite blue today but determined to shake myself out of this mood. I'm kind of down today but know I must change my attitude. It will pass, I'm sure. Sooty, you are my link to Wales and the UK. Thanks for being online when I needed more ways than one.:h


                January Jewels - Week 3

                Dear shining ones -

                whoa! couldn't jump on since I posted on Monday, what a lot of life is going on...

                P3 - seriously, have you seen a doc? You sound terribly sick.
                Dew - ditto, wish you could get totally well
                Lav - I've been too swamped to visit the Herbalist, but will let you know when I talk to her
                Rusty - you are blue today? Are you on right now? Talk to me, girl! I am stealing a tiny bit of time at the moment to catch up with everyone, but PM me if you need to - I am here --
                Cass - thank you for sharing your story. What a lot you have been through; it helps everyone to know (Lav too, thanks) how deep the despair can get.
                Chill - I am so sorry for your stress...all of it makes sense, I get it. I have room here for you to come to CT and decompress - my dogs would welcome you and Elle with open arms (paws?). Great job going to talk to the doc, I am sure that it will bear fruit for you. I have had a life-long battle with depression, but the chronic kind, so somewhat different from what you are going through. Please stay hooked in, even when you don't want to -- your energy contributes when you honestly say what it going on.
                LBH - did I miss you talking about how your party/visitors went? Still thinking about it..
                Sped, you there?
                CONGRATS SD!

                Take care EVERYONE - I will jump back on again later --
                to the light


                  January Jewels - Week 3

                  Well finally I am back. Congratulations SD. Know that I am sending you all sorts of get well images, Pappy, as well my deep sympathy for those on the edge or lost in the blues. I have had a number of depressive times during my life including one bad one in my thirties where I stopped interacting, had memory problems, and lost a serious amount of weight. A coworker became concerned that I may have had a stroke and forcibly took me to the doctor who actually put me in the hospital because I was so thin and dehydrated and confused. I would have killed myself but I had the sense/delusion that it ?would not make any difference?. I ended up on antidepressants for a little over a year, and I have never had a recurrence of those symptoms.

                  I think the most dangerous thing about depression is it feels so ?real?, more so than regular life. This phenomenon has even been studied scientifically; investigators speculated that depressed people would be more ?realistic? at judging things like the ?odds? in gambling, and act accordingly. This is of course not true. Depression feels real but is an irrational state of being that makes us misjudge things and impairs our ability to take action. Like many things for me it was a huge learning experience and I think had to go through it in order to acquire the skills to manage not to go there again.

                  That being said even with my skills, I am not in a great frame of mine right now:H. My guests stayed an extra day, never, ever, ever (ever) stopped talking, wanted to go everywhere and do everything, hardly slept unless we were supposed to be somewhere at a certain time, and, while charming, were steely hard underneath. Then I couldn?t have any food for nearly forty-eight hours because I had to have a medical procedure that got postponed twice
                  , I developed persistent tachycardia from a medication and almost had to postpone it further, had three growths removed from my colon so now I can?t exercise for two weeks, and have not a single memory from when I finally had the procedure at 5:30 PM yesterday until about 3:00 this morning. I ate a late dinner, watched TV, talked on the phone to the doctor, fed and enjoyed the pets, and not a clue today. Lord Bird Heart said I was completely rational. Our brains can do this, Chilly, whether it is medication induced or has its roots in the chemical brain changes that come with depression. Fortunately for us both it is reversible and not addicting! I am so glad to be here and shall get my own attitude back on track with your support and friendship. Hi Cyn, Dill, Lav, Dew, Sooty, Rusty, Rustop, Star, Cassia, Sped, et. al. Love, Ladybird.
                  may we be well


                    January Jewels - Week 3

                    Well - here I am at 3:30 pm fooling around instead of doing something productive - oh well :H

                    cyn, I saw this on Etsy & thought of you.....
                    felted wool mittens on Etsy, a global handmade and vintage marketplace.

                    Hi Sooty & happy Hump day!

