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January Jewels - Week 3

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    January Jewels - Week 3

    Hi everyone

    Evening check in from me. Its been all go, go, go today.

    Chill - I hope you enjoyed your positively alive workshop. As the others said you did the right thing and it may not seem like it now but something good is out there for you and it will reach you when the time is right. I just started using my kindle and the first book I bought on it was The Power of Now. It reminds me so much of my mindfullness/meditation course.

    Dill and Lav - hope your baking turned out good and you are enjoying it.

    Dew - I am sure you had a lovely day with the grandkids. You are lucky to have them in your life.

    LBH - your style of writing brings the story alive. I always enjoy reading your posts.

    Cassia - you are right to be prepared, good luck with it.

    Rusty, Papmom, Cyn, SD, Sooty and anyone else I missed big hello.

    Off to read my kindle.



      January Jewels - Week 3

      Cassisa bullying at work is an awful situation to be in, from my own experience all I can say is you are right to document everything that happens, dates & times, keep a journal of it all and your thoughts and feelings as each situation occurs. Do you have a union representative you can seek advice from (you don?t even have to name the person) because it is also worthwhile having that on record so things are documented from the start? Make sure that you are in a good place and on firm ground with evidence before you say or do anything about this. I?d also try and uncover any previous instances with this person(s) you just never know if there is a history which would support your case.

      Chill I am sorry to hear about the way your ex has and is still treating you; it must be heartbreaking to know that the person you love and trusted is being so dishonest, disrespectful and unfair ? no matter what his reasons or excuses are. I agree, I wish you had taken half of the money when you discovered it last year, I also think 'if he has any conscience at all' he will live to regret the way he has behaved. It was a joint account and you only found out about it by going to the bank when he wouldn?t communicate with you so he lied and/or mislead you, whatever. Maybe he is using that money to fund his new life and new family; I don?t know all the details so shouldn?t really comment but sense you feel abandoned and alone in the middle of this whole messy situation. I hope you enjoyed your group meeting and got back some companionship and support.

      I have a grandson of 6 and he has a sister who is 2 ? and the other granddaughter is 3, they are lovely little kids and a pure breath of fresh air to be around. They lift my spirits and time spent with them seems to centre me and make me appreciate the simple things in life. PS - I love my kindle too. Papmom
      you take care of yourself everything else can wait and your boss has no right to call you at home in your free time that?s not on. I hope you don?t feel under pressure to work a 10 hour day unless you are being paid overtime and agree to do it (I know, I know said by the one who frequently works longer hours than paid for!)

      I?ve had a great weekend so far and I am sleeping the sleep of the dead at the moment, went to bed at 11pm last night and woke at 10.30 this morning, would have slept longer but was awoken by the cat meowing loudly and incessantly to be let out! I did have a dull sinusy headache yesterday afternoon and evening which nothing seemed to shift but it is gone today. I actually feel good so plan on a long walk on the beach with a friend and her dog in between pottering about the house, will put coal fire on later and finish off a knitting project I am working on. Movies was good but ate too much popcorn!

      I lavish you all with lots of peace and contentment today and for the coming week.

      Dewdrop :h
      Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


        January Jewels - Week 3

        Hi Gang

        Dewdrop - thank you so much for your kind words, its is very hard when someone you have loved and still love treats you this way but in a sense it has helped me to stop seeing him with rose tinted spectacles. Your weekend sounds relaxing and nourishing, enjoy the rest of it.

        Rustop - Wonderful to hear "The Power of Now" was your 1st download, it stikes me as a good beginning to enjoying your kindle.

        Papmom - I hope you are feeling up to your work load today but please dont over do it, your immune system has endured a lot this year and needs building back up.

        Re ex situ, im boring myself going over it again but I assure you I have exausted all possible legal routes. Im Portugal I saw several Lawyers who wanted huge amounts of money to take court action which they admitted could take years. I have also seen a good Lawyer here who spelt it out to me that unless I had big bucks to spend pursuing him I didnt stand a chance. As he is domiciled outwith the UK I need international lawyers who wouldnt come under the legal aid system. Any cash my ex has will be safely in his offshore account and difficult to trace even with if I could afford the right legal team. I have to accept on this one im beat.

