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January Jewels - Week 3

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    January Jewels - Week 3

    cyntree;1248152 wrote: 'someone is going to pay me to write'

    Cyn - wow! I would be exactly the same! Awesome awesome awesome and even if it does fizzle out, what fantastic expereince to add to your CV. The fexibility and what it may lead to are perfect! Im made up for you :l
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996


      January Jewels - Week 3

      Cyn, what fantastic news! Many congratulations, it sounds like a fabulous opportunity, I am so happy for you :thanks: for sharing and cheering up my day.

      I had a very busy day yesterday so am taking things a bit slower today, just about to go to the local farm shop to see what fresh veg they have. It's looking like rain though which is very disappointing cos I wanted to go to a Stargazing evening with the astronomy society later, they are putting on a beginners evening for those like me who can identify the moon and thats about it!

      Fingers crossed that the skies clear. Have a lovely Friday everyone, see you later


        January Jewels - Week 3

        Star I envy you with the snow, how crazy is that but I really like the winter weather well actually I like the changing seasons and just as you get a bit bored with one season you are off into another one. In Scotland we can have all four seasons in one day!! Sorry to hear you have been struggling with cravings the secret for me is to try not to let them take hold in the first place. Dill I am so glad that you are back to posting your quotes because they are always right on the mark. Sooty there seems to be quite an interest in stargazing at the moment I?m afraid I like you can probably only recognise the moon! Chill glad that you are managing to slowly navigate your way through this minefield, baby steps :l Cyn what an amazing thing to happen, serendipity in action and you are drawing the things in life that you need around you. I just love to hear this and while the money might not be great at the moment it could lead on to so many things, peace of mind and happiness within yourself are priceless.

        I?ve decided to stop work early and go collect the two granddaughters for the night ? what better way to stop thinking of work and I?ll be exhausted by bedtime! Have a good weekend everyone, I?m going to the movies with a friend tomorrow night and then a quiet Sunday with my knitting and of clearing up I think.

        Dewdrop :h
        Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


          January Jewels - Week 3

          Good late morning all!

          Cyn, congrats
          Glad you found something good for you!

          Star, turning off those drinking thoughts as soon as they appear is the way I survive.
          Acknowledge the thoughts for what they are (just thoughts) then physically & mentally move on to something completely different. I still have to do that quite often with the smokes even though yesterday was my 32 month smoke free anni. I can only hope I will eventually forget about the stinkin things.

          Sooty, I got some great veggies last Friday at the Amish market - think I'll go this afternoon too. Thanks for the reminder. Hope your skies clear for some wonderful star viewing.

          Hello to chill, Rusty, Dill, LBH, Dew & everyone. Have fun with those grandkids Dew
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            January Jewels - Week 3

            I got some nice and very fresh veg and best of all - 2 bunches of daffodils! My favourite and it must mean spring is round the corner


              January Jewels - Week 3

              I scored some nice fresh brussel sprouts (my fav)
              Sooty, I just noticed yesterday my daffodils have broken ground but there is snow on the way tonight
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                January Jewels - Week 3

                What good news, Cyn. It should be really fun to blog about something outside those areas you normally frequent and even more refreshing to read the material from a new perspective, particularly yours! In an extreme case of such things, I once took a French summer class where the students had to write little poems, plays etc. I was by far the most horrible student in the class (I just barely got in with scores far below anybody else), but I have rarely had so much fun in my life writing evocatively in (bad) French about a dry and serious French language science article (regarding the brain no less) and then presenting it in (bad) French. I made up things that I didn?t understand (you probably can?t be doing this:H), and everybody was laughing so hard when I presented it along with little diagrams about where ?love? might be ?hiding? in the cerebral structures and functions. Enjoy wherever your new endeavor leads. Love, Ladybird.
                may we be well


                  January Jewels - Week 3

                  You guys totally crack me up...Chill, the bananas dancing on the computers is priceless, that is an image I won't soon forget! Thank you all for your enthusiasm - it's funny, on the way home from the interview, one of the first things I wanted to do was to tell all of you...I made myself wait overnight, in case everything (or I) fell apart, but then thought it was safe to still be excited this morning. I know I probably won't make enough money to even pay the vet bills, but at least it's something...