                    Rusty, what's going on with you?
                    Winter/work doldrums.......
                    I'm playing on the internet today, not in the mood to push myself. I think that's OK especially considering my advanced age/granny status

                    LBH, ugh, the visitors who don't leave!
                    I love to travel but really prefer staying in hotels where you can come & go & not bother anyone. I just don't like being the pest I suppose.
                    Thank goodness for the good/effective drugs, huh? Sorry your procedure was postponed like that but it sounds like someone was keeping a good eye on you - happy to hear that. Hope everything is OK now :l

                    About depression -
                    Women are statistically twice as likely as men to suffer a Major Depressive episode at some point in their lives. This may be as many as 1 in 4 women!
                    I think I always knew it would get me at some point especially because I come from a long line of despressives. Mine hit me in my mid 40's along with sudden & severe menopausal symptoms, YB's own depression, sick parents, teenagers, etc, etc.
                    I tried to drink my way thru it ~ that didn't work
                    When I finally did reach out for some appropriate help it was almost too late. I had already injured myself badly (accidently), my B/P was sky high & YB was crazier than I ever thought possible :upset:
                    The bottom line is ~ I'm still here & better than ever IMHO!!!!!

                    We just need to keep trying until we find what works best for us & discard the rest!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      January Jewels - Week 3

                      Hi Lav and a happy humpday to you too. Thanks for the link to that site, what lovely stuff they have.


                        January Jewels - Week 3

                        Well I?m safely tucked up in bed with a book and my lappie watching MasterChef and I?m just relaxing. I?m here to support our training dept and the trainer who is running the sessions hit the bar when she arrived around 5.30 and had at least two large glasses of wine while I was in the gym on the treadmill for 45 mins (she ordered one as I went off to the gym and had a full fresh one when I came out). I went and had a quick shower and then met her and a few others for dinner where she proceeded to order two bottles of wine for the table which were polished off by three of them, one of the guys had a couple of bottles of beer. I did have a lovely dinner though, salmon fillet on a bed of lemon & herb couscous and a side of steamed veggies. So I left her heading off to the bar with another of the trainers as I went for an early night and a review of the training manual for tomorrow. At least I?ll be clear headed and responsible in the morning.

                        I am just so happy and glad that I am no longer part of that scene and I just have no time or patience for the drivel that is spouted or the increased noise as people get louder and louder as they get drunker. I used to feel a bit left out at work events when I would go off to my bed to avoid being tempted but now I love it and can?t wait to get away from the drunks!

                        Rusty I hope you are feeling less blue and have overcome being in a funk :l LBH thank you so much for sharing, I have read your post a couple of times you write so beautifully even on the subject of depression. You really do have a talent with words. I hope that you recover quickly from your procedure and the outcome is good for you, let us know. Cyn I have been thinking of felting since you mentioned it at Christmas and would love to make a felted bag; I might try a couple of small ones for the granddaughters as they won?t be too critical! There are some free patterns on Ravelry so I might download a few at the weekend and use up some leftover wool ? can you felt any wool or only a specific kind? I?ll need to google it.

                        There have been some interesting discussions and thoughts on depression but what strikes me most is that everyone seems to have suffered from it at some point. I think the treatment is a bit like going AF there is no ?one size fits all? it?s a case of finding what works for you (whether that?s AD?s or the holistic route) and using the tools to keep you out of trouble as much as you can. It?s not easy but taking good care of ourselves is crucial to a happy life.

                        Dewdrop :h
                        Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                          January Jewels - Week 3

                          Evening gang

                          Like Dewdrop I'm cosy in bed with my laptop, the rain is pounding on the window. Dewdrop oh boy how good to be you and not your colleagues! I so remember the days of such trips and of course id be one of the hard core still in the bar at closing time. Yuk....

                          Rusty - I hope my funk isn't catching, you are such a dear and work too hard :l

                          LBH - gosh, i feel your relief of being rid of your guests. They sound exhausting! Thank you for sharing about your experience.

                          Lav - as you said, its rare for any of us to get through life untouched by depression. I had thought mine was bad latterly at the end of my drinking but it was never like this. However today has been much better.

                          I am following my new healthier regime and get more sleep so will say good night :l
                          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                          AF - JAN 1st 2010
                          NF - May 1996


                            January Jewels - Week 3

                            You cuddle up Dew and Chill. I used to love those hotel bars on work trips, fancied myself to be oh so attractive, sophisticated, and entertaining with strangers. Never mind that the only people who gathered around were functioning at the same level of impaired awareness, and I toddled off to my room with my hair falling out of its pins and a dimmer day ahead. Sweet dreams. Love, Ladybird.
                            may we be well


                              January Jewels - Week 3

                              Hello my lovely Jewels!!