        Moving on to more positive news I had a wonderful meeting with my group yesterday and boy was it what I needed. I came away with a much lighter heart and with more belief in myself. My live Angel Maggie was there with her oxygen and her beautiful smile. You know sometimes how you meet people only briefly but you just know they are friends for life, well thats how I feel about Maggie and another girl in the group who reminds me so much of myself a few years ago. Today I did my double spin class which I have missed for a few weeks and its been another great boost to my well being.

        Wishing you all a wonderful peaceful AF Sunday!
        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
        AF - JAN 1st 2010
        NF - May 1996


          January Jewels - Week 3

          Good Sunday Morning My Jewels,

          Cyn-Congratulations on the new job!:greatjob2: Can't wait to hear all about it. You're a talented writer....I would pay you to write. What is David's Day? I've never heard of it.

          Dill- I love the name of your boat. That is so sweet. I am so glad you and your husband are enjoying it, and you have been enjoying it AF. I have never been on Lake Erie, but would love to see it sometime. You and I both find the water tremendously soothing. I grew up on a lake with my bedroom overlooking it. I can have the worst day in the world, but if I'm on the water, or enjoying a view of it, I feel at peace. Thank you also, for the exercept from Desirata. I have never read it, but will put it on my list.

          Cassia-If you're dealing with a bully who's a sociopath (like my former boss in my last job, and a co-worker in a job I had long ago), here's what I would opinion is based on my own experience, and the advice my mentor (who is a woman 25 years older than I am) gave me a long time that has never failed me when I chose to use it. Bullies and sociopaths are predators who are enveloped with insecurity....any new blood in the office is food for them. They do not contribute anything....they are consumers. Once they have consumed someone, they move on. If you speak out too loudly, since you are new to the job, ....and/or go to HR about this bully, you will be doing yourself in. You will make this situation so much worse. Because you're a young woman, if you run and complain to someone, you will look weak and overly sensitive. Your best move is to keep doing your job in a competent and honest manner, but stay one step ahead of him....without letting him know that you're on to him and you realize he's bullying you. Try to think as he would, as someone who will be trying to undermine your every move, and plot his next move. Develop your action plan...but do it quietly...very quietly. That way, you won't threaten him further, and you won't give yourself away by being outspoken and revealing the details of your plan. Make sense? If not, please PM me.

          Sooty-Stargazing...I wish I could be there with you! I told my mom last week that one of my regrets in school was not taking an astronomy course. Like you, I can identify the moon and the Big Dipper, and that's about it. Astronomy is fascinating. You found Daffodils? Gosh, there's so much snow here, I wouldn't be able to identify any flower, much less a daffodil.

          LBH-I chuckled about your French class story. I'm sure you were NOT a horrible student. I used to speak French fluently but not anymore. When I butcher a word, my mom gently corrects me.

          Star-Are you cringeing because Fig Newton won the SC primary? Good job for dealing with the cravings. They popped into my head yesterday, too....but I don't know if they were true cravings....maybe just drinking thoughts...but like you, BAM....out of the blue they hit. Like Lav said....I have to think of something else....they do pass if I give them time.

          Chill-I'm so glad you had a nice time with your friend last night. I know you have exhausted every option possible with the mess with your ex. I am glad you made time for a double spin class today. If you're like me, you get down more easily if you don't get the exercise you want or need. Exercise is such a wonderful outlet.

          Dew-I hope you had a lovely walk on the beach. I just love the sea and wish sometimes I lived closer to it.

          P3-are you still looking for another job? Right on for not jumping to get your boss's message yesterday. I admire your strength.

          Rustop-The Power of Now is one book I am thinking of buying. Enjoy your seems when I'm traveling, that I see them more and more on planes. I know my brother and nieces just love their kindles and can't live without them.

          Shelley-where are you, and how are you woman!

          SD-check in, please, I miss you!

          Lav-what are you doing today? Also, I will be e-mailing you soon. I have a little project for you.

          A warm hello to and anyone I may have missed.

          You guys, I will be traveling this week to Oklahoma (tomorrow and Tuesday) and Texas. It will be a grueling week. Please forgive me if I don't post...with all my traveling, I still must focus on my studying. I will be reading, though. Have a wonderful AF Sunday.