                  LBH - oh my, there's another one of your stories that will take up residence in my brain...I love the visuals, and I actually could hear your little speech in my head, what fun. I can't imagine that my writing about income tax issues will be far behind that description!

                  Star - I'm sorry that you have been struggling with cravings, grrrr. Good job sidestepping.

                  I saw a sign at a gallery today as I was driving through one of my little towns here. The sign hung outside of the shop, the word spelled vertically, black on a silver background, very handsome. the word was LAVISH. Besides reminding me of our own dear Lav, it reminded me that it is a word that I hear very rarely these days, never mind actually engaging in the activity of lavishing something on someone...I think tonight I will lavish you all with white light...
                  to the light


                    January Jewels - Week 3

                    Sooty - forgot to say; aren't daffodils particularly Welsh? It seems to me that my Mom used to always have leeks and daffodils in the house around St David's Day (granted, that's a few months away)...

                    Lav, your daffs are coming up!? Tell them to go back! We're expecting 3-6 inches of snow tomorrow - PMom, you too? I may be driving right by you on the way to Boston (if I don't chicken out because of the snow).

                    All right, good night now...
                    to the light


                      January Jewels - Week 3

                      Hi everyone

                      CYN!!! I am just so so pleased for you - this is just the start! Think of where you can go from here?!?!? It's all so exciting. I love getting news like this and it shows that talent is recognized and hard work is rewarded. You done well!

                      Rusty - your story just had me in stitches! I really hope you are feeling better! How is the studying going?

                      Star - hope the cravings have done a vanishing act! We are just sitting here waiting for the snow...

                      P3 - snap - I am also working this weekend. But sometimes it needs done.

                      Hello to rustop, dill, sooty, chill, LBH, Lav, SD, sped and anyone i might have missed.

                      Sorry I haven't posted for a few days. Something happened at work and I am seriously stressed and worried. It would appear that someone (or two people, I haven't quite worked it out) is attempting to bully me so I am less vocal and more submissive. I really don't want to have this fight at work. So, if I am quiet or not around please know I will be reading everyday. Love you all!
                      'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

                      "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

                      AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

                      "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                        January Jewels - Week 3

                        Good Morning Guys

                        Cass - Please let us know what is going on at work, dont keep this to yourself. The thought of you going quiet upsets me as you are such a ball of life and enthusiasm. Remember we will all be here to support you whatever you are going through.

                        Cyn - You are so right about the word "Lavish", i haven't heard it in years! Thank you for the light, it is well received.

                        Having had communication this week with my ex trying to establish the situ with banks and repossessions in Portugal he has sadly been the bearer of only bad news and nothing looks salvageable. I then discover last night that him and his new family were away for 3 weeks over the holidays visiting London, Amsterdam and ski-ing in Austria! I wish I had taken that money from our joint account last year when I had the chance, it would have bought me half a small flat and I could have taken a mortgage for the rest and had a permanent roof over my head. Doing the right think would not appear to have rewarded me.

                        Im going up to Glasgow this morning to my Positively Alive meeting and looking forward to the good energy. My Angel Maggy is hoping to be there if she is feeling up to it and I can't wait to meet her again. Have a great Saturday everyone!
                        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                        AF - JAN 1st 2010
                        NF - May 1996


                          January Jewels - Week 3

                          Hello Jewells, and many congrats to you, Cyn on the new venture. We lavish you with well wishes! Thanks for sending the much needed light.
                          Dew, I hope you had fun with your grandkids. I'm quite sure you did and I'll bet you tumbled into bed exhausted. What are their ages?
                          LBH, I hope you managed to work in your mother's "bon reve rose" at some point because I am sure that on that one phrase at least your accent would have been perfect. (Hope I remembered the phrase correctly, it's been awhile since I've heard it. )
                          Cassia, Don't allow yourself to be bullied. Here is a piece of the Desiderata that will perhaps help you sort through this situation:

                          Go placidly amid the noise and the haste,
                          and remember what peace there may be in silence.

                          As far as possible, without surrender,
                          be on good terms with all persons.
                          Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
                          and listen to others,
                          even to the dull and the ignorant;
                          they too have their story.
                          Avoid loud and aggressive persons;
                          they are vexatious to the spirit.

