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tuesday 17 jan af daily

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    tuesday 17 jan af daily

    morning all - up ready for another day. Spoke to osteopath yesterday re my posterior cruciate ligament - he warned me off operation saying success rate isn't great and also recovery is 12 months before back to sport - eeek!Oh and it costs 5-7K!!!!!!

    He said though that is mine is partially torn that I should be able to recover just with strengthening exercises - but I need to stick at it - and cycle as much as I possibly can - there's an incentive.

    Anyway - up ready for another day.
    Papmom - I hope you feel much better soon.Lots of vitamins for you.

    Have a happy af day everyone.
    one day at a time

    tuesday 17 jan af daily

    Morning abbers!

    Bear, be careful woman - don't overdo it or you will end up having to have that surgery and you won't have a choice!

    Rainy here but I'm happy because it could be snow - apparently they are getting hit up north - Sunny, are you snowed in yet? I think Wally, Sid and I are just going to get the rain. Mild winter for us so far.

    Little uni is back with me for the week - she does one week at her dad's and one week with me - I end up with anxiety when she's here because my mothering instincts take over my self care instincts. But we had fun last night, family game night after basketball and hockey, and I can't complain because she's a good kid.

    Have to take the cat to the vet today and then do some homework and cleaning around here. I would like to do another workout like yesterday too if I get the chance.

    One thing is for sure here though.
    I hope everyone has an awesome AF Tuesday!
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


      tuesday 17 jan af daily

      Hi, Bear and Uni and all.
      Bear, glad you don't need the surgery, but as Uni said, you need to take it easy.
      Woke at 4:00, as I have the cold that so many people seem to have had. I had a headache and my nose was dripping. Took ibuprofen and children's Benadryl and was able to get back to sleep until 7:00. Cough is coming next.
      Going to have my nurse practitioner this a.m. to have her sign my paper work for the gym. Hope to start tomorrow. AA meeting after that, and that is about it. Also have to call my attorney to make an appt Oh, well, have to do it.
      Hope you all have a good sober day!

      "One day at a time."


        tuesday 17 jan af daily

        good morning to Bear and Uni and 3DN
        It's raining here, but the lawn is green! I like that.
        Not much to report, have to work outside the home today, so no sitting around in my jammies today.
        Bear what, Uni and 3DN said, take care.
        Hope you all have great workouts, I will be cheering you on from the sidelines.
        Have a fabulous day.
        Wally22:confusedmonkey::confusedmonkey::confusedmo nkey:
        If I don't want to brag but I can still wear the earings I wore in highschool
        November 2, 2012


          tuesday 17 jan af daily

          Morning Fabberdoodles!

          Greeen Lawn????? Lawn???? :H
          Hmm.. nope... it looks like this here:

          Ah well. Had to come sooner or later, I suppose. I'm gonna have to go out with a hair dryer today and try to thaw the tap to water the horses. Thankfully, I got some sleep last night and am not in quite as thick a fog as yesterday.

          Bear... what Uni said. Easy does it. Trust me, you want to avoid surgery if you can.
          Uni... anxiety is not allowed - enjoy your time with little Uni
          TDN... being sick is also not allowed.. stop it!! (That goes double for Papmon!)
          Wally... having to go outside is no valid reason to get outta jammies. No really, the town people will get used to it.

          Hello to all to come - hope everyone has a fabulous AF Tuesday!
          One thing is for sure today....

          Oh... I checked the date/time calculator this morning (just for shits 'n giggles) day 99! I'm a triple digit girl, come tomorrow - yay!
          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

          Winning since October 24th, 2013


            tuesday 17 jan af daily

            Hello, AFers,

            I have been MIA mostly because of long weekend and hubby home. I love the guy but can only take him in small doses. :-)

            I have been feeling flat lately, as well as easily irritated. I am not used to these feelings. Rather than dwell on the "downside" of this state of mind, I realize that in the past, I used my friend AL to push me through. Today, I do not have that as an option.

            So, the upside of this is that I get a chance to learn how to deal with perfectly normal cycles of living.

            In Subs, I posted that I need to work on gratitude. I keep forgetting how grateful I should be about life in general and often dwell on the negatives and the anxiety producing events.

            Just thought I would throw this out there. I am not depressed, btw, except in a temporary way. I would not consider anti-Ds unless this feeling lasts for weeks or months.