            January Jewels - Week 3

            Good morning Jewels!

            Cold & windy here this morning, lovely
            Well, it is winter.....

            Cassia, if you need any hely with that bully just let us know! He'll have the entire sisterhood kicking his tail :H
            More icy rain on the way tonight, ugh!

            papmom, I don't blame you for blowing off the phone calls from work when you are at home. That just adds to an already too high stress level, doesn't it? Hope you get caught up today!

            Rustop, glad to hear you chose a great first book for your Kindle! You'll love having it handy to refer to again & again like I do

            Chill, I honestly wish you can figure out a way to leave your ex & his shitty behavior in your dust!!! I can only imagine what you are going thru & I'm sorry. Stay in touch with the things 7 people that make you happy NOW

            Greetings to Dill. LBH, SD, Rusty, Sooty, Star & everyone!
            I need to skate my way out to tend to my chickens. Maxie is out there walking around on top of the ice/snow & not breaking thru - weird

            Wishing everyone a warm & cozy Sunday!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              January Jewels - Week 3

              Cyn your article writing got me thinking and linked into a wee project I am currently researching. Do any of you have any experience with affiliate selling or affiliate websites? It is something I'm looking into at the moment and quite interested in (don't know where the hell I would find the spare time but cross that bridge etc). You are all such a diverse bunch that maybe one or two have some knowledge or experience in this area, just thought a quick post would be a good idea.

              I'm off back to my knitting and cosy fire (knitting seems to let ideas bubble to the surface) and I'm having goats cheese on toast for dinner with tomatoes and fresh basil, lots of black pepper and olive oil/lemon dressing drizzled on top - easy peezy and no mess to clean up.

              Dewdrop :h
              Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                January Jewels - Week 3

                Hi guys - I've just had time to read up a tiny bit, and must now just drop a line to send love. Had a harrowing drive to Boston yesterday - 5 hours instead of 3 - but a lovely dinner here with HB and friends last night. Nice lie-in this morning w/out dogs begging for breakfast and walk, now will grab some lunch before heading back. At least it will be clear and hopefully dry on the way home!
                More soon - have a great evening. BTW - today is Chinese New Year's - the year of the Water Dragon, described as having great properties for moving things forward -
                Wishing all the best!
                to the light


                  January Jewels - Week 3

                  Afternoon all

                  Thanks for all your support, I really appreciate it. Rusty - I sent you a PM. I had a very productive day yesterday - got some work done that had been put on hold because I was so upset by this whole thing. I did a lot of research yesterday, spoke to two of my former colleagues who gave me some great advice most of which I am going to take. I also realized that I got so upset and worried but that's exactly what he wanted to achieve. He doesn't have a leg to stand on so I feel a bit more confident, a bit better prepared although very apprehensive.

                  Cyn - my friends were going to travel up to Boston yesterday too but changed their mind after the saw the snow. Glad you got there and had a nice time!

                  Dew - dinner sounds lovely - all those fresh ingredients - can't beat it. You seem to be feeling a lot better and sounding a lot brighter - I am pleased. :l

                  Lav - thanks for the offer, I will definitely bear that in mind. Do the chickens like the snow? How do they stay warm when its like 10F out?

                  Rusty - safe journey to Oklahoma and Texas - hope you got some nice fresh lab coats for the journey!!! Do you have to wear goggles too?

                  Chill - I am glad you had such a positive day yesterday! Isn't exercise great for the mind. I don't know what I would do without it.

                  Dew - I am going to take my boss in with me and I have also been referred to someone in HR who has dealt with previous complaints made against this individual. I will look into the union though - thanks.

                  P3 - Sounds like you had a nice relaxing day which you deserve! I hope you don't have to do too much work tomorrow.

                  Hubby is giving me the evils so quick high to everyone else. Speak soon.

                  'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

                  "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

                  AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

                  "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                    January Jewels - Week 3

                    Whoo Hooo!!! I got my work done with a couple of hours to spare!! Also got one thank you email from one of the new students. Now that feels pretty good!! Tomorrow will just be clean up and then I can start on next semesters transfers. Sigh.