                          If you haven't read the Desiderata, google it. It's good advice for living.
                          Chill, I'm sorry that 'doing the right thing did not appear to have rewarded you' at the moment. But doing the right thing always is a reward in itself and it is good karma, eh? Hang in there during this turbulent time and stay close.:h

                          It's icy and cold here, but the storm appears to have gone north of us for the most part. We shall have a relaxing morning as we had gone out last night before the storm to do our grocery shopping. I think I shall bake some Swedish Coffee Cake and share a loaf with our new neighbors.
                          Enjoy your day, everyone!

                          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                            January Jewels - Week 3

                            Good morning Jewels!

                            Looks like an inch or two of snow out there with a layer of ice on top - lovely
                            Loaded up my chickens with plenty of food & water yesterday afternoon because I'm not risking slipping around on theice today....

                            Baking sounds good Dill, think I will do that as well.

                            Cyn, we should lavish ourselves in something nice
                            Hope you are not seein too much of this storm.

                            Cassia, bullying is ridiculous. Feel free to use my famous 'Lavan-ittude' & stand your ground.

                            Chill, I have to agree with Dill. You would not feel good about yourself had you emptied that account. Your ex is being an ass & setting himself up for tons of trouble. Perhaps you should speak to an attorney now about his spending habits

                            Wishing everyone a warm & cozy AF Saturday!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              January Jewels - Week 3

                              Hi all

                              Sorry - I should have been clearer with my post yesterday - I was just so tired and mind running 100 miles an hour. I am going to spend the weekend doing research into bullying behaviour and making detailed notes on various instances where I felt like he has been bullying me. I am also going to learn what type of bully I am up against and how best to deal with them in this meeting. I am going to be prepared. Unfortunately for me it seems like I have a serial bully/sociopath on my hands. Brilliant. So don't worry - I have no intention of allowing myself to be bullied. I just have to be VERY smart on how I go about standing up for myself.

                              Dill - I love your quote! I also wanted to share one "I could not, at any age, be content to take my place at the fireside and simply looked on. Life was meant to be lived." I just really liked it - I thought it resonated with a lot that we were talking about on the thread.

                              Chill - I know it must be galling to watch you ex appearing to be so flippant about the situation. What I don't understand is why he isn't panicking more - if they foreclose on the house and sell it at a loss, will they not come after him for the difference? I know it seems that right now your good deed is going punished but trust me - he will get his. Everyone always does.

                              'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

                              "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

                              AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

                              "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                                January Jewels - Week 3

                                Chill sweetie-everyone is absolutely right-you took the high road and will be rewarded for it-he will get his in the end if not sooner. PLEASE look for a lawyer that works with low income people-everyone regardless of income level has the right to be represented when there is wrong doing. AND, if you and your ex are not officially divorced by now, GET GOING!! You are not doing yourself any favors by staying legally married to him!!
                                Believe me, I wish I could hunt him down and give him what for which is why I sound so angry right now. But it's not at you sweet Chill, not at you.
                                What have you done to look for jobs in a different part of the UK? You've got way more talent, skills and experience that you know and its ALL transferable! Cass-help me out here! I can see no reason why you won't be able to find a job that will pay for a roof over you and elle's head. Will it be your dream house or flat? Nope, not right away probably but it will do. Come on Chill-start seeing yourself as the strong wonderful person we see!! :l :h

                                Cass-I love your analytical approach to dealing with this bully!! I have no doubt you will come out of this the bigger person and unscathed. Is there no help from your supervisor or HR on this? I do know how bad politics can be believe me!

                                Dill-loved the quote from Desiderrata!!

                                Lav-we've got 6 inches so far and it shows no sign of stopping. A very cute young boy came to the door about 4 hours ago asking to shovel my drive and walks. I told him to come back when it stopped and I would pay him $10. I wonder if I'll see him? Luckily this is very light and fluffy snow so I'll be able to handle it if he doesn't.

                                Well, i haven't done a lick of work. Slept late, worked on my budget, did some laundry and watched a ton of TV. My boss has already left one message which I haven't listened to yet. I'm not on call with this job so screw him. I'll get my work done on my own time even if it means working 10 hours tomorrow.
                                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                                KO the Beast!!