                              Thank you all for sharing your stories of depression. I can't tell you how grateful I am that you are all still here-my life has been enriched by each and every one of you!!

                              Chill-I'm so glad you are feeling a bit better and that you took that important step to talk to your doc. I KNOW with all my heart that things will start to look up for you and Elle. Your faith and goodness will see you through. You also have a place to stay with me and da boyz. Oh how I wish it wasn't so damn hard to travel and stay in the states!!

                              Star-I know your story was meant for Chill but hearing about your daughter cheered me to no end.

                              LBH-I am praying that those growths removed were benign!! I'm sorry you had such an uncomfortable visit with your Swiss friends. But I bet they are giving you glowing reviews!!

                              Rusty-sweetie-you feeling better tonite? We're here for you!!

                              Thank you Nurse Lav and everyone for your well wishes. I do believe I am over the worst now. I woke up yesterday and just knew the bug had flown the coop. This morning was even better. One thing I have done is let my NH boss know that I won't be back until the first weekend in Feb-if they are ok with that. She'll let me know tomorrow after speaking with her boss. I'm ok with it if they have to let me go. I'll miss the residents but something will come along. I also took tonite off again from agility. I need to take some time and get my health back on track.

                              So today was THE most grueling work day evah!! Orientation was pretty much a train wreck because I didn't finish all my evals. At least 25 students weren't able to register even tho I worked feverishly to get the evals done. I was so stressed last nite I had to take 1 ambien and 1 benedryl just to sleep for a few hours!! I went in at 8 and didn't leave until 5:30. It was non stop data entry and taking phone calls from the advisors over in the registration room asking to have this person's name or that person's name go to the top of my list. Oy vey!! But here's the kicker-my boss wasn't the least bit mad or stressed out about the whole thing and he was the one who had to deal with everyone in person!! I want his drugs!! I couldn't believe it. Maybe I need to reevaluate my thoughts about staying (still hate what I actually do tho). Anyhoo, one thing I am eternally grateful for is being AF. Not only was I able to power through today but as I thought how after a day like today I would have felt entitled to a "few" drinks tonite (in the past), I realized I had no desire what so ever for a glass or 100 of wine. None. Zip. All I wanted to do was get home, love on my boyz, grab some dinner and crawl into bed. And that's what I did!! In my past life I would be passed out by now, wake up to a hangover and be no good at work tomorrow (and believe me I've got even more work to do!!).
                              There is NOTHING better than an AF life!!! Believe!!
                              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                              KO the Beast!!


                                January Jewels - Week 3


                                Pap- Glad you are starting to perk up some...and also that your boss was understanding today!! Yea!! Good luck tomorrow!! :l

                                Rusty- I wanted to thank you so much for my very own thread in the General Section!!:l Very thoughtful of you!!! And as always, very supportive!! How are you doing this (late) evening?? Feeling any better...if you want to chat, I'm here for you--PM ANYTIME!!

                                Chill--I liked your plan of asking for a 2 month extension...that seems like a really reasonable and doable request I'd think a landlord could honor! Keeping my fingers crossed for you!!

                                Dew--You should feel so proud of yourself to be able to be in a situation like that and handle it with such class...I'm not sure what I'd do....I'd probably fake an illness and stay in my room and order in....blaming them for ruining my night (when it really wasn't). I really need to gain some confidence, huh?!?!? LOL!! WAY TO GO!!!

                                Lav-- thanks for sharing your experiences with depression and how you overcame that's a tough me, I know....whoever said we've probably all had our own dealings with depression on some level probably was pretty accurate I'm guessing.

                                LBH--Sorry about your guests and I sure hope you are feeling better now...also thanks for your sharing and thoughts on depression as well...I absolutely agree with what you said!! It just feels SO real!!

                                Cyn, Star, Sooty, Sped, Rustop, Dill, Cass and everyone to check in on Thursday...have a great day!!! BTW---it's -9 degrees right now...but feels like -29 degrees!!! BRRRRRR!!!!!!
                                "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."