                    Dew, if you go to my blog, Agility Fool you will see some ads on the right hand side. I have signed up for 3 affiliate programs so far. I'm not at all expecting any $$ since no reads my blog and I don't have time to update it weekly right now, but it doesn't cost anything to join and you just never know. I hope this is what you were talking about.

                    Cass-I knew you would come up with a plan!! Glad you got your work done too!

                    Lav-the visual of Maxi walking on top of the crusted snow was just too precious!!

                    Cyn - wow! so glad you made it safe and sound into Beantown! I heard about multiple accidents on 495 and 290 but didn't hear about any on the Pike so hopefully it was pretty clear for you. Glad you didn't have to drive back last nite!!

                    Rusty-safe safe travels to the SW OK?? We won't send out the search party until next week . Good luck with the studying.

                    Chill-so glad you have the monthly meeting to go to just when you needed it!! Hopefully they helped you come up with a plan or two. Hang in there!

                    OK, guys, I'm going to chill with the boyz for a bit then shower and dress for the hockey game. Hopefully the Football game will be over by 7 so that our hockey boys will have the full attention of the fans :H!!
                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      January Jewels - Week 3

                      Good afternoon, it is bitter cold here, but I am cozy by the fire, catching up on posts.

                      Chill, I was really impressed with your research on depression on the holistic healing thread. It was really thorough and made lots of sense to me. I too know people who have been on antidepressants for years and years and are still is not something that can be cured with a magic pill, and definitive action needs to be taken. You are doing that and helping others, too. Antidepressants do take the edge off for some people, but many are not helped. Have you ever thought of going back to school and becoming a psychologist or something? I think you would be a good fit for a career like that...I realize you are in your 40s, but lots of people go back to school and begin a new life. Just a thought.

                      Cyn, I told you I liked interviews. What a cool offer, you just never know.

                      Rusty, sounds like you have a busy week ahead, take care of yourself.

                      Cassia, bullying at work takes its toll. You are going to be working on another degree or certification,right? After you get that, look for another job. I agree with Rusty that there is not a whole lot you can do. I fought for myself at my last job, and the person who was giving me a hard time could not be stopped. She was just an unhappy, incompetent person, who was out to hurt me. I have heard that she continues to spread her negativity. I am so glad I got out of that situation, it made me crazy. I hope that you can do the same over time.

                      Dew, what a lovely weekend for you. Sleep is a great healer, when we drank our sleep was fitful and often a nightmare. Good to hear you are taking care of yourself.

                      Dill, loved the desirata, hope your journey is going well.

                      Papmom, you need time to get well, the work will be done in time.

                      Rustop, enjoy that Kindle.

                      Lav, you are always taking care of business, love that attitude.

                      LBH, you sound more relaxed. Loved your story of the French class.

                      I have joined weight watchers for the fifth time (haha), I just never give up. I really need/want to be a comfortable weight as I am overweight, close to obese, and I hate it. This is the year that I will eat healthy MOST OF THE TIME. To all, take care of yourselves and enjoy the time off.
                      Formerly known as redhibiscus


                        January Jewels - Week 3

                        Home again, thanks PMom for the kudos - there were multiple accidents on 90 yesterday, one pile up and lots of spin-outs, but they were west-bound, so I didn't have to deal with them, thank you angels. I practically flew home today, and was able to listen to the audio book that I'd brought with: 'First Family' about Abigail and John Adams. (How weird that I was driving right through the exact territory the book speaks of!)

                        Jumped into work when I arrived home, and now will succumb to sleep, but I wanted to include a little more about the new moon event I referenced earlier -- the info is useful to us I think:
                        Happy Chinese New Year - Year of the Dragon!
                        This New Moon begins the Year of the Water Dragon in Chinese Astrology. It's a dynamic year that'll give you exciting opportunities to powerfully, successfully pursue your goals. The Dragon is closely aligned with the intensity of the planet Mars and any actions taken this year will receive an extra boost of energy.

                        To create space for your new gifts, you'll need to consciously make room for them. By "sifting, sorting and clearing" away the heaviness of the past as you energetically release every person, thing or situation that no longer belongs in your life, you'll create a receptive space that'll attract and help manifest your new riches to you.

                        The combined force of the releasing ceremony and the New Moon energy, along with a specially designed meditation, will intensely propel you toward the successful attainment of your heart's desires.