            I am looking forward to and grateful that I can tackle this sober. :-)

            Much love,

            ps Bear, be careful on the rehab. You want to heal. Pap Mom, eek. I hope you feel better quickly!!
            AF April 9, 2016


              tuesday 17 jan af daily

              Good morning Abbers!

              Bear, surgery should always be your last option. Only go there there when all else has failed
              Focus on your prescribed exercises & hope for the best!

              Hi uni, TDN & Wally - rain here too!

              Sunni, that's a real pretty picture. Glad it's at your house, not mine :H
              CONGRATS on your 100 AF days tomorrow :yay:

              Cindi, take a look at this website:
              The ToDo Institute: Mindfulness, Procrastination, and Gratitude using Morita and Naikan Therapies

              I've been a member there for a long time but you can do lots of free reading. It really helped me a lot in the gratitude department

              I need to get my butt in gear, sadly the lack of sunshine slows me down way too much....
              Wishing everyone a terrific AF Tuesday!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                tuesday 17 jan af daily

                Good morning Fabulous abstinence thread. Sorry to see so much illness. Sunni you are hilarious! By the way I have been meaning to tell you that I always had trouble sleeping and took Zopiclone for years, but for the first 8 months after heaving AL out of my life with a thud to the pavement below, I really had a hell of a time sleeping. I did take imovane but it made me depressed so about the 9th month I quit, toughed it out and then magically I started to sleep better.

                I used to read on here about how people felt great, finally sleeping after quitting drinking, and I thought why not me? But I guess AL dependancy really screws up some insomniac-prone people for quite a while after quitting. I think you are at about 4 months, right? Or is it longer? Forgive me if I am mistaken! Anyway, I hope you will find, as I did, that after some threshold in the body chemistry is passed, how ever long that is that you find you actually CAN get to sleep and stay asleep for long periods I still wake up every night a couple of times, but I dont stay at the surface for very long now. Also outdoor exercise really helps a lot, and not sleeping during the day, and going to bed as late as possible. I know Mr. Sunni is a vampire, but surely you can lock him up in his coffin or whatever for a while...?

                Edited to add hello to the chicken meister Lav, Uni, Bear, TDN ...did I miss anyone??? Gotta get on a going here. Took most of yesterday off, but today....another short paper is required before I can pack up and go off on a holiday for a while.

                Have a great AF day


                Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                Status: Happy:h


                  tuesday 17 jan af daily

                  Hi all..nice snow Sunny...dreary rain here. Kaslo I still don't sleep. And even when I was AF for 11 months I spent half the night up. However it doesn't bother me I have so much energy to do things when not drinking. I do find if I can not go to bed too early that helps.

                  Bear... I had a torn meniscus..knee thing the ortho doctor told me no surgery. It isn't usually successful on anyone over 50. I am old I am afraid. Anyway I went to therapy and did what he told me to as in no high heels..and it healed. Took a long time. Now I am very careful.

                  Det sorry I missed you in chat last night. Be strong my friend. Then what happens in Vegas won't have to stay there.

                  Hope everyone else is feeling better! Sid


                    tuesday 17 jan af daily

                    Hi again, all.

                    Just wanted to add to Det. You said you are taking Antabuse now, right? That way, you can't be tempted a bit.

                    I know if I were to go to Vegas today, I would have to do the same. It is what it is, especially when with a group of drinkers...

                    AF April 9, 2016


                      tuesday 17 jan af daily

                      Quiet around here tonight!

                      Hope everyone is settled in for a long winter's night

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        tuesday 17 jan af daily

                        Lavande;1246908 wrote: Quiet around here tonight!

                        Hope everyone is settled in for a long winter's night

                        Not by choice.... *sigh*

                        Night night, Fabbies!
                        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                        Winning since October 24th, 2013


                          tuesday 17 jan af daily

                          Viva Lost Wages!!!!!!! I'm a hunka hunka burnin AFness baby. Thankya vera mush......

                          ok peeps, I took this picture just this evening just for all of you here on monthly ABS:

                          I'm doing just fine and yes taking the AB as insurance. putting up with drunken corporate dweebs and large crowds. I think a couple days of this and i'm going to be ready for the loony bin, but hanging in there so far.

                          be well my friends
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            tuesday 17 jan af daily

                            Ride some of the awesome roller coasters there to blow off some frustration!
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