                        The ceremony will include drumming and each participant will receive information on how to use the energy of the New Moon to their advantage according to their sign and birthchart.

                        Chill - when I see the words 'release the situation that no longer belongs in your life', I think of you. Like Lav says, shake the dust off? He said that he would always be there for you, but really, he hasn't has he...Maybe time to be free? (Sorry if that was too bold)

                        Sorry not to acknowledge everyone - too tired, will chat more tomorrow. But Dew - excuse me, you FINISHED a knitting project? Is that allowed? and Rusty - look out, I hear there are tornadoes down where you're careful...
                        to the light


                          January Jewels - Week 3

                          As usual, my unplanned day turn into a busy festival :H
                          I ended up cooking, baking, feeding DIL, grandsons & yes the YB too :H

                          cyn, glad you are safe & sound at home.
                          I like your description of the preparations for the new year. I envision all of us doing those things along with a big fat smudge stick in our hands
                          Couldn't hurt, huh??

                          Star, good luck with WW! It is such a good program but I am guilty of becoming bored too easilly with it.......I'm bad I have slowly managed to lose 10 of the 13 lbs that I gained when I quit smoking, so I'm almost there BUT then I need to keep going to lose the menopause weight (another 13 lbs). Does it ever end?

                          papmom, congrats on getting the work caught up - knew yuo would

                          Cassia, you have an army of aging women behind you - if that helps!!!!!
                          Hope you are able to resolve your work situation quickly. My chickens (most of them) ventured outside today - walked right on top of the ice & snow - guess they were tired of being cooped up. I have lost a few hens over the years due to extreme heat/cold but not many. Most of my flock are hearty Buff Orpintons!

                          Dew, glad you are able to think, dream & knit all at the same time - sounds wonderful!

                          Rusty, have a good week regardless of your location, OK?

                          Good night everyone!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            January Jewels - Week 3

                            Evening Jewels!!

                            Sorry it's been a few days since I've was unintentional...time just escaped me...although I did keep up with my reading!

                            Boy Cass, I completely feel for you with the bullying at work...that is the number one reason I'm so unhappy at my job and want out of my building. Whats worse is the biggest bully is best friends with a no win situation! Sounds like you've got a plan though...thats awesome!!! I'm just documenting EVERYTHING---conversations, meetings, phone calls...saving emails...EVERYTHING!!!

                            Chill--Sorry about the struggles with your ex...I'm sure it still pulls on the ol heart strings...I was with my ex last night actually...we took our son to Fargo to see WWE and actually had a blast...I actually laughed...hard!!! It had been a long time since I laughed, I think.'s times like that that make me miss him so much...then I heard a sone on the radio driving home that reminded me of him and I just started bawling....(((sigh)))!!!

                            Cyn--Glad you made it home safe this weekend. You must have been having weather like us here...I white knuckled it all the way to Fargo on Saturday....some spots I couldn't see two feet in front of me...complete white out, blowing it was sooooo windy!! Driving back today wasn't near as bad...although it hasn't stopped snowing since we got home!! Glad you had a nice weekend!! It's nice to get out of town, even if just for the night!!

                            Rusty--Wow!! You used to speak French?? Do you think if you started listening or studying it again you'd pick it up pretty quick?? I so badly want to learn Spanish....I should be having my parent's foreign exchange student teach me! Good luck in Ok and Texas...I have to tell ya, I absolutely can't stand OK...I had a horrible, horrible experience there...probably the reason why I started drinking the way I I could sleep at night.

                            Rustop--I really need to get a Kindle...I think I'm really behind the times!! And it sounds like a majority here says your selection of book is a good one...I'll put that on my list as well!!

                            Dill--I absolutely LOVED the name of your boat!!! What a sweet man!! I too love the water...I find it very relaxing and soothing!! I spend a lot of time at the lake in the summer...just "water watching".

                            Lav--sounds like you had another wonderful Sunday with family!! Awesome!!:h

                            Shelly--where are you...please check in sista!!!:l

                            Star, Dew, Sooty, LBH, Pap3 BIG HELLO to you all and everyone to follow!!! This gall needs some zzzz's!!
                            "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."


